Maid of Honor: Prisoner of th...

By PamHursey

543K 14K 1.1K

Finally Jace and Devon are dead and Morgan and Alec have an unbreakable bond. But again before the wedding is... More

The Underworld
Gone Again Alec's POV
Warrior's Heart (Ace's POV)
Broken Connections
Trouble in Paradise
New Recruits
Long Time Waiting (VIctor's POV)
Date Night
Luke's Story
Visitors with shocking news
Twisted Desires No More
New Found Love
Lion's Tigers and Oh Shit
Power Trip
Training Alec's POV
Meeting the Angels
Let the nightmare begin
A night to remember (Alec's POV)
Stuck in hell with a Psycho
Princesses are annoying
Spells Gone Bad
Chapter 25 Reconnecting
Chapter 27 Escape
Chapter 28 Surprise Visit
Chapter 29 Beginning
Chapter 30 Love and Loss Part 1
Chapter 31 Love and Loss Part 2
Chapter 32 At Peace
Chapter 33 The Big Day
Chapter 34 Awakening
Teaser for Book 3

From Guardian Angel to Dark Angel (Zeke's POV)

15K 408 40
By PamHursey

Chapter 18 From Guardian Angel to Dark Angel (Zeke’s POV)

4 years ago

“Zeke we have a new assignment for you” David said. David is the oldest Guardian Angel here and the wisest. His flowing golden brown hair falling just past his shoulders in soft waves framing the strong features of his face. Those bright blue eyes that match the sky on a clear summer day. The pure white wings on his back were the largest any angel has seen. I stood in the meadow just outside Summerville. The girl I’ve been watching was only 8 with cancer that killed her a few days ago. It was the hardest thing to watch but when I took her spirit she said she knew whenever I was in the room and it made dying easier. Dying should never be easy for a child but when you can’t do anything else I guess that is better than being scared. Her name was Sunshine and her smile was just a bright as her name. When I was human I was a doctor in the Children’s hospital. Treating kids was always a dream of mine because that is what my mother did. My father was also a doctor that is how they met. They loved children like myself and Sunshine wasn’t any different. She told me about this place. It was filled with wild flowers, tall grass and surrounded by trees. I finally looked at David to see him just staring into the distance.

“What is it” I asked making David turn to me.

“There is a boy we need you to watch. He will be very important to future events. You need to stay with him at all times.” David explained.

“Is he sick” I asked hoping just once he said no.

“No, but he is very, very important. You must protect him” David said waving his hand so an image of a little boy covered the sky. He was about 5 or 6 years old with light brown hair and forest green eyes. There was nothing showing him to be sick or unhealthy in anyway. The huge smile said he was happy.

“Where does he live” I asked not taking my eyes off his face.

“California” David turned to me then “he is a were, the last of his kind and will need to be protected because he hasn’t shifted yet. When he does his power will be greater than most. He will be very important to future events.”

“What is he” I couldn’t help but ask.

“You will find out. Just protect him” David said before waving his hand and sending me to a small town in California.

What shocked me the most was the area the boy lived in. Run down houses, dead grass, trash littering the streets and drunk or drugged up people all over. Now I see why he needs protecting.

“Liam get your ass to school you’re going to be late” a guy screamed from the small white house in front of me. The house was a one story with small windows and no porch just a few steps down from the grey door. The other houses were much the same. While I was standing there looking around, the door to the house flew open and the little boy from the image came running out of the house with a huge smile on his little face. He shot down the street with a transformers backpack bouncing up and down on his back. He was fast for such a little kid but he seemed happy running. Spreading my large white and silver wings I shot into the sky following close behind Liam. He ran all the way to school and all the way home every day. He was so energetic that no one could keep up with him. Over the years I never left him, watching his every move. He continued to grow and change till one night when he was 8 years old he ran into a park not far from his house. It was something he never did, whenever it got dark he always stayed inside. This neighborhood isn’t that great after dark. But I followed him to the deserted park and watched as he fell to the ground screaming and crying. His little body withered on the ground as his bones snapped and broke. He was in so much pain that I knelt down beside him. I rested my hand on his back knowing he couldn’t feel it but as I rubbed small circles and pushed my power into him he calmed down. We have the power to calm people and take away their pain. That was what I did, pulled the pain out of his body. Within a few minutes his body shifted and before me stood a beautiful cheetah cub. He was magnificent with glowing orange eyes with black rings on the edge. He turned around several times before stopping and looking right at me. How? He shouldn’t be able to see me. But when he jumped into my arms I knew he could see me, just didn’t know how. But now I understood his joy of running. His fur was like silk and a beautiful gold color that rivaled the sun. Tiny black spots covered his body but right on top of his head was a strange mark that seemed to resemble a flame in a circle. If the flame wasn’t red I never would have noticed it. This boy really is special. Liam curled up in my lap and fell asleep. Carrying him back to his house and sneaking in through the window he jumped out of I laid the now little boy in bed and covered him up.

