Two Months Together

By AddictingLove

195K 1.3K 264

Claire is just your average teenager. Loves dance, loves photography, loves her family and is loving life. On... More

First Look, First Feeling
Love Struck
Questions; With Answers Like Titanic
How's It Going To Be
A Night On The Red Carpet
A Painful Goodbye
The Beginning Of The Stutters
Friday Traffic
Warm Welcomings
This Is Bee
The Three Magic Words Finally Revealed
An Interesting Day
Honesty And Truth
Dinner Above The Bay
An Unfortunate Club Outing
Taylor's Angry Side
Taylor Lautner, Duh
Crowded Showers And Regrets
First Run In With The Paps
Packing, Flashbacks, And Lopez Tonight?
Welcomed By Nikki Reed
Together Forever
Cheesecake Factory Funnies
Forbidden Dessert
First Times, Nervous Hands
Beach Day With Vampires And Werewolves
Soul Mates
Just A Dream?
Anxiety Hour
Be My Hero
Never Let You Go
Audition of My Life: SYTYCD!
Surprises Come With Decisions
Make This Day Last Forever
Our House
New Friends, Old Friends
Over Protection
Life On The Beach
In A Blink Of An Eye
Hospital Nightmares, Future Dreams
And The Awkward Moments Begin
Roses In My Hair
An Abrupt Statement
Love Is Never Perfect
Big News
The L Word, Though Unexpected
Time Flies, Only When You're At Peace
This Is Where Reality Sets In
Late Nights In Charm City
Together At Last
The Day That I Never Wanted To Come
The Big Day
A Vast Escape To Another World
New Beginnings Come With New Adventures
Secrets Unleashed
Up Close And Personal
Black Windows
Welcome To The Family
Long Live
He Is The Sunlight
Happy Birthday: To The 3 People I Love
Who Do I Turn To? Addiction or Air?
Things Were Going So Well
Fuck Cheesy Writers
Realizing What I've Done
Do I Still Cross Your Mind?
Take Me Back To The Beginning
Here's To Forever

One Year

2.5K 15 6
By AddictingLove

Listen to the song on the side. It'll be worth it. It's been my love for the past three days <3 ;) Anyways, the picture, that's Taylor's suit for this chapter. Smexy huh? :) Hehe. 

Chapter Fifty Three:

Once Claire's climax had ceased, she fell extremely shaky onto Taylor's hard chest. Their eyes pierced into one another, though so tired and deprived of breath, you could easily feel the growing passion between their completely different energies.

Claire opened her mouth to speak, "You know.. You just made my day worth while."

Taylor chuckled deeply. "Why is that?"

"Well? Why do you think?" She kidded, smiling softly. Her fingers trailed up and down his arms, feeling the smoothness and warmth radiating from his skin.

"Hmm, your sense of humor hasn't changed." Taylor grinned.

"It's not like we haven't seen each other in years.." Although it felt like it, she thought.

He said nothing and just rested into the one pillow that had stayed on the bed throughout the.. show. Claire mimicked, but used Taylor's chest as her pillow. His arms wrapped around her as they both settled for a short rest.

I hope he remembers, was Claire's last thought before dozing off.

Taylor's breathing began to slow once his lids had closed. His mind started drifting else where; to a place where he could just forget and take a break.

I hope she remembers, was his exact same thought.

Claire's POV

Taylor's fingertips tightening around my stomach had me stir awake. I groaned a bit, remembering the thoughts that were floating about while I was asleep: The tour would be soon over with and I'd be back in Malibu with my fiancé. Where would we go from there? Would we start getting serious about the wedding? Or put it off till this year blows over.. Taylor had convinced me into going back to school this winter, but I was hesitant about the idea. I mean, could I actually do it? Without quiting from the start? My options felt very limited but in reality, they weren't.

Santa Barbra or Long Beach were my choices if I were going through with this. Rachel - my old dance friend - went to Long Beach and look at her now; she now lives in Brooklyn with some of her college mates and is busy living life as it is: searching for a job. Day after day, she'd be hunting the city for auditions and such; some rejecting her but hoping others would welcome her in. Rachel has always been my mentor - or role model since I was a little girl just beginning dance. I could see that her passion was just dance and I soon found out that mine was the same.

I always remembered when I was little, looking up to her. I remember seeing that she was never afraid of anything; like she was invincible. Though once I grew into my teen years, I understood that she was more afraid of taking on the world than I could have ever known. Leaving her home and coming here with empty hands is a big enough step as it is. No job, no place, no nothing. I don't know if I belonged in New York like she does - though everyone tells me that I'm Alvin Ailey material - I just know that I'm going to take each step slow and steadily. Whatever is thrown at me, I'll take it as a challenge. And with Taylor by my side, it will just make the journey more fun.

I rubbed Taylor awake and told him where I'd be going. He was confused at first but soon agreed and we got dressed and quickly checked out of the sleazy motel. It probably wasn't so sleazy anymore.. Since Taylor Lautner had taken a interest into it and stayed for two hours with his girlfriend.

