Bad Blood // Z.M A.U

By HoneyCocaineXO

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"We in this together. You and me baby. All the way." 》 》 》 - For ages 16+ - Contains violence, strong langua... More

Prologue and Disclaimer


380 15 0
By HoneyCocaineXO

Emily Rudd knows my existence *cries infinite amount of buckets*


"Why are you so – OH MY GOD!" A male voice screams out and I groan as this man has woken me up from my deep slumber. Immediately, my head begins to pound and I lift my hand to head.

Last night was really a wild night.

"What the fucķ?!" He shouts out again and I flutter my eyes open, trying to adjust to the bright light that is in the bedroom as the curtains were not closed last night.

"Why are you screaming like a mad person!?" Jade mutters as she brings the sheets closer to her body.

"Please tell me you both covered now." Louis says annoyed and I cover my body with the sheets.

"You can come in Louis." I say and he peeks his head in first. Once he sees that we both covered up, he enters the room and looks at us astonished.

"Please tell me I am dreaming? Tell me this is a prank!" He cries out in agony and Jade glares at him.

"For fucķs sake, can you stop whining?!" She scowls and he crosses his arms against his chest.

"I came here on Liam's orders to check on the both of you. I didn't want to but I was forced. I come in here to see the both of you lying in bed, naked. What a nice way to start the morning." He explains.

"Well I am sorry. Do you have to ask you if I want to have sẻx?" I ask and he laughs.

"You know what I find so rich? You are best friends. Both of you have a boyfriend. The one is engaged and the one is going to get engaged. Here they are lying in bed and they had sẻx. I wonder what their boyfriends will say?!" He laughs and I scowl at him.

"You don't say one word to no one. This stays between us three." Jade says sternly and he raises his eyebrows.

"Why should I keep my mouth shut? Give me a good reason why." He challenges us and I roll my eyes.

"Fućk this. Louis, I don't care if you tell Zayn about me sleeping with my best friend. What is he going to do? Leave me? Be upset?" I laugh and Louis looks at me weirdly.

"You know I technically didn't cheat on him and neither has Jade cheated on Donovan because it's not real sẻx compared to a man having sẻx with a girl." I add and Jade nods along.

"She has a point." Jade says which makes Louis scoff.

"You two are so disgusting and freaky. How did you even end up having lesbian sẻx?"

"We don't kiss and tell Louis Tomlinson." A smirk tugs on my lips and he rolls his eyes.

There is no way we are telling anyone about us having sx and the whole night we spent out with Justin.

"Fine. I don't want to know either way. Now that I know you are both safe, I can leave but before I do, I have a message. Zayn has texted you but I am not sure have checked your phone, so please do. He has something important to say." Louis says which makes me scoff.

I don't want to do anything with Zayn.

"Oh okay. You can leave now." I shoo him away.

"Whatever. See you both tonight hopefully."

"Wait. What?" Jade asks confused.

"If Carmelita checks her phone then you will both know what I am talking about. Bye." Louis waves and leaves the penthouse.

"What text?" She asks and I shrug. Getting out of bed, I grab my underwear off the ground and put it on.

"Don't leave me!" Jade says as she places her arms out to come back to her. Giggling, I shake my head.

"I am coming back now honey." Leaving the bedroom, I grab my purse off the counter and take my phone out. I head back to the bedroom where Jade was putting on her underwear and I lie back down as I wait for my phone to switch on.

"What do you think he has to say now?" She asks as she lies back down on the bed.

"I have no idea." My phone switches on and several calls from Liam, a text from Louis, Zayn and Donovan pops up on my phone.

"Yikes. I am so popular this morning." I mumble as I check out the texts from Liam, Louis and Donovan first.

Liam – 'Come tonight. I want you there and I am sure it will be fun :)'

Louis – 'I am coming over so beware'

Donovan – 'Tell my fiancée to answer her phone!'

"Don is looking for you, so you better call him." Passing my phone to her, she sighs quietly and nods as she hands back my phone.

