Maid of Honor: Prisoner of th...

By PamHursey

543K 14K 1.1K

Finally Jace and Devon are dead and Morgan and Alec have an unbreakable bond. But again before the wedding is... More

The Underworld
Gone Again Alec's POV
Warrior's Heart (Ace's POV)
Broken Connections
Trouble in Paradise
New Recruits
Long Time Waiting (VIctor's POV)
Date Night
Luke's Story
Visitors with shocking news
New Found Love
Lion's Tigers and Oh Shit
Power Trip
Training Alec's POV
From Guardian Angel to Dark Angel (Zeke's POV)
Meeting the Angels
Let the nightmare begin
A night to remember (Alec's POV)
Stuck in hell with a Psycho
Princesses are annoying
Spells Gone Bad
Chapter 25 Reconnecting
Chapter 27 Escape
Chapter 28 Surprise Visit
Chapter 29 Beginning
Chapter 30 Love and Loss Part 1
Chapter 31 Love and Loss Part 2
Chapter 32 At Peace
Chapter 33 The Big Day
Chapter 34 Awakening
Teaser for Book 3

Twisted Desires No More

17.4K 437 40
By PamHursey

Chapter 13 Twisted Desires No More

My eyes fluttered open to a dim lit room, the sound of muffled voices filling the silence. As I looked around I noticed I was lying on a bed with white walls surrounding me. A few pictures hung here and there but it was too dark to see. There was a night stand on one side with a lamp that was lighting the room, a dresser at the foot of the bed and a large window on the right. To the left was a door where the voices were coming from but I couldn’t tell what they were saying. Slowly climbing off the bed I looked around for a clock to see it was already 7:25 pm. Well isn’t that lovely, I passed out for the whole damn day. Making my way to the door I could feel my body humming with energy from the were’s in the next room. This power seems to be getting stronger with each connection I make. And what the hell happened to Luke? Opening the door I saw a hallway with a door to the left of me and another further down the hall. The voices were louder out here but I still couldn’t hear them. It was like earplugs had been stuffed into my ears.

“What the hell does that mean” someone yelled as I walked down the hall toward what I assumed to be the living room.

I past a door leading into a kitchen where I saw Leslie sitting at a small table eating what looked like spaghetti. The room was small with counters on either side of the room and one alone the back wall. There was a small table sat in the center and again everything was white except the table which was black. Leslie looked up at me and smiled the biggest smile.

“Good to see you awake” she said getting up. As she walked toward me I just smiled at her before she wrapped her arms around my waist. I was slightly shocked at first but wrapped my arms around her hugging her back.

“What’s this for” I asked looking down at her.

“You helped me shift and it didn’t hurt” she said which only confused me more.

"Huh" I stated confused.

“She means that for her first time shifting it was painless. Most of the time when we shift for the first time it is so painful we can’t stand to move for days” Bruce said from behind me making me jump. Holy hell these people need to stop sneaking up on me.

“So..Wait, your saying I made her shift” I asked looking down at her as she stepped back. I know I can make them shift but since she never shifted before I didn’t think or rather know it would work on her.

“Yes, as soon as this connection thing happened the power from you went from me to her making us both shift at the same time. It was strange that you had enough power to do that” he said looking between me and his daughter. There was so much love in his eyes for her that I had to smile. For such a big, tough guy he was also a big softy.

“Honey I have more power than that, but that is the problem see. People don’t like me having all this power and want to take me away from the people I love. But just so you know I tried to fight the connection so if you didn’t want it” I trailed off looking up at Bruce.

“No it’s fine. Luke and Alec explained everything to me so I understand why you did what you did at the fight. I just don’t understand why you needed me if you are so strong” and that was the question. I wasn’t going to question Fareed but I still wondered.

“I don’t know really, just doing what I’m told. Like now I have to go save a young girl. So I appreciate your help and hope you will come visit me at the palace when we get back.” I said looking over to Leslie who was smiling and nodding like crazy.

“Luke has my number” was all he said as he turned around and walked away.

“I’ll see you later Leslie” I said as I followed Bruce into the living room. Ace and Alec were sitting on the couch and Luke was sitting in a recliner watching some movie. Guess he didn’t pass out. Wonder what happened and why the hell his eyes were flashing so much.

