The New Girl*Edward Cullen ♥...

By JaspersWife2

1.4M 25.4K 2.9K

A hybrid comes to Forks Washington, and finds her mate in a certain bronze haired vampire.Will he pick her ov... More

Amila Carson
First Day Of School
Edward's Pov
Amila's Pov
Second Day Of School
In The Green House
Author's Note
Edward Flirts
Port Angeles
Some Secrets Are Out
Talking To The Family
Waking Up To A Surprise
Edward And Amila Day
It's All About Amila
In The Woods
Edward's Family
Author's Note
Third Person's Pov
Bad Bella!
I Like Watching You Sleep
Playing Baseball
Being Chased
Being Chased Part 2
In Phoenix
Author's Note
Another Authors Note
Author's Note
The Fight
Author's Note
Waking Up
Best Friends Day
Selene's Mate
Author's Note
Trip Time
Kraven's Death & Marcus Awakens
Facing Marcus
Selene's Starts To Remember
Alexander Convinues
Need help
Blood Map
Final Battle Part 2
Author's Note
Final Battle Part 3
Back In Forks
Author's Note
Amila's Pov
School Day
A Intruder
Spending Time With The Pack
At The Cullens
Author's Note
Graduation Day And Party
Jasper's Story
Battle Plan's
Alone With Edward
The Camp Site
The Fight
Meeting The Guard
Visiting Jacob
Author's Note
It's Time
Planing The Wedding
Edward And Amila's Wedding
Honeymoon Time
Fun Night
A Fun Day
Back Home
Wendy & William
The Plan
Selene's Idea
The Baby's Thoughts
Attacked & Birth
Author's Note
"My beautiful baby boy."
Author's Note
Immortal Children
Uninvited Guest
Sad News
Not a Chapter
Camp Site
In The Clearing
Happy Ending
I'm Curious
Alright I'll do it!
I did it!
Author's Note

Final Battle

6.5K 142 3
By JaspersWife2

*Selene's pov*

Edward was with Amila's body in a private room.While the guard's took me and Paul to Alexander.When we got there,we saw him surrounded in blood.I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

Alexander: "Did he get the pendant?"

Me: "Yes."

Alexander: "He's to powerful for you alone."

Me: "I have Paul and Edward.I know he'll want revenge for Amila, just like I do."

Alexander: "That's not what I meant.You had a sample of my blood, and that was just the test.You have to stop him."

Me: "You are the only one older than he is, the only one stronger.You could have killed him yourself."

Alexander: "No matter what he's become...he is my son."

That just made me feel even worse.

Alexander: "You are the last hope left.There is only one way to defeat him."

Our eye's went wide when he cut his wrist.Then held it up to me.

Alexander: "Your going to need it all."

I paused.

Alexander: "Quickly,now...before there is no more legacy left in my veins."

I quickly kneeled down and took his wrist.But looked at him.

Me: "You sure?"

Alexander: "Yes."

I bite his wrist and drank his blood, when I stopped and looked at him.He just kept staring at me.

Alexander: "Go now."
(In The Helicopter)

Edward brought Amila's body, and they put her in a body bag.We got into the helicopter,her body was between me and Edward.I looked down and unzipped the bag, I looked at her still body.I couldn't help but feel tears in my eye's.
*3rd Person's pov*

They are getting close to their destination.The lead guard looked at the them.

Guard: "We're getting close."

Paul and Selene look's in front, Edward didn't care about the view.Selene started remembering the entrance inside.

Selene: "Head back around towards the river."

Paul: "You remember something?"

Selene: "Yes."

They did as they were told.

Guard: "I don't see a way inside."

Selene point's at a spot.

Selene: "There used to be a river entrance just there.It must be submerged now."

The guard looks at his crew.

Guard: "Looks like we're getting wet."

Everyone but Edward and Selene puts on a mask, and everything.

Selene: "Closer."

When they get closer,Selene and Edward quickly dive in the river.

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