Daddy (Ashton Irwin)

By 13Fandoms

1.2M 35.9K 33.1K

He just stood there staring at me. "Can I help you?" I asked gaining some confidence. "Yeah. You can start... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Much Love

Chapter 38

13K 398 379
By 13Fandoms

Chapter 38
(It's not as long as it seems.)

***Liliana's POV***

"So are you excited to be home?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah I guess." I stared out of the window of his truck.

"What's wrong?"

I sighed heavily. "Nothing and everything."


"Ashton's being weird."

"Oh." He turned the radio up slightly. "It's probably just in your head."

"I don't know. Let's not talk about it."

"Your party's gonna be pretty big tomorrow. I invited some of your friends."

"Who?" I asked excitedly.

"Cam, Callie, Jimmy, Melissa, Coop, Cricket, Fizz, and Blondie. There's more, but I can't remember."

"They're all home?"

"Cricket and Jimmy are just back for the summer. Fizz dropped out of college, and Melissa quit her job."

"Speaking of jobs, I can't believe you drive an hour every day to get to the airport. Is it even worth it?"

"I like working there." He shrugged.

"I'm going to get trampled when I walk through the door."

"You'll be fine."

"Governor weighs twice as much as me, and Blue is almost as tall as me when he stands up."

"Okay, maybe you should stand behind me when we get there." He laughed.

I smiled as we passed a sign that read "Josephville Population 379."

"I'm actually a little nervous. Does anyone know why I'm home?"

"Just Aunt Jenny, Uncle Mark, and Grandma and Grandpa."

"Great, so everyone knows."

"I just told you only Aunt Jenny-"

"Exactly. You know she can't keep her fucking mouth shut."

"She was there when Shaylin called. We couldn't just leave her in the dark." He sighed.

"Charlie's parents came into town." He said, turning onto our road. "They aren't staying with us though."

I became more anxious. They were always very judgmental. They didn't particularly like Blake, Caleb, and I because we weren't Charlie's kids.

"Mom and Charlie are in bed, and I think that Jake and Lance have friends over. I'll take your bags in, but then I gotta go." He pulled into our driveway.

"Booty call?"

"It's not a booty call if they text you."

"Still gross."

"Oh please. Like you have room to talk."

"I've only had sex with two people. You've done it with what, fifty?"

"Ha ha." He said sarcastically. "I can count the number of people I've slept with on one hand."

"And how many fingers does that hand have?"

"Five." He said, and I gave him a look. "Okay twelve, but I'm not a whore."

"Whatever you say."

His truck finally pulled up to the house. He didn't even bother to turn off the engine.

I got out and slowly began walking up the path. The flowers planted along the sides were red.

"Move it, Annie. She's waiting on me."

I rolled my eyes and walked up the steps.

Caleb unlocked the door and opened it. The sound of paws hitting the floor became closer.

"Hi Emma!" I said in a high pitched voice. My mom's dog jumped on me and more paws could be heard.

Caleb walked around me and up the stairs.

"Hi Curly! Hi Max!" I cooed as two more of our dogs jumped on me. "Where's Blue and Gov? Where are they?"

I had backed against the door to keep myself standing upright. Though they were the smaller of our five dogs, they were still fairly big.

"Alright, I'm out. See you tomorrow." Caleb said pushing me away from the door.

I pushed my way through the dogs and walked to the basement door. I heard yelling, so I assumed that my younger brothers were down there.

I opened the door and began walking down the stairs.

"Dude shut up! Shut up!" Someone whispered loudly.

I walked to the media room and saw Jake and Lance sitting on the couches with a bunch of their friends, my dog on the floor in front of them.

"Oh it's just you." Jake started the video game again.

"Who's the babe?" One of the other boys asked.

"Our sister." Lance spoke.

"Half sister." Jake mumbled, making me roll my eyes.

"Governor." I whispered.

He lazily opened his eyes before jumping up and running over to me. He knocked me down when he jumped on me, and began licking my face.

