~Memories~ Hetalia One-Shots

By MaralinaSakura

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Hetalia one-shots featuring all your favourite guys and girls!~ More information below~ "___? That's your nam... More

The Party Begins!
<A Small Cross> Norway
<A Strawberry> England
<An Empty Soda Bottle> America
<A Rose> France
<A Maple Leaf> Canada
<A Batch Of Seeds> Russia
<A Bento> Japan
<A Paintbrush> Sweden
<An Old Book> Lithuania
<A Lighter> 2P! Norway
<A Scrap Of Paper> Romano
<A Chick> Prussia
<A Pink Bow-Tie> Iceland
<A Bag Of Sweets> China
<A Bag Of Sweets> China
<A... WHAT!?!?> Belarus (YURI)
<A Llama> Prussia *REWRITTEN*
<Scared?> America: HHS
<It's Not Hentai!> Japan: HHS
<A True Magic?> England: HHS
<Faith> England
<Teach Me!> Switzerland
<Baking And Lush!> 2P!England
<Just Once More?> 2P! America
<The Edelweiss Pirates> 2P!Germany
<Bring Passion For What You Want!> Spain
<Witness Victim> 2P!Italy
<Parting Ways> Italy
<Parting Ways> Italy P. 2
<Parting Ways> Italy P. 3
<Parting Ways> Italy P. 4
<Cuddly Teddy-Bear Valentine?> Russia
<The Hero's Bedtime Story> America SHORT
<Dare Dare Triple Dare> Prussia
<Skadi> Denmark
Unfinished Pieces
<My Sister; The Athelte>
<Love Triangle> America+Canada
Final Notes
Seven Years Later: A Review

<A Cross> Norway *REWRITTEN*

653 13 11
By MaralinaSakura

Remind me NEVER to not copy my work beforehand since I wrote about... Two thousand words worth of American-goodness as a rewrite for America and guess what? WATTPAD DELETES IT ALL AS A GLITCH! *Pouts in corner* Kill me...

You pulled off the bravest smile you could possibly muster (and were willing to seem goofy enough to do...) so you didn't seem like an absolute coward. In the corner of your eye, you saw something small and a night-shade of black crawling across the floor towards Elizaveta's foot. "OH MY LORD DOITSU OF A POTATO FRYING PAN FILLED WITH PASTA!" you cried out as you falcon-style caught the spider and killed it by stamping on it with your shoe. Let's just say that didn't go with everyone else who was staring at you like you were some sort of escaped murderer. "DIE DIE DIE DIE YOU STUPID SPIDER!!!" At the top of your lungs, you screamed even louder. "U-uhm... ___, I'm pretty sure it's dead now..." Matthew whispered under his breath. You tilted your head slightly thinking you heard something. Must have been your imagination like usual. 

Well, after that incident, you were now full of adrenaline as Alfred gave you the weirdest expression known to man. You kicked your right leg playfully with your left, ruffling your hand around the hat carefully. "Allllfrrrreeeeeddd, why can't I just look in the hat? I mean come on!" "Mon chere, that ruins the point of the game otherwise." Francis stated with a wink of which you replied with a childish frown. You picked something out the hat with all your might, almost knocking Alfred over in surprise. You giggled a little as a certain someone caught your suspicions of who this cross could belong to. "Luuukkkaaasss!" you teased flirtatiously "Come with me!" You tugged on the sleeve of his shirt and practically dragged him along to your walk-in wardrobe. 

To your surprise, it wasn't Francis who was waiting for you upstairs at the entrance, it was Antonio. [A/E: HERE COMES MY OWN SELF-TRANSLATED SPANISH. THREE... TWO... ONE...!] "Donde es Francis?" [Where is Francis?]  you chirped confusingly. "Tiene hambre. Come ahora." [It basically means "He's hungry. He's eating now." In Spanish, you say you have hunger. No idea why.] "Also, why must you always talk to me in Spanish? Reader-Chan will be confused otherwise and that means Author-San will have to add in so many annotations about translations..." "A-Antonio, stop breaking the fourth wall..." you sweat-dropped. [A/E: Reader-San on drugs today. Yes she is <:] "You two are really weird..." Lukas muttered but pretended like he hadn't said a word when you questioned him. A few seconds later, you were both isolated together for the next seven minutes. 

Some time passed and you began to feel agitated with Lukas for not making a move already. "Hey, Lukas, this isn't really Seven Minutes in Heaven if we don't do anything, you know." you said as you nudged closer to him. He remained emotionless. "Lukas, seriously, this isn't fair!" you cried out in a huff. "How is it not fair if I don't want to do it?" That basically killed you. "SHE WAS SUCH A KIND DUDETTE!!" Alfred cried as he hugged your grave. "Lukas, this is what you get for being rude to ___!" Elizaveta screamed as she whacked him around the head with her signature frying pan. You suddenly snapped back into reality when your heart started pounding.

"Fine. If you won't do it with me, tell me who you like at least!" with a begging expression, you pleaded. He sighed in a painful way as he coughed a little like he was going to announce a massive speech. "Well..." He hesitated. "She has [h/l] [h/c] and the most beautiful [e/c] eyes I've ever seen. She always gets along with everyone, no matter what and-" You rose your hand in the air to show him to halt his speech track. "D-d-do you mean me...?" He nodded. "I thought you said you didn't want to do anything with me!" At that moment in time, everything went in slow motion. Suddenly, Lukas' lips were now... Touching yours? More engulfing? At least it felt good. 

It didn't take long for you to recover from the comeback to start passionately kissing pack to him. You moaned with pleasure for Lukas to continue further. He nibbled on your lip, causing you to be wide open for him to... Explore... You both pulled away for air. [A/E: OH MY GOD Eh? Ah, annoying JUST CAME ON. ONE SEC~] "I want to hear you moan more..." he whispered in a seductive tone. "That is so unlike you, Lukas!" You both turned your head slowly to see Mathias standing over you two, laughing his head off. All of a sudden, Mathias dropped to his knees, revealing Elizaveta and her precious frying pan. "I don't like Peeping Toms."


Le Time Skip


"Isn't she just so beautiful?" you rhetorically asked Lukas as you two were standing over-looking the crib holding your new baby girl. "Mm, she is. She really has your eyes." "It was a rhetorical question." You gave him a playful hit in the head. "Ve~ Let me-a see it!" Feliciano cried out, trying to see between you two. "HOLY POTATO WHEN DID YOU GET HERE, FELI!?!?" you screamed in shock of Feliciano's ability to magically appear out of nowhere. "Ragazza, I'm here too..." Lovino hissed at you. "Same here, Dudette!" "Alfred, you wanker, you'll wake up the baby!" All your country friends started appearing out of thin air, terrifying you and Lukas. "Everyone out..." Lukas used his most threatening tone. 

Everyone left after that, leaving to you to cradle the now awoken [g/n]. "They're all gone now, ___..." Lukas whispered as he wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled you. "God Lukas, at first you used to be so cold and now you've really warmed up. Glad you finally let it go." "Is that a Frozen reference to how people photoshop me onto Elza's body...?" "No! Wait, they actually do that?" He nodded with the solemnest face you had ever seen.

"Oh my God... That is terrifying..."

Author's Note: I'm not even joking about that photoshopping of the Nordics onto a Frozen poster. It's... Disturbing... I have it saved on my iPad and whenever I see it, dear Lord. Flash-backs. Yes, I will be updated more from now on. Yes, I'm a bad author, I know. Leave me alone ; -;


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