Next, I open Zayn's text.

'Look, I know you are upset and I get that but tonight we supposed to host our house warming party. I haven't cancelle,d so everyone is still coming and I really want you to be there tonight. Please do come along Carmelita?'

"What did he say?" "He wants me to come to the house warming party. Remember I told you earlier on in the week?"

"Yeah." She nods and I sigh inwardly.

"I don't know if I want to go or not. I don't want to go because I know how he is going to be and I fall for it every time."

When Zayn and I have a disagreement that has us not talking to each other, he tries absolutely anything to get me on his side again.

He acts so nice and loving and every time I fall for it. I find it so hard to not forgive and he is so nice, it makes me give in so easy and I hate it.

After what he did to me, he deserved the silent treatment from me for a while. I was planning to come home a week later and not talk about it because I know he will bring it up which will upset me again.

I don't want to hear how much he doesn't want kids and how happy is he that I am still in one piece. I can't hear that again because it pains me so much knowing there is no future for us.

But I miss him.

"I think you should go. It's your house after all and people will talk if they see you missing because you two are inseparable. Also, Donovan said that we are going to the house tonight, so I will be there. You won't have to talk to Zayn so much and there is nothing he can do to make you talk because it is a party. Who wants to fight at a party?"

I guess she is right. He can't talk about a miscarriage at a party because it's a party and you supposed to have fun. Not talk about sentimental things.

"Go tonight. Just see how things have been after you left and you will be back here again by tomorrow." She encourages and I nod.

"Okay. I'll go." I agree and she smiles. "What can possibly go wrong?"

I am not going to text him back, confirming my presence at the party because he will plan something and that's not what I want.

I'll show up unexpectedly and he will be surprised.

"Exactly. We can go get our nails and hair done today because I need to get mine done. It looks so dull and my hair needs Nicki's touch." She says as she looks at her nails.

"Make that two of us." I agree.

"Can we just talk about last night quick?" Jade says quietly and I nod. "What's up?"

"I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy it however, it was a one-time thing and we not going to do it again. I don't regret it just so you know." She murmurs.

"Same for me however, I prefer dićks. Sorry." I joke and she bursts out giggling.

"Totally! How can women have sex with each other?!"


"Alright. I am back!" I hear Louis shout out in the hallway as he makes his way to the boardroom where Niall and I are reading the feedback of Sirus antics he did last night Downtown.

Same old shít but a different day.

"Liam! I checked on Carmi and I have some news to tell you!" He says in disbelief and I roll my eyes.

"What is it now Louis? Is she okay? Is she and Jade catching up on shít?" I ask as I continue reading through this report.

"Oh have they been catching up on shít alright." He says flabbergasted and I look up at him confused.

"What are you being so dramatic about? It can't be that bad."

"No offense Niall but can I speak to Liam in private?" Louis asks Niall and he nods, standing up but I put my hand up.

"No. Niall, sit down. Don't listen to Louis. Louis, speak." I say sternly but Niall refuses.

"I'd rather not. I'll leave." He says and leaves me and Louis alone in the boardroom.

"What did Carmelita and Jade do that you freaking the fućk out?" I sigh annoyed, placing the papers down on the table.

"Carmelita had sẻx with Jade last night!" He blurts out and I begin to laugh.

Does he think he is funny? Why would they both do that?

"Liam! I am dead serious!" Louis cries out but I continue to laugh in my seat, shaking my head.

"Now Louis, I know you are not fond of Carmelita but that doesn't give you a reason to make false stories."

"But Liam! I swear on Timothy's grave that I saw Jade and Carmelita lying in bed this morning naked. I am not lying at all!"

"Louis Tomlinson, those girls are freaky, so they do freaky shít. Maybe they like lying naked in bed, so you can't say they had sẻx besides, both of them are in a committed relationship, so why would they have sẻx?"

