Heart Attack (a HeartStopper...

By pablogalan10

11.5K 344 94

We start our story years into the future when a 25-year-old Nick moves back to town after college to teach at... More

Nick. Learning to breath.
Charlie. Breathing again.
Nick. Saying goodbye.
Charlie. Hello again.
Nick. A Step back.
Charlie. The first step.
Nick. A leap of faith.
Charlie. Faith in the fall.
Nick. Realazing.
Charlie. Loosing my mind.
Nick. Admit it.
Charlie. Denial.
Nick. Telling the truth.
Charlie. What i give for you.
Nick. What you took from me.
Charlie. The floor drops
Nick. The ceiling falls
Charlie. One last time
Nick. For the last time
Charlie. After All.
Nick. Before anything.
Charlie. Running.
Nick. Stopping
Charlie. Starting
Nick. Circles.
Charlie. Squares
Nick. Water.
Charlie. Thirst.
Nick. Having you.
Charlie. Give myself.
Nick. Saying sorry.
Charlie. Forgiving.
Nick. The past.
Charlie. The future.
Nick. A little bit closer.
Charlie. To far away.
Nick. Shattered.
Charlie. Four.
Nick. Two.
Charlie. One.
Nick. Lying.
Charlie. Telling the truth.
Nick. Deep inside.
Charlie. On the surface.
Matias. Monsters.
Ben. Beasts.
Charlie. Guilt.
Nick. Innocence.
Charlie. As we thought it would be
Nick. As we wanted it to be.
Ben. As it actually is.
Charlie. Yours first.
Nick. Home.
Nick. Us
Charlie. Them
Nick. Disappear
Charlie. Being present.
Nick . A travel through time.

Charlie. House.

141 4 0
By pablogalan10

Song recomendation for the chapter: Perfect places. - Melodrama. - Lorde.

The doorbell made Nick peel away from his lips.

"I'm going to kill whoever is interrupting us" Charlie held him tightly by the hip to keep him from leaving, and Nick, between laughs, gave him one more kiss before walking away to answer the door.

"Now that you live here we can do that whenever we want."

Charlie's head was still spinning with excitement.

¿What had just happened? ¿They were living together now? He thought as a huge smile spread across his face and held up the keys he had just given him.

It didn't take long for the apartment to fill up with people. First to arrive were Tara and Darcy, who couldn't help but bring their weight in plants for the apartment.

"This one's doing great in the shade, don't worry." Tara was arranging the plant in a corner as she brushed the dirt off her black overalls.

"You'll have to remind me to water them, I'm lousy with plants."

"Charlie is very good, don't worry." Tara winked, while Darcy and Charlie hugged.

"Just because I haven't killed the orchid you gave me a year ago doesn't mean I'm good with plants."

"If I can keep the downtown garden alive you can with four potted plants kids." Darcy rolled her eyes, as she pulled some bottles of wine out of her backpack. "I also brought this to water you guys." She wore a blue velvet shirt Elle had given her for her birthday, with beige pants.

Then Tao, Elle and Isaac arrived. Those also brought gifts for both of them.

"NO WAY!" Nick shouted in happiness when Elle gave him a painting. An impressionistic landscape of what looked like a beach.

"I didn't know which one to give you, but Charlie picked it out...I hope you like it." Charlie blushed as Nick gave them both a hug.

"I LOVE IT. Did Char tell you i wanted one of your landscapes?"

"He practically begged me to give it to you." Elle adjusted her white ensemble. "But I was already planning on painting something for your anyway."

"Did I choose well?" Charlie gave Nick a kiss on the cheek.

"More than well. I love it."

Charlie thought it reminded him of the beach when Nick confirmed they were dating, and the memory filled him with butterflies as Nick arranged the painting on top of the couch.

"It can't go on that wall, that's the projector wall." Tao crossed his arms. That day he had decided to stop wearing only black, and was wearing a matching gray pants and sweatshirt. Tao held up his gift, one of his old projectors that still worked perfectly.

"Of course not, I'll put that one in my room."

"Do you expect us all to lie on your bed? We'd better vote."

Darcy and Tao raised their hand, and Isaac just rolled his eyes.

"Nick decides where to put his stuff Tao" Isaac added, he had given him a small bookcase. Nick didn't have many books so that was more than enough.

"Thank you Isaac."

"Do I get to vote?" Charlie asked, as he and Isaac arranged Nick's books on the bookcase.

"Sure my love."

"Sure my love." Tao lambasted him as Elle nudged him and everyone laughed.

Eventually the last guests arrived. Karina and Ben. Karina brought a lasagna she had cooked for everyone, and as she put it in the oven along with Tara, Nick and Charlie greeted the green-eyed boy. It was the first time they had seen him after the trio, and none of them  knew how they would feel. He was wearing a denim shirt and black pants, looking handsome as always.

