The New Girl*Edward Cullen ♥...

By JaspersWife2

1.4M 25.4K 2.9K

A hybrid comes to Forks Washington, and finds her mate in a certain bronze haired vampire.Will he pick her ov... More

Amila Carson
First Day Of School
Edward's Pov
Amila's Pov
Second Day Of School
In The Green House
Author's Note
Edward Flirts
Port Angeles
Some Secrets Are Out
Talking To The Family
Waking Up To A Surprise
Edward And Amila Day
It's All About Amila
In The Woods
Edward's Family
Author's Note
Third Person's Pov
Bad Bella!
I Like Watching You Sleep
Playing Baseball
Being Chased
Being Chased Part 2
In Phoenix
Author's Note
Another Authors Note
Author's Note
The Fight
Author's Note
Waking Up
Best Friends Day
Selene's Mate
Author's Note
Trip Time
Facing Marcus
Selene's Starts To Remember
Alexander Convinues
Need help
Blood Map
Final Battle
Final Battle Part 2
Author's Note
Final Battle Part 3
Back In Forks
Author's Note
Amila's Pov
School Day
A Intruder
Spending Time With The Pack
At The Cullens
Author's Note
Graduation Day And Party
Jasper's Story
Battle Plan's
Alone With Edward
The Camp Site
The Fight
Meeting The Guard
Visiting Jacob
Author's Note
It's Time
Planing The Wedding
Edward And Amila's Wedding
Honeymoon Time
Fun Night
A Fun Day
Back Home
Wendy & William
The Plan
Selene's Idea
The Baby's Thoughts
Attacked & Birth
Author's Note
"My beautiful baby boy."
Author's Note
Immortal Children
Uninvited Guest
Sad News
Not a Chapter
Camp Site
In The Clearing
Happy Ending
I'm Curious
Alright I'll do it!
I did it!
Author's Note

Kraven's Death & Marcus Awakens

12.1K 221 1
By JaspersWife2

*3rd person's pov*

While the two couple's talk, Kraven walks into the throne room with some of his guard's.He saw a dead body, and it's blood all over Marcus's seal.

Kraven: "Open it."

The guard opens it, and they get ready to shot.But when it opens,it was empty.Kraven and the guards look around, because they heard flapping sounds.Kraven looks around scared, suddenly the floor starts to move.It looked like something was trying to get out.Marcus as awoken,and just killed the guards but has Kraven pinned to the wall.

Kraven: "Marcus?"

Marcus: "The blood memories of this wretched creature..have shown me that your treachery knows no bounds."

Kraven: "My lord, I can explain."

Marcus: "Why would I listen to your lies..when the journey to the truth.."

Marcus grabs Kravens face.

Marcus:" so much sweeter?"

He bites Kravens neck, while sucking is blood flashes come into play.From seeing Kraven talking to Selene.

Kraven: "I kept his secrets, cleaned up the mess..You'll go before Victor, and tell him exactly what I tell you to!"

To him talking to Lucian.

Lucian: "You just concentrate on your part."

To seeing him watching Selene kill Victor, he also saw Amila holding a necklace, and to him meeting a human girl named Bella Swan..Marcus stops drinking Kraven's blood, and Kraven looks at him.

Kraven: "Please..I can assist you."

Marcus: "Oh, you already have.Besides,I can think of a better assistant."

He rips out his wing's from Kravens shoulder's and knocked off his head.Then he searches for his new source of information from a certain brunette.

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