Bad Blood // Z.M A.U

By HoneyCocaineXO

17.5K 948 171

"We in this together. You and me baby. All the way." 》 》 》 - For ages 16+ - Contains violence, strong langua... More

Prologue and Disclaimer


659 22 5
By HoneyCocaineXO

This chapter is very informative so you might want to pay attention :) A picture of Sirus is above (If you watch Sense8, you will know him as Lito! Don't ask me why do I watch that lol and if you planning on watching it - watch with caution cause there is a lot of explicit content *covers face* ) 

* * *


Carmelita Wilfred.

My Lita.

She drives me insane most of the time, especially with her sharp tongue her manipulative ways but I guess that's what I love about her.

Looking down, her head rests upon my chest, her arms on her sides and her chest rising up  and down as she take shallow breaths as she sleeps. 

She looks so innocent just like she was when I was acquainted to her and some part of me misses it but another, loves the way she is today.

She has changed so much since she has been in this gang, mostly in a good way - mentally and physically.

Especially physically.

Before she came into this mess, Carmelita never had much to flaunt but things changed as she developed over the years drastically. She has everything that every man wants - curves, tits and ass. 

Lucky for me, that's all mine to have only. 

Another thing I love about her is her piercing, blue eyes. That's one of her features that captured my attention when I met her.

I love her so fucķing much and I owe it all to her.

Before I met Carmelita, I used so many women and I was guy that could never commit to anyone but then she came along. I never loved anyone except my family and my gang brothers. 

One thing we learned from being involvedin gangsterism is not to get attached to anyone but when I had to tell her I had to leave town, seeking safety, she insisted she wanted to come with and she also confessed her love to me that night.

I didn't love her at all when she said that

I didn't know what to say, what to think. Carmelita saying those three words made things so much difficult and I couldn't deal with it. But also I had this gut feeling, wanting to take her with. I could teach her the ropes along with the gang and hopefully everything will work out.

And it did. Look at us three years later.

Over the time I spent with her, it was difficult not falling in love with her because she was there when I needed her. She has been with me through thick and thin and I appreciate it so much.

Carmelita really is a sweet, loving person and she has a great personality once you get to know her.

My fingers played with the diamond ring on her ring finger that withholds my promise.

My promise to marry her once we have gotten out of this mess. 

I don't think I can live without her for the rest of my life because I need her desperately. Another thing that I would never admit to is my fear being alone.

I hated being alone because I had no one else except her and the gang. I know they will go their separate ways but for Carmi, my life would mean nothing without her. 

When I gave her this ring a few weeks after her nineteenth birthday, she was so chuffed about it and I was happy that she accepted this. 

All I want is her and my freedom. 

But also, I want to see my family. 

It's been seven years since I have seen them and if I said that I wasn't missing them, I would be lying. Leaving Bradford at the age of seventeen to be involved in this wasn't any of my choice. I was forced into it along with the rest of the boys. 

All of us can't have any contact with any family, otherwise they will get killed and their safety means the world to us. This adds another reason to why we want to kill Sirus, to see our family.

When Sirus is dead, I want Carmelita to meet my family and hopefully they will like her just as much as I do, but I have a feeling some of them are going to be against it.

If they knew the whole story about Carmelita, they would immediately be put off by it and especially the four year age gap. I am twenty-four while Carmi is almost twenty, but before the time, people already didn't like it.

Especially Louis. 

He actually threatened me to not do anything sexuąlly with her until she turned eighteen, otherwise he would report it which I found stupid.

Already, I was seen with her in public before the time and the looks that we received from them, shows already it's not allowed because it is 'statutory rápe'

Funny thing is that I never laid her finger on her until she was seventeen.

You'd think I would listen to Louis? Fucķ no, and up till this day, he believes that I never slept with Carmelita until she was the legal age for consensual sexuał activities.

Only one person found out before the time and that is Liam. He would never snitch on us and I am thankful for that.

