Fallen for Romeo #wattys2016

By SherlySusan

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Kara Singleton, the stunning, hard like iron, smart and most successful woman in pharmaceuticals industry has... More

Chapter 1 - The Pretty Thief
Chapter 2 - Doomed?
Chapter 3 - Exursion
Chapter 4 - Way Out?
Chapter 5 - Meeting
Chapter 6 - The Witch Repellent
Chapter 7 - Lonely?
Chapter 8 - Grandpa
Chapter 9 - Date
Chapter 10 - Drunk
Chapter 11 - That Kiss
Chapter 12 - Absolute Mess
Chapter 13 - The Dance
Chapter 14 -The Proposal
Chapter 15 -Grandpa Angelopoulos
Chapter 16 - First Night
Chapter 17 - Bed Time
Chapter 18 - Pancakes
Chapter 19 - Still about Pancakes
Chapter 20 - Fish or Pizza
Chapter 21 - Witch and the Kids
Chapter 22 - His Wife
Chapter 23 - The Perfect Wife
Chapter 24 - Who is that Blonde?
Chapter 25 - The Hot Chick is Crazy
Chapter 27 - Those Poles
Chapter 28 - She doesn't have time for a Bimbo
Chapter 29 -Dinner Invitation
Chapter 30 - Revelation
Chapter 31 - His Freedom
Chapter 32 - His Sacrifice
Chapter 33 - She must have a Broken Heart
Chapter 34 - Please Stay
Author Notes
Chapter 35 - Brief Encounter
Chapter 36 - His Broken Heart
Chapter 37 - The Hospital
Chapter 38 - Welcome Back
Chapter 39 - Back Together?
Chapter 40 - Home
Chapter 41 - Banana Pancake
Chapter 42 - Joseph's Visit
Chapter 43 - Let's go On A Date
Chapter 44 -The Blonde is Back
Chapter 45 -Liar
Chapter 46 - The Car
Chapter 47 - A Dozen of Roses
Chapter 48 - A New Start
Chapter 49 - Home Alone
Chapter 50 - The Clown
Chapter 51 - The Other Problem
Chapter 52 - I Forgive You
Chapter 53 - The Old Singleton
Chapter 54 - It's Always Her
Chapter 55 - Caleb Singleton
Chapter 56 - kidnapped
Chapter 57 - It's Over
Chapter 58 - I Love You
Author Notes
His Brother (short story)
The Vow (short story)

Chapter 26 - His Stash of Condoms

11.7K 424 5
By SherlySusan

Stefan wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to go home and he was awfully quiet when they were in the limo. For a drunk and upset man he was smart enough to call Theo's chauffer to pick them up instead of driving himself.

"May I have my ring back?" Kara asked him.

He sighed and took the ring out from his pocket, "You don't have to take it off, you flirt." He growled, looking unhappy, pulling her left hand to put the ring back to her finger.

"I have two reasons. First, I won't ruin my diamond ring if I had to punch his ugly face. Second, I need to get his attention before kicking his butts. Do you think he will play with me wearing the ring?"

"With boobs like that I think he would." He glared at her.

"Stefan..." Kara felt that he was really upset about her using her assets to her benefit.

She was flattered of course but also annoyed. To start, she didn't cross any lines, she didn't let anyone touched her, she didn't even flashed her botty to other man except him.

"Don't Stefan me. You are a real trouble maker, you know that?"

"I am not." She fought him back.

"Yes you are!"

"I am not!"

Stefan pressed the button to close the window to the driver seat to stop his chauffer to hear their argument. "Dressing up like that."He added.

"Like what? Look at yourself."

"Don't change the subject! Do you realise how many men on the floor wished to fuck you?"

Kara eyes went rounded, couldn't believe that he could talk to her like that. "You did not just say that!" she yelled.

"I did!"

"You are an ass Stefan." She pressed her lips and kept her eyes out the windows for the rest of the journey.

Fifteen minutes later the limo stopped at the front gate of the apartment and Stefan opened the door to let himself out didn't bother to help Kara.

"Jerk..." she mumbled.

He strolled along the foyer and waved impatiently toward the night guard from the reception area before jabbing the lift's button.

"Slow down will you?" Kara chased him, with her high heel boots it was hard for her to walk fast on the shinny smooth marble floor of the building without twisting her ankle.

Stefan held the lift to wait for her and she tripped when she was at the door, lucky for her that Stefan caught her on time.

She pushed herself away from her husband and crossed her arms trying to cover her boobs. She then stood in the corner pouting.

"I am sorry." Stefan said. "I shouldn't say it."


"At least I didn't try to steal someone's husband." She finally replied angrily.

"What do you mean?" he raised his eyebrows, looking confuse more than angry.

"Nothing." She looked down, avoiding his eyes.

"Kara. What do you mean?"

"I said nothing." She snapped clearly didn't want to talk about what she just said.

