High school DXD The path of t...

By Damowatling

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This a story of Issei's early awakening after his parents are tragically murdered when he was only 11 years o... More

Chapter 1 the birth of the red dragon emperor!
Chapter 2 Introducing Rias Gremory
Chapter 3 The rampaging Stray devil
Chapter 4 The red dragon emperor!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 times of peace
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Yuuto returns
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Let's clean the pool!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 The priestess of lightning vs the ruin princess
Chapter 27 The Heart of a Dragon!
Chapter 28 This ends now!
Author note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 The crimson saviour!
Chapter 31 Blunt sword
Chapter 32 Koneko's shadow. Release your power!
Chapter 33 I've missed you Shirone
Chapter 34 Cat fight! The Nekomata siblings
Chapter 35 Get ready for the Kuoh academy sports festival! He's my Issei!
Chapter 36 Go for the gold Kuoh Academy!
Chapter 37 the darkness behind the door
Chapter 38 you picked the wrong day to piss me off!
Chapter 39 The Gremories vs the Crime force dragon!
Chapter 40 Holy demonic light vs chaotic despair!
Chapter 41 A mask to cover up the sadness
Chapter 42 The dark wings which ensnare her heart
Chapter 43 One year with the Gremories! Issei's big surprise!
Chapter 44 Euclid's master plan. I won't let you hurt my fiancee!
Chapter 45 Rias Gremory has fallen? Issei's tough decision!
Chapter 46 Issei's heavy gamble!
Chapter 47 Hail to the new king! A crash of crimson
Chapter 48 the master and his servant

Chapter 21

4.6K 64 8
By Damowatling

Chapter 21 Meet your new comrade! The summt begins

"Now let's say hello to our other bishop." Rias said as she went to open the no longer chained door.

"Is there really another bishop like me?" Asia said previously believing she was the only one.

"That's right. But my brother deemed the bishops power too dangerous for me to control at the time. But now my brother has given me permission to release them from this room. So everyone, let's go say hello to our new comrade." Rias said pulling the door open finally.

"It's so dark in here." Asia said as soon as they entered the room.

Rias went over to an ominous object which Issei could just barely tell because of the darkness looked like a coffin.

"The seal has been broken. You can come out now." Rias said as she removed the lid.

"Noo! I want to stay in here!" The devil said as they clung to the soft material inside.

"A girl like me?" Asia said noticing the light blonde haired devil.

"He may dress like a girl, but he is most definitely a boy." Rias said hugging the frightened devil to help ease his nerves.

"Rias, I can sense something other than demonic energy. Don't tell me! This person is also a hybrid devil?" Issei said making Rias nod her head.

"That's correct. This is Gasper Vladli a first year at Kuoh academy. And before he became a devil, he was half human and half vampire." Rias said making Issei and Asia stare at his now visible fangs.

"But if he is a boy, why is he wearing a girl's uniform?" Xenovia said clearly baffled by this custom.

"It's just because these clothes are cuter." Gasper replied with tears and fear in his eyes.

"Ah don't cry Gasper. Those clothes suit you. You look very cute." Asia said making Gasper calm down slightly.

"A laptop?" Issei said making a further observation of his surroundings with the lights now switched on.

"Yes. Believe it or not, Gasper is our main breadwinner when it comes to making contracts. He's been doing them all online since he was sealed in here." Akeno said as she showed Issei the list of the contracts Gasper had made for just the day.

"Come on Gaspie it's time to go." Koneko said grabbing his hand.

"No I don't want to!" Gasper yelled generating a purple light within his irises.

Suddenly, Gasper was freed from Koneko's strong grip and vanished from their sight.

"Is his sacred gear teleportation?" Xenovia said now spotting Gasper on the other side of the room.

"Not quite. Gasper's ability is called Forbidden Balor view. He is able to stop time of anything he sees. But because he was unable to control it he was sealed in this room until I had the power to help bring it under control. Oh where did he go now?" Rias said noticing Gasper had done another disappearing act.

"Over here president." Koneko said pointing at a cardboard box which then shook when his position was discovered.

"Come on Gaspie let's go train your power now." Koneko said removing the cardboard box instantly causing Gasper to panic now.

"No I won't go outside! Outside is scary!" Gasper said trying to resist but this time Koneko had a tougher grip on him as she tried to drag him out of the room.

"Koneko you mustn't be so rough on him he's getting scared now!" Rias said but unfortunately it was already too late.

"Nooooo!" Gasper yelled making his power activate.

"Everyone look out!" Akeno said as a swarm of bats now appeared and proceeded to attack them.

The Gremory group retreated from the room before they were consumed by Gaspers out of control power.

"I don't want to go outside! Outside is scary! I hate my power! I don't want to see my friends frozen faces around me anymore!" Gasper said now bursting into tears as soon as the purple light vanished.

"Is everyone okay?" Rias said making sure no one was hurt by that sudden outburst of vampire power.

After everyone had confirmed their safety, Rias began explaining about Gasper's past.

"There's a reason Gasper turned out this way. Gasper's father is a vampire from a distinguished family. But his mother is a human. Vampires care even more about pedigree than devils. As a result, Gasper was discriminated against even in his immediate family. And when he came to the human world, he was treated as a monster.

On top of that, he had the troublesome power of being able to stop time. A power that he couldn't control. He was feared. No it might be more accurate to say he was loathed. You don't notice that anything's done to you when you're stopped you know. No one wants to be near someone with that power." Rias said making Issei look slightly sad.

"I see. Gasper was treated the same way as Asia."

"Of course, we know that Gasper wouldn't use that power to do bad things. But Gasper hates his power more than anyone. How can I call myself a true king when I can't even help one of my cute servants when he needs me the most? I'm a failure." Rias said suddenly growing sad.

"Rias! Please don't worry. Leave this to me!" Issei said making Rias blush and smile.

"As expected of my Issei. Then we will leave this all to you. Come on everyone let's head back to the clubroom and leave this to Issei." Rias said planting a kiss on his cheek as she walked away leading the group.

"Issei-san, do your best!" Asia said as she walked away.

"Yeah. Thank you Asia." Issei said putting his thumb up towards her.

With the hallway now completely empty, Issei sat down with his legs crossed outside of the door.

"Gasper listen. It's just you and me now. And I'm sorry, but I'm not moving an inch from this spot until you come out." Issei said getting nothing but silence back.

After a few minutes, Issei looked down at his left arm and then it hit him.

"Gasper are you scared? Are you scared of your power?" Issei said making the vampire inside the room look up from the black rabbit teddy he has currently hugging for comfort.

"I'm scared of my power as well. You see, I have one of the strongest dragon's inside of me and to be honest it scares me."

"That can't be true! I saw it on my laptop! Your fight against Raiser Phenix! How could someone so strong be scared of their sacred gear?" Gasper said clearly puzzled and reluctant to believe Issei.

"There is a truly dangerous and destructive power that I have to constantly fight against whenever I use this power. One false move, and the power will overpower me and I will become a huge, ferocious dragon. Which holds no purpose only to destroy. But even though I have this fear, I'm still very grateful that I bestowed with the power of this sacred gear.

After all, I have experienced loss before when my parents were murdered. I couldn't do anything to protect them at the time. That's why I will continue to use this power to protect those I care about including you Gasper." Issei said making the door open slightly.

"But even if I'm there, I'll only be a bother to everyone." Gasper said having no self-confidence.

"I don't think you're a bother at all. You're my precious junior and you're also my friend." Issei said making Gasper come out.

"Issei senpai?" Gasper said as he kneeled down next to him.

"By the way Gasper, I thought vampires could only come out at night. But you're just fine and the sun is still up." Issei said as he looked at him.

"I'm not like most vampires. I have day walker blood inside me." Gasper said as he hugged his rabbit.

"That's amazing Gasper! You can come out in the sun despite being a vampire?! You really are special" Issei said making Gasper surprised and happy.

"Gasper lend me your power to help me protect everyone. If anything scares you, I promise I will protect you and blow it away with my power." Issei said making Gasper stare it him in awe.

"Gasper, would you like to try drinking some of my blood? I was told by my mentor that it will help you control your power." Issei said making Gasper look scared again.

I'm scared! I'm scared of drinking blood from a living being. It takes everything I have to just drink transfusion blood. I'm already afraid of my power even now. If it gets worse after that, I don't know what I'll do." Gasper replied.

"Is it really that bad? I'm jealous of your power really." Issei said making Gasper surprised again.

"Jealous of my power?"

"Of course! With your power to freeze time, it's the perfect way to stop anyone you care about getting hurt. With that power I could easily protect everyone!" Issei said making Gasper start to tear up.

"You're a kind person Issei senpai. This is the first time anyone has said they were jealous of me before. You even gave an amazing example. I thought that this power was just something to be hated."

"Your power is far from something to be hated! Listen up Gasper, we have been given sacred gears! If this is a fate we cannot escape, we have to be positive about it! Do you seriously plan on living your life cursing and blaming your power instead of using it to protect everyone instead?!" Issei said making Gasper wake up from his anxiety.

"Listen up Gasper! My goal right now is to unlock a new form to help protect everyone! Even if doing so makes the dragon take over more of my body!" Issei said making Gasper stand up in admiration to his senior.

"That's amazing Issei senpai! To wield such legendary power and risk your own life to protect our friends is so awesome it's something I could not possibly think of!" Gasper said making Issei smile.