I never forced her in anyway or influenced her to have sex with me because she was a virgiñ and I wasn't going to be so spiteful in taking something that she valued, especially when she vowed not to have şex till marriage.

It was all up to her so I am innocent in this situation.

But the lustful me is thrilled it happened and fucķ, I was more than happy. In the beginning, it wasn't so much pleasurable but as time went by and the amount of times we did it, I fuckiņg loved it. 

Her libidõ drives me fuckíng crazy and it's gotten to a point where we are both addicted to having sexųal intimacy almost everyday so you can imagine me being needy now that she has said she is not having sęx with me until I get a fuckiñg house.

I am waiting for her to give in because I know she will.

Finally giving up on sleep, I kissed her against her cheek and got out of bed slowly so that I don't wake Carmelita up. Grabbing a cigarette from my bedside drawer, I went downstairs to the patio where Liam was sitting at the poolside with this feet dipped in.

"What are up doing up at six in the morning?" Liam asked as I sat down next to him but not dipping my feet in the pool. I lit my cigarette and took a long drag from it, feeling the nicotine giving me its usual comfort.

"Can't sleep."

"Carmi kept you up?" He asked playfully and I chuckled.

"Not today. She is abstaining." I muttered, looking down at the pool and he bursts out laughing.

"Abstaining? Since when?"

"Since we are homeless. I need to do that shít today. Call Yanita to sort a house for us out."

"I feel for you bro. Can I?" Liam nodded towards the half smoked cigarette and I passed it to him with no hesitation. 

"Last time I checked, you were giving up on smoking. What happened?"

"Stuff. Mostly Sophia." He answered once he took his puff and handed the cigarette back to me.

"Want to talk about it?"

"You know she was brought here against her own will right?"

"No?" I asked surprised, crushing the cigarette against the concrete ground.

This is a first from Liam - bringing someone against their own will in this shit.

Before he had a girlfriend that he was fully committed to and loved her so much, Sirus killed her along with Louis's other girlfriend, Eleanor. 

Those two were distraught because they meant everything to them and they were close with everyone.

Carmelita had a hard time accepting it as well because they helped Carmelita adapt and they were Carmi's only friends at the moment. They were like Carmi's older sisters.

But I feel happy now that Liam has someone new. It's been a while since the mishap and even though we don't like the whole getting attached, Liam needs it.

"Yeah. She knew too much about a shooting downtown so I had to kidnap her to keep her mouth shut. In the beginning, she has been trying to escape and we had countless arguments. We are adapting now because she is slowly adapting but I don't know." He muttered while splashing the water in the pool with his feet.

"Don't know what?"

"It's just that... Sophia and I are two different people. In the beginning, I just did this to save our asses and to keep her safe but things has changed over these two months. I feel different about it now." He murmured.

"You like her, don't you?"

"I do but she doesn't feel the same. We had some moments but she would always brush it off or act weird after it. Sometimes, she would give me mixed signals and I don't like it Zayn.

Obviously I can't force her to like me but I am trying my best for her. I am trying to make her time here pleasant. Once I let Carmi befriend her, she was giving in a little and things changed for the good. Like yesterday morning, I woke you all up to Sophia screaming because I was playing around with her."

"It wasn't funny." I murmured annoyed and he chuckled, patting my shoulder.

"I am so sorry but I am very loving to my girl. I don't know about you." He teased and I shoved him playfully.

"Go to hell Liam. I am loving to my Carmi. I give her everything she wants and I am always there for her." Once again, he chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"How have things been between you two?"

"It's been okay. Nothing much has changed between us." I shrugged. "Oh really? What about that ring she has on her finger? You got married to her or engaged?" 

"No Liam. You know I wouldn't want her to be my wife in this mess. It's just a promise that I will marry her when we have our freedom. Besides, you think I would not invite you to the wedding? It wouldn't feel right without you guys there." I scoffed playfully.

"I would have been pissèd off with you if we weren't invited but you sure you want this?" He murmured.

