Psychopath 2 β€’β€’ J.J.K [COMPLE...


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"I actually think I may be possessed with demons, I was dropped on my head as a kid." ~ Denis Rader More

Ch.6 πŸ’€
Ch.7 πŸ’€
Ch.8 πŸ’€
Ch.9 πŸ’€
Ch. 10 πŸ’€
Ch 17πŸ’€
Ch. 18πŸ’€
Ch. 21πŸ’€
Ch. 22πŸ’€
Ch. 42πŸ’€


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JIN ~~

Work was exhausting all I wanted was to go home, take a long soothing bath and go to sleep but that's unlikely going to happen when realizing that I have people to feed when I get home. Since I'm the oldest the mother figure of the house no father around well that's Nam Joons job but he hardly doesn't do anything to help much. The only person that helps around the house is Taehyung. They don't cook for themselves because I'm always afraid that one of them is going to burn the whole place down especially Nam Joon.

Unlocking the door to see the whole place completely messed up as if they were having some kind of wrestling match or something. I banged my head on the door inhaling deeply trying to stay as calm as possible. Seriously there is no calmness in this place it's hell in here everyday.

I placed my suit case on the floor along with my white blazer jacket. Scanning the place down an not a single word or sound filled the room, it was way too quiet for my ears "Jimin?!" I shouted ..nothing.."V!" shouting there names over and over but none of them responded. Licking my lips feeling a bit panicking that no one is around. Walking towards there rooms as I opened everyone of them, not a single soul wandered. "Where the fucking hell are they" I whispered.

NJ ~~

Jungkook and Lynn went out on a date while the rest of the boys and I headed down to the basement. I needed to talk to them about Lynn, something wasn't right with her and I'm beginning to worry that Lynn isn't even Lynn at all.

"So why did you bring us here?" Says V holding his cat nub nub on he's lap.

"It's about Lynn" I said sighing as I sat down on the metal circled chair ruffling my hair.

"Is she back?" ask Yoongi. I nodded in response "What about her tho?" Jimin ask. "Well that girl made a move on me then blamed me for doing it to her" I told them scratching the back of my hair. "Ohh shit! She did that? Well well well so what about it" says J-hope.

"Dude that's not Lynn! That girl is someone else, have you guys seen anything weird about her?" furrowing my brows together as I leaned in near the table with my hands on my chin. "Other than the fact that she almost tried to kill her kids and being flirtatious towards you?" Yoongi says. "Exactly! The normal Lynn wouldn't hurt her kids and flirt anyone of us" I told them.

"So what are we going to do about it" V says still petting his cat.

I thought for a moment thinking what should we do to expose her. Glancing around the table were many eyes darting with mine waiting for me to continue, I then snapped my fingers about the plan in my head. It has to work, I thought.

"We should expose Jungkook about Lynn how she's really not who she is, obviously Jungkook is in her spell of love right now and doesn't really care what we think of her, so he should know who he's dealing with and that girl better get out of here because that is not Lynn" I told them.

"Let's wait for the maknae and let the plan begin" I said as I clap my hands together.


I watched through the window waiting for the two to come out and once they do I'll pull him aside to distract him taking him down to the library.

Waiting for the two was taking forever, I was getting bored feeling that I'm about to ditch the whole plan when his car pulled up, he got out and walked towards the her side as she got out, they held hands together entering the mansion.

Walking down the stairs seeing them too busy making out, I pulled Jungkook away from Lynn eyeing me confusingly "No time to talk lets go somewhere" I said covering he's mouth muffling words in between.

I pushed him inside the library locking the door shut "What the hell is you're problem" he yelled "Aigoo~ stop being such a baby and sit down with the rest of us" I told him with smile. He only sigh as he sat down next to V. "Why are we all here? And where is Jimin hyung?" he ask he seemed annoyed that we kidnaped him from he's demon wife.

"Just watch" Yoongi says turning on the remote where a giant screen rolled down, the video was now playing. It showed Lynn, Jimin and Jin lecturing them about the mess we've created in the living room he even yelled at Lynn for still being here when he specifically told her to leave. But with Jungkook around he's not going to make her get out.

"This is so stupid" Jungkook says rolling his eyes at the screen. Ignoring he's tantrum continuing to watch the screen, his posture became good sitting upright holding onto the chair handle when Jimin took Lynn's hand as they walked towards he's room closing it behind.

"What is going on" he ask but we still ignored him, his didn't leave the screen as he watched with anticipation.

"So it's been awhile since we talked" he says as he placed he's hands on her cheeks, he then placed he's other hand on her hip making them a bit way to close. Lynn didn't move an inch, this plan could possibly work waiting for the finishing touch, "Lynn you have no idea how much I've missed you" he says leaning in for a kiss when she slapped him hard causing him to trip a little.

"That's my girl" Jung kook says chuckling at the action "What the hell Jimin you're such a perv!" She says walking away from him. I sigh in defeat Lynn is smart very smart it's like she already knew it was coming. "You guys are a bunch of idiots if you think you're going to make me take her back in that shit place" he says getting up from his seat when Yoongi pulled him down "Your the idiot if you think she's an angel made in heaven when in reality she's a fucking whore ass demon made in hell."

"Think about it, she hasn't been herself lately, something about her is just really off and your so dumb to realize that" he says crossing his arms glaring at JungKook.

"You know what I don't need you to tell me who she is, she's perfectly fine she hasn't hurt anyone especially our twins so why can't you accept her like before and she's not a demon" he spat pointing at Yoongi who a bit shocked at the maknae.

"She's not Lynn if anything I think she's possessed" says Yoongi who got up furiously pulling the door, we all followed him knowing this he's about to do something and it won't be good. He charged upstairs as he opened Lynn's room harshly grabbing her arm pulling her outside, "Hyung what are you doing!" Jungkook shouted coming closer to him but we pulled him back wriggling in our grasp.

Yoongi dragged her outside covering her mouth so she couldn't scream only muffles sounds escaped her lips. He flipped her over fished out a knife from his pocket landing it on her neck, she whimpered in fear as Yoongi kissed her forehead deeply. "WHAT THE FUCK! LET HER GO!" Jungkook yelled even if he wanted to get out of our grasp we were stronger pulling him back, in a way this was good since our plan didn't work might as well scare the boy.

"You have three choices .. One: you take her back in the hospital to get better, two: we do exorcism on her, because well there's probably a demon in her or three ... I slice her throat if you don't choose one or two" showing his gummy smile.

"So what's your answer?" He says slowly trailing the knife around her neck.

Trying to finish this so I can start on the rest of the fanfic haha anyways hope you enjoy the chapter and please don't forget to read, vote and comment tell me what chi think ^^ please don't mind some bad grammars I'm still learning ^^


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