“Princess” Alec breathed jumping off the couch and pulling me into his arms. I buried my face in his chest and sighed. I wish I could stay like this forever.

“We have to go” I said looking up into those beautiful eyes.

“Where” Luke asked looking between me and the TV.

“Sorry but you’re not getting out of coming” I said seeing his face fall. I don’t like the idea of him not being with me right now. Not with the chance I might need him where we are going. This club isn’t just for humans, it’s for crazy, psycho’s who like to get their kicks from hurting women and even though I’m sure I could handle it myself, I felt better knowing these three would be with me. Plus it will help to find this girl, whoever she is. Luke grumbled a bit but finally got up and came over to me as he took my hand. Ace took the other hand as we said our good-byes to Bruce and Leslie when the room disappeared.

The sky was pitch black, the smell of beer, piss, rotting animals, and other horrible smells assaulted my nose. We were standing on a dirty sidewalk littered with trash and hookers. How they hadn’t noticed us just pop up was beyond me but I didn’t care. They didn’t waste time to come up to my guys and start rubbing all over them though. All three of them growled at the same time making the girls jump away scared. I smiled as their reaction when I looked up at the glowing red sign “Twisted Desire”. It was a large building that looked like an old store that was converted into a club. I wasn’t sure if they would be open yet or not so when I saw the door open and a drunk stumble out I got my answer. All of us went inside to see a very large, dark room lit up by a few red lights from the ceiling. There were tables scattered around the place, a stage in the center and music playing low from a DJ station in the far left corner. On the right wall was a long bar with a few guys sitting around drinking beer or shots. The man behind the counter looked to be in his mid 20’s with dark hair, tall, lean body and a black t-shirt with the name of the bar on the front.

“Can I get you something” he called to us.

“Yeah we’ll have a pitcher of Corona and four glasses” Luke said as the guy nodded.

“Have you been here before” I asked because he seemed comfortable where I felt like running out of here and hiding like a little girl. It was dark and gloomy with the smell of old beer and sweat making me constantly rub my nose to get rid of the smell. Luke gave me an innocent look before walking to the bar and getting the stuff. Once he got everything he grabbed a table close to the stage and we all sat down to wait.

The guys drank the beer while I refused, I hate the taste of beer. It is nasty and stinks and I keep reminding them I’m still human. It would take one glass to knock me on my ass. My bar was nothing like this, it was fun and clean. It was dark but nothing like this, this was just creepy. We sat there talking for hours and Luke had us all laughing at some of the things he did when lived with his ‘Gran’. He told us about the time he ran out of the house naked just to chase her dog down the street. He was 13 at the time so it would have been funny to see. It was almost 10:30 when things started to get wound up. People filled the place, mostly men who ranged from 18 to 60 and they were already getting wild. Most of the waitresses came in at 9 and I noticed they were wearing really short shorts that had half their ass sticking out, tube tops with the name of the club and more make-up then needed. A girl named Cindy was working our table along with 5 others around us. I think we were the only ones that weren’t grabbing her ass or trying to get her to sit with us. She was pretty with her wavy blond hair and bright blue eyes but she wasn’t who I was looking for. Luke was watching all the girls with hungry eyes and I had to keep smacking him to remind him he wasn’t here for fun. He would grumble and whine for a bit but would be good a little while longer. The music was blaring and a few people that had a girl with them were dancing. At 11 pm the guy behind the bar pulled out a mic and started talking getting everyone attention.

“Good evening, welcome to Twisted Desire. My name is Joey and tonight is a special night. Our girls are here to please you, our lucky lady on stage tonight is Skylar so have fun, enjoy yourselves and drink up” he shouted just as the music started blaring again and girls started piling into the room from a door by the stage. They were all in skimpy underwear and as I watched them I saw the fear in all their eyes. Alec and Ace had been quiet most of the time and was letting me do what I needed but now they were tense. They could probably sense the fear coming off them in waves. When the last girl came out I groaned because it wasn’t her. None of them where and I was starting to get irritated. Three girls came over to our table and started dancing for the guys making me laugh my ass off.  Alec kept trying to push her away, Ace kept holding the girls hands to her side and telling her no, and Luke, well he was enjoying the shit out of it. Letting the girl grind all over his lap, gross. But I continued to laugh as different girl’s came up to Alec trying to rub on him. That was until another girl walked up to me and started running her fingers through my hair. My body froze and my eyes threatened to pop out of my head. HOLY SHIT, I know there is not a girl messing with my hair right now. This got all the guys laughing at me making me glare at them.

