But, Shes my Best Friend (Ash...

By xxHxxx

509K 9.2K 1.3K

Zoë and Ashton have been friends since 3rd grade. He's never realised he's had a crush on his best friend unt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Authors Update *Important*

Chapter 7

11.2K 205 43
By xxHxxx


Brock blasted his music as we made our way Cory's house. We drove through a bumpy dirt road, to get to the beautiful 2 story house. Cars were parked in the woods that surrounded the house. The driveway was filled with the familiar cars that were parked in the student parking lot of the school.

We made our way past all the cars and onto the steps leading to the front door. I ringed the doorbell. The music vibrated off the walls. The windows were shaking, making them look as if they were about to break.

Melissa, a girl in my 3rd period, opened the door up for us. She let us in. The music grew louder and so did the voices. Few people were hanging out inside. It was a big yet small party. Chloe told me on the phone that "anyone who was anyone" at our school. was at the party. Meaning the jocks, the cheerleaders, and just the rich kids. Obviously I was only there cause Brock. He held my hand and we went to the back. People were already swimming in the pool. I sat down at an empty table while Brock quickly stripped off his shirt and shoes and cannonballed into the pool. Making water splash everywhere. From here you could make out a lake. The pine trees made everything seem more beautiful. Squirrels chased each other up trees. And birds flew in and out of every tree.

Melissa came and sat across from me. Her hair dirty blonde was tied up in a high ponytail. You could see the make out her fluorescent orange bikini under the very transparent white tank she wore.

"How come you're not getting in?" She asked me.

"I'll probably go in later" I answered. She shrugged, and slowly took of her shorts and shirt revealing her tan fit body. Giving me more of a reason not to get in the pool. She neatly folded her clothe in the chair and jumped into the pool. They were in the middle of a small volleyball game. Behind me I heard Carol and her friends quietly talking and giggling. I slightly turned my head to see them. They were all crowding around someone's phone.

The pizza had gotten here, a while later, everyone got out of the pool and began to devour it. Brock brought me a slice and some soda.

"Thanks" I smiled at him. He squeezed my hand.

Melissa came and we began to talk about prom, then the conversation going into who's going with who.

"I think Tony is going with Jamie" she guessed.

"Really?" I scrunched my nose. I wasn't really the person to care but the vibe around the place made me want to know.

"Yeah, I know"

"I thought he was dating Susan though"

"Exactly! like no one knows anymore" she took a bite out of her pizza. Usually I would've eaten more than one slice but hating half the people here and having really low self esteem I didn't eat more.

About 40 minutes had passed, everyone made their way back into the pool. Leaving me again alone in the really comfortable chair.

"Zoë are you coming in?" Brock asked, his arms folded outside of the pool. I shook my head. I wanted to come in but I... It was complicated.

"Come one Zoë" he whined, "are you just embarrassed cause you've gained a few pounds"

My eyes widened. I suddenly felt everyone's eyes on us.

"No one really notices, I mean you're not fat just a little chubby" he just wouldn't shut up. Carol and her friends broke out into laughter. I looked back at her. She had a devilish smile on her face. Soon everyone else broke out into laughter about what Brock had said.

"Oh my god" Was all i said before getting up and going through the sliding door. My eyes got really watery. My weight had always been a sensitive topic for me.

"Zoë" I female voice called behind me. I turned around it was Melissa.

"Come on don't let them get to you." She grabbed my hand about to pull me back outside.

"No I- I have to go anyway. I have more important things anyway" I lied pulling back.

"Oh ok" she said, "are you sure you're ok though?"

"Fine" I tried, saying but all that came out was a whisper. I grabbed my bag out of Brock's car. I walked down the dirt road having no ride.

Dust kicked up as the wind past through the trees. Halfway down everything was still. The music had become faint. There was barely any noise around me. The memory of Brock words came back to me. And how everyone started laughing. A tear rolled down my cheek.

I should've known Brock was a jerk. I should've known he was going say something embarrassing sometime soon. But thank god I didn't have to go with him to prom. I had made if out to the road. I walked along the sidewalk. Practically growing up in this town I knew where is was heading. When I was younger in the car I used remember the order of place like if I had ever gotten lost I would know the way home.

To get home from here I had to pass the circle K gas station and take a left. A flip- flop had broke along the way. I shoved both of them into my bag. A car of whistling boys zoomed past me. In the distance I could make out the large sign of the gas station.

Houses started appearing down the road. Coming back to most of civilization. I turned right my legs to tired and sore to walk any longer. I took a rest in the shade. I watched every car that past by. Up in the sky I started to make shapes out of clouds.

