Who am I texting?

Tattoo_Heart द्वारा

2.4M 97.7K 42.3K

[COMPLETE] A story of a girl who had a massive crush on a heartthrob high school rock band leader Kyle Hogan... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Vote for Alex

Chapter 33

47.6K 1.7K 1.3K
Tattoo_Heart द्वारा

SOUNDTRACK: The wind blows- The all American rejects


Girlfriend: I'm really excited for this weekend

Me: Me too babe

Me: so are you gonna pack tonight or tomorrow?

Girlfriend: probably tonight

Girlfriend: since we're leaving tomorrow

Me: true

Me: I'll pack my undies

Girlfriend: I guess I should pack my lingerie

Me: holy shit, lingerie?

Me: horny alert

Me: I mean hungry

Me: autocorrect

Me: sorreh

Girlfriend: "autocorrect"

Girlfriend: good one, Follese

Girlfriend: nice save

Me: sorry, I tried

Girlfriend: A+ for you

Me: thanks babe

Me: I'd love to see you in a teacher's outfit

Girlfriend: Alex stop

Girlfriend: you creeper


Me: I'll stop

Girlfriend: did you ever talk like this to Sky?

Me: Me and Sky had a different way of talking

Me: mostly involve insults and sarcasm

Me: I don't think I ever talked to dirty to Sky

Me: she hates me

Girlfriend: well I feel special now

Me: you probably should

Girlfriend: I love you

Me: I love you too

Girlfriend: I'm really excited for this weekend

Me: me too

Me: I should really go pack

Girlfriend: I'll talk to you later

Me: okay

Me: bye babe



Me: I should really go pack

Dan: tf are you talking about?




Me: well it's not exactly a vacation

Me: and it's not exactly with my parents

Me: but you can go

Dan: ...oh god

Dan: you're going to kill me aren't you?

Dan: shit

Dan: sky I'm sorry




Me: chill

Me: we're just going camping

Me: do you own a tent?

Me: or sleeping bags?

Dan: I live in philly

Dan: wtf?

Dan: no I don't own either

Me: oh

Me: well we need to buy a tent

Me: and sleeping bags tonight


Dan: WHY

Me: we're going camping

Me: and we're leaving tomorrow afternoon


Me: idk a few days

Me: probably until Monday

Me: so three days

Dan: three days?

Dan: In the wilderness?

Dan: I'd rather die

Me: chill your butthole

Me: it's for a good cause

Dan: what's the cause?

Me: my sanity



Dan: wait

Dan: w a i t

Dan: this is about Alex and Scarlett going camping

Dan: isn't it?

Dan: Sky you're losing your brain

Dan: what little of it that's left

Me: dan pls

Me: I don't want those two out in the wilderness alone

Me: I need to make sure that Alex doesn't do anything with her


Dan: isn't he going to know that you followed him?

Dan: do you know where they're going?

Dan: what happens if he gets pissed?

Dan: isn't that a little stalkerish?

Dan: Sky, why?

Me: as Alex and I being friends, it's my sworn duty to make sure he doesn't do the frickle frackle

Dan: you two aren't friends though








Me: and have some fun for three days

Dan: fun?

Dan: you mean no wifi or 3g

Dan: no mcdonalds

Dan: no computers

Dan: no tv

Dan: no girlfriend?

Me: Dan help me pls

Me: I'll be your best friend

Dan: I'd rather die

Dan: god no

Me: dan :((


Dan: I'll go






Me: fine

Me: can you at least come to the store with me to get the shit?

Me: you can pick out all the food you want

Me: and I'll hug you

Dan: okay okay

Me: this should be fun

Me: let's go


"I'm bored," Dan whines.

"Shut up, they're about to leave."

"Do you know how far away the campground is?"

"No? I'm not much of a stalker," I huff. Not that much.

"Really?" Dan snorts. "You're only parked on the street where he lives with a car full of camping stuff just so you can follow some guy who you didn't, excuse me, don't even date, for what? So you can hear them doing it in the tent beside you?"