“Shut up” I snapped before turning around to see a tall girl with spiky black hair and green eyes.

“Um, I’m not into that thank you” I said grabbing her hand that was rubbing up and down my arm now.

“Oh come on Morgan show us some girl action” Luke laughed and I waited for the growl from Alec but it never came. What the fuck. I turned to look at Alec but he was just staring at me with bright blue eyes. OH HELL NO. He isn’t allowed to be pissy if a guy touches me but turned on if a girl touches me. I shivered at the thought. UGH!

“Get that look off your face” I growled making him smirk at me. I hadn’t paid attention that the girl in front of me was trying to pull my shirt up since I was yelling at Alec. I stepped away from her just to bump into someone behind me. I spun around to apologize when I saw a guy staring down at me with a grin.

“Sorry” I mumbled and tried to move away when he grabbed my arms pulling me back into his body.

“Don’t be sorry baby, I’ll take you over these sluts any day” he whispered in my ear the smell of beer on his breath made me want to gag. Oh this isn’t going to end well. I looked at Alec who was glaring at the guy holding onto me, his eyes completely black and his body was shaking. Yep, this is going to end badly. Wonder what he would do if it was a girl holding me like this right now?

“Um you might want to let go before my husband kills you” I said enjoying the way it sounded calling Alec my husband even if it wasn’t official.

“Baby there isn’t a single person in here that can take me” he whispered in my ear and it seemed to be enough to send Alec over the edge because he was in front of me in a second and pulled me away from him pushing me into Ace who was now beside us. I watched Alec tower over the guy that was holding me as his large hand wrapped around the guys throat.

“You ever touch her or any girl like that again and I will kill you” Alec growl in his face. I smiled as I saw fear flash across the guys face. Alec dropped the guy who crumbled to the ground before turning and grabbing me.

“Mine” he growled as his lips crashed into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck loving the way he made my body ignite in a passionate heat that would singe the skin. There were cheers all around us and we quickly pulled away remembering where we were. But as I looked around everyone’s eyes were trained on the stage where a spot light was lighting up the center of the stage. As the music changed to a fast upbeat song I watched the girl step into the light and gasp. It was her, the girl from the vision. She wore a blood red leather bra with matching panties and at least 6 inch heels. Shit, I would break my neck in those.

“It’s her” I said to Alec and Ace. Luke must have heard me because he came over to me before turning his attention to the girl on stage. She was beautiful with her sandy brown hair in tight curls around her face, with just enough make-up to look natural with full red lips. We all stood there watching her as she danced, the crowd of horny males going crazy around us. As I watched her I realized there was a feeling inside of me telling me to protect her. It might have just been what Fareed said to me but as I stepped closer to the stage I watched her eyes focus on me. They were a soft blue that had little bits of green in them that lit up in the light.

That’s when I felt the connection to Luke stir, the lion that was all Luke pulled on my power but I wasn’t sure why and all I could do was stare at the girl in front of me. Was it because he was with me and I was pulling on his power to use? I didn’t have a clue but what happened next sent my heart racing and my anger to boil inside me. Within seconds of staring at the girl, a body flew through the air slamming into her sending her flying into the group of guys beside the stage. The scream was muffled by the music as the guys tackled her to the ground as they attacked her, ripping her clothes off. That’s when I looked around at everyone to realize they weren’t humans, none of them were, they were all some sort of wereanimal. Good, that means I can use my power and make these mother fuckers pay for everything they’ve ever done.

Without another second wasted I was moving toward the group of guys pulling on the strength of all my animals and began grabbing the guys and throwing them across the room. When I got to the guy that was trying to force himself into this poor girl I grabbed his head snapping his neck without blinking. She screamed as I shoved him off her seeing her completely naked body, tears falling down her face and shaking like a leaf.

“I won’t hurt you” I said kneeling down beside her. There was a loud growl in front of me and when I looked up I saw a pair of black eyes in the face of a werewolf. He was big, but nothing compared to Shawn and his reddish brown fur stood up on his back. These assholes have no idea who they just pissed off. As I looked around I saw most of them had shifted and there were wolves everywhere with a few others. I spotted a few tigers, panthers, and all of them had black eyes. Was that a sign they weren’t part of a pack? I’ll have to find that out later. The wolf took a step toward me growling before lunging toward the girl, but I was closer and with a speed I didn’t know I had, or could use, I grabbed the wolf’s muzzle as I crushed his head into the floor. He whimpered slightly but made no move to get up when I released him.