"They had their clothes scattered on the floor and Carmelita admitted herself that she slept with Jade! Both of them said they had sẻx with each other!" He says frustrated as I do not believe a word he is saying at the moment.

I don't believe they would do such a thing.

"Okay. That's enough. I don't believe as you know but I will ask her tonight either one of them but I genuinely don't believe they had sẻx. They are girls Louis and they have men. Why do they need to have sẻx with each other and not to forget they are best friends."

"You know what?! Fućk this shít! If you don't believe me, fine! But I know what I saw and heard!" He scowls and stands up from his seat, storming out the room.

Laughing to myself, I shake my head and pick up where I left off with the Sirus shít.

A couple of minutes later, Zayn enters the room and I raise my eyebrows at him.

Apparently your girlfriend slept with Jade, Zayn. What do you have to say about that?

"Why is Louis so agitated?" He mutters as he takes a seat in front of me.

"No idea." I lie, placing the papers back down on the table and look at him seriously.

"You must be wondering why I called to talk to you in private but I think you do know that we still have unfinished business to discuss. Correct?" "Yes."

"Just before I start, I just want to say that I have contacted Carmi to come this evening and she hasn't replied. I know you really want to come but she will come on her own, so don't stress yourself too much and don't pressure her." I say sincerely and he nods, looking down at the table.

Zayn misses Carmelita dearly.

He hasn't been himself over these past two days because of her not being around but he should know better by now. I do feel sorry for him because he does seem very lonely at night even though he does have the whole lot of us.

Come on, he isn't innocent at all yet he is being all so depressed?! He almost killed Carmelita and if she knew, he will lose her for good.

"Anyway, I found out some new information from the doctor about Carmelita. I did it to know exactly what the hell happened to her and I will admit I also found out to keep you away from her. I am really disappointed in you Zayn. Really I am. I just have no words to describe how angry and how upset I am with you right now."

And I snapped.

"How can you drug Carmelita to make the miscarriage happen?! Like I said, you thought you had the easy way out yet now you learned you didn't. She was almost killed and you sitting here like nothing have happened! Surely, if you talked to her, she would have gone for an abortion but no. You wanted to do it your way and your way almost got her killed!" I yell out in annoyance and he sighs.

"Liam, she would have never listened to me! She-"

"No Zayn! That's where you are wrong! You thought she wouldn't listen but she would have. You know why? She wouldn't want her child to be killed by Sirus and also she is not ready to have one. You are under the impression that she wants a child now but no Zayn. She is looking into the future that she has with you.

But the main reason why should would have had an abortion, she loves you Zayn and she respects your wishes! You want to marry this girl and have a future but after recent events, Carmelita sees nothing with you and she told me that. She said she doesn't see a future with you and what you said to her made her cry!" I hiss and his eyes immediately soften.

"She said that? Does she really see no future for us?" He asks quietly and I nod.

"Yes Zayn and that should give you a wakeup call. Everyone sees that Carmelita loves you with all her heart. She cares for you, checks that you are healthy, had enough sleep and make sure that you happy yet this is what she gets out in the end? Some harsh words about a baby that is a part of you? No Zayn. It's wrong! Man to man, tell me why you don't want kids so badly? Lay all your cards on the table right now."

There is silence between us for a couple of minutes and he tugs on the roots of his silver hair.

"I don't want kids because I don't want them to be like me or Carmelita. I can't bear the thought of having my son just fucķed up as me. I can't. Especially my daughter. I don't want her to be like Carmelita who loves a man that is many years older than her and pleases him. I feel like I can't give him or her, a proper life they deserve. The love, the attention." He whispers as he looks down to his lap.

That's why he doesn't want kids.

He is scared with the thought of them ending like Carmelita or him and he is scared he won't be good enough for them.

"That's why when Sirus is dead, you change your mind and consider having a family because things will change for the good Zayn." I say and he shakes his head.

"No Liam! I will never be good enough like Carmelita would be! I have seen her with Timothy and every time I get jealous at the fact that I will never be able to be like her! I can never love my child as much as she does! Come on, look at Timothy!