"No," I sigh. "Because I said so."

"Perfect logic, Sky," Dan throws is hands up in the air.

"I just don't want him to do anything inappropriate with her, okay?"

"Does it matter? He's dating her, Sky."

"But it should be me, Dan!" I raise my voice. He's started to piss me off.

"Sky, I think you're slightly psychotic. Just move on," Dan sighs.

"I can't, not yet."

Dan shakes his head. "They're leaving."

"Road trip has begun! Let's go," I move my hand towards the radio, but Dan smacks my hand.

"Are you stupid? One of the rules was I get to decide the station."

"We made no such rule!"

"We did now."

"Rude," I mumble.

This is going to be a long ass drive, I know it. And when I get there Alex is probably going to be pissed as he. He's going to tell me off. I don't know, I'd probably leave if he did. Probably.

I guess we'll wait and see how this plays out.

"This going to end badly," Dan huffs, changing the station.

"Probably, but at least we'll have a good laugh, right?" I look at Dan, but he doesn't say anything.

"Right, Dan?"

"Sure, Sky."


"What time is it?" Dan grumbled, moving the seat forward.

"Nine," I sigh, rubbing my eyes.

"Are we there yet?"

"Yeah, we just arrived. I swear this place looks like a scene from a horror movies. It was just trees for the last half hour."

"Where are we?"

"Grand old Milford, Pennsylvania."

"Milford? Ew, I've never heard of it." Dan Scrunches his nose.

"Google says the population is like a little over a thousand people. Perfect murdering weather."

"Stop, Sky. If anyone dies, it should be Alex and Scarlett while they're doing it. We'll be the two who escapes."

"Only one of us is going to escape," I cough.

"Then me," Dan pushes his hair back.

"I'll remember you, Sky. I'm sorry."

"Thanks," I huff.

"So why are we sitting in the car?"

"I didn't want to get out by myself, I'm scared."

"Alex and Scarlett are literally right there. They're five feet from us, you're not going to die. God, you're so stupid." Dan gets out of the car and opens up the trunk.

He's going to be mad. The fact he hasn't noticed that my car is parked right beside him amazes me. I guess he's so lost in Scarlett's eyes.

I get out of the car and take the bags from Dan.

"Sky?" Alex stops in tracks and squints his eyes.

"Hey, Alex! Quite strange seeing you here."

"Yeah, strange.."

"Who would've guessed that we would both go camping on the someday, in the same place?

God, I love Milford." You should probably shut up, Sky.

"Yeah," he puts his hands on his hips.

"Can I talk to you for a second, Sky? In private, please."

"Why not ay it in front out all our friends? We're classmates, we got this."

"Sky." I don't think he amused like I wanted him to be.

I lower my head and follow Alex towards the other side of the road. This is when he's going to murder me. Alex is the killer. My subconscious better tell somebody. That makes no sense, Sky. Maybe you really are crazy. Maybe you'll wake up the next day and you're the only one alive. The cops will automatically assume you were the killer because you're crazy.

Alex turns around. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to spend time with my classmates," I shrug.

"You're losing your damn mind, Sky. You've become psychotic since Scarlett and I got together."

"I'm not losing my mind. This makes perfect sense in my head."

"Why are you here? And you better tell me the real reason."

"Because," I sigh. "Because I didn't want anything, you know, to happen."

"What?" He yells. "You're absolutely bonkers, Sky! I can't believe you're jealous. I have no intentions of sleeping with Scarlett!"

"I'm sorry!" I raise my voice. "I just thought and I don't know! I was just grossed out and I'm sorry."

"And I thought I was the jealous one."

"Shut up. You still are."

"I never followed you and Kyle on a date," he raises his eyebrow.

"Probably because I didn't announce to the whole world that I was going on a date with him."

"You did, though. You just never said where."

"So, you're admitting you'd follow me?"

"No," he shakes his head.

"Pfft, liar," I tease.

"I would've watched from a distance. Not ordered dinner right beside you.""

"Well, I think I just one-upped you."

"This is not a competition, Skylar Rose."

