The King's Den ||h.s||

By HarrysLatte_

1.1M 36.8K 8.7K

[completed] Harry Styles, a man no stranger to the world of violence and leader of notorious mafia group the... More

before you read
official character list
author's note
The Wattys 2016
authors note
short story sequel- Royalty's Paradise


19.7K 612 245
By HarrysLatte_

I stared at Harry was caution.

"Sure, um what's up?" I asked.
He steps and leans against the wall. I tried to hide my flushed face.

He smirks, he noticed, "so as I was saying... I wanted to let you know that your training will still be a progress, that's one thing. And the next thing is, if you're hiding anything more, I suggest you tell me now because next time I won't give another single chance."

I thought for a moment, is there anything I haven't told?

"As I said, that was my only little white lie... The whole Marcus thing. Everything else is true," I say.

He eyes me closely, his eyes inspect my body, waiting to see any single chance of another lie. He looks up at me and smiles, "Alright."

"So did training... Will you be training me anymore? Or will it be someone else?"

He shook his head, "I see you and Liam are close... " he pauses, "so I'll ask him to train you."

I nodded, "fair enough."

He steps closer, now his eyes meet mine as he looks down at me.

"I know these men here are giving you a hard time now... Don't let yourself get pushed around. Show them you're more than just a girl," he said.

"I am a girl?" I scoffed.

He shook his head and lowered his face, nose almost rubbing against mine, "you're different. I can tell you are, love."

He steps back, as I felt all the air has punched out of me.

"I-" I try to say... But to me luck I was interrupted by gunshots.

Harry looks towards the door, "Are you fucking kidding me?" He opens the door, "stay here for a moment."

He leaves the room and I grabbed my bag. And grabbed the gun Liam gave me and put in my waistband.

Harry moments later rushes in, looking rather annoyed, "bloody idiots. Julio sent men here, follow me."

Harry grabs my hand and we leave the room. Everything was quiet but you could hear men yelling.

"Keep quiet," Harry whispers.

I nodded and followed close behind him. We take an alternate hallway instead of going to where the gunshots were heard. We started to run, cautious to our surroundings.

"We're almost there," I whispered. Harry nods and looks at me, "stay close."

We had no choice but to run the main area, we heard men talking but stay silent lurking behind empty crates that were left behind.

"Any sign of them?" asked one man.

"No sign, all seems to be completely empty. Asshole must of have seen us coming," muttered another man.

"Come on," Harry snaps, grabs my hand again.

We kept low until Harry accidently hit one of the crates. I held my breath waiting for the next move.

"Shh hear that? " a man snapped.

"Lovely," I whispered.

"Shut it," Harry mumbles.

We stood still, not even wanting to let out a breath. We hear footsteps, every step sounded closer, making my heart pound louder.

"Come out, come out wherever you are, " the voice calls.

I looked around and saw a metal piece. I raised my head a little to see where the men where. Their backs were to us, so I threw the metal piece towards their right.

Their heads snapped and started heading towards that direction.

Harry looks at me, "morons."

We hurried towards the door, "Styles!"

Harry stops and pushes me to the ground. Gun fire once more fills the air.

"How did they see us!" I yelped.

"Just stay down!" Harry avoids my question.

I stay down as Harry starts to shoot, I looked around hoping to come up with something else. Nothing, we're pretty much screwed.

"Run!" Harry screams.

"What about you?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes, "trust me doll, don't worry about me."

I let out a frustrated grunt and started running towards the exit. I was successful without being seen. I hid behind another crate and looked to see the men. Harry must be really fucking insane to deal with four men.

One fell down, okay three.

I thought about what Harry said back at my room and he most likely was going to hate me for not listening. I run the other direction from the exit behind crates so I could view their backs. Another man fell, but the other two still stood.

"Fucking hell," I whispered to myself.

One man started getting closer to Harry and the other stood only a few feet near me.

"Okay, it's now or never," I say.

I pulled my gun out and I took a deep breath and the moment I blinked a gun another gun shot filled the air and the man was face down.

Now one man stood and he was dangerously close to Harry. The man must have not noticed I had shot his mate and I took the chance and started running towards the man, and before he could turn around I shot him through the head.

He fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"Julia!" Harry yelled. I looked up at him, "what the hell were you thinking?"

"I think I just saved you," I said.

He walks towards me, "And what if you didn't, you could have gotten shot!"

"I'm not a moron Harry. You said it yourself, I'm not like your typical girl. I'm in the fucking Kings Den, I have a gun, what did you expect?" I snapped.

He smiles, "you hang out with Louis too much."

I rolled my eyes and smiled back, "I hate him sometimes."

"Come on let's go, guns up. We don't know if there's more," Harry grows serious.

I stood next to him and we opened the door. As he suspected around eight more men were outside waiting, they have yet to notice us.

"Run," Harry says.

We started to run, they clearly haven't seen us. There were no gunshots chasing us.

