My life in the Cirque du Freak

CapsWinterSoldier tarafından

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Fanfic for Cirque du Freak. All credit goes to Darren Shan, except for the characters Liv, Crow, and Johnny... Daha Fazla

Living in the Cirque
Welcome, to the Cirque du Freak
Mr. Tall
Gone? pt.1
Gone? pt.2
Over It ;-)
Chapter 14
The Show
Something's Coming
The Dream
Johnny, Tickle Fights, and Mixed Feelings
Jealous? pt.1
Jealous? pt.2
Chapter 25
You're a WHAT? pt.1
You're a WHAT? pt.2
Secrets Revealed (Kinda)
The Act(s)
Can We Stop The World From Turning?
Wait... What!?
Chapter 38
Birthdays and Babies
False Alarm
Scary Movies, Scary Questions
The Wedding
What Now?
Vampire Mountain
It Was Supposed To Be A Vacation!
They're Here
New Arrivals
Quick Note
Happy New Year
Sorry I Suck At Naming Chapters;-p
Get Out
Welcome Home

Chapter 24

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CapsWinterSoldier tarafından

After making sure Johnny was ok and comfortable, Evra and I left to get our chores done. "What do you have to do today?" He asked. "I have to help Mr. Crepsley. What are you doing?" I asked. "I have to get souvenirs set out for tonight and set up my instruments." He replied. I smiled and kissed him, "I'm so glad you get to perform your music!" I said. "I know. I am too! Hey, would you ever want to sing with me?" He asked, a hint of hopefulness in his voice. I didn't know how to answer that, "Evra... You know I have stage fright!" I said. He nodded and laughed. "It's so weird how you can play a flute on stage without any nerves, but when it comes to singing in front of more people than me you're shaking." He teased. I laughed and shrugged. "I've always been like that though." I told him. He nodded and took my hands before pulling me in to kiss me and head off to do his chores. I went to Mr. Crepsley's tent and found a note on his coffin: Scarlett, I have gone to feed. If I am not back by the time you get here feel free to lounge until I get back. -Mr. Crepsley
I stuck the note in my pocket and sat sideways in his red chair. My favorite chair.
*My first week at the Cirque was a tiring one, and now Mr. Crepsley wanted to see me. I haven't seen much of him since we got here but I figured he was busy doing whatever vampires do. I went to his tent and sat in the big red chair in the middle of his tent and looked up at him. "How has your week been?" He asked me. I shrugged, "Alright I guess. I've been helping *yawn* Evra with his chores and stuff. I'm so tired!" I said, rubbing my eyes. I thought I heard a deep chuckle from the old vampire, but my ears were probably playing tricks on me. "Do not fall asleep yet. I have someone coming by that I would like for you to meet." He said. "Who?" I asked him, fighting back the fifth yawn threatening to escape. "Me!" Said a voice loudly from behind the chair. I grabbed a pillow and started hitting the person until Mr. Crepsley grabbed the pillow from me. I sat on the floor, heart beating loudly, terrified. Mr. Crepsley looked from me to the man who was fixing his suit from the feathers that had flown out when the pillow broke. "Gavner, shame on you. You have frightened the girl!" Said Mr. Crepsley. The man, Gavner, held out his hand to me and after a few seconds I took it and he helped me up. "Sorry." He said. "It's ok." I replied. He shook my hand, "Gavner Purl." He introduced himself. "I'm Scarlett" I said. "Beautiful name." He commented, and I smiled as I thanked him. "Larten, you always said you'd never take an assistant. What changed your mind?" Gavner asked. Mr. Crepsley only chuckled and shook his head, "It is a long and complicated story, not what I invited you here for Gavner!" He exclaimed. The two vampires sat and talked of old times while I listened and tried to stay awake, but that wasn't easy. I curled into a ball in the chair and pulled Mr. Crepsley's cloak on top of me and fell asleep.*

I smiled to myself, remembering that first week and how scared I was after leaving home. Everyone made me feel so welcome! It was a while before Mr. Crepsley got back and I found myself falling asleep again.