Wow. That's not dirty at all.

"Have fun," He smiled, opening the cabs door.

"Thanks.. I should be back soon." I stepped closer to peck his lips.

"I'll be waiting for you at your hotel." He stroked his thumb across my cheek. "I love you; be safe."

"I love you too and of course. It's Brooklyn ain't it?" A easy laugh escaped and I winked playfully before settling down on the cab seat. Taylor shut the door and stepped back, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. I then told the driver the address and looked back over my shoulder at Taylor. Flashing him a small grin, I was off.

As we cruised across the famous Brooklyn Bridge, I took my gaze out the window. I could see the white clouds beginning to turn gray, roaming closer and closer towards the blazing sun. In a matter of minutes, the yellow sunlight was over taken by dark devious clouds. I wondered if it would rain later.. The humidity during the summer; especially late summer, was incredibly bad. But even with the rain, it would still be warm and uncomfortable.

Ten minutes later, I was standing alone and in front of the apartment. It took me a little bit to climb up the few flights of stairs, but I ended up right at door 355. I took a small breath in and knocked firmly on the old rickety door.

It opened just seconds later, "Claire?"

"Hey Rachel.." I smiled shyly.

"Hey you! What brings you all the way over here?" Her wide smile was comforting, just like I remembered. And as her tan arms pulled me into a sisterly hug, rocking slightly back and forth, I really did think that Rachel was like the older, wiser sister I never had.

"I just need.. some advice." I made a face as we released.

Rachel had welcomed me in right away, having us sit down on her couch to talk. I said hello to her two roommates once we'd passed the bedrooms. They beamed wide smiles in return, which made me feel good.

"Wow. Has it been a year already?" She exclaimed with eyebrows raised.

"Your telling me." I laughed. "I guess I didn't realize that time can fly so quickly." She nodded in response, brushing her hands through her short fiery red hair. "And I also didn't expect to be getting married after only being together for a year, you know?"

"Claire, you know how excited we all are for you - how excited I am for you, but just listen to your heart; what are you feeling." Her expression was calm.

"I was thinking that we could maybe plan the date a couple years from now.. Just to get some priorities straight first. I mean, this tour with Selena Gomez and The Scene is going to be done by mid October and I'm just baffled that the years almost up." My knees pulled up onto the little couch as I continued to speak my mind.

"Well I know you'll go far in this industry, I've seen it early in you. Its just the fact of how you want the rest of your life to go.. Not like you could control it; which would be absolutely amazing! But you know what I mean right?" She grinned.

"Yeah.." The corners of my mouth pulled up into a slight smile. Rachel was definitely the person to talk to if you were thinking about dance as your career. That's what I was basically doing. I also spoke to her about going to college maybe this winter or the early spring next year.

Some questions were answered, though some were unknown. The ones where I would have to find myself. I left their small apartment feeling better about myself as a person. I felt better about where Taylor and I were heading. Our pathway was being built each day we were together and I didn't need to see the future to know that we'd be friends for a long time. Even if we moved apart, our friendship would stay as one.

After giving Rachel a much appreciated hug, I told her that I'd happily see her on Broadway someday. In which, she blushed by the comment.

Back in Manhattan, I stopped by Barnes N Noble's to find a suiting card for this special occasion. I couldn't escape without a couple pictures with some fans that were among the aisles of books. Some dedicated ones who knew that it was our big day wished Taylor and I a long happy relationship. The comments made my heart swell; the butterflies now anxious to see him again.

Before heading to the hotel, I retreated to the cafe and wrote in his card. Slowly, I thought out my words, taking the time I had to make every sentence perfect.

Finally in its blue envelope, I signed it Taylor Lautner - smiling as the pen curved out the letters. Today was a day that I thought would never come.


Go up, dress up - meet me where stars are born. I'll be waiting..

This mysterious note made me smile. It made my heart flutter not only because it was from Taylor obviously, but that he remembered also. If you haven't guessed already, today was the day when we first got together as a couple. A single year has flown by and it excites me why? Because I never thought that we'd last this long.. No, I'm not saying that in a negative way, it was just hard to imagine this relationship lasting all this time. Throughout the fan craze, the press, and drama, we made it. Stronger than ever.

The girls greeted me with happy faces and helped me into this strapless black dress that I hadn't seen in my life. I questioned them bunches of times but of course, they ignored me. Probably an order from Taylor.

"Dude, whats with the stubble on your legs already.. Didn't you just shave this morning?" Andie observed, as I was slipping on my black stilettos.

I blushed at the thought. "Goose bumps?"

"From what...? It wasn't cold today..."

I glanced up at her from beneath my lashes.

"Oh! Wow, Claire.." Everyone was giggling like mad, having my cheeks go up in flame.

"First day together and they're already in bed.." She shook her head grinning.


I clutched my handbag nervously, feeling my phone and the card inside. Along with extra make up for touch ups later and blah blah blah.. Selena packed it, I didn't.