"It is now," I shrug.




"Why are you arguing, Axel?"

"My name isn't Axel! And I'm not arguing."

"Whatever you say, Axel." I roll my eyes.



"So you're really going to stay, huh?"

"If you want me to leave.." she shrugs.

"No, no. I mean," I rub the back of my neck. "You drove three hours, so I mean why not?"

"That's what I thought you said.. Axel," she laughs.

"I swear, if you call me Axel again," I huff.

She peers at me. "You'll do what exactly?"

"I'll take you right here, right now."

Sky gasps. "Are you talking dirty to me?"

"No. What? I was going to wrestle you. God, Sky, calm your womanhood."

"Oops.. They started talking."

"Gross," I scrunch my nose.

"Yeah, that's gross? Have you smelled you? Oh my god, we've only been here a few minutes and you already smell like a caveman."

"Shut up. I smell amazing."

Sky starts walking away making gagging noises. I huff and follow behind her.

"So, are you two done arguing?" Dan whines.

"We were nit arguing. We were having an impolite discussion about our mutual hate of each other," Sky sits beside Dan. Scarlett coughs and points toward the seat beside her and I sit down.

"I set up the fire," Scarlett whispers.

"I helped," Dan speaks up.


"Yeah, asshole. I supervised."


"You're not welcome. I did it for Scarlett because she's the only person who's not an asshole."

"Thank you, Dan.. I think?" Scarlett smiles.

"You're welcome, but I still hate you."

"Why?" she frowns.

"Because I ship Skylex so fucking much and you're ruining my couple."

"Dan!!" Sky whispers. "Shh, we say that behind their back."

"Sorry," Dan whispers.



"I'm bored as fuck. I need cuddles, Sky."

"No, Dan. You're drunk, go home."

"Sky," Dan whines.


Dan grabs my sleeping bag and pulls me towards him. "Dan, no cuddling."

"You promised."

"Fine," I groan. Dan puts his arm around my waist and buries his face in my neck.

"Your fat is soft and warm," he mumbles.

"Get away from me, your dick is pocking me."

"Sorry, he's happy."

I stick my tongue out in disgust. "I think you're fucking gross, Dan."

"I think you're beautiful, now shut up. I'm trying to sleep."

"Ugh," I sigh. "Goodnight, Dan"

"Goodnight, Sky."



"I'm sorry, Scarlett."

"Why?" She mumbles, rubbing her eyes.

"I didn't know she was coming. But I told her she could stay."

"It's fine, Alex."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Alex," she takes a deep breath, closing her eyes.

"Are you tired?" I whisper.

"Mm," she turns over.

"Goodnight, Scarlett."

"Mm," she repeats

I sigh and pull my phone out.

Unknown number: sorry Alex

Me: Sky?

Unknown number: yeah..

Unknown number: was it that obvious?

Me: yes

Me: hey it's okay

Me: tbh I don't know if I'd be able to keep us entertained for three days

Unknown number: by us you mean you and Scarlett

Me: yeah

Unknown number: I'm surprised at how nice you're being...

Me: that's because I know your intentions were good

Me: plus it's kinda sexy that you came all this way just to keep me clean 4 u ;)

Unknown number: I just want you to to be happy

Unknown number: but I want you to be happy with me

Unknown number: and I know you rejected me and I should move on.

Unknown number: but it's so hard

Unknown number: I fucking hate feelings

Me: same haha

Me: I'm sorry, Sky

Me: I know what it's like to be rejected

Me: multiple times by girl

Me: who doesn't even know your name

Me: and then rejected MORE when she does know who you are

Me: but I'm with Scarlett and you can't keep trying come in between us

Unknown number: I know

Unknown number: and I'm sorry for rejecting you many times

Me: it's okay. I never stopped loving you even after the many painful rejections

Me: we should probably sleep

Me: hiking tomorrow

Me: goodnight, Sky

Unknown number: goodnight, dickface

Me: rlly

Unknown number: stfu


[Next day]


"Dan, are you going to do anything?"