We continued to run into we made it into public streets. People stared at us strangely, and we quickly hid our guns before they brought us unwanted attention.

We walked side by side, looking around to make sure no one was following us. We walked into some random store and Harry looks at me, I'm going to call one of the boys. To see if they made it safe and to come get us."

Harry went to the men's dressing room and I pretended to look around. A girl who worked there noticed me and walked over to me, "do you need any help?"

I smiled at her, "no thank you."

"Okay just let me know if you do," smiles and walks away.

I almost wanted to laugh, she had a Mafia leader in the dressing room and I guess a sort of mafia member walking around. She had no clue.

That sounds fun.

Harry came out while I was looking a cute shirt.

He looks down at me, "shopping really?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm trying to be normal. So what happened?"

"Well luckily all the boys made it out, but they were chased so they said its our best bet that they don't come get us until tomorrow," he says.

"Can't you get someone else to take us?" I asked.

He shook his head, "no if anyone saw my face, we'll be sure dead."

I sighed, "so where do we stay?"

He shrugs, "a motel I suppose."

Harry and I grabbed some food that could last us the night and we walked to the nearest motel in the area.

"How much for one night?" asked Harry. The elderly man looked at me and smirked, I forgot to hide my identity. Perverts everywhere.

Harry noticed and grew annoyed, "stop being a damn pervert. How much is it?"

The man rolls his eyes, "$80 per night."

Harry sighed, "we'll take it."

The man gives Harry the key and winks at me, "have a nice day little lady."

I scoffed, "fuck off."

I followed Harry and we went to our room. We walked in and it smelled like tobacco and weed lingered as well. The furniture was rather old but I give an A for effort for cleaning.

"Wait... There's one bed? " I said.

He smirked and looked at me, "shall we share."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll take the floor."

He shakes his head, "I'll sleep on the floor, you can sleep on the bed."

I sighed and threw my backpack on the bed and laid down. Harry sat awkwardly on a chair.

"Um, I'm gonna shower. Don't do... Anything illegal," he jokes.

"Too late," I smiled. He chuckles and walks into the bathroom.

I sat watching TV, with shitty quality might I add.

It was late now, and the sky was pretty dark now. I sighed looked outside the window, the city lights now taking over. The streets still busy, and people still walking to get home from work.

"Anything wrong?" a voice says. I jump and looked behind me. Harry stood there, in only his boxers.

I looked away back outside, "no just just looking at the city in the night."

I can feel his face try to peek outside the window, making me blush more.

"Yeah I think this may be the only thing I like about this place. If it weren't for these lights, it would look like the way it really is. Dark and rather depressing," he says.

I shrugged, "I rather like it here, but I guess maybe you're use to the good here."

"No I just think I've only seen the bad, " he muttered.

He stepped back and stared at him, "it's getting late, I think we should sleep."

He smiles, "okay." I could tell he was amused to my flustered state.

"And for god's sake put some clothes on, " I snapped looking away once more.

"I think I look rather good shirtless," he teases.

"A Mafia leader is teasing? Really Styles?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, it's rather cute to see you get bothered," he chuckles.

I looked at him with a frown, "you're irritating, go to sleep."

He smiled and stared at me, I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to change into what I sleep in. Funny how I was almost murdered a few hours ago and now I'm changing into my pajamas, and my Mafia leader is in his boxers in the next room. That's just hilarious.

I put on my shorts and oversized shirt.

I walked out and I felt his eyes on me, I threw my clothes in my bag and saw Harry sitting on my bed, eyes wide.

"I thought I was sleeping on the bed?" I asked.

He didn't say anything, who's the flustered one now.

"Um... Oh yeah," he says.

He grabbed a pillow and blanket and laid on the floor. He laid down near my feet, he looked up at me with a sly smile. I stepped over him, purposely kicking his side.

He groaned, "what was that for."

"Stop staring at me, " I snapped and climbed under the covers.

"I-I-I wasn't staring," I could hear him say.

"Okay, sure. Goodnight, " I say.

"Hey Julia?" I groaned, "What Harry?"

"Thanks for earlier, I guess I should have said that earlier, " he says. I could tell he doesn't say thank you very much, he sounded rather awkward.

I smiled to myself, "you're welcome."

"Goodnight, " he grumbled

I sat awake for a while and but I could hear Harry softly snoring on the floor. I rolled over to get a peek at him. His head was facing up, and his mouth was open. His tattoos were peeking from the blanket, I giggled. A dangerous man was sleeping in the floor and I hate how he looked rather adorable.

I stared at him for a while, mentally cursing myself for being creepy, but eventually my eyes grew heavy and darkness surrounded me.

Update yay! Hope you guys liked it! Ended rather cheesy, sorry lol.

I have school tomorrow, ugh. Well I hope you guys have a lovely couple days and I'll see when I can update!

Love you all,


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