To Die For (Sequel To Lost It...

By RaisedByWuuves

95.3K 4.4K 2.3K


To Die For
Chapter 1: All Good Things Must Come To An End
Chapter 2: Surfing
Chapter 3: Emily Ann Biersack
Chapter 4: Contest
Chapter 5: Baby Fever
Chapter 6: Get Up, It's A Minute To Midnight
Chapter 7: Storm
Chapter 8: Depression
Chapter 9: And We've Got The Whole World Coming After Us
Chapter 10: Quitting
Chapter 12: Sabrina The Teenage Bitch
Chapter 13: Fight
Chapter 14: Cassie
Chapter 15: So We're Running And Running
Chapter 16: Bryce
Chapter 17: Jessica
Chapter 18: And Your Eyes Are The Color Of Wanting
Chapter 19: Party
Chapter 20: Hospital
Chapter 21: Bros Before Hoes
Chapter 22: Christmas
Chapter 23: Babysitting
Chapter 24: And My Heart Is A Runaway Paper
Chapter 25: And Our Hands, Seducing Them To Coincide
Chapter 26: Summer
Chapter 27: Sophmores
Chapter 28: And There's Something About You
Chapter 29: And There's Something That You See
Chapter 30: Suspended
Chapter 31: We Both Lay Here Broken
Chapter 32: It Never Ends
Chapter 33: Expelled
Chapter 34: Jennifer
Chapter 35: Make A Move
Chapter 36: Movies
Chapter 37: Cause We Both Know That This Can't Be
Chapter 38: And It Cuts Like A Gun
Chapter 39: The Poison In Battle
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48: Help
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Freedom?
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69: They Told Me To Go To Rehab and I Said Okay
Chapter 70: Rehab
Chapter 71: Family
Chapter 72
Chapter 73: Free
Chapter 74
Chapter 75: Sarah
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79: Caitlyn's Prom
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86: Church
Chapter 87: Communion
Chapter 88
Chapter 89: Results
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92: Radiation Simulation
Chapter 93: Radiation
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96: Yosemite
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102: Surgery
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106: Prom
Chapter 107: Graduation
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111: Apartment Hunting
Chapter 112: Moving
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115: Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The News
Chapter 116:
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126: Elijah Chase Longsworth
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129: Caitlyn's Graduation
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133: Keep. Sell.
Chapter 134: Garage Sale
Chapter 135: On The Market
Chapter 136: Plan
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140: Colton's Wedding
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144: Casey Riley Longsworth
Chapter 145: Casey's Baptisim
Chapter 146
Chapter 147: My Son Is Dead
Chapter 148: Brandon's Funeral
Chapter 149
Chapter 150: Blade's Funeral
Chapter 151: Andy [END]

Chapter 11: Back To School

1.1K 46 44
By RaisedByWuuves

Chapter 11: Back To School


"Colton, wake up." My dad said, walking into my room and turning on my light. I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head.

"Five more minutes." I begged.

"No, now." My dad said, pulling the blanket. "It's your first day of high school, get up!" I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "There we go." My dad smiled and left, closing the door behind him.

 I stood up and went to my closet. I pulled out a red flannel shirt and a pair of black jeans, pulling them on. I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair, brushing my teeth and going back into my room. I slipped on my black converse and picked up my bag, walking downstairs.

"I'm leaving!" Caitlyn called as she walked out of the house.

"Bye! Have a good day at school!" My mom called, closing the door behind her, turning around and smiling when she saw me. "Why hello sleepy head." I grumbled and dropped my bag by the door, walking into the kitchen and sitting at the table. 

My mom placed her traditional, first day of school pancakes in front of me. I poured the syrup on and started eating them. I finished and decided to wait at the bus stop.

"Okay, I'm leaving now." I said, walking to the front door.

"Wait! I've gotta get your picture!" My mom exclaimed. I groaned and picked up my book bag. I turned around and smiled. She took about ten pictures before she finally let me leave.

"Have a good day at school honey!" My mom called.

"Have a good day fish!" My dad called and I heard my mom slap his chest. I turned on my iPod and put my earbuds in my ears. I walked to the bus stop and stared at my feet. I'm not ready for another nine months of homework and waking up early.

The bus pulled up in front of me and I got on, plus the other kids that were at my stop. I sat one of the middle seats, putting my bag on the seat to save room for Brayden. I stared out the window, listening to my music as the bus drove. Finally, the bus came to the last stop, which was Brayden's. I put my bag on my lap and he sat down. I pulled an earbud out and smiled at him.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." He said, pushing his hair out of his face. "If we don't have at least one class together, I might riot." He chuckled.

"I'm going to need you in my classes." I laughed. We rode the rest of the way to school, just talking. We saw each other as much as we could after he got out of the hospital. The bus stopped in front of the school and the doors opened. We walked off of the bus and went into the gym to pick up our schedules.

We got in our separate lines and I got in the one with the big L sitting on the table. I eventually got to the front of the line.

"Last name?"

"Longsworth, Colton." I said. She flipped through, pulling out a paper and handing it to me. I thanked her and got out of line, meeting up with Brayden. We switched schedules and compared them to each other's.

"Looks like we have Algebra 1, Gym and Biology together." I said.

"Three classes! Not bad!" He smiled.

"And we have lunch together!"

"Awesome. Okay, we should probably get to class." He said.

"Yeah, I have English."

"I've got History." He said and stuck his tongue out.

"See you at lunch." I said as we went our separate ways.  "E202." I said to myself as I looked around, trying to find it. I walked down the main hallway and found myself in the "E" hallway. I looked to my left and saw a set of stairs behind a door. I walked into the stairwell and went upstairs.

"Fuck, I hate stairs." I sighed, reaching the top. I walked into the "E" 200 hallway and found my class at the beginning of the hallway. I got in the line of students waiting to be let in. My teacher was standing at the door, already handing out seating assignments. Great.

"Hello, what's your name?" She asked.

"Colton Longsworth." I said. She checked my name off of a list and handed me a slip of paper. I walked into the classroom and looked at the piece of paper. "13." I read. I walked through the rows of desks until I found my seat, sitting down.


I went downstairs and walked to my second period class, Algebra 1.

"Hi, what's your name?" The young teacher asked.

"Colton Longsworth." She checked my name off of her list.

"Take a seat anywhere." I nodded and walked in, choosing a desk. After a few people, Brayden walked in and sat down behind me.

 The bell rang to end second period and Brayden and I walked together, talking about our classes, finding a seat in the hallway and putting our stuff down. We walked to the vending machines and got food and drinks before going back to our spot.

"We have assigned seats on the first day." I groaned about my first period class.

"Our teacher is giving us a week of free sit until she can find seats for us." Brayden said.


After school, Brayden and I got on the bus and talked until we got to my stop. I said bye and got off, walking to my house. I walked in and kicked off my shoes.

"I'm home!" I called.

"Colton! How was school?" My mom asked.

"School." I said and walked upstairs. Here we go, another school year.


Happy new school year to everyone! What grade are you going into and what day do you start? Or if you've already started, how long have you been in and what grade are you in?

I started on August 25th and I'm going to be a junior in high school! (I'm so old.)

Long chapter. Hope you liked it :)

NO IDEAS! (Do NOT suggest Brayden and Colton being gay.)


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