"Hi Gov." I laughed, trying to push him off so I could sit up. "I think you put on a few pounds, bud. What have they been feeding you?"

He barked quietly and laid down on top of me. I tried to push him to the side, but he was laying on my good arm.

"Ow! Help! Jake! He's squishing me."

"Just push him off."

It was kind of hard to breathe and being pressed to the floor was hurting my ribs.

"I'm trying!" He ignored me. "Jacob!"

Lance came over and pulled Governor off of me instead.

"Looks like the princess needs saving again." Jake scoffed.

"Fuck you! Gov weighs 230 pounds, and I just got my cast off so my arm is weak."

"Whatever, Princess."

"Don't fucking call me that!" I said loudly. Ashton called me Princess, and I didn't want Jake to turn it into something bad.

"Would you prefer that I call you a bitch?" He smirked.

"Stop being a dick! I didn't ask to get hurt. I didn't ask for you to go to LA. I sure as hell didn't fucking ask for you to treat me like shit. I don't know what little teenage crisis you're having, but you need to grow the fuck up. I'm your sister, and it's time that you start treating me like it." I turned and began walking away. "Come on, Gov."

When I got up the stairs, I looked at Governor.

"You wanna go for a ride?"

His tail started wagging.

"Alright. Let's go."

We went outside and walked to the garage. I walked through the door and grabbed the keys to the Gator off of the wall. After I got in, I opened the garage door and drove out.

"Get in, boy!"

Governor jumped into the passenger side and sat down.

Driving around the house and through the back yard, I headed toward the woods. I turned on my bright lights as the trees became nearer.

The familiar path that had become over grown brought back memories of when I was younger.

Taking one hand off of the steering wheel, I began rubbing Governor's back.

I slowed down when I went down a hill. There was a creek at the bottom that I had to cross, and my feet got a little wet.

A few minutes later, the trees came to an end. I drove through a pasture before going over a hill and seeing my destination.

When I drove up to the house, I shut the engine off and walked up to the door. After I knocked, I stepped back and waited.

The door opened, revealing Emily.

"Annie? What are you doing here?" She hugged me.

"I missed everyone, so I thought I would come home for a couple weeks."

I walked into the house and we went to the kitchen. I grabbed a paper towel and wet it before wiping my face off.

"What was that about?"

"Gov got a little excited when he saw me and he slobbered all over my face."

"Oh my god. I missed you." She laughed.

"Yeah. I missed you too. Is your brother home?"

She rolled her eyes. "He's upstairs."

"Thanks. Gov is in the Gator, I won't be too long." I said as I walked passed her.

I walked through the living room and up the stairs. I rolled my eyes at Cameron's door. It had a skull and crossbones on it, but he's the most harmless person.

I knocked three times and heard him yell. "Emily I don't want to take you to McDonalds!"

I laughed and opened the door.

"Emily fuck off!" He yelled before looking at me. "Cupcake?"

The nickname is misunderstood by many people. It wasn't a sweet thing at all. He called me Cupcake because when I first met him, I was eating a cupcake. Blake scared me, and I choked on it. I couldn't breathe properly for almost five minutes after that. He's called me Cupcake ever since.

"Hey Cam." I smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"Can't a friend come to see another friend without questions being asked?"

"Not if you're the friend."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Do you wanna go for a ride?"

"Like let's take a drive to the city or let's go to the lake, like old times?"

"The lake."

"Yeah. Let's go, I'll get the blankets and stuff. Meet me in the truck, it's parked out back."

He threw me a pair of keys and I left the room. I saw Emily sitting on the couch with Gov.

"Leaving already?" She asked.

"We're gonna go to the lake."

"Can I come?"

"Uh I'm not sure if Cam would want you to."

She groaned. "You guys always went to the lake without me. The one time I actually got to go, we didn't do anything. What's so great about the lake?"

"That's for us to know and for you to never find out." Cam said from behind me.

I grabbed a couple of blankets from his arms.