"More than anything. She is the only girl who loves me more than any other bitch has and she has been there all the time for me. I know I don't threat her right at times and we argue over petty things but at the end of the day, I love Carmelita for who she is.

I know I also have changed her but it was a need for our gang. We couldn't have Carmi scared of everything when she knows that she has accepted her fate in the mess. She wanted it while I didn't but it doesn't matter anymore. We all have adapted to this and now it's time to get our revenge." 

And revenge is what we will all get, along with our freedom.


"Liam!" I grinned at him, sitting down in front of him who is seated behind a table, reading through some floor plans.

If I want Sophia to come out with me today, I obviously need to speak to Liam but also I need to be super convincing because Liam doesn't always like my ideas.

No one does actually, including Zayn.

And majority of the times it is very good ideas but you know men and their egos.

They are right and women are wrong - well, they can go fùck themselves.

Liam raised his eyebrows at me, dropping his pen on the table. "And why are you dressed like that?" He gestured to my clothing and I looked down.

All I am dressed in is a pair of black skinny jeans, a white blouse that shows a bit of cleavage, a black waistcoat and my Louboutin heels. 

"Out. That's why I am here. I want to ask you if I can take Soph with me." I smiled and Liam shook his head in disapproval.

"Oh no Carmelita. I am not letting Sophia go anywhere out without me present." 

"Liam please! I want to have a girl's day with her and she doesn't have much freedom." I whined and he squint his eyes at me.

"Did she say that?"

"No!" I lied, shaking my head. "Please. I will look after her and I am armed if anything does happen to any of us. Just do this for me Li. Pretty please." I pouted making him sigh in defeat.

"Fine! I'll let Sophia go with you but on one condition, you driving in my car and I will be calling you to check up. Is that a deal?"

"Deal! Thank you Liam!" A grin tugged on my lips and I got up from my seat to give him a hug. 

"Yeah. You owe me Madam." He mumbled against my chest.

The door opened and Zayn steps in, interrupting Liam and I.

Oh shít. 

I thought I can leave without Zayn knowing but that doesn't seem like its going happen.

"Where do you think you are going?" He crossed his arms against his chest while he leaned against the wall behind him.

"Out with Sophia." I said nonchalantly. "Without my permission? In your dreams." He scoffed making me glare at him.

"Zayn, I am going out. Whether you like it or not." "No, you not so get undressed and start training Sophia." He pointed to the door and I put my hands on my hips.

"It's just this once besides, what clothes is Sophia going to wear when I train her." 

"I don't give a fuçk Carmelita! You not setting a foot out of this house until I have gotten a house for us and until this week has passed because I know Sirus has his minions around town." Zayn said absurdly.


"Discussion closed! I warning you, I am not up for your bullşhit today so don't make me angry. Get undressed now. And don't even try to sneak out because you won't get far." He left the room and I sighed in annoyance, grabbing my phone out of my pocket.

"Is it a good time to say that I wont' be covering up for you?" Liam muttered and I glared at him while I wait for Donovan to answer his cell phone.

"Hola chicka! How are you?" Donovan says enthusiastically over the phone.

"I am fine. Listen, I need your help." I walked out of the room and into another empty room so that no one can hear my plan.

"Sure. What you need?"

"I need you to call Zayn, convince him that you need me to do a delivery for you." He chuckled, humming to himself.

"And why should I do that Carmi?"

"Because the ass doesn't want me to go out! I want to go out today with Sophia but he said straight no. Please, help me out." I murmured and he sighed. 

"Well, I do need some pills so I will cover for you just this once. I'll just say that I can't get hold of you."

"Thank you Dono! I owe you!" A grin tugged on my lips and Donovan chuckled.

"Sure baby girl. Hopefully, I will see you later." 

Hanging up on that phone call, I walked downstairs where Sophia was sitting on the couch, watching some stupid reality show. "Hey, are we going out?" "I am working on that. Just waiting for a phone call then hopefully, we will have our girl time."