I'd made-out 3 flowers, a genie, and 2 Dogs. After a while I got back up on my feet.

I finally saw my street. Joy filled inside of me. I started to speed-walk to get home a bit quicker. A wave a relief went down my body as I walked inside the nice cold house.

My stomach growled. I grabbed the Pringles can and a cold root-beer and headed to the couch.

I had woken up on the carpet about an hour later. I stretched. It was pretty early still.

As I walked outside the sun hit my eyes. I shielded my eyes and skipped across the yard to Ashton's house. I knocked on his door.

He didn't answer. I rang the door bell.

"Ugh coming!" I heard a groan from the inside. Ashton flung the door open. His hair was messy and glasses were sitting crooked on the edge of his nose.

"Zoë" his voice was sleepy, "I thought you were at the party."

He rubbed his face. "I was but it got boring so I came back" I lied.

He nodded, "wanna come in?"

"Well actually I was wondering if you wanted to do something, but clearly you're busy" I answered him sarcastically.

He laughed, "clearly, but I can make time for you. Whatcha wanna do?"

"I dunno, we could..." I paused. We both were thinking about what we could do. Obviously nothing had come to mind.

"We could pig out and watch cartoons all day?" He suggested.

"Sure" I said. He let me through. We plopped down on opposite sides of the couch, our feet touching each other. We were both thinking the same thing and measuring to see how big our feet were compared to each other.

"Your feet are so tiny" he pointed out.

"I know this, and you're a guy so.."

He smiled, "so why did you come back so early?"

"I don't wanna talk about it". His facial expression changed quickly. He went from giddy to concerned.

"Oh" he looked at me confused an concerned.

We both went back to watching 'Family Guy'. Sometimes quietly laughing at their stupid comments to each other. My mind wondered back to what happened at the party. I was mortified by Brock's words. Hearing everyone finding it funny made it worse. What made it better was that Melissa actually cared. Me and Melissa had barely talked. And she seemed like the type of person who would hate me and be stuck up like half the girls at the party. But she wasn't.

"How come you didn't change?" Ashton asked, chuckling.

"I fell asleep on the couch" I laughed. He nodded understandingly. The feeling I got when I hung out with Ashton was a feeling I would never experience with someone else. Even if we were laying on the couch watching cartoons it was still... Nice?

"If you were a girl what type of girl would you be?" I asked, bored of watching Tv. I've never found it so hard to make a conversation with Ashton until now.

"There's types of girls?" He chuckled.

"Are you stupid or are you stupid" sarcasm filled my voice.

"I would probably be a slut" he laughed.

"For some odd reason I knew you were gonna say that" I laughed along with him.

"How bout you, what type of guy would you be?"

"Good question" I said not knowing what kind of guy. I would've said gay, but I bit my tongue holding myself back from saying that.

"I'd probably be some really hot soccer player"

He raised his eyebrow at me, "same" he finally said laughing at my answer.

"Do you think I would look good if I died my hair this really bright pink?" I asked him, trying to keep my face serious.

"I don't know... Like you'd have to be really pale to pull something like that off" he answered.

"So can only pale people have crazy hair" I pouted.

"Sadly yes" he joked. I let out a big long fake sigh. We laid on the couch for a couple more minutes watching TV.

"Wanna go do something fun?" I asked.

"What? Being here with me isn't fun?" He tried to look hurt.

"No it's not" I sat up. And so did he.

"What are we supposed to do in this boring old town?"

"We could go to the new book store by the auto shop!" I jokingly suggested, trying to look excited.

"And then we could go and tutor the 7th graders!" He played along with me.

"This is gonna be the most exciting day ever! I can feel it in my bones!" I laughed.

"What's Chloe doing?" He asked.

"With her dad"

"What's Calum doing?"

"Probably playing video games " I said, knowing I was probably right.

"I was thinking we should all be bored together, but like Chloe would be missing out on a lot"

"I'll call Calum" I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. It ringed a few times.

"Zoë" he answered in a sing-songy voice.

"Calum, what are you doing?"

"I just showered" He answered, his voice almost mono-tone.

" you want to come Ashton's being boring and we thought you could liven the place up a bit"

"Sure" he said.

We chatted for a while than hung up, I fell back down onto the couch, Ashton still siting up. He blocked the sun out of my face, as he was there. He stared intently at the floor, he was in the middle of thinking. I didn't want to pull him out of his thoughts, so I got comfortable on the couch and closed my eyes for a while.

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