He can't stand me being an inch from him! You saw for yourself and Carmelita was píssed off! What does that tell you?! I can never be good enough for my children!" He yells out and I sigh.

"People change Zayn. I am sure if you had to see Carmelita develop a baby, you would have changed your mind but you have to start considering it. Most men get nervous when they hear their girlfriend is pregnant and they automatically assume the worse but when the baby arrives, they are the happiest person on the earth.

Like I said to you the other week, a baby is a blessing and you would be amazed what it can do once you hold him or her in your arms. If you want to keep Carmelita, you need to consider having a child with her one day. Not now but in a few years once you get married to her and you have settled down.

I will admit that I am not happy at the fact that you want to marry her because I know as much as this is going to sound so rude but Carmelita needs a break. She is tired. Not physically but emotionally. She wants to go home Zayn and live her life. You have put pressure onto her with marriage but you have no future together. Next month she is twenty and I think that she is too young to get married." I explain and he raises his eyebrows at me.

"I don't expect her to get married to me straight away once Sirus is dead. I just promised her one day I will marry her but not now but even when Sirus is dead, I still have to propose but I don't plan on doing that once we both settled on our feet. I really want Carmelita pursue a career and be someone before we can be fully committed to each other.

Same for me. I want to pursue a career, go back home to Bradford to see my family, be someone else rather than who I am. I am not happy with who I am Liam. I don't want to be this person anymore. I want to live my life because I can't take this shít any longer."

When I met Zayn back in England when we were making our way to America, Zayn was a really understanding, sweet guy. You would swear he wouldn't hurt a fly however, as the years went by, we all changed for a good and bad cause.

But out of the five of us, Zayn changed drastically in the most frightening way possible.

And we all didn't like what he had become. This womaniser, alcoholic, dŕug addict, cold-hearted man.

And when Carmelita came, we were all scared for her. What she put herself in and how she would end up. Also, we thought just maybe he would change for her but clearly not.

He changed her. Completely.

I miss the both of them. The real, old, Carmelita and Zayn.

"It's just a matter of time till everything will go back to normal and you know that. You can change your ways Zayn, not only for yourself but for Carmelita. Lately, I have noticed that she isn't her same self. I mean as in very, very happy Carmelita. Answer this for me Zayn. When last have you taken Carmelita out?"

I know Zayn can't be very loving at times but I know Carmelita. She seeks love all the time from him and he majority of the time doesn't show his love as much as he did before.

"Sunday?" He mutters and I shake my head.

"Wrong answer. I mean as in when last you took Carmelita on some romantic date?"

"Uh... I think sometime last year. I can't exactly remember when." He says quietly, looking away from me.

"Now you see. It been a very long time and that's very disappointing Zayn. Come on! Take Carmelita somewhere nice for the evening; buy her flowers or some pretty necklace. You know she is all sappy even though she doesn't really show it. Be like you were with her when she was sixteen!

She needs love and attention. Not just kissing and sẻx Zayn. You seriously have missed out on a lot." I shake my head in disbelief.

"Liam, I agree with you however, you know we can't just do whatever we want to do! I can't just take Carmelita somewhere nice, knowing some bastard is going to spoil our evening. The last time I took her out, it was perfect but now Sirus is more active!" He defends and I roll my eyes.

"You don't necessarily have to take her out; you can do something romantic in your own home. Anyway, just think about it because she needs to feel loved because I don't think she feels loved at the moment."

"You right." He says and I raise my eyebrows, surprised.


"I told her that last night that I love her but she said she doesn't care anymore."

This is not good.

"That's a sign. You need to pull up your socks bro and find a way to keep her because if she is saying that now, then when Sirus is dead you know she will be packing up straight away without saying goodbye.

Listen, I know it's not pleasant living in this shít but we should at least make it enjoyable, right? I ask and he shrugs.

"Yeah. I guess."