"What about Liam? Is he okay with it?" She murmured and I nodded. "Yeah. He is alright with it." "Wow, you do really sort things out." Taking a seat next to her, I grabbed a packet of pills for Donovan and shoving it in my bag.

"Of course Soph." "What are you going to do with the đrugs?" Sophia whispered, looking down at her lap. "A delivery for Donovan. He asked-" 

"Carmelita!" Zayn yelled out from upstairs and I rolled my eyes as I stood up, heading upstairs to the boardroom where the rest of the men are. He waits outside the room, his arms across his chest and his jaw clenched, showing that he is angry.

"What is it?" 

"Do you really think I am stupid hey? You called Donovan to cover for you and it pissès me off further that I told you to stay at home over this short period of time. Can't you just fucking listen to me for once?!" 

"I don't-"

"Don't you dare fuckìng say you don't know what I am talking about! I hate it when you lie to me, especially when you don't get things your way!" Zayn seethed quietly.

No going out for you Carmelita.

"Carmelita, I don't care if Donovan needs pills or not, you not leaving this house. I told him if he really wanted it, he can come fetch it himself."

"Fine. Whatever." I mumbled and just as I was about to walk away, he grabs hold of my wrist.

"Don't you see I want to protect you and you not allowing me to. Sirus will capture you if you going to go on like this and I don't want that happening baby. Just try to agree with my decision so that we can focus on our plans. I want you and Sophia safe." 


I don't care how childish I am but I always get what I want and if I don't get it then I am upset. Most of the time, I throw a tantrum and it makes Zayn furious. 

But he does the same so I am not alone in this.

Zayn pulls me into his arms, cupping my face between his hands. "I love you so much and I don't want to lose you my Lita. Don't be angry with me besides, I am making it up for tomorrow. Two good things." 


"Yanita found us a house close by the gang house, so we must meet her at ten tomorrow and secondly, I have invited our friends over tomorrow for a pool party so it's going to be great day for you." 

"Thank you." I murmured and he kisses me against my lips briefly. "Hopefully you will agree to this house because right now, we both cranky with the lack of sèx happening right now." 

"I am not." I mumbled.

I am craving sèx so badly and it's only been two days.

"You can always give in. I won't mind." A smirk tugged on his lips and I shook my head. "No. I am not giving in. You must wait."

"Well, we don't have to wait longer. You do know tomorrow we are getting a house so what is one day waiting going to do? Make you crankier." Zayn grinned at me making me roll my eyes.

"You must suffer after yesterday's events."

"At least I am not alone my Lita." Chuckles escapes from his mouth and I break loose of his embrace. "Whatever Zayn. You better not disappoint me tomorrow with this house."

"Oh, you will love it. Yanita sent me some pictures and I like what I have seen so far. It's almost similar to our old house." 

"Sounds very promising. What about our stuff back at the old house?" "We will go fetch it Sunday when things have died down and there is a small surprising waiting for you there." 

"Surprise?" I raised my eyebrows at him in confusion. "The only 'surprise' I can think of is coming back to a wreaked house."

"That and something else. You must wait my Lita but I hope you will like it a lot." He cooed and a pout forms on my lips.

"Sunday is so far away. Let me leave you to work because I know you guys will be all up till two in the morning again."

"That's why we have the day off tomorrow. I'll see you later and train Sophia please." 

"Will do." I nodded and he kissed me one more time before he left. Taking off my shoes, I carried them in my hand while I made my way downstairs back to Sophia. 

"Carmi, when are we leaving?" She pouted.

"Change of plan. We are going to have to postpone our day till next week. Zayn's stupid orders and another one of his is to begin your training so we both going to get undressed into workout clothes and meet me at the stairs in ten minutes alright?"

"That sucks but sure, I'll do that."

Taking ten minutes to get undressed and put on my sneakers, shorts and tank top; Sophia was standing at the staircase for me dressed in spanks, a tank-top and sneakers. "I see I chose the correct clothing for what we going to do."