Returning to my tent, I found Scarlett asleep in that old red chair. She has always loved that chair for some reason, I never knew why. I remember the first night she discovered her love for it,
*I turned to tell Scarlett something and saw her asleep in my chair. She was curled into a ball, my cloak draped over her small figure, and breathing lightly. I lifted her and placed her gently in my coffin then covered her in my cloak again. Remembering her claustrophobia, I left the lid open before returning to Gavner. "I guess I shall take my leave." Gavner said. I nodded and shook hands with him, "It was nice to see you again Gavner." I said. He smiled, "And you old man." He replied, then he flitted away. Before going to feed I checked on Scarlett, and just looking at her small silhouette in the coffin, I knew that this strong, beautiful, wild hearted young girl would one day make an amazing assistant, performer, and vampire (should she choose to complete the transformation)
I honestly did not know what came over me, but I walked over to her and leaned down to place a light kiss on her forehead. As I walked out into the night I knew that life in the Cirque would never be the same again.*

We did not have much time now before the show, so I gently shook her to wake her up.

I groaned and opened my eyes. "What is with you people and shaking?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "I apologize. But we must get to the stage." Mr. Crepsley replied. I nodded, stood up, and stretched, wincing as a few things popped that I don't think should've! As we walked to the old stadium I jumped onto Mr. Crepsley's back and rode to the stage. "You are the laziest vampire I have ever met!" He told me. I only shrugged, "I'm only half vampire. The other half of me is a 17 year old girl, what do you expect?" I asked. "Have you thought about completing your transformation?" He asked. "I don't know." I replied softly. "You do not have to if that is not what you wish." Mr. Crepsley said, stopping and bringing me around to stand in front of him. "I... I kinda like being half vampire. I like being able to hang out with everybody during the day." I said, staring at my feet.
Mr. Crepsley tilted my head up so I could look at him. "You do not have to be upset by that. If you wish to remain a half vampire you may." He said with a small smile. I returned that smile and we started walking again. Mr. Crepsley chuckled to himself when I pulled his arm around my shoulders as we made our way to the stage.
When we got there, I tried to steer clear of Rebecca. But being as she was the costume designer, I wasn't so lucky. I hated thinking badly of her but I didn't wear the costume she put out for me, because I was kind of scared that she had done something to it. So instead I wore a dress Truska had made me a while back, it was black and had a white ruffled skirt with one of my favorite pairs of shoes. And I hated shoes so that was saying something! I really tried not to notice Rebecca's face as I walked onto stage with Mr. Crepsley but I caught her eye and she looked even more mad than before! I really wish I knew what her problem was, but I couldn't focus on that right now. I had to play for Octa and her owner.
In the middle of the act though, the sprinklers suddenly went off! Soaking everybody and everything within seconds. I played long enough to get Octa in her cage, then everyone ran to their rooms to dry off. As I twisted my hair into a towel, there was a knock on the door and then I heard Mr. Crepsley call me. "Scarlett, Evra is here to see you." I pulled on my shorts and a sweater and then went to Evra. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek, because Mr. Crepsley didn't know Evra and I were together together yet and I'd like to keep Evra alive. I noticed Evra's hair was still dripping, so I sat him on a stool and grabbed a towel. I dried his hair and played with it while we sat and talked about what happened. "How could those come on without a fire though?" Evra asked. I shrugged and looked at Mr. Crepsley, "Did you sense anything? Smell smoke or anything?" I asked him. He shook his head and looked just as confused as Evra and I felt! "I do not know what happened. Perhaps and unhappy spectator came to sabotage the show." He said. I nodded, not fully believing it though. Later that night I went to Rebecca's room and knocked on the door.
She opened it, smirking when she saw me. I pushed passed her into the room and turned to face her. "Enjoy your shower?" She asked. "Did you do that?" I asked. She only shut the door then faced me. "Did. You. Do. That?" I asked again. "I saw you kiss Evra before the show. You looked like you needed to cool down." She said. My voice got louder, "What is your problem lately? Seriously I don't know what I did to you but I'm sorry for whatever it was!" I said. She sneered at me and replied, "I don't want your apologies! That's the last thing I want from you."
I couldn't believe her! "Do you realize that Mr. Crepsley could be dead right now because of that stunt you pulled?" I yelled. "You could've killed him and anyone else that Octa got her fangs on!" I continued. "He has an antidote he would've been fine!" She yelled back. "No, Rebecca, he wouldn't have! Because he had to use that antidote on-- on Steve." I said. I hadn't talked about Steve in years, it was strange for his name to be said again. "Well nothing happened so calm your fangs." She said, obviously not caring about how much damage she could've caused. I could've smacked her, but for some reason I didn't.
"You know what? You're not worth my energy or the time spent arguing. I'm so done with this." I said, and I walked out of the room.

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