"Why? Do you hook up or something?"

"No!" I said quickly. "We don't really do anything. It's just peaceful out there."


"We'll leave Gov here, so you don't get lonely." Cam said. "Let's go."

I followed Cameron to his truck and put the blankets in the back. Then, we got in and he began driving.

"So how's life in the big city?" He asked after a while.

I sighed. "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't really want to talk about it. How've you been?"

"Good I guess."

"Are you still with that one girl?"

"Lydia? No. She was super crazy, so I ended that."

"I'm sure she wasn't that bad."

"She lied about being on birth control. You wanna know how I found that out?"


"She got pregnant, and when I went to the doctor with her, the doctor said that she hadn't been on it for months. Thank god the kid wasn't mine."

"Alright so maybe she was a little crazy." I laughed.

He pulled into the parking lot of the lake, but passed the gravel. He parked in a grassy area near the water and we got out.

I spread out the blankets and pillows in the bed and put the tailgate down.

Cam jumped over the side and sat down. I crawled in the back and leaned into him when he wrapped his arm around me.

"Light it up." I said, looking at the stars.

Cam removed his arm from me momentarily as he lit the blunt. He took a long drag before handing it to me. I repeated his actions.

"I almost smoked this yesterday." He told me.

"Good thing you didn't."


"I don't wanna grow up." He sighed.

"Then don't."

"I have to."

"You're only twenty one. Just live a little."

"It's not that simple, Cupcake." He took another long drag. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I wish."

"Do that thing." He held the joint to my lips and I inhaled.

I put my hands on his cheeks and brought his face closer. I blew the smoke into his mouth.

"I love that." He sighed happily.

With every inhalation, I felt my stress disappearing.

I took Cameron's arm off of me and laid down in the middle of the truck bed.

"Put that out and come cuddle with me."

A few seconds later, Cameron's arm wrapped around my waist. I turned around and rested my head on his shoulder.

He gently squeezed me before saying, "I love this too."


"Wake up." Jake's not so soothing voice spoke.

"Go away."

"Look, I don't wanna talk to you just as much as you don't wanna listen. I didn't want to have a part in anything that will make you happy but-"

"What are you talking about?"

"Just wake up."

I felt a cold liquid being poured on me. I sat up quickly.

"What the fuck? Is this Mountain Dew?"

"Yeah. It's noon, there's food downstairs." He walked out of my room.

I sighed and got out of my bed. I went to my bathroom and washed my face off. I grabbed a towel and tried to dry my hair while I brushed my teeth.

"Fucking douchebag." I mumbled as I took my shirt off.

I dried my shoulders while I walked to my dresser. I put on the first shirt that I saw and started looking for a pair of shorts. It wasn't until I looked in the bottom drawer that I finally found a pair.

I threw the towel in the bathroom and began walking down the first set of stairs.

"Mom! Jake poured his-" I paused when I saw her standing at the top of the second flight of stairs. "What are you doing?"

"Will." She flipped over a sign that had the word 'WILL' on it.

"Okay then."

Charlie was behind her at the bottom of the stairs.

"You." He flipped a sign.

Caleb and Lance were standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Be." Caleb flipped his sign.

"My." Lance flipped his sign.

I walked into the kitchen to see Ashton standing around the corner with a bouquet of Tiger Lilies. My jaw dropped.

"Girlfriend?" He flipped over a sign.

It took a moment to process everything.

"Yes! Oh my god!" I hugged him.

I felt someone take the things from him and his arms wrapped around my waist.

He picked me up and my legs wrapped around him.

"I thought that you didn't like me anymore." I whispered.

"Baby I will always like you." He kissed me softly.

"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." I hugged him again.

"Okay, ew." Lance said. "Just because I helped you, doesn't mean that you can grope my sister."

Ashton laughed and set me down. I kissed him one more time before turning to my family.

"How long did you guys know about this?" I asked, wrapping my arm around Ashton's waist.

"The day that we got back home, Ashton called me and said that he wanted to do this." Caleb explained.