"I think I have talked about everything I wanted to cover. Zayn, I am telling you this one more time and it's my final warning. If Carmelita is not happy and you still keeping up with your antics then I will tell Carmelita the truth about the miscarriage. Okay?"

"Yes Liam. I know." He mutters annoyed and I roll my eyes.

"Good I have made myself clear. You can go now." Zayn stands up and just before he leaves, he looks at me seriously.

"Liam, I understand where you coming from and you are right. Can I just say that I will talk to Carmelita so don't tell her what we discussed, please?"

Nodding in agreement, he grimaces and leaves the room.

Now that I have spoken to Zayn, I hope that he will change and will be more subtle with Carmelita because how things are looking right now, it's heading rock bottom.

All of a sudden, my phone begins to ring and I answer without looking at the caller-ID.

"Hey Li. It's Carmelita."

Oh Carmelita. How I worry for you.

"Hello babe. Are you coming tonight?"

"I am however, please don't tell Zayn. I'd prefer to just show up without him knowing because if I tell him, he will get ideas and I don't want that."

I don't blame her. Zayn will get up to something and she will be putty in his hands. I have seen Carmelita forgiving him so early for serious situations and it písses me off.

"Sure. You know Carmelita, he misses you dearly. He really feels guilty for his actions." I murmur and she laughs.

"I am not surprised! He is always like that. He only notices what was good that he had is gone and that shows how much of a hypocrite he is." She says bitterly and I look out the window to see Sophia tanning at the pool side.

Thank god I don't have to experience this drama with Sophia. She might be awkward at times but at least it's not fight and make up like Carmelita and Zayn.

"I had a serious talk with him just now, so hopefully he has come to his senses. See you tonight?"

"Yeah. Bye."


Everyone is expecting to see me tonight. And when I mean everyone, I mean everyone.

Throughout the whole day, I have been receiving texts from all my close friends saying that they are excited for tonight and right now, I am receiving texts asking where I am.

I am two hours late along with Jade because out girl's day out went a little bit over schedule. It was fun shopping, getting our nails and hair done and all girly type of things because majority of the time I feel as I am on a leash. Just spending a whole twenty-four hours with my best friend was really good and relaxed.

Even though I am feeling a little bit uneasy to go tonight, I have no choice and I had to think of the positive things. Zayn and I will have to speak to each other, if not about the current situation then other random shít.

As I slip into my black and white graffiti dress, I hear Jade shouting on the phone to Donovan.

"I'll be there in the next thirty minutes! Calm down!" She says annoyed and I chuckle, slipping into my sparkly heels. Jade enters a few seconds late and smile tugs on her lips.

"You look great!" She says as she adjusts my hair into place. "You too."

"Donovan is freaking out because we are two hours late. It's just some party at some normal guy's house, not a wedding." She murmurs as she fixes her mascara.

"True." I nod in agreement.

"You ready?" She says as she grabs her Marc Jacobs purse off the bed and I grab my purse, making our way out the penthouse.

As we walk down the hallway, I think about how exactly at this time we were heading out to have a fun night on the town and we bumped into a celebrity that gave us one hell of a night out.

Justin hasn't contacted me and I am glad he hasn't. I kind of hope that he doesn't remember the whole night out because I am not after him even though last night I showed I was chasing after him.

I have an ass boyfriend that I love but I wouldn't cheat on him because of some celebrity that is chasing around for me.

"Justin texted you yet?" Jade asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No. Glad he hasn't but I have a feeling he will soon."

I know Jade wants me to develop some relationship with Justin because of her hatred towards Zayn however, I won't do it. I can be friends with Justin but never in a love relationship.

"Rory too but last night didn't happen. We did some things that were wrong but we had our fun. One night of fun that was needed."


"Carmelita!" I hear Liam shouting out as he makes his way to me though the rowdy crowd that is dancing to some hip-hop song.

Jade and I just arrived and I am feeling quite anxious yet excited at the same time.

