Aphmau the Renegade

By Llama_Derp

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Aphmau left Pheonix Drop and leaves Laurence in charge. Garroth have into O'kasis but never got married to Ni... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not A Chapter I'm Sorry
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Please Read: The Story Depends On This
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Yeh or Nah?
Chapter 39: Dream
Chapter 40
Chapter Aphmau
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45: Dream
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Hey Guys!
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
well this is awkward
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
For Your Information.
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
whoops 2.0
well then.

Chapter 48

569 16 12
By Llama_Derp

I was pulled back to a cell. No windows, only the light of a dimly lit lamp was provided. The guards threw me in and slammed the door closed. I sat there in silence not knowing what to do. Every hour one guard returned to cut my hand once again, I could feel myself slipping away. By now the guys should realize that there might not be a Phoenix Dimension soon. If they keep this up I'll lose control again. That Irene form is what's keeping me sane. Jin and Ross have that compass thing so they should know by now. I started to get light headed after a few cuts, each one getting deeper and deeper. They didn't bandage it, and I couldn't heal myself. I was losing blood, not fast, but fast enough. Without my power I'm back to normal healing time, and unfortunately for me my healing process is slower than most people's. Eventually they started to fall off schedule, and added an extra five minutes before they cut again. So in those five minutes my wounds healed, I was still weak so I couldn't muster up the strength to fight.

Vylad POV

We're inside O'kasis now, it was still as grand as ever. Not much has changed. But when we got into the main market area people started to recognize Garroth, soon enough there were guards surrounding us.

"Lord Garroth we have your captor in custody. Your brother is awaiting you at the castle." One of them said, then he saw me, "Lord Garroth who is this with you?"

"A friend. You are not to harm him, let alone touch him. Now to the castle shall we?" As we walked I thought: "Captor? As in Jess?"

We ended back up at the castle and when we entered I heard yelling, all I could make out was: "It was a mission! Plus look how happy all your people look now!" It was Jess's voice.

"Excuse them, High Priest Zane and the renegade are arguing." One of the guards went upstairs, soon returning with a crazed Jess and a mad Zane.

I could literally see sparks of anger whenever they looked at eachother. Jess's face lit up when she saw us. She tried to get over to us but the guards grabbed her. "You aren't getting away again."

"Zane what is the meaning of this? What has she done wrong?" Garroth demanded.

Zane stepped up, "As if you don't know dear brother, Lady Aphmau not only captured you and Lord Laurence and took you as hostages, she also assassinated Lord Garte, our father."

I know I should probably feel hurt, but he didn't care for me, I didn't care for him. He's not my birth father, he never treated me as his child. So I'm glad he's dead.

"Let me speak with her." Garroth decided, he motioned for me to come with him, "Without guards, I'm more than capable of defending myself." As I walked passed Zane I stuck my tongue out at him when no one was watching. I heard him growl and we went to a study room. Jess was pushed in, before she was, I saw the guard behind her take a dagger and cut the palm of her hand. I saw her wince in pain, the guard smirked and slammed the door.

Her hands were tied up, there was blood running down her cheek and in both of her hands. Why didn't she heal? Oh right, poison.

Garroth and I rushed over to her, "Jess what did he do to you?" Garroth whispered while untying her bonds.

"Nothing much, I'm fine, just a few cuts." I could hear the pain in her voice, she was not 'fine'.

"A few cuts? Jess your cheek is all bloody, the palms of your hands don't look any better." I scanned her further, I lifted up her sleeve, "There's a giant gash in your shoulder! You call this okay?" I started to heal her.

She gave us a weak smile, "I've been through worse. It's just that poison. If it weren't for that, than I'd be out of here, no problem. On the bright side, I haven't turned so that's good. They fell of schedule so I had five minutes with my powers, unfortunately I'm still too weak to fight. But at least nothing bad happened." Her voice was tired.

"Nothing bad? Jess your in jail, you almost bled to death, and your without your forms. I think that's pretty bad." Garroth exclaimed. I shushed him.

"They aren't stupid, they're probably listening to us. Not too loud." I hushed. The other two just nodded.

I got out my communication amulet and told them we're at the castle and we have Jess. I heard sighs of relief and Jim said to get her out as soon as possible. Before he could finish the amulet broke. They're in trouble.

"Garroth we need to help. They probably got caught." I panicked.

Jess laughed weakly, "My friends are more than capable of taking down some medieval guards. But if they do get captured than they have a plan, or they just haven't trained in awhile." She shrugged, "Probably the second one. They'll probably be among us soon."

Almost a minute later there was a knock at the door, "Lord Garroth we need you to judge these prisoners."

I quickly retied Jess's hands but not as tight and Garroth opened the door. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute." Garroth was about to close the door but the guard stopped him.

"The girl. We need her back, she is to be judged alomy with the others." Garroth and I looked at eachother not knowing what to do, before we could respond Jess was infront of us back in the guard's grip. Before the door shut again I saw her flash a quick smile and she was dragged off.

Garroth and I couldn't think of a plan and just decided to go Jess's way and just my wing it.
We went back out to find all our friends all with shackles and kneeling. Jin flashed a quick smile but quickly put it away, as Zane was watching us.

"Lord Garroth what do we do with them?" One asked.

"For now bring them to the dungeon, while I decide." We needed time.

"And your friend?"

"He's coming with me." I stood next to Garroth proudly as our friends were taken away, before they left the room Zane stopped them, he pointed to all the dimension jumpers,

"Them, they need the poison as well." The guards nodded and took them away.

the amount of times the word 'guard' is used in this chapter is amazing. count them all I dare you. not really though, that's a huge waste of time. ANYWAYS HAVE A NICE DAY!

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