As I stepped inside the enormous restaurant, everything about it screamed fancy. I could see all the women in either cocktail dresses or beautiful gowns, to the men; wearing very expensive looking tuxedos. Did Taylor have to go all out? Maybe there had been an awards show tonight and I didn't know... 

Oh my god. Is that Drew Barrymore? Shia LabeoufWow. I loved him - I mean his acting...

I was so caught up in the scene that the touch of someone startled me so easily.

"Excuse me," The usher had me turn to see him. "are you Claire?"

I nodded, "Yes."

He smiled proudly, "Okay then. Follow me to your table."

I trailed behind him through the thousands of booths, tables and chairs. All filled with so many amazing actors; laughing and smiling and just having a good time. I couldn't keep the joyful smile off my face. Until I caught sight of a certain someone sitting at a candlelit table...

He stood, straightening out his tux and went round to pull out my chair. Though the usher beat him to it, which made him stumble awkwardly out of the way. I giggled at how it unfolded and sat down across from him. His blush lit up like a fire in the low orange light.

All I could think was that he was so handsome.

Taylor's POV

"You look stunning.." I breathed, studying her. We both had our arms crossed, resting them atop the table. It felt like she was too far away from me.. Though the small candle was the only thing between us at the moment.

"Thank you," Her soft smile beamed. I could tell that there was a bit more make up streamed across her eyelids, having them look bigger.

"So I'm guessing you know what today is.."

"I for one, thought you might have forgotten." She raised an eyebrow.

How could I ever forget? "Why would I?"

"I-i don't know.." She shrugged lightly.

I inhaled deeply before letting it out through my nose.

"Are you alright?" Claire reached out to lay her hand on mine. It felt like domino's tumbling backwards onto each other. A rapid reaction from the moment she touched me, shivers flew up my arm and all across my body.

"Yeah.. Its just, that I don't have anything for you." I looked down.

She laughed, which made me look up in confusion. "Aww Taylor.. Seeing you and being with you all day was definitely enough. It's better than any ring or piece of jewelry I could ever have. It's certainly unbelievable that we'd see each other on our one year anniversary. You have to admit it right?" She grinned reassuringly.

"You're right. Our life together goes on from here." My pulse was racing.

"That reminds me," She removed her hand and went to get something out of her bag. Soon handing me a card with my name on it. Goddamn it Taylor. At least you could've given her a card..

I was about to rip it open but she stopped me. "Wait until you're alone to read it okay?" Her brown eyes were.. for the first time: unreadable. Though I nodded and slipped it into my jacket.

As the night went by, we ate and talked about wedding plans. She was definitely thinking about going back to school so we agreed on the date. Well sort of. Sometime in the early spring of 2014. Yeah, a long time but we would have to consider the time of her at college. Maybe we'll change our minds later on. Although, we would be both twenty two when that time comes.

It was almost ten thirty once we were stood in front of her hotel. I took her waist in my hands and pulled her close. With her body heat flowing across my body, I nuzzled my forehead into her hair. The aroma coming from her was magical. She laid her own forehead against my neck, the delicateness of her hands tracing along my chest and up and over my arms. I ducked my head low, to try and find myself in her wide eyes, and after a minute she felt my gaze, glancing up innocently at me. I smiled happily and nudged her chin towards my lips.

"I love you," I breathed, now holding her small hands in my big ones below.

"I love you." She repeated, though trembled breaths blew out. I kissed her once more before she set off into the hotel. I stayed until I could see her no more, watching her tall slim figure walk slowly towards the elevator. While inside the carrier, she looked up and met my eyes. I picked up my hand and waved gingerly. A small smile was seen among her face just when the doors were closing on her.

I then unbuttoned my jacket and loosened my tie, turning out towards the busy street. All the lights were beginning to come on and I knew that the night for everyone else was just starting. Right then, I caught a cab back to my hotel so that I could read the note from Claire in peace.

I really don't know where to start. It's weird for me to say this, but I don't always believe in fate. At some point in time, I usually do; though with this situation, it's different. I mean, you're a famous wealthy actor - who has fallen for the almost fan girl type. You know that I couldn't ask for anything more than you already give me. And I am truly grateful to have met you; one of the nicest guys I've ever been with. You are absolutely my light and soul, my pure happiness for everyday; you make me laugh when things are awkward or stupid; you make me smile with your sweet charm; all the stuff that's happened to me in the past year has made me feel honored to be friends, let alone engaged to a person like you. It's just felt like a dream. Though our time together is real..

Taylor, you've got this joy inside you. That joy can win almost every human being that passes you. I, being one of those millions. You have made me into the woman I am today. And you know I've said that many times before but you know its true! You just don't want to admit that you're that awesome ;)

I love you, Taylor Lautner. You'll always be in my heart no matter what happens. Thank you for being the wonderful, beautiful person you truly are. You don't know how proud your parents are. They love you as much as I do, so keep it up. Thank you for having me in your life.

"I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting the enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you." - Unknown.

Happy One Year Anniversary..

Love always, Claire

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