"Well I have to go and clean my pillows and sheets because Jacob poured his Mountain Dew on me." I sighed. "Mom can you put those in a vase?"

She nodded and wiped tears from her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I asked while I walked over to hug her.

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around me. "I just love you so much."

"I love you too." I let go and looked at Ashton. "Come on."

I took Ashton's hand and led him up both flights of stairs to my room.

"So you have your own floor?"

"Yep. We built this house when I was like twelve, and we decided that as a girl in a house full of boys, I needed my own space. It's really peaceful up here."

When you walked up the stairs, to the left, there was a large window with a bench. There were floor to ceiling bookshelves on the walls beside it. The shelves on the left were filled with books, CDs, DVDs, and records. The shelves on the right held some of my many shoes.

"I'm warning you, my room is very cringeworthy." I said when I opened my door.

He walked in behind me and looked around. I closed my door and leaned against it.

"I need to take a shower. I'm sticky, and not in a good way."

"We could change that." He smirked, walking closer to me.

"Or you could join me."

I walked around him and stood in front of the bathroom door, my back turned to him. I slowly took my shirt and shorts off, silently praying that I didn't look dumb.

***Ashton's POV***

I watched Lily as she slowly got out of her clothes. The love bites that I left on her back were faint on her flawless skin. It was incredibly sexy. I bit my lip when she unhooked her bra and dropped it to the floor.

She walked into the bathroom, and seconds later, her underwear was thrown into the room.

When the water started running, I took off my shirt. It wasn't my intention to come here to ask her to be my girlfriend, but my previous plans fell through.

I took off my shoes and walked closer to the bathroom. She was quietly singing a song that I didn't know.

When the rest of my clothes were off, I stepped in the shower behind her and closed the door.

"I really thought you got tired of me." She said when she turned around.

"I'm sorry." I pulled her closer to me. "When you called, my plane was taking off. I was going to get an earlier flight, but some new accountants messed up on-"

She kissed me and put her hand on my cheek. "I don't care about that. I'm glad that you're here."

"Me too." I smiled. "I have a question."


"Why did you smell like marijuana earlier?"

"Why do you know what marijuana smells like?" She countered.

"Don't turn this on me." I laughed.

"Jake was being a dick last night and I needed something to relax me."

"You could've called me."

"I didn't want to seem needy."

I kissed the pout on her lips and held her close to me.

"I like it when you're needy."

I managed to get around her so the water was hitting my back. Her hands ran down my torso.

"I need you, Daddy."

I smiled at her words.

"Turn around, Princess."

She turned slowly, and looked at me over her shoulder. I ran my fingers over the red marks.

"These are beautiful." I pressed her back to me. "Just like you."

She rested her head on my shoulder while I kissed her neck and massaged her hip.

"You have to be quiet, Princess. I mean it this time." I lightly bit a spot below her ear.


"Okay what?" I grabbed her left breast.

"Okay, Daddy." She moaned quietly.

I moved my hand lower. My fingers rubbed circles on her core and teased at her entrance.

"Annie!" I heard her mother's voice faintly.

She tried to remove my hands from her, but I didn't let her.

Her mum knocked on her bedroom door.

"Yeah?" Lily yelled.

"Charlie and I are going to town for a few things. Do you want anything?"

I put two fingers inside of Lily, and she gasped.

"N- No. I'm good."

"What about Ashton?"

I moved my fingers in and out.

"He's good too." She said quickly.

"We'll be back in a couple of hours."

"O- Okay!"

"What a shame. I really wanted some Doritos." I joked.

"Fuck you." She turned her head and kissed me.

"That was the plan." I smirked.

I quickened my pace and she writhed against my erection that was pressed against her lower back.

She whined when I curled my fingers.

"You like that, Princess?"

"Mhm." Her hand gripped my arm.

She moaned loudly when I pinched her nipple and lightly bit her shoulder.

"Shh. We wouldn't want anyone to hear, would we?" I rubbed her core quickly.

