Arctic Love

By KatieTawaststjerna

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Draco Malfoy is known to be the bad boy of Slytherin. He has a close group of friends consisting only of Slyt... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Sorry
Chapter 3: Home
Chapter 4: Drama
Chapter 5: Dark Times
Chapter 6: Happy Birthday
Chapter 7: Talk To Me
Chapter 8: Secret
Chapter 9: Party Time
Chapter 11: Late
Chapter 12: News
Chapter 13: I Like Him
Chapter 14: Plan
Chapter 15: Elena
Chapter 16: Truth
Chapter 17: Be Careful
Chapter 18: Love
Chapter 19: DA
Chapter 20: Play Hard
Chapter 21: Lies
Chapter 22: Three Words
Chapter 23: No Fairytale Ending
Chapter 24: We Have To Talk
Chapter 25: Are You Sure?
Chapter 26: Surprise
Chapter 27: The Darkest Night
Chapter 28: Time Apart
Chapter 29: Small Vacation
Chapter 30: Everyone Knew
Chapter 31: End Of All
Chapter 32: Weasleys Wizard Wheezes
Chapter 33: Fight Or Die
Chaptet 34: Visit
Chapter 35: This makes Things Hard
Chapter 36: Meet The Family
Chapter 37: Now Or Never
Chapter 38: End Of A Long Night
Chapter 39: Not Possible
Chapter 40: Whatever
Chapter 41: What's Going On?
Chapter 42: Nothing Will Break Us
Chapter 43: Where Are You
Chapter 44: Stress
Chapter 45: Gone Forever
Chapter 46: Goodbye
Chapter 47: Talk To Me
Chapter 48: Home
Chapter 49: Letters
Chapter 50: Waterfalls
Chapter 51: Questions
Authors Notes

Chapter 10: Finally

18.4K 341 266
By KatieTawaststjerna

I wake up on the floor with Maddy on my right and Beth on me left. I lift my head and feel the massive headache I have. The sun is brighter than ever and I feel awful. I sit up on my elbows and nudge Maddy then Beth.      

Maddy wakes up with a groan and looks at me.

"What time is it?" She asks rubbing her eyes.

"I don't know, I just got up," I say looking around the room.

We had somehow made it to our room and it didn't look like a disaster.

"Hey" I hear Beth say as she rolls on her side to see Maddy and I.

"Where's Claire?" Beth asks

She was right. Claire wasn't here. Where was she? Could she still be in the common room? Maybe she passed out on a couch.

"She's with Blaise," Maddy said

"What!?" I say excitedly, looking over at Maddy.

"Really?" Beth says.

I can tell that she's just as excited as I am.

"Calm down guys," Maddy says rolling her eyes. "Blaise took her to his room last night because she had to much so drink." She said

I look at Beth disappointed.

I roll my eyes and let out a sigh. I force myself to my feet and look down at Maddy and Beth.

"I'll get her," I say heading for the door.

"Love you," Maddy says rolling on her side and falling back asleep.

I walk into the hall and down the corridor. The common room has been cleared leaving no evidence that there was a party at all. I walk down to the boys' room and go to Blaise's room.

I knock on the door and it opens. Standing in the doorway is a very tired and very shirtless Draco and he's surprised to see me.

"Is Claire here?" I ask

"she's still asleep," Draco says moving aside so I can come in.

I rush into the room and see Claire sleeping in one of the beds. I grin and shake my head as I walk over to her and crouch beside her.I shake her a little and her eyes open.

"Elena?" She asks "where are we?" She says looking around the unfamiliar room.

"We're in the boys' room," I say helping her sit up.

Claire looks around the room to see Blaise, Draco looking at her. I see her face flush with embarrassment and she forces them a smile.

"Let's get you back to our room," I say getting up and helping her to her feet.

She stumbles a little but soon gets her footing and can walk. I let her hold on to me for support and we head for the door. I look over she shoulder and whisper thank you to Blaise. He gives me a wink and helps open the door for us. We walk back through the common room to our room and make it to our door.

I open the door to see Maddy and Beth getting ready for the day. I walk Claire over to her bed as Maddy and Beth give her disappointed looks. I lay her down then walk to my bed to get changed.

I put on a pair of dark jeans and a black tank top with a dark green sweatshirt. Another plus of being in fifth year was we didn't have to wear the uniform to all our classes. Some people still did but I usually didn't.

We have ten minutes until breakfast and I still look terrible. I grab my brush and fix my hair. I then grab my makeup bag and walk over to our mirror. I put in a coat of mascara and some eye liner. I put foundation on and make sure everything looks normal. Just because I felt awful didn't mean I had to look awful.

Maddy leaves to have a quick shower and Beth is brushing Claire's hair and trying to get her out of last nights dress. Beth was always so quick in the morning. It's always so impressive.

There's a knock at the door and I open it to see Draco standing there looking fine. Not just fine, there was no evidence that he was even at the party. His hair was prefect and he looked full of energy.

"Claire left these in our room," he said holding up her shoes.

"Thank you," I say taking them from him.

"How are you?" He asks looking me over.

"Take a guess," I say sarcastically.

"I think.." He said looking at me "you have a headache and absolutely do not want to go to breakfast" he says, smiling.

"We have a winner," I say dramatically

"Well it's the announcement of the prefects, you're going to want to be there," he says

"Why?" I ask slightly confused

The prefects were two students chosen from every house. They were...well prefect. They were great at everything. Class, sport, socializing, house spirit, following rules, everything. They were the ideal students.