"That's right but first; I am going to fill you in on information about Sirus. Follow me." I gestured her follow me as I walked down the hallway, going into the second boardroom that withholds every single piece of information about Sirus.

This room has pin boards, photographs, anything that we need to know about Sirus and some of our ideas how to kill him. One thing I hate about this room is that it's so untidy and most of the time you can't get around in here.

"Oh my god. This room is so busy." She gasps, looking around the room to grasp her surroundings. "You can say that again. What do you know about Sirus?"

"Barely anything. All I know is that everyone wants to kill him and Liam is protecting me from him due to previous events."

"I am going to scare you a little but this is reality Sophia. This is our life until he dies so embrace yourself." She nodded and came closer to the pin board where all of Sirus's history is pinned on.

"Before I start, I understand why Liam did it but you do need to know. Please don't say one word to anyone when we leave this room alright?" Once again, Sophia nodded in agreement and I took a deep breath in.

"Sirus killed Liam's previous girlfriend and it's been really hard for him. For all of us, actually. Danielle would have been seven years in this gang this year and Liam was married to her."

"Oh my god! Poor Liam!" She gasped, covering her mouth with both of her hands in utter shock.

"But that's not the end of the story. Louis's girlfriend was killed as well. Eleanor would have been five years in the gang though. That's why those two are harsh on everyone. Liam just wants to protect you Soph and he does care for you so allow him in. I know it's hard for you but you have a loving man with you." I murmured and she nodded.

"How long have they been dead?" "Two years. Moving on, this is how Sirus looks like." Handing her a photograph of the man who is troublesome, a frown appeared on her face.

"Am I the only one who expected some ugly, old man?" I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Absolutely no. I thought the same but this is Sirus Gonzalez. Forty three years old. America's richest and notorious gang leader of all time. Sirus has been involved in gangsterism for twenty-seven years. He is known for most shootings happening downtown, school massacres and kidnapping young girls to be his şex slaves. Obviously, he has us under his control because we can't do anything we want.

He has given us the freedom of moving around the state but we can't ever leave this state. We also have the freedom of living a comfortable lifestyle but other than that, we have to be cautious because he holds something against every single one of us.

Sirus doesn't know about you but once he does, his motif is most likely to kill you. For me, he is infatuated in me so his ultimate goal is for me to be his sęx slave and his 'wife' which I find so disgusting."

"Sirus doesn't look his age though."

I agree with her.

Sirus is somehow attractive and he does carry his age very well. He is like every typical Mexican man who reaches their forties yet still looks in their early thirties.

After all the shiť he puts in his body on a daily basis, one would be surprised this bastąrd is still alive.

He is very bulky, jet black hair, brown eyes and still has that strong Mexican accent. Despite the attractive physical appearance of this man, he everyone's worst nightmare.

Sirus has absolutely zero respect to women, zero tolerance of disobedience and a heart of stone. All he cares about is sèx, đrugs, money and killing but what is so perverted that he only likes women from the ages sixteen to twenty-one.

When Sirus found out about me, all he wanted was me because he was infatuated with my innocence and the fact that I was a viŕgin. Obviously, I am no longer that person but Sirus is still determined to get hold of me to torture Zayn because he knows that once he has me, he has taken the other half of Zayn.

But also, he is furious of what Zayn has made me today. He ripped every ounce of my innocence away to make me this woman who is fearless, stubborn and provocative.

"He does carry his age well but that's not the point. This man has caused so much trouble to the people of this country and even to us as you can see what he has done to Liam and Louis. That's why we all need to work together to kill him so that everyone can have their freedom and carry on with their lives.

I am sure you know this but majority of gang members has been under Sirus's control for approximately seven to eight years. From the age of sixteen, the men have all made a deal with this guy and the only way to get out is by killing him. None of us wanted this; it was all forced on us.

For the ladies in the gang, we either willing or forced into this mess. I was willing though."