Stefan groaned in frustration, "Kara. Look at me!" he lifted her chin but she looked away.

"Baby, please look at me."

This time she obeyed, her brown eyes met his looking nothing but gloomy.

"Kara, is there something you want to tell me?"

"No." she pouted.

The lift door opened and she walked faster to avoid answering to Stefan's question.

Yes she had something to tell him. Something that had bothering her for weeks, something that made her realise that she had fallen for Stefan and she knew she shouldn't.

And she was frustrated, frustrated at Katherine, and most of all frustrated at herself for easily fallen for him, her enemy, her pawn, her slave if she had to state it rudely.

Stefan was only her tool to get what she wanted, she shouldn't fall for him, she couldn't!

Kara sat on the couch to take off her boots ignoring her husband's nag to tell him what was going on. Soon after she finished she run upstairs, leaving Stefan alone.

Stefan gritted his teeth.

This woman confused him.

One minute she was angry, the next she was gloomy. What did she want?

She said something that didn't make sense and when he tried to find out she put her wall up and stopped talking to him.

He chased her upstairs, following her from behind and pulled her upper arm roughly and yelled at her, "Kara, stop running and tell me what do you mean by that?"

"By what?" she talked in circle.

"Oh my god! You're driving me nuts!" He yelled. His hands were still holding her tight. "What do you mean by you're not trying to steal someone's husband?"

"I dress up like this because I want to look good for my own husband. MY HUSBAND. And I didn't flash my butts to anyone else like some blonde sluts." She referred to Katherine.

"Blonde slut? Who are you talking about?"

"Your ex Stefan, your fucking ex. Why did you invite her?"

"So, this is because Katherine was there? She got nothing to do with this." Stefan got more and more agitated.

Why women always did the same thing? Linking everything to everything and confused the hell out of men?

"She's got everything to do with this. Why did you invite her?"

"I didn't. Melissa did. She is Katherine's friend."

"Bullshit. Did you invite her here too?"

"What? No...."

"DID YOU? Did you take her up here and sleep with her?" Kara knew she was starting to get delusional from her jealousy. She trusted Stefan but she couldn't control her rage and she started to say things just to hurt him.

"No of course not. Kara...."

"Then what is this Stefan?" Kara pulled out his bedside drawer, grabbed a handful of condoms and threw them on the bed.

Stefan jaws went slack.

"Katherine is the only one or you also brought the rest of your girlfriends here behind my back?"

Stefan wished he could go back to the pub and drink himself till he couldn't remember anything anymore.

Kara was crazy, he didn't even understand what she was just saying.

Sleep with his ex? Katherine? She thought he was an idiot or something? Other girlfriends? What girlfriends?

Didn't she know that she was the only woman in his life now?

Stefan slammed the drawer close loudly and sent Kara jumping.

"For fuck sake Kara, those are for you." He yelled.


"You are my wife. Do you think I am some assholes who aren't happy with one woman? Do you think I am that low, bringing home women and fuck them on our bed? WHAT THE FUCK?" Stefan was losing it.

Kara blinked.

Her face changed, from gloomy to terrified, and then she started crying, "why are you yelling at me?" she sobbed.


Stefan took a step back, didn't understand what had just happened.

She cried? Because he tried to explain something to her?

Didn't she remember that half an hour ago she just brought a gigantic ass to the floor and kicked his balls and didn't give a fuck about it?

Didn't she remember how sexy and strong and confident and seductive she was when she played the pool and had made him sweat without even trying?

Didn't she remember how her mature and gracious and wise and charismatic moved across the floor just a little earlier had earned her the respect from his employees despites of how trashy she dressed?

And now she cried? Sobbing and trembling like a weak vulnerable woman?

A woman who wanted to be protected and cared for from her man?


Stefan realised something.

It must be that, she wanted his attention, his full attention. She wanted him to just want her and not another woman, not even his ex.

Oh Stefan....

He shook his head, cursing his own stupidity.

Finally understood why she was upset, why she picked a fight, why she was seducing him.

"Kara...." Stefan touched her cheek but she brushed his hand off.

"Honey......" he touched again, didn't want to give up.

She wanted him.... She needed him..... And he had no right to refuse her and he didn't want to refuse her.

His wife needed him.

"Baby...." His fingers slide to the back of her neck, his thumb rubbed her cheek and he whispered ever so gently, "I am sorry.... I am so sorry....."

He then pulled her into his arms, caressing her hair. "I didn't know... I am sorry. Katherine and I are over. I am yours now. Only yours...." He watched her face changed. Her sobbed slowed down before disappearing completely.

He was amazed by how a simple sentence could stop her sorrow.

Kara's eyes went rounded listening to his words. Did he just say that he was only hers? He was hers? Kara looked up to meet his eyes, tear of relieve run down her cheek.

