An Angel's Feather

By Hashvi

44.4K 2.1K 474

Through the fire of valley, I must walk alone... Into the world of darkness unknown... Where my destiny leads... More

The Beginning
The First Glance..
The Bonding that takes my pain away!!!
The Author's Note
The Confrontation-1
The Author's Note
Author's note
The Confrontation-2
My Blue eyes finally completed it's search...
Truth is always bitter...
Author's note
Just feel my pain!!!
U cant hide from me!!
Author's Note
I wish you were here!!!
Author's Note
The Cry of War!!!
If you are here, then I am gonna be okay!!!
Meeting with The Devil himself!!!
Tell me the truth...
Author's Note
Bearing my soul in a nightmare!
The Battle Calling!
An Evening Gift!
Train till it hurts!
The Grey Mystery to solve...
Author's Note
The Fallen story...
The Sacrifice...
Author's Note
The Mission is afoot!!...
The Beauty in front of me...
I trust you!!!
Who are you!?
How can i hurt you!?
My Undying Love for you...
Meeting Black and Blue!!!
Facing the Reality....
The Author's Note
Withering away!
My Ultimate Revelation...
Sliver ones!
Slightly Whacked!!
All Hail The Queen!!!
Inner Battle....
The Gathering of Army!
My Sweet Revenge...
Author's Note
Where It All Began with an Everlasting Wish....
Words I Never Said!!!
The Barrier of the worlds!!
Tried a poem too! ;)
At the Fallen's feet, by the God's side!!!
Epilogue - A Hellish Wedding!
Author's note!!!

I dare you to stay with your enemies!!!!

531 32 7
By Hashvi

I saw him tearing my Angel apart, laughing menacingly as I lost everything in this world....

Drake!! Please wake up!! I am okay!! Wake up...

Her voice was soft as always!! She is okay!! I want to open my eyes to look into her beautiful ones, holding her forever...

She cooed to me that she is right there... And she won't leave my side ever... No matter what! And I slept peacefully near her comfort!!!

Angelica's POV

He healed my friends!!! They are back. I am so happy but he is too weak, why would he take such a blunt risk!?

I screamed for Dad and they all came in... Rafael was shocked to see my friends all okay. They were just sleeping resting but are awake. Due to weakness they fumbled back to sleep! "Help me!" I looked at them and Dad came rushing towards very pale Drake. "Take him to his room!" He ordered Gabriel, as he scooped him in his arms taking him away from me... I followed him but Dad stopped me, "Stay here, Angel!" He gave a pleading look and I nodded. He kissed my forehead saying he will take care of him!

I stay back to my best friends, hoping every will be okay!!!

Drake's POV

I looked around to see that the room is changed! I tried to shift but an immense pain hit my chest. I groaned! "Don't!! You are not fully recovered!" His soothing voice calmed me! I turned and so Rafael was holding a cup in his hand, with a frown on his face! Idiot! "I heard that!" He said with his gritted teeth... "So, you heard that! Why you're frowning at me!? I am hurt not you. Please remove your scowl away..." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "I least care about you. Do you hear me!? Seeing you hurt makes my sugarpulm hurt! And I don't want to see my baby get hurt!" He again made that face! God, I am gonna punch the life out of him! Who gave him the authority to call my Angel sugarpulm!? Is he insane!?

He banged his fists on the near table and got up in anger! Suddenly the door burst open and Michael came in, followed by Gabriel! "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM, HUH!?" Rafael was in his full fury at me, but Gabriel was trying to calm him... "GET OFF ME, GABE! I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO PUNCH SOMEONE'S LIGHTS OUT!!" Michael came in between us and gave me a disgusting look, turning his face towards Rafael! "Calm down, Rafael. I am pleading you to calm down. He is naive!"

What the fuck!? Why is he calling me naive!? Ezekiel came in and stood beside me... "HE IS CALLING OUR ANGEL AS HIS ANGEL!! SHE IS NOT YOURS. I WILL NEVER LET HER GO WITH YOU AND STAY IN HELL FOREVER!! NEVER!!" Rafael's words shook the ground but Michael was able to calm him down... He asked Gabriel to take him away. Gabriel gave me one disappointing look which quickly turned into a frown and dragged Rafael out!!

Michael sighed and rubbed his forehead! He turned towards us but looked at Ezekiel, "He is still battling hard to accept something... Hell! We all are..." He turned to me with his hard cold blue eyes, "I am pleading you for the sake of my daughter, don't antagonize anyone around here... We all are gather for some utter importance! I don't want a stupid fight in between!" He gave me one last killing dagger look and nodded at Ezekiel leaving us! Ezekiel just smiled at me and left saying to take rest...

I fall back and thought about Angelica!! Does she hate the idea of being with me too!? God!! How can I leave without her!!?

You don't have to! I heard her voice and turned around!

She was standing there with the most sweetest smile on her face! She walked towards me and sat beside me, "You're okay!?"

"I am okay now!" I smiled back...

She leaned in and slept beside me, "You're still weak, Drake!! You should have been more careful!"

I kissed her forehead and she looked up, "I cannot see you like that Angel! It pained me! So I helped you!"

She tried to say something but I cut her off by kissing her! He just moaned in response... I bet they all can here it but I don't give a fuck about them...

All I care is for my Angel and her safety and happiness! I would do anything for it... Even I have to kill my own father for it I will!!

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER" I heard Rafael's warning in my head.. Angelica blushed furiously... I believed she heard it too!! She broke away but wrapped her arms around me...

"He will come around, don't worry!!!" She smiled and peck my lips. I pulled her close and she ran her fingers through my chest. That's when I noticed my wound was healed completely... She smiled and slept beside me. I pulled her closer than before and close my eyes too, ignoring Rafael's warning shots coming from below!!!

What can I say!

I dare you to stay with your enemies!

Sorry guys! For late update... But I am so damn excited... I got so cool response and I am glad people are loving my book....

But pls make Mr. Comment box happy... He is hungry!!!

Happy wattpadding!!!

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