"No offense but why would you do that to yourself? Choose captivity over freedom." She muttered in annoyance.

"I was tired of being who I was when I was sixteen. You wouldn't understand. In the beginning, I did regret it but I have everything I ever wanted because of Zayn so I am alright with it."

"You knew Zayn from such a young age. Did anyone know about your relationship?"

"Only my best friend and her mother."

I miss Kylie and her mother, Renata.

"And just to clear something and I am asking you not to say a word, Zayn and I only started having sęx when I was seventeen. Yes, that is mandatory rãpe but I was willing. It was never against my will and he never pressured me to have śex."

"It's your choice and I wouldn't say a word to anyone. Society has kids who are having sèx at the age of thirteen so that is not as bad as your situation." 

"But most of the time, they having śex with people their age. I was having sęx with a twenty-one year old at the age of seventeen." I pointed out.

"But there are girls sleeping around with much older guys. My cousin who just turned eighteen was sleeping with a guy that is ten years older than her." "Now that is insane." I shook my head in disbelief.

"So sleeping with Zayn isn't that bad as my cousin. Anyway, I don't think that's what we are supposed to be discussing. Going back to Sirus."

"Usually the men always do the planning while we do the side jobs; well it depends on the gang members. Before, I use to just do deliveries and messages but as time went by and I was changing, I was given jobs like all men do in the gang – kill, steal and deliveries.

To be really honest, the women are always used as bait for majority of situations. You will see when it comes to festivals. Even though we all exploited in a disrespectful manner, we will get rewarded at the end of it.

For example, when make deliveries for Donovan; I easily make five-hundred to a thousand dollars. Festival time, when I am used for bait, Zayn takes me out for the day to shop anywhere I want and I still get a little something from the gangs. It depends also who you fucķing with and how wealthy is the man you with."

Sophia scrunches her face in disgust and I shrugged. "I have to be blunt. It's just who I am and it's the truth. This is going to sound very blunt but you can easily get anything from Liam. Despite his past and his loving side, you're with a wealthy man and when you contribute yourself to anything, you will be rewarded. If you were fućking with Liam, you could just have one up on yourself.

I know this because I couldn't get much out of Zayn right in the beginning. Now that I am fuckiñg him and I have contributed a lot, I can get anything in a blink of an eye. I am not tooting my own flute or anything but many girls, who are involved in this mess, envy me."


"Because of whom I am fućking with and I get what I want. I am an asset to everyone and I am willing to help wherever I can. If I have to get my hands dirty, I will do it and not many girls have the courage to do it.

Another thing I found out from some gang members, they after me sexųally. I would never stoop so low because I love Zayn and after what he has done for me, it would be out of line." I raised my right hand in front of me to show Sophia my ring.

"That's why Zayn gave me this ring. His promise to marry me but also to show to every gang member that I am committed to Zayn and no one else."

"Yikes. I am not envious of you, just pointing that out." Sophia said in reassurance and I chuckled. "I know that and thank you very much. It's nice to know there are fewer people who are bitchinģ about me."

"I actually owe it to you because all you have done for me is being nice and help me adapt to this." "It's no problem. Like I said, I would do anything for anyone because I do care." I smile at Sophia and she returns one at me.

"Alright, I am done talking about Sirus for today. We will continue later or Saturday because tomorrow is a fun day for us."

"Fun day? What's happening?" She frowned in confusion.

"Zayn invited all our gang friends over for a pool party. It's been a while since I have seen them and this is going to be Zayn and I's first one in a very long time since the whole disagreement." "That does sound like fun. What are we going to do now?"

"Workout for two hours. I am warning you now; I will try to go easy on you but no promises."

》 》 》

Alright, so you know a little bit about Sirus but there is much more to the story and you got something from Zayn's POV! Woo hoo! 

Merry Christmas to all you honeys! Hope you get showered in presents! 

I'll update again next week before new's years.

Bye bye! XO 

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