On my way back up I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me as she tried to cover her body. I shoved her behind me as I turned to the others wolves around the room. The only people standing was me, Alec, and Ace. Wait where the hell is Luke?

“I suggest you all shift back if you know what is good for you” I said feeling my anger coursing through me like a drug. They really didn’t want to piss me off right now, well more than I already am.

“Who the hell do you think you are” a voice said from behind me. I realized the music was gone and the only sound was the rumbles of growls and snarls and now another voice. I turned to the voice to see Joey the bartender.

“I’m a very pissed off witch” I said giving him an evil smile that said fuck with me and die. Alec was now beside me and Ace was beside the girl. Damn it what did he say her name was?

“You need to leave now before you and your friends end up dead” Joey spat at me which only made me laugh.

“Really, do you really want to push me” I said stepping closer to him as he gave a deep chuckle before his body shook and then he shifted into a huge white wolf. Well isn’t that pretty, but a dick all the same.

“Shift” I commanded before he could lunge at me.  Within second everyone started shaking, bones cracking and reforming till I was surrounded by naked people who looked shocked, pissed, and scared. I noticed all the girls were gone and just hoped they left. Someone tapped my shoulder but my eyes were locked on a very confused yet pissed off bartender. Another tap had me spinning around.

“What” I growled and froze. Oh boy we need to get out of here now. Where the hell is Luke?

“LUKE” I screamed when I felt someone slam into my side sending me flying across the room and land on the floor with a loud crash and a heavy body on top of me. Pain shot down my side all the way down to my toes. I looked up to the bartender and shoved him off me which sent him flying across the room. His body slammed into the wall beside the stage before crumbling into a heap on the floor.

“Get her out of here now” I told them. Luke is so dead when I find him. How can that asshole disappear during a time like this? I dropped my barrier to him and screamed into his mind. What I heard or saw rather pissed me off more than anything in the world.

“I’m not leaving you princess” Alec said stepping up to me but I was already moving toward the door where the girls came from. I felt my power stirring now with my anger, the air was getting hotter swirling around me like a tornado. Alec was hot on me heels but I was furious and the only thought in my mind was Luke. As I kicked the door open it flew off the hinges flying across the large room before shattering into splinters.

As I looked at the 7 wolves that had stopped the attack on Luke were growling at me. It pissed me off to the point the wind whipped around the room, the heat from it enough to make them whimper and back against the wall. Luke was lying on the floor, blood covering his chest and face. His chest was slowly rising and falling.

“Get him out of here” I growled to Alec.

“I’m not leaving you alone” Alec snapped.

“I’ll be fine get him out of here, all of you get back home I will be there shortly” I said my eyes never leaving Luke’s bloody body. Finally Alec did what I asked and walked over to Luke and picked him up when he turned to me with wide eyes then disappeared. Feeling my power inside me I pulled on it as I pushed it into the wolves in front of me, hearing them howl in pain just as their bodies slumped to the floor as flames encircled their bodies and filling my nose with the smell of burning hair and flesh. Turning I walked out of the room letting the power flow into each of the were’s as they all started screaming in pain. I let my anger take over and shoved my power into all of them seeing some burn, some just fell to the ground and some sounded like they were screaming under water.

As I walked out of the front door I pictured the whole place going up in flames. I didn’t even turn around when I heard the explosion, glass shattering and raining down on me as I finally stopped across the street to watch the building burn. After a while I heard sirens and knew it was time to go. I needed to make sure Luke was ok along with the girl. Thinking of the palace I felt myself being pulled toward the house and when I opened my eyes I saw everyone standing around the front door waiting for me. Alec right in the front looking worried. He shouldn’t be worried I’m back, but when I looked around everyone else looked the same. Oh god it’s Luke, something happened to him.


I'm not sure I like this chapter so I might make changes but I wanted to get it up because i'm going to be busy at work for a few days and might not get to post again for a while. Sorry...let me know who you want to hear from next.



Pic of Skylar to the right-------------------------->

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