Stefan planted a kiss on her forehead, before tilting her chin up, slowly he lowered his face and touched her soft lips. Slow at the beginning....

She kissed him back till she realised something.

No.... No...... No.... she couldn't!

She pushed his chest away and tried to fight him but he didn't let go. He was too strong for her.

He pulled her even closer till her boobs pressed against his chest, and he pushed his tongue forward demanding entry into her mouth.

She fought again harder this time. Stefan growled, annoyed by her stubbornness. He cornered her against the wall and collected her arms above her head, locking them only with his right hand while his left hand started to roam along her body.

Kara tensed, his strength....

Oh god, it aroused her....

Everything was about his strength that he had over her. She was one powerful woman, she had the world in her hand. She would get whatever she wanted and so far no one ever top that.

But this man was different. She thought he was the same with the rest, she thought she could control him and make him do whatever she asked but tonight she found out she was wrong.

She now knew that when she won it was because he let her, not because he was helpless and tonight he showed it to her what he truly was.

He was daring, and knew what he wanted and she knew he would get it.

Her body temperature rose to the top and she started to sweat. Her breathing was ragged, her knees buckled when he run his hand underneath her skirt and started to squish her buttock with full of lust.

She opened her mouth to moan and there he finally able to stick his tongue into hers and started tasting every corner of her mouth hungrily.

"I want you...." He whispered against her lips. Kara whined.

"I want you Sweetheart...." Again he said, lifting her leg up on his hip and pushed himself on her.

Kara yelped feeling his groin on her and she gave up. She stopped fighting.

Stefan knew that his wife was finally allowed him to take what it was his.

He let go of her hands and took her other leg up. She couldn't do anything else except hanging on him.

Their kiss getting wilder and Stefan took her to their bed before laying her carefully on it, on top of his condoms that scattered everywhere.

He broke the kiss, earning a protest from Kara.

He then arched back and took off his leather jacket before staring at his wife underneath him hungrily. His hands went to Kara's vest, and in one rough move he ripped it open with the buttons flew across the room.

Kara gasped.

"Baby...." Stefan's hazel eyes questioned her, asking her that she really wanted him to go ahead.

"Stefan." She called him, her hand arching forward touching his chest. "Take me...." She whispered and it was his command.

He pushed her vest open and cupped her boob, Kara's body tensed, feeling the pressure against her chest.

Stefan bent down, starting to kiss her lips again. He then run his lips along her jaws, went to her neck and down to her left boob. He pulled down the top part of her bra till he could see her nipple and started to suck it.

Kara whimpered.

Stefan groaned listening to the sexy voice that came out from her mouth.

His wife...

She was beautiful, she was perfect and she looked vulnerable under him.

He knew she trusted him. She let him took over her power and Stefan almost lost his mind knowing that she gave herself to him.

His wife had surrendered to him.

His hand went underneath her body and pulled down the zipper on her skirt. Kara helped him, pushing it down pass her legs and Stefan had the chance to get off the bed to take off his jeans and his boxer.

He watched her from above and she met his eyes. "You are beautiful." He said, before placing his knees next to hers and started to kiss the inner side of her right thigh. Kara quivered.

"Stefan...." She called him and he run his lips to the left, licking her and earned him her moan.

"Ahhh...." After a while she pushed up a little trying to stop him for giving her the climax.

She didn't want it yet. No not yet.

She still want him to touch her, to let his hands explored every part of her body because that way she felt his connection, the unexplainable spark of electricity that run through her veins and made her feel like she was the most beautiful woman on the planet.

Stefan made her feel that way, she felt like a goddess and this man worshiped her.

Stefan kiss went north, back to ravish her mouth.

"Inside me now Stefan. Please...." She begged.

He chuckled evilly but his lips didn't leave her neck. "Ssshhh...." He massaged her right boob, "patient baby...." He whispered, teasing his wife.

He had fully control over her and she didn't seem to mind.

His beautiful wife wanted him and his only aim now was just to satisfy her.

"Stefan...." Kara begged again.

"Baby...." He pushed her hair back, watching her annoyed face and he smiled.

Stefan finally gave what she wanted, reached for a condom that conveniently was next to her head, he ripped the blue package and put the condom on before pushing her legs apart with his knees and slowly entered her.

She arched up, closing her eyes, feeling him inside her.

He was thorough, he was gentle, he was careful. Kara hadn't been experiencing a man as magnificent as him before.

Stefan watched her squirmed under him. His anger was gone substituted by how much he cared about her.

He wanted to make her forget about her anger, her heartache and silly jealousy toward Katherine.

He wanted to tell her that she was the only one for him and no one in this world could take it away from her.

He moved slowly, watching her felt every inch of him, trying to tell her that he cared, that that her happiness was the purpose of his life and that she was the only woman now in his mind and he didn't have any slight of regret of hesitation to call him his wife.

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