"Just go," Draco says turning on his heel and swaggers down the corridor.

I close the door and put Claire's shoes back in the closet. Maddy comes back moments later from her shower and Beth is ready to go. She had gotten Claire into regular clothes and up but she still looked dead.

I grab my wand and walk over to Claire and look at her. I flick my wand and her hair gets slowly pulled back. Maddy grabs a hair tie and ties off her hair. I flick my wand again and pick up my makeup bag. It hovers over to me and I grab it from the air.

I get my foundation and Maddy takes the mascara. We start putting makeup on Claire and Beth starts to get our books ready.

Once Claire looks human again we all get up and head for the door. I walk beside Maddy and Beth walks behind us with Claire.

I still remember what Claire said about Beth and what she said about me. I'm sure she's forgotten about it. Me bringing it up would only make it worse. We had so much fun together last night, she probably didn't mean it.

We walk into the common room and to the main door. We leave the common room and head up the stairs from the dungeons. There are lots of stairs to get to the main floor but it's probably the only thing keeping me fit.

We finally make it to the great hall for breakfast and were right on time. I see Olly and Ben sitting at the Slytherin table and head towards them. I sit beside Ben and Maddy sits beside me,  followed by Beth and Claire.

"Hey," I say nudging Ben in the ribs.

"Hey, how's your head," he asks smiling at me.

"Terrible" I whine, pouting and batting my eyes.

"Awe, bunny," he says playing along giving me a hug.

We try to stay serious but it's impossible. We both burst out in laughter and Maddy and Olly join in, they were obviously eavesdropping and found it just as funny as we did.

It felt so good to have Ben laugh with me again. Last night he was not himself. One second he was yelling at me because I was with Draco. Then he was dancing with Draco. The things alcohol can do to a guy are amazing.

Our laughs were soon interrupted by the sound of Dumbledore's powerful voice.

"Good morning students, I hope you all had a comfortable first sleep. Today as most of you know, is when we will be telling you who you're school prefects are."

Dumbledore stops to look at all of us. Almost with great pride. He looked extremely proud of all of us. That was one of my favorite things about Hogwarts. The teachers are all so proud of us no matter what, they truly do love us.

"When I call your names, please come join me at the front," he said smiling at us.

"For Gryffindor, We have a tie for the males. Mr. Harry Potter and Mr. Logan Bell." Dumbledore says with joy.

Oh my god! Logan was named prefect. This hasn't happened for twenty- seven years. Having two prefects for a house is very rare. I find myself overwhelmed with joy and cheer for him.

"And for our female prefect, Ms.Hermione Granger."

All of Gryffindor erupted with cheers and clapping. Harry, Logan, and Hermione stand up and walk up to the front of the room and received gifts from Dumbledore.

"From Hufflepuff, Ms.Susan Bones and Mr. Justin Finch.

They both stand ad Hufflepuff cheered and they walk to the front of the room as well. Dumbledore also gives them gifts and looks back to the students.

"From Ravenclaw, Ms. Cho Chang and Mr. Roger Davies.

Ravenclaw cheers for them as they make their way to the front and accept their gifts and stand with the others.

"From Slytherin..."

I get butterflies and find myself hoping I am named prefect. My mom would be so proud. I would stand up there with Logan and bring pride to our family.

"Mr. Draco Malfoy and Ms. Elena Bell"

All of Slytherin cheers and I sit in shock. This is happening! No, it can't be, I'm dreaming.

Maddy throws her arms around me and screams in excitement.

"Get up there Elena," Ben says clapping for me.

I stand up and look down the table to see Draco getting mass support from his friends. He walks down to me and crooks out his arm for me. I take his arm and we walk down to the front of the room. Everyone is clapping for us, including Dumbledore.

I see Logan pull out his wand and cast a spell sending small fireworks out over Draco and I as we walked to the front.

The whole hall erupts with excitement and laughter as the fireworks speed across the room.

"Aren't you glad you came?" Draco asks with a smirk.

No way. How couldn't have known we were chosen as prefects. Could he?

"How did you know?!" I ask in amazement

"You're one of the best witches this school has ever seen Elena, you were an easy vote," Draco says

I knew I was good at potions but my other classes were only average. Or so I thought.

We make it to the front and I let go of Draco's arm and Logan steps down from the raised floor at the front to give me a hug.

"I'm so proud of you Elena," he says lifting me off the floor.

"Dad would be proud too," he says putting me down and running his hand through my hair.

I hug him once more full of emotion.

"I love you" I whisper

"Love you too Laney," he says

He hasn't called me that for so long. He and Mike used to call me that all the time when we were younger.

I looked over at the Gryffindor table to see Mike giving us a standing ovation. I waved at him and stood on the podium with Logan and Draco on each side of me.

Dumbledore came over to Draco and I and handed us both gifts. They were beautiful silver quills with large feathers. Mine was my favorite shade of blue, arctic. I looked at Logan's and his was a beautiful pine green, his favorite.

Out of curiosity, I looked at Draco's and his was a deep admiral blue. I was obviously staring at it for a while because Draco caught me and smiled at me.

"Pretty isn't it?" He asks looking at the quill. "It's been my favorite for as long as I can remember," he says smiling as if he's remembering a good childhood memory.

"These are your school prefects for this year," Dumbledore says "show them respect, let them teach you something new and look forward to the day when you may be standing where they do," Dumbledore says looking down at the younger students.

I was a prefect, even better, I was a prefect with Draco.

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