Arctic Love

Od KatieTawaststjerna

642K 11.4K 7.6K

Draco Malfoy is known to be the bad boy of Slytherin. He has a close group of friends consisting only of Slyt... Více

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Sorry
Chapter 3: Home
Chapter 4: Drama
Chapter 5: Dark Times
Chapter 6: Happy Birthday
Chapter 7: Talk To Me
Chapter 8: Secret
Chapter 9: Party Time
Chapter 10: Finally
Chapter 11: Late
Chapter 12: News
Chapter 13: I Like Him
Chapter 14: Plan
Chapter 15: Elena
Chapter 16: Truth
Chapter 17: Be Careful
Chapter 18: Love
Chapter 19: DA
Chapter 20: Play Hard
Chapter 21: Lies
Chapter 22: Three Words
Chapter 23: No Fairytale Ending
Chapter 24: We Have To Talk
Chapter 26: Surprise
Chapter 27: The Darkest Night
Chapter 28: Time Apart
Chapter 29: Small Vacation
Chapter 30: Everyone Knew
Chapter 31: End Of All
Chapter 32: Weasleys Wizard Wheezes
Chapter 33: Fight Or Die
Chaptet 34: Visit
Chapter 35: This makes Things Hard
Chapter 36: Meet The Family
Chapter 37: Now Or Never
Chapter 38: End Of A Long Night
Chapter 39: Not Possible
Chapter 40: Whatever
Chapter 41: What's Going On?
Chapter 42: Nothing Will Break Us
Chapter 43: Where Are You
Chapter 44: Stress
Chapter 45: Gone Forever
Chapter 46: Goodbye
Chapter 47: Talk To Me
Chapter 48: Home
Chapter 49: Letters
Chapter 50: Waterfalls
Chapter 51: Questions
Authors Notes

Chapter 25: Are You Sure?

12.2K 222 153
Od KatieTawaststjerna

Maddy and I finish lunch and leave the Slytherin table. I tell Draco I'll see him later and we walk to the corridor. We start to walk back to the common room when I hear Hermione behind us.

"Elena!" She yells running up to us.   

"Oh hey, um, Maddy I'll see you later okay" I say

"Okay" she says smiling and  turning on her heel and continues down the hall.

"Let's go," Hermione says linking arms with me.

I smile at her and we start to walk down the corridor. We take about twenty turns and go up two flights of stairs. We talk about Harry and Ron and all the drama Harry is dealing with. Apparently he's having bad nightmares and acting strange.

"Maybe you can talk to him?" She asks

"Okay, I'll try" I say

We come to the big white wall and soon the black doors appear to let us in. We see Harry, Luna, Fred and George, waiting for us.

"Hey, Elena," George says walking up to me.

"Hey, George," I say giving him a quick hug.

"How are you feeling?" He asks

"What do you mean?" I ask back

"Well we figured that you slept for so long because you were sick or bloody clever," he says

I laugh and him and roll my eyes.

"I just had a late night," I say

"Oh course you did," he says

"We knew you were the crazy one in the family," Fred says grabbing me from behind.

I let out a small scream of shock and look back at him and smile. Soon Pavarti and Neville walk in. I give them a small wave and they smile at me.

"Alright everyone, let's get started," Harry says walking into the center of the room.

We all make a circle around him and he makes sure we're all here.

"Okay, so today we will work on disarming your opponent, this is a pretty basic skill but will become very useful if you're ever in danger," he says

"Alright, so everyone pair up with someone," Hermione says.

Parvati and Neville go together, so do Fred and George. I go with Hermione and Ron goes with Luna. We stand into lines across from each other and line up with our opponents.

"Expelliarmus is an easy spell, you will give your wand a quick circle and flick," Harry says

He looks at Hermione almost to ask if she can demonstrate. Hermione nods and walks over to Harry and stands across from him.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry says clearly and flicks his wand.

Hermione's wand is shot out of her hand and lands behind her. We all clap for Harry as Hermione picks up her wand. We all know that she could have blocked that spell in a heart beat.

Hermione walks back over to me and we get ready.

"You first Elena," she says

I take a deep breath and practice the wand movement a few times. Circle and flick.

I look at Hermione to make sure she's ready and try.