"Hi." Ben said blushing as he held up a gift wrapped box.

"Hi." Both Charlie and Nick stood petrified in the doorway watching him, while the others laughed at their looks. Luckily Charlie took the gift out of his hands and they were able to hug, and the nervousness of the encounter was lightened by the closeness.

"I'm glad it's not being awkward." Ben whispered in both of their ears as he hugged them.

"It's awkward enough for the others, don't worry." Tao whispered from across the room, pretending not to say anything as he drank from his wine.

"SHUT UP TAO" Nick and Charlie yelled at him at the same time, and Ben just laughed as he broke away from the embrace.

"I hope that means you trust me enough to make jokes about my private life." Ben crossed his arms, watching Tao.

"Something like that..." The latter gave him a half smile... which by Tao's standards was practically a huge show of affection.

"Well, then I won't take it badly. How did you guys find the apartment?"

"Awesome. Thank your mother a lot for me."

"I will. I will be practically you land lord, don't worry. I know she can be a little intimidating."

"How convenient. You'll be able to spend a lot of time here." Isaac said mischievously, as he hugged Ben.

Ben let out a nervous laugh "Everyone already knows?"

"What? we know what?" Elle added, winking at him and hugging him.

"I'm so confused." Ben said with a chuckle. "But I'm happy to be integrated."

"How glad I am that your...ummmm...integration activity...went so well." Darcy nudged him as she passed him some wine.

"How embarrassing." Charlie covered his face as he leaned his weight on Nick, who was red smiling at everyone.


"The lasagna will be ready in a moment." Karina returned to the living room, saving Nick and laughing. She was wearing a graphic tee and loose jeans. "I love the way you guys set up Ben's grandfather's apartment. Looks amazing guys."

"It's still a long way off, but thanks."

"Plus it's the perfect size for both of you." Ben added as he joined Elle and helped her unpack a box.

"Both huh?" Darcy hung onto the necks of the couple and pulled them apart. "And why does Hope here have more information than I do?" Ben's eyes went wide and he looked to Nick and Charlie for answers. No one knew that Charlie had already agreed to live there, but they weren't surprised that Ben assumed so. "Is Charlie moving in too and we haven't been told?" Darcy added.

Everyone turned to look expectantly at the pair, who turned to look at each other holding back a smile. Charlie just pulled out of his pocket the keys Nick had given him, and Nick smiled blushing.

"He just asked me to move in with him."


"We already live at the center" Isaac corrected him.

"It wouldn't hurt to leave the center for real clients" Tara added as she gave both boys a hug. "Congratulations precious. I think that's awesome."

"Have you talked it over with Jane Charlie?" Elle looked worriedly at her friend. Happy, but worried. Nick wondered if Elle would know Charlie's parents positions as well as he did, and worriedly reached for Charlie's hand to squeeze it affectionately as he responded.

"We've been talking a lot about how and when I'll be moving out of her house, so I don't think she'll have a problem with me moving in."

Elle nodded and smiled at both of them...but they both understood that she wasn't entirely convinced. Isaac congratulated them and together they put on some music, and between wine and chit chat, they set about organizing different things around the apartment. Little by little they organized everything, and by the time the lasagna was finished cooking they had managed to bring the apartment to another level of order. Charlie sighed as he arranged some pictures of Nick's family, his friends and the two of them on one of the furnitures, as he viewed what would now be his home with Nick fondly. His friends, scattered all over the place, laughing as they settled in after tidying up so much. In the background he could see Nick wearing oven mitts taking the lasagna out of the oven, and his heart stopped with excitement.

The dream they had spent most of their adolescence dreaming about was coming true.

But like a flash of lightning her mother's voice came back into his head.

"Honey, before you live it up there, I need to talk to you about whether or not you plan on moving in with him...and what that entails."

"Mom, please don't start."

"You know it's important to your father and me."

"We talked about that mom, that's not my problem. I love you but my life is mine and mine alone."

"I think you're being very inconsiderate."

"Excuse me?"

What had only been a conversation on the phone had turned into several discussions about family, relationships, marriage and what it meant for their family... and those discussions had turned into hard fights that both Tori, even though she was on the other side of the world, and Oli, being a teenager, had to mediate.

Charlie couldn't believe that his parents were willing to ruin a moment that was meant to be theirs alone and turn it into practically just a transaction. As if they were both just viens and papers to sign.

Now everything would change. He would be moving in with Nick... and that would turn his family life upside down. Something he hadn't discussed with Nick, not yet.

"As long as you're communicative with me, and don't lie to me, we'll be fine." Nick's voice repeated in his head, as he joined his boyfriend in the kitchen and helped him set things up in the living room so they could enjoy dinner.

He would have to tell him today, after the party.

"Everything okay?" