But, Shes my Best Friend (Ash...

By xxHxxx

509K 9.2K 1.3K

Zoë and Ashton have been friends since 3rd grade. He's never realised he's had a crush on his best friend unt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Authors Update *Important*

Chapter 15

10.2K 177 90
By xxHxxx

It felt so strange, yet it felt so right. Or it was only how I wanted it to feel. My tongue ran along hers.

She pulled back, wide eyed, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" She repeated quickly. She stuttered about to say something, but ran off into her house. It was a weird feeling. Why did she do it in the first place?

I walked inside, all the light were off. I assumed my mom was asleep. When I walked into the kitchen the clock on the oven said 12:01. I didn't realise how late we had stayed out. I mentally prepared to get yelled at by my mom for it as I grabbed a cup from the dishwasher.

Once it was filled up, I took it to my room with me. Making sure not to make any noise as I made my way upstairs. I placed the glass cup on my dresser. I chucked my clothe into the laundry basket that sat in the corner of my room.

I didn't bother putting anything on, but changing my boxers. I brushed my teeth and headed into bed. Zoë's light was off. And her curtains were closed. But you could faintly make out the lamp light that barely shone in her room. I closed my eyes, and let myself drift off into sleep.


My phone vibrated next to me. Calum had been non-stop texting me since 5:30. It was now seven. I rubbed my eyes and let out a loud yawn. My mom was probably gone by now.

I scrolled to the beginning of the messages. Luckily he didn't know about the accidental kiss from last night. He was wondering if I wanted to go to the water park, with him, Chloe, and Zoë. I agreed. Hoping stuff wouldn't be weird between me and Zoë. It would be best if we, I, had forgotten about it. And if I could stop thinking about how it felt.

I brushed my teeth, grabbed a pair of plain swim trunks. And a black t-shirt, with pre-ripped sleeves. And the 'Avengers' written on it.

I grabbed my keys and phone, then looked out the window. To see Calum in his moms car. Sitting beside him was Chloe. He had just pulled up. The sun was slowly rising, and he began to honk. Surely waking up the neighbours. When he continued to honk I finally ran out. With my stomach grumbling.

"You're waking up the whole neighbourhood you know that?!" I shut the door behind me. He shrugged. I sat in the backseat Zoë was already siting there. She was wearing the same bathing suit from the party she went to with Brock. On top of it she had a white top, it was almost see through.

I gave her a small smile, which she returned. Then looked out the window. All four windows were down. And Calum thought it was a smart idea to have music blaring from the speakers at 7 in the morning.

•Zoë'S POV•

The wind blew my hair back. Which was untameable at a time like this. I didn't want to put the window up, because I loved the feeling of the air when we drove.

My thoughts drifted to last night. How I, out of no where, kissed Ashton. I was so embarrassed! He didn't even like me, he liked the girl from the yogurt shop. I tried to forget about it in a matter of 7 hours but it wouldn't work. I was so stupid! Why did I do it? He's my friend, I shouldn't have kissed him. I even said so myself, to him, that I would never date a friend.

But we're not dating, I was beginning to panic. And I couldn't stop!

I began to breathe a little faster. I laid my head back and hoped the the thoughts would just suddenly clear about in an hour and a half, which was how long it took to get there. But I knew it wouldn't.

If only it were easy enough to forget. I remembered telling Chloe. She told me that I would hopefully forget it at the park.

The drive was really a long drive through the woods, exiting the small dull town we lived in, and into the city. It wasn't big, but it was good enough to spend your weekend in.

We paid the parking toll, and let the guys in bright orange vest signal us to the parking. As a group we had been here enough times to know how everything worked.

We got out of the car and stretched out a bit. Cars began filling in this part of the parking lot.

I put my water bottle in Chloe's bag, along with my house keys. We should our passes and they granted us the entrance. We headed to the locker area to grab a locker. The line went out side the building and passed one of the rides. It wasn't moving very quickly.

Calum and Ashton were in front of me and Chloe talking about whatever, when Chloe nudged me.


"Look at those cute guys" She signalled with her head to the left of us. Where two guys were siting at one of the outside tables drinking what seemed like beer.

"They're checking you out" she whispered. There was one with blonde hair, he would occasionally glance over at us, and continued talking to his friend with skin that practically matched his white hair.

"The white haired one is looking at you" I smiled at them, before Turing back to Chloe.

"Pretend you are talking about something else" she demanded.


"Because they're coming over"

"Ok... Did you get yelled at last night, for coming home to late?"

"Nah, they were both asleep. And too tired to lecture me in the morning,nap probably when we come home" she shrugged.

"Hey" Both of us looked to who was talking to us, the blonde haired kid and his friends were standing by the rope, that separated the people in line, from everyone else.

"Hi" I smiled.

"Are you two here alone or is there some guy we have to worry about?" The other boys asked,

"Actually we're here with them" Calum butted in, standing closer to us.

"Oh, well, um, since you-" The blonde haired boy started, before I cut him off.

"These are our friends, not boyfriends" I said, hoping her wouldn't turn away.

"In that case" he laughed, "I'm Luke and this is Michael"

"I'm Zoë and that's Chloe" I introduced us. Chloe and Michael seemed to be talking to each other already, not noticing what was going on around them.

"And your friends?" He signalled to Ashton and Calum.

"I'm Calum" He gave him an obviously fake smile.

"Ashton" He waved. The line started to advance.

"Ashton?" Michael called. Ashton snapped over to look at him.


"Yeah! Haven't seen you in what 4 years?" Michael exclaimed.

"Probably, I didn't recognise you with that hair" Ashton laughed

"You changed a lot too, you got taller and buffer" Michael pointed out. We were all confused by the conversation. The line went up further and we were getting closer to the lockers.

"Can I have your number?" Luke asked me. I nodded, he handed me his phone and I inserted my name into the contacts.

Chloe and Michael were both exchanging numbers. They went back off into the park as we entered the lockers.

"How'd you know Michael?" I asked over the clamour of the locker area.

"He took the same Algebra class with me a while ago"

""How old are they?" I asked Ashton, the sun hit our skin once again. We made our way to the closets slides. It thankfully was a group one so I wouldn't have to go alone.

The first part of the line was quickly. Until we were pretty far high up the stairs, where the line finally begun.

"They're like, 20 21" Ashton finally answered. I nodded.

"Why were you guys in the same Alegbra class?"

"He failed his" Ashton smirked.

"He failed 8th grade algebra?!" Chloe exclaimed, ashton nodded.

"So Calum did you get yelled at last night for coming home too late?" I curiously asked him.

"Yep" he shyly answered, "did you?"

I nodded, "yeah"

"Did you tell them we went to the lake?" Ashton asked.

"Obviously, they freaked out saying what would've happened if I, or anyone one of us, drowned"

"There was three others it wasn't like we were alone" Chloe snorted.

"Exactly what I said"

"Did you get anything taken away?" Calum asked.

"Not yet, they told me they would figure it out tomorrow, being to late to lecture me" I laughed.

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