"N- No." She bucked her hips.

"You wanna come, Princess?"

"Please, Daddy."

I took her hands and put them on the shower wall.

"Keep them there."

My fingers found their way inside of her once more.

"Do you want another?"

"Yes, Daddy." She moaned.

I began rubbing my length as I pushed a third finger inside of her. She took a hand off of the wall and put it over her mouth.

"Hands on the wall." I reminded her.

She moaned loudly as she put her hand back on the wall.

"D- Daddy I'm-"

"Come for me, Princess."

Her walls tightened around my fingers and a loud moan came out of her mouth.

"Daddy. Daddy!"

I kissed from her shoulder up to her neck. "Good girl, Lily."

As soon as I pulled my fingers out of her, she turned around and kissed me. Her hand slowly rubbed my member.

"I'm not a good girl, Daddy." She kissed my neck. "A good girl wouldn't let their Daddy get them off when other people are in the house."

"I couldn't help myself. You make me feel so good." She moaned, rubbing her thumb over my tip.

I groaned and bit my lip. Dirty talk was never appealing to me before, but hearing it come from Lily's mouth was driving me crazy.

"It's so sexy knowing that someone could come up here and see what a bad girl I am." She moved her hand faster.


"I'm your bad girl, right Daddy?"

"Fuck! Yes, Princess." I was getting close.

"Do I make you feel good, Daddy?"

"Yes baby. You make Daddy feel so good." I moaned before biting my lip.

I looked into her innocent eyes and lost it. My come shot between us, getting onto our stomachs.

"Fuck! Lily!" I groaned and kissed her.

When I came down from my high, I mumbled against her lips, "My beautiful beautiful Princess."

She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me.

We stood under the stream of hot water for a couple of minutes before she spoke.

"Those lilies were beautiful. Extremely cheesy, but beautiful."

"Lilies for Lily." I smiled.

"How long did my family know about it?"

"Well I was going to ask you on Saturday, but then Caleb said he couldn't do it. It was going to be Shaylin instead of Lance, but that obviously didn't work out. Speaking of Shaylin, I got some very rude messages from her yesterday."

"Just a minor misunderstanding. I'll call her later."

"I think that she wanted to kill me."

"Probably." Lily shrugged and reached for the shampoo behind me.

"And you're okay with that?" I put some in my hand and began washing her hair.

"Well for one thing, it's Shaylin, so that speaks for itself. You were fine one minute and the next you wouldn't even answer my texts. And you called me Annie."

"You were upset because I called you Annie?"

"Well yeah. Annie's what everyone else calls me, and I don't want you to be like everyone else."

"You are so fucking adorable, Princess." I kissed her nose.

I traded her places and she rinsed the shampoo from her hair.

After she put conditioner in her own hair, she shampooed mine.

"You're so tall." She said as she massaged my scalp.

"Maybe you're just short."

"I'm average height!"

"Whatever you say."

"Just rinse your hair." She said, pushing me under the water.

"I hate this thing." She poked at her stomach.

"Lily you don't need to lose weight." I frowned.

"I know. I was talking about the scar." She said awkwardly.

"Oh. Well it's barely noticeable."

She sighed. "But it's there."

I kissed her gently. "Don't think about it too much."


(Long bc Character Ask Answers)

I do not live in Josephville or anywhere near there, so I don't know exactly what it's like. If you do know about it, please don't comment on things that I fuck up on. That's not cool.

I like writing smut in Ashton's POV. Would you prefer if I did it in Lily's?

Character Answers:


Q- 5Saucy4Lifey: Did you see the snapchat stories?
A- Yeah. I wasn't super happy about it, but I'm not mad at Lily.

Q- M_Janelle: Why did you blow off Lily?
A- I didn't mean to. I just had to do some stuff so I could surprise her.

Q- ash_ton_ir_win122: Do you prefer lily or your job?
A- I love my job. It's great, but I can't cuddle with it, so...