"Stop it you're making me blush here." Issei said scratching his head to shy he truly was embarrassed.

"It's true though! I think even I have a little bit more courage now too." Gasper said making Issei place his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"So what do you say Gasper, do you think you can let me train you and help you control your power so you fight alongside me?" Issei said making Gasper look excited.

"Yes! Please train me well Issei senpai!" Gasper said with fire in his eyes instead of fear.

"Oh what's this? You seem two seem to be getting along pretty well." A voice said making Issei and Gasper face the area it came from.

"Oh Xenovia, Asia, Koneko-Chan what are you doing here together?" Issei said curious to what they were up to.

"Good afternoon Issei. We came here because Asia has an idea to help Gasper with his condition. Koneko." Xenovia said making Koneko throw something at the vampires' feet.

"Ahhh Garlic! No!" Gasper said running away.

"Xenovia now!" Koneko said and Xenovia held something in her hand slamming it onto his head.

"A paper bag?" Issei said clearly confused.

"How is it Gaspie? You're outside your box and your room. Are you feeling scared?" Koneko said making Gasper look from side to side.

"Huh what is this? It's not bad." Gasper said as he felt the paper bag.

"What's going on?" Issei asked.

"It was Asia's idea." Xenovia said making Asia blush.

"It's not that impressive. I'm not very good at talking to people face to face either. But I'm okay on the phone. I was just telling Xenovia and Koneko that I was fine as long as my face wasn't seen." Asia said with a blush and a smile on her face thanks to the praise.

"And then I remembered these that I was given to by Kiryuu. And then I thought what if we put something over his head." Xenovia said showing a couple of condoms she had.

"Geez that Kiryuu again" Issei replied.

"How is it? Does it look good on me? This is nice I like it." Gasper said as he walked around the room like a zombie or some kind of monster.

"If I wear this I might be able to gain a reputation as a vampire!"

"I'm sure you can Gasper." Issei said nervously as he stared at the transformed Gasper.

"Thank you very much everyone! With this I'm sure I can get over my fear and be useful!" Gasper said making everyone smile.

"So are you ready to get started with your training?" Issei said getting back to business.

"Yes! Please train me well!" Gasper replied almost immediately.

After both Koneko and Xenovia failed with their method of training of gasper Chasing him with Durandal and garlic, Issei and Asia brought out a caged box full of volleyballs.

"What are those for Issei senpai?" Gasper said curious to what Issei was planning.

"Before you use your power again, it's important you learn how to concentrate your ability so you can freeze what you want to and to prevent you from freezing what you don't want to. That way you won't have to fear effecting us as well" Issei said making Gasper understand.

"Eh you're going throw those at me?!" Gasper said as Issei began to pelt one his way.

"This is the only safe way to train your power! You have to stop the ball alone if you want to avoid getting hit. Here goes!" Issei said as he spiked the ball.

Gasper was in a state of panic but tried to concentrate his power on the ball.

Unfortunately, Gasper wasn't precise enough and froze Issei's arm instead of the ball itself and as a result was hit in the face by the ball.

"I'm sorry Issei senpai! I'm useless after all!" Gasper said putting on his paper bag to hide his shame.

Issei took the bag off his head and then spoke to the miserable devil.

"I'm fine Gasper so let's do it again! Instead of being down when you fail, keep trying and face your problems head on! I need your power to help protect everyone!" Issei said making Gasper get a new determination.

"Yes Issei senpai! I will try my best!" Gasper said resuming the training program.

After a night of training, Gasper stopped freezing Issei's arm and managed to stop the ball twice out of twenty balls. But this didn't upset Gasper for he was learning control now and gave him the motivation to keep trying.

The next day, an amethyst barrier now surrounded Kuoh academy. The time had finally arrived now as the Gremory group were in the process of preparing for the leaders' summit they were about to attend.

"Alright then we are off. Gasper be a good boy while we're gone" Rias said to the vampire who popped out of his box.


"If something shocks you into activating your power, it will be trouble. Please understand" Rias said making sure Gasper understood.


"I'll have Koneko stay with you. Okay Koneko?"

"Yes president"

"Gasper be good. I'll let you borrow this." Issei said handing him a portable gaming device.

"I've also brought plenty of snacks." Koneko said opening a huge box full of treats.

"I'll also leave the paper bag here in case you get scared or lonely." Issei said making gasper smile.

"Thank you Issei senpai." Gasper said now playing the game.

"That's a good boy." Issei said now standing up.

"Well then everyone, let's go." Rias said as she exited the clubhouse leading her peerage to the summit meeting room.

Chapter 22 is finally done! I'm sorry for the wait guys! My laptop broke so I had to get a new one today. But as an apology, I will upload chapter 23 either today or tomorrow for my absence. Next chapter 23 The leaders' summit invaded! A traitor in the room?

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