The one thing I noticed about the house, Zayn had it fully furnished while I was away. All our furniture has arrived and I have to say it does look quite great.

Some other people greet me as Liam makes his way towards me and I greet back at the familiar faces.

"I am so glad to see you here. Thought you would never made it!" He shouts out over the loud music and wraps his arms around me.

"I am here and I promised I would come." I shrug and he nods.

"Can I speak to Jade and you for a moment?" He asks and I drag Jade by her arm, making her screech.

"Hey!" She yells out and I roll my eyes, following Liam to a more private area of the house. When we are away from everyone, Liam crosses his arms across his chest.

"Hey! I was busy!" Jade protests.

"Busy drinking alcohol and you not even five minutes here!" Liam scoffs and she glares at him.

"Anyway, I wouldn't want to talk in private if it wasn't serious, so let's get down to business. Shall we?"

"What's up Liam?" I ask and he snorts, shaking his head with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Did you guys have sẻx with each other? Sorry for being so-"

"That bastaŕd told you. Didn't he?!" Jade seethes and Liam looks at us wide-eyed.

"What the fucķ?! It's true?! Holy shít!" Liam says astonished and I roll my eyes.

Louis and his big, fat mouth.

"It's true, so don't go telling everyone." Muttering annoyed and he nods.

"Trust me. I wouldn't." He defends and just as I am about to walk away with Jade, his hand grabs my wrist and I look at him confused.

"Carmelita, talk to him alright? He is alone outside."

With the being said, I walk with Jade to find Louis who can't keep his mouth shut. Just as he is about to grab a glass, Jade pulls him away and smacks his shoulder with her purse.

"You can't keep your mouth shut! Fucķing hell Louis!" Jade snarls and Louis glares at her, pushing her away from him.

"Yeah! You like a tattle tale! Grow up!" I add.

"Liam did tell me to report back, so I did!" He defends and Jade glares at him before she walks off to find her boyfriend.

"Sorry. Listen, my son misses you." He says as he finally takes his glass filled with whiskey.

"When doesn't he miss me because you know how shítty things are back at home with his mom."

"True." He shrugs and walks off.

I think I better find Zayn before I change my mind and I leave without saying anything.

Making my way through the packed crowd that continues to dance their feet off, I step outside to find him sitting alone on a patio chair with his back towards me.

I am surprised he is the only one that is here.

By the looks of it, he got rid of his silver hair and dyed it blonde. In one hand, he hands a glass filled with Jack Daniels and the other, his phone.

Moping while he waits for me to show up.

I watch him check his phone to see if there are any messages but knowing there is nothing, he sighs as he takes a sip of his alcoholic drink.

And finally I speak up, unable to watch him torture himself like this any further.

"The host throws an epic party that everyone is enjoying yet here he is sitting all alone."

Immediately, he snaps his head to the side, looking at me wide-eyed.

Obviously he is surprised to see me here.


The only reason I updated so fast was because of Emily. I swear LMAO

Guys, I FREAKED THE FUĆK OUT and I MEAN IT. I was watching an Othello production, snapped and tweeted Emily because I know Shakespeare is her husband.




My best friend had to LITERALLY HOLD MY HAND FOR TEN MINUTES because I was shaking like some cold person and breathing like I had an anxiety attack (I think the actors on-stage was looking at me because of the way I was freaking out. No joke) Once the play was done, I SCREAMED IN FRONT OF CUTE PEOPLE.

Even the girls asked me on the bus 'Why are you so happy and smiley' THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND ONLY MY BESTIE DOES!

Y'all probably like 'This girl is crazy' or 'Imagine she had to know what shít you are writing about her' or 'I am so happy for L' – I THOUGHT SHE WOULD NEVER SEE IT OKAY. LET ME FANGIRL BECAUSE I LOVE EM FOR HER PRETTINESS, KINDESS AND HER BOYFRIEND.

Alright, I am done sharing the amazing news. This week has been awesome and I hope yours have been too!

Bye bye XO

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