Through Dragons Eyes and Heart

By kittyslyfox

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(Complete) What if the world you thought you knew really wasn't the world you knew? For Iceis life is just th... More

Chapter 1 Egg Still yes
Chapter 2 Zander
Chapter 3 Experimenting with Food
Chapter 4 ItchyItchyand even more Itchy!
Chapter 5 Telapathy
Chapter 6 The Problem with Banding
Chapter 7 I am not Dead?!
Chapter 8 Landing
Chapter 9 The Secrets of the Night
Chapter 10 Never Though This Would Happen
Chapter 11 The Unprocessable Truth
Chapter 12 A Huge Growth Spurt
Chapter 13 Grouchy Females
Chapter 14 The Facts
Chapter 15 Who's the New Girl?
Chapter 16 Dragon Care
Chapter 17 Feathers
Chapter 18 Test of Gravity
Chapter 19 Midnight Flight
Chapter 20 Ill and Sick
Chapter 21 Crack, Crack, Dragon
Chapter 22 Who Knew Sun Hurt!
Chapter 23 Arghh You Broke My Wing!
Chapter 24 Water Training
Chapter 25 Talons and Scales?!
Chapter 26 An Even Deeper Hole
Chapter 27 A Week Later
Chapter 28 Preminision of Humanity
Chapter 29 Flight Lessons from Lilly
Chapter 30 Serpentine Latin
Chapter 31 Play!
Chapter 32 The Problem with Baths
Chapter 33 Mind and Scales?
Chapter 34 One Quarter Inch
Chapter 35 Ansestory Lesson
Chapter 36 Sense of Smell
Chapter 37 Don't Throw Female Dragons Over a Cliff!
Chapter 38 Coughing Blood
Chapter 39 Gross but Helpful
Chapter 40 Serieously?! Seriously?!
Chapter 41 Renovations & Changes
Chapter 42 Zanders prov Another Form
Chapter 43 My Mate is What?!
Chapter 44 Knowledge is Key
Chapter 45 Don't Play with Fire Unless ya want to become Ash
Chapter 46 Sleep Deprevention in Action
Chapter 47 Zander the Caring Mate
Chapter 48 Blood and Bonds
Chapter 49 Experimental Death
Chapter 50 Cuddles and More!
Chapter 51 Futur thoughts
Chapter 52 A Heart Bound to Love
Chapter 54 Light Travel
Chapter 55 Lumis and Tenbris
Chapter 56 Heat and Braids
Chapter 57 Romance in a Lake
Chapter 58 Deer Meat
Chapter 59 Fluffy Fluf Fluf
Chapter 60 Ghost Dragon
Chapter 61 Mating
Chapter 62 A Massage
Chapter 63 Grey Hair Flight
Chapter 64 Nearly Killing the Cornel
Chapter 65 Fish Assault!
Chapter 66 Horti Amoris
Untitled Part 67 Interior Atonomy
Chapter 68 Dont Anger Me
Chapter 69 Sudden News
Chapter 70 Reason for Sensitive Stomache
Chapter 71 Sharing the News
Chapter 72 Council Men and H.D.R Talk
Chapter 73 A Mates Charm
Chapter 74 A Mates Bond
Chapter 75 Lamb!
Chapter 76 Everywhere even in Trees!
Chapter 77 Lilly and Iceis
Chapter 78 Teaching the Kids Proper Teqnique
Chapter 79 Birth!
Chapter 80 The Naming
Chapter 81 Prologue

Chapter 53 Draco Nip and Chakra

135 8 6
By kittyslyfox

(Chakra points)
(Wow this far already?! I originally  planned on doing 30 chapters for this book and I am already on chapter 53!)

*I cracked my eye open smelling something in the room that had enough  smell appeal to tear me from Zander's arms in a second so you could only imagine how good it smelled. I was still half asleep though so I was a bit confused as to where I was since I had been awoken from my deep slumber. I went over to a corner of the room and looked down at the floor seeing what looked like mint leaves, but weren't. I picked a leaf up and began to chew on it feeling the warm sensation of dragon nip go down my throat. I sat there chewing on it for quit awhile. Dragon nip wasn't what humans thought it was. Rather it had medicinal properties and was highly addictive if in front of a dragon. However the side effects of it made it like a drug with very high benifits. The nip was completely gone and things were in a colidascope  type of view.  I tried taking steps  forward however I took a step back. I stepped backwards then went forwards. My coordination was way off apparently. I managed to make it to Zander and somehow sit down next to him. My head fell backward  onto the floor with a loud *thump* Zander shot up and took a moment to figure out where I was.*

"Iceis you didn't fall off did you?"

"When sky dragons drown will I fall when water dragons fly.. Fire dragons breath water... What was I saying again?"

"You ok?"

"Just fine the draco nip had a hold on me and the earth is spinning around!"

"A what now?!"

"Medicine with weird side effects."

*I narrowed my eyes at Zander struggling to bring him into focus.*

"Where are we hottie?"

*My voice had a low seductive purr too it. *

"Ok~, as much as I appreciate that complement you will be tied down onto the bed till you get your senses back from that dragon nip that apparently is good for your health. However is making you lose your judgment."

*Zander used his semi torn shirt as restraints tying me down.*

"I still have some sense of judgment, words aren't comin out how der suppost to though. *blegh* that's didn't sound right..."

"Ok, how many fingers am I holding up?"

*I squinted my eyes at his fingers.*

"Umm two."

"Ok, now?"

"Left five right three."

"Ok last one, where are we?"

"Umm... I don't know things are a bit fuzzy... Last I remember I was sleeping and now the world is spinning round and round."

*I shook my head trying to free it of any dizziness only succeeding in a headache.*

"Oiii my head is killing me!"

"Then why did you eat that nip in the first place?!"

"Check mei wings!"

* Zander propped me up and felt my wings.*

"The skin looks thin as well as pale, but it is now covering all of your wing, amazing."

"Datz draco nip at work! Only downfall everything is spinning and I won't remember a thing once it wears off!"

"Ok, well no sense in me doing nothing while you lay there incapacitated so I shall try and figure out so called light travel."

"Don't fight the current go with it and control the light..."

"That doesn't make any sense, but ok."

*I watched Zanders ohh so funny positions and weird faces trying to figure out light travel.*

"You need to unlock all of your chakra on your seven points, then try it and see if it works."


"Dragons of light avoid the shadow dragons of shadow avoid the light if you put them together you get an unstoppable force so strong it can defy what was thought to be impossible, then made possible."

*Zander gave a wtf look at my statement and shook his head.*

"Dragon nip, give it twenty four hours and she will be back to normal."

*Zander sat down and gave a sigh of breath and his heart rate slowed, I imagined myself sharing a mind with Zander as I went to see what his mental stability was as well as how open his flow was towards other elements.*

'I have no idea what Iceis was talking about with this so called chakra. Apparently I am suppost to open it up, by how if I don't even know what it is... Might as well think on life. Ok well overall my life is fairly stable. I am open to new experiences even if they possible involve almost dying. I am vocal about my feelings...usually. Love, not a problem. The big picture on things...not so much not as wide as Iceis is. Knowledge on new things and wisdom as well as maturity. Have that under wraps.hmm emotions... Can be confusing at times, but usually straightforward. Weird my body had a warmish cool feeling...I wonder how Iceis is doing. Well she seems to be sleeping so that's good.'

*Well he opened is chakra points without even knowing it...very nice. If only I could remember this. Alas draco nip had the effect to make things be forgotten.*

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