Q- leilamorr: are you muke af?
A- Sure, but what's muke?

Q- m_a_l_u_m: Can you be my daddy?
A- I'm already someone's daddy...sorry.

Q- imcummingash: Is it just a daddy kink or is it Ddlg?
A- I think just a kink. I like to be dominant, but I have no intentions on treating Lily like a child in any way.


Q- _ThatAwkwardWriter_: You have to choose at one point, Lily. Alex or Ashton?
A- There's no question that it's Ashton, but I can't just forget about Alex. He was a big part of my life.

Q- 5Saucy4Lifey: Can you adopt me?
A- Sure, but that doesn't mean that Ash will be your daddy.

Q- muffons_23: Do you have small tiny feelings for Kyle? Be honest.
A- There's always going to be some feelings there because he was my first, but I don't want to act on them.

Q- carostyles124: Why are you so awesome? I love you
A- I'm not that awesome, but thanks. I love you too.

Q- douchebagluke: Do you ever think you would date Kyle again (pls say yes)
A- I think that we work better as friends and I'm with Ash, but things happen. You never know.

Q- imcummingash: Do you like calling Ashton Daddy?
A- Yes!! And it's great that he likes being called Daddy. Things would be pretty awkward if he didn't...


Q- ash_ton_ir_win122: Y U SO PERF?!?
A- I don't know. I just am.

Q- RubyRose_Flower: How much do you like Vince?
A- On a scale of 1-10...probably like a 9.

Q- hawtiehemmimgs: Can we be best friends because we have so much in common we are both sassy and fabulous
A- Thanks for acknowledging my fabulousness. I guess we can be best friends.


Q- ash_ton_ir_win122: Do u like Ashton?
A- No. I fucking hate him. He's the reason Annie and I broke up.

Q- m_a_l_u_m: If u "loved" her then why did you abuse her?
A- I'm bipolar and I black out when I'm mad. I didn't know what I was doing most of the time.

Q- slutforbandmembers: make sure not to drop the soap in jail
A- Didn't plan on doing it.

Q- bigdaddyAshton_: Are you gunna try and escape from jail?
A- I'm in prison, so the consequences for escaping (if I get caught) are a lot worse. I'm just going to serve my sentence.

Q- Imactuallysatan: Can you jump off a cliff on to pointy rocks? Please and thank you.
A- That could kill me, so no.

Q- hawtiehemmimgs: Can you go lie in a hole?
A- I'll lie in your hole.


Q- _ThatAwkwardWriter_: can we be friends?
A- I thought we already were..?

Q- ash_ton_ir_win122: Who is your fave from 5sos?
A- Mikeyyy, but Ashton is my Daddy.

Q- carostyles124: You're so awesome, how do you write like this? Could you give me some tips to improve my fanfic? It kinda sucks
A- I promise you that your fanfic isn't as bad as you think it is. Developing writing skills takes time. Just write a bunch of short stories that are different from each other and have people edit them. Once you find your writing style, everything will fall into place eventually.

Q- RubyRose_Flower: How do you even write so much ( you're amazing ) without getting writer's block?
A- I get writers block a lot. When that happens, I read. Most of this story was written at 2AM. My mind is like a creative fountain when I'm tired.

Q- Mertanner: What's your favorite Nirvana, The Beatles, and 5SOS song?
A- First of all, it's so fucking rude to make me choose!! Uhh Nirvana- Heart-Shaped Box or Dumb. The Beatles- Eight Days a Week. 5SOS- Wrapped Around Your Finger or Disconnected.

A- I mean...if you gave me a time and place I'm not saying that I wouldn't be there.

That was fun. I died when I wrote Alex's last answer. (A lot of questions were repeated, so sorry if I didn't answer yours specifically.)

FUN FACT: I'm reaaaally tall. I hate it. I'm almost 5'8" and I've been this tall since seventh grade. In sixth grade I was 5' so I grew 8 inches in a year.

I'm in love with you and I feel fine.

Stay crocs.

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