"Expelliarmus," I say and flick my wand

A small green light shoots from my wand and hits Hermione's wand.

"Very good Elena," Harry says walking by.

"Your turn," I say to Hermione as she gets in position.

"Expelliarmus," she says loudly.

I see the green light and my wand it hit out of my hand. I smile at her and pick up my wand. I look over at everyone and some other have done it. Pavarti and Luna can do it, so could Fred and George. Neville is still trying but I'm sure he'll get it.

Harry walks around the room and watches as everyone tries the new spell. He's definitely gotten more confident and comfortable teaching us.


"Ms.Bell?" I hear Professor McGonagall ask. "What would that do?" She asks

"The rat should turn red," I say

"Very good" she's says

Transfiguration wasn't my favorite class but it was still interesting. I remember the first time I ever saw transfiguration. Professor McGonagall turned a rat into a glass. I remember Rob tried to and he got a half rat, half cup thing.

"Alright class, please read page 275 and write a minimum of ten lines on what to do if your object turns the wrong color," Professor McGonagall says.

I pack up my books and Alex walks up to me.

"Hey, have you seen Draco?" He asks

"No, I haven't seen him since this morning," I say

"Neither have I," Alex says

He hasn't seen him either? They have all their classes together today. How could he miss all of his classes?

"I'll find him," I say picking up my big and leaving the classroom.

I wonder where he is? He's not supposed to miss classes, it's a bad example for the younger students. He might be in his room.

I walk back towards the common room and keep a quick pace. I gave small smiles to anyone who would say hi to me not wanting to start any conversation. I walk down the to the dungeon and to the common room and walk in. I see Beth and Claire sitting in the couch.

"Hey Elena," Claire says

"Hey, have you seen Draco anywhere?" I asked giving her a quick hug.

"No, but I'll keep an eye out for him," she says

"Okay, I'll be right back, I'm gonna check his room," I say walking towards the corridor.

Claire sits back down with Maddy and I walk down our corridor. I rush up to his door and knock on it.

"Draco?" I say standing close to the door.

There is no answer and I start to get worried. No one has seen him all day and he's not here? I then heard footsteps coming down the hall and snap my head it the direction of the sound. It's Draco.

"Draco!" I yell excited

I run down the corridor and throw myself at him. He wraps his arms around me and I squeeze him.

"What's going on?" He asks

"I should be asking you that," I say looking up at him. " Where have you been all day?" I ask.

"I was just working on something," he says.

I decide to not ask too many questions and just enjoy him being back.

"Alright, well we should go to dinner," I say looking down the corridor to the common room.

"We have some time," Draco says taking my hand and pulling me towards our rooms. We walk into his room and he closes the door behind us and I look around his room.

"Draco, we really don't have that much.." I'm cut off by Draco's lips hitting me in a kiss.

I let myself fall into his kiss and close my eyes. We kiss and we start to walk backward. I feel the wall press against my back and Draco put his hands on my face. We move in sync and I feel the butterflies in my stomach explode. I run my hand through his hair and put my hand on his chest. I can feel his heartbeat moving quickly and I notice how intense our kisses are getting.

Draco moves his hand down to my waist and pulls me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and let he have full control of what's going to happen.

His kiss has gone from gentle and sweet to hot and rough. His grip around my waist has gotten tighter and there's no way I can pull away from him.

I move my hand to grab my wand and grab it out of my back pocket. I flick my wand at the door and hear it lock. I ten toss my wand on the floor and wrap my arm around Draco again.

Draco slowly pulls away but doesn't loosen his grip. I feel his breath on my cheek and I look into his eyes.

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too," I say back

I know exactly what he wants. I never thought of Draco like this. I never thought about doing this with him at all. I just hope I'm ready for this.

I feel him lift me up by my waist and I feel the wall against my back again. I wrap my legs around his waist and our lips meet again for a hot kiss.

"I love you," I say

"You're my entire world, Elena," he says looking up at me. "You're special, I want you to feel special," he says.

In other words, he doesn't want me to feel pressured. That's so cheesy. Of course, I feel special with Draco. How could I not?

"If you're sure," I say with a smile. "Then..."

Draco gives me a small kiss and starts walking, as he holds onto me. 

"I'm sure," he says moving me over to the bed.

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