"No, not until I go home."

"So, you're just going to sit in this tent for the rest weekend?"


"Wow, okay," I roll my eyes. "You enjoy this tent then."

"I will. I'll probably jack off while you're gone."

"Ew, stop."

"Sky, are you ready?" Alex shakes the tent a bit."

"Dan's being a bitch. He doesn't want to go."

"Oh, well," Alex mumbles.

"I heard that you dick," Dan yells.

"My bad."

I slip on some shorts and unzip the tent. "I'm ready."

"Finally! It's only nine," Alex rolls his eyes.

"Oh my god! Nine? Only nine? Wow, sorry"

"Sarcasm, well noted."


"Wasn't a compliment."

"It is now, Axel," I smile. "Scarlett! Did you know that Alex love being called Axel?"

"No?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"That's because I don't," Alex mumbles.


"Oh my god, Sky. This is going to be the longest hiking trip ever if you keep up your attitude."


"Yes, attitude."


"Yes, you."

"No," I shake my head. "Impossible."

"Do you two always argue?" Scarlett tugs on Alex's arm.

"Yes," we say at the same time.

"Pinch, poke. Suck the hot dog. Axel."

"That's not even how it goes! And stop calling me Axel!" Alex yells.

Alex reaches for Sky's hand. You're trying my life, Alex. Holding hands? Are you serious?

I'm bored already. Wow, I hate exercising. I hate hiking. I hate being here. This is boring. Is it over yet? Why is it so warm? I hate outdoors! I could be in my bedroom watching Netflix.

"Scarlett, what are you going to do about church tomorrow?" I jog to catch them up.

Damn, liking running a marathon to simply walk 2mph faster than my normal speed of 0.5 mph.

"Sky, church isn't school. I'm not forced to go. Besides, God is with me everywhere, every day," she smiles. "And I'll be thinking of Him while I'm away."

I snort. "Not if you're spending your Saturday getting shagged five ways to Sunday," I mutter under my breath.

"Sky," Alex glares.

"Oh, sorry. Did you hear that?" Did I said it that loud?

Alex stops and turns towards me. "I did. Apologize."

"I'll apologize when I care about hurting her feelings," I shrug.

"Sky, you're being a huge jerk," Scarlett rises her voice. Jerk?

Wow, even when she insults me she's bad at it.

"I don't care."

"I'm tired of your attitude. You're constantly mean to me and from what I've heard, Alex too. Plus you're constantly trying to get in between Alex and I," she takes a step towards me.

"I'm tired of you following us around and trying to wedge between us. Alex has moved on and you should too. He's not interested in you, so stop."

"You've talked shit about me, Alex?"

"No. I simply told Scarlett how I felt about you and out relationship."

"Our relationship?" I snort. "You and I never had a relationship and I'm glad. I should've never came, because I knew that you were still the same Alex you were before. "

"What does that have to do with you coming here, Sky?" Alex raises his voice. "Face it! You're just jealous and who's fault is that we were never together? You were too busy sleeping around with any other guy who came near you!"

"Alex, that was mean," Scarlett whispers.

"No it wasn't. Sky constantly acts like the victim. She used to say I was a player and a cheat, but she' the biggest offender."

I take a step back. "I'm glad that you told me how you feel, Alex. I knew it that you're not serious about saying that you like me. And too bad I don't give a fuck. "

"Whatever. Let's go, Scarlett." Alex and Scarlett turn back towards the trail and keep walking forward. I wipe the tears away from my eyes and walk back towards the campsite.

I reach the campsite and throw my bag on the ground. I'm so fit to the tied and I wanted to hit something.

"Hey, no ransacking you jackass." Dan pokes his head out of the tent.

"What the hell? What's wrong?" Dan comes up and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Why are you crying? What happened?"

"I want to go home."

"Okay.. I'll just dissemble the tent and you pack the other stuff?" I nod and start grabbing my things.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head no.

"Well, we have three hours car ride for you to decide if you want to talk." I nod and roll up the sleeping bags.

I just want to go home.

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