“He finally shifted” I said to the dark room. David stepped out of the shadows with a smile. David took an interest in Liam when he found out that he was special. I have already grown attached to the little boy.

“Good he is very smart too. He knows you’re here now but can only see you in his other form but don’t be surprised if he talks to you now” David said then disappeared.

David was right Liam talked to me all the time but never got upset that he couldn’t hear my reply. Every night we went to the park so he could shift and run. When I talked to him he could hear me and always sat close to me. We would play for hours before he fell asleep in my arms. He told me how his parents were attacked by rouges while he was at school. His father had been the last cheetah and his mother was a witch. Normally were’s stick to mating with others of their kind but since there were no other cheetahs he mated with a witch. They loved each other and Liam so that was all that mattered. When his parents died, because they lived in the human world Liam was put into foster care. The people he live with only have him for the money but at least they don’t abuse him. Probably because he always stays to himself. Donna, his foster mother does make sure he eats and is clean but other than that she doesn’t pay attention. James, his foster father is just drunk or high all the time so he doesn’t do anything really. I’m not even sure he remembers Liam is there half the time.

“Zeke, I want to move to the Palace with the vampires” Liam said out of nowhere. We were walking home from school like always but this time Liam seemed to be thinking about something. Why would he want to go to the vampires? I wanted to ask but knew he couldn’t hear me. Liam turned 10 two months ago and has been lost in his thoughts a lot lately.

Just then a women screamed, crying for help that sounded pained. I wanted to help her but knew I couldn’t leave Liam.

“Go help her Zeke, I’m fine” Liam said like he knew what I was thinking. He didn’t have to tell me twice, I took off toward the sound of cries. It took me to an alley closer to town. How the heck did I hear her that far away?

The woman had light brown hair, green eyes and a thin body. She was wearing some fancy dress that fell to her knees and had thin straps on her shoulders. She was rather pretty which is probably why the guy in front of her decided to attack her. He was grungy looking with greasy blond hair, blue eyes and nasty yellow teeth. His body towered over the woman as he advanced her. With every step he took she took one back, her body shaking with fear. But something felt different about her, a power that was inside her trying to get loose. She didn’t seem to know it was there but as I got closer to her the stronger the feeling got.

“Please, leave me alone” She begged.

“But I want to feel you, taste you” he laughed. The women was shaking with fear and I knew I needed to help her. Pressing my hand to her back she froze, and her power flowed through me like a jolt of electric. She didn’t move as the power flowed through both of us but when the guy grabbed her arms she snapped out of the trance she was in. I jerked my hand away like I’d been burnt.

What happened next shocked me and her. She slammed her hands into the guy’s chest sending a bright white light shooting out of her palms. The guy’s body went flying through the air, landing across the street in a heap. The women stood there staring at her hands when another guy appeared in front of her. When she looked up at him he smiled. It was Prince Collin of the Vampires. What is he doing here?

“What is your name beautiful” the Prince asked not taking his eyes away from hers.

“Um…I…Julia” she stuttered out.

“Zeke” David’s voice boomed behind me. I spun around to see David looking sad and angry.

“David?” I asked

“You failed Zeke, you left Liam and now he’s dead” David growled. My eyes went wide, mouth agape.

“But how? I’ve only been away for 10 minutes or so. What happened?” I gasp not sure how he could be gone.

“A drunk driver ran up on the sidewalk hitting him. The fool didn’t even have his lights on. Liam is gone and you’re done. Liam was very important to all our futures” David said in a sad tone while shaking his head.

But I was stuck on the words ‘you’re done’. I was about to lose my wings but the only thing I could think about was Liam. I’ve grown to love that boy like a son and now he was gone. What have I done? Tears fell down my face as all the times we played in the park danced through my mind.

“I hereby condemn you to the underworld” was the only thing I heard before the pain of my wings being cut off started. Pain ripped through my body, tears falling and my heart empty.

“I’m sorry, you will understand in time” I heard David whisper before my body was sucked into the underworld.

Present Day:

How could I not know who she was? How did I miss it before? Morgan looks just like Julia and it still took several days to remember who she was. Morgan is going to hate me when she finds out I’m the one that started all this. I’m the one that awakened Julia’s power and involved her in this world. I’m the reason Morgan is here, the reason she met Alec. She will hate me forever and the idea of that makes me sick. I don’t want her to hate me, I can’t let her find out but I can’t lie to her either. Ever since she used her power on me to get rid of the demon controlling my body I’ve been connected to her. She doesn’t know it but I’m now her angel. Which means I do as she says no matter what. I can’t lie to her and can’t not do what she tells me to do. She doesn’t feel the connection because it is the connection I get with the people I’m in charge of but I wasn’t assigned to Morgan. More like she commanded the bond between us with her power. I don’t think I could break this connection even if I wanted to and if she hates me then I’ll never be able to go on. She is too important to everyone including me.

Alec is getting suspicious and asking question about why I’m avoiding Morgan so I know it won’t be long before she comes looking for me to find out what is going on. That is unless Alec does it himself and I don’t think that will end well. The training we had earlier was more than enough questions from Alec and I really don’t want more not even from Morgan. When I walked into the kitchen and saw her laughing it was an amazing feeling. Seeing that beautiful smile light up those green eyes was something I’ve never felt before. She has a way of pulling you in and wrapping you around her finger till you would do anything for her. Even when the demon was still in me I wanted to protect her even though the demon wanted to do more.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the door opened and in walked the person I’ve been avoiding. Morgan stood in the doorway of my room where I’ve been hiding out since I figured out who Julia was. Her long brown hair fell around her face, a smile on her lips and dressed in her normal jeans and form fitting shirt. If I was human I’d say I wanted her but being an angel I just feel the need to protect her. Although kissing her was amazing and worth the slap I got. Something came over me in the moment and all I could think about was kissing her. There was no need to do it to bring her back home because even though Victor had a spell put on the place to keep everyone from teleporting it didn’t stop me from going as I pleased. Victor never knew that though which helped us in the long run.

“Haven’t seen you in a while” Morgan said from the doorway. I looked at her to see her staring at me with a questioning look on her face. Alec must have told her what happened while we were training.

“Well you have been busy and I didn’t want to get in the way” I lied praying she wouldn’t demand the truth from me. The only problem is Morgan seems to know whenever someone is lying and very good at picking up on people’s actions.

“Really? Cause it seems to me that you have made sure you were nowhere around whenever something was happening. Now you want to try that again” She smiled at me and I knew she was giving me the chance to tell her the truth. I was lying on the bed staring at her when she moved over to sit on the bed by my feet. Just being this close to her made it harder to ignore the feeling to spill my guts to her. The power this girl has is so strong it makes the hair on my body stand up. Like an electric current flowing around me whenever she is near.

“I can’t” I started not sure if I could tell her and see the look of hurt on her face. She arched an eyebrow and twisted her lips into a frown that was actually really cute.

“Tell me Zeke” she demanded and instantly that need to tell her everything had me sitting up and staring into those deep green eyes.

“I’m the reason you are here” I said watching her reaction which was just a blank stare so I continued “I’m the one that awakened Julia’s power.”

“Huh” she said tilting her head to the side and scrunching up her nose like she was thinking.

“Remember when I said I saved a women but lost the little boy I was in charge of watching? Well that women is your sister. I awakened the powers in her to help save her. It took me awhile to figure out who she was but when I realized it I knew you would hate me. I’m the reason you are here in this situation” I explained waiting for the screaming and yelling, waiting for the moment she says she hates me and never wants to see me again. When I saw the tears in her eyes I got confused. Why would she be crying? Did I deceive her that much?

“You saved Jules but lost the little boy you were supposed to watch? Why? I mean what made you go help her? How did you even know she needed help?” She rambled shaking her head.

“Liam, the little boy lived in California and I heard your sister scream for help. I don’t know why I heard her, she was so far away but it seemed like something I had to do. Maybe it was because I was a guardian angel I don’t know. All I know is I helped her and lost Liam”

“Wait, I thought you said you saw the girl getting attacked?”

“I told you what you wanted to hear without going into detail. Now I’m going into detail because you need to know. I’m sorry Morgan I didn’t mean for any of this to happen” before I could finish what I was saying Morgan threw herself at me wrapping her arms around my neck. It sent chills down my spine having her body against mine but as I wrapped my arms around her holding her to me I felt the most amazing feeling in the world. It felt like I was whole again, like everything was the way it was meant to be.

“Thank you” Morgan whispered into my ear before pulling away to look at me. Her eyes went wide as she jumped away from me. What is wrong now?

“You…your eyes…your wings…your beautiful” she gasp looking between me and behind me. Personally I was confused. Why would she say I was beautiful? Morgan reached a hand out slowly going toward my wings. When her hand brushed over the feathers those chills returned but I didn’t take my eyes off her as she stared in awe at the wings she seen countless times already.

“I’ve never seen silver wings before” she mumbled. I glanced over my shoulder to in fact see silver wings, the black ones gone. I shot off the bed making Morgan squeal and ran over to the bathroom to look in mirror. My eyes were no longer red but the clear blue they used to be, my hair was black again and my beautiful wings were pure silver. Before they were white and silver but now they were all silver. I didn’t know what it meant but when I turned around Morgan was leaning against the door frame smiling at me.

“How?” I asked making her shrug.

“I don’t know maybe it’s because I don’t hate you and you forgave yourself for what happened to Liam”

“But I didn’t forgive myself for what happened to him. I’m the reason he died. I’m the reason one of the most powerful wereanimals is now gone” I said seeing Morgan stiffen. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that since she is so protective of the were’s.

“What do you mean? What was he?” she demanded but before she could say or do anything I felt myself being pulled away. The room disappearing and everything getting brighter.


SOOOO Sorry for the long wait, but this was hard. I wrote it like 3 times and i'm still not sure I like it. But you all can let me know and if I need to make changes I will. Hopefully though you enjoy, i'll try to upload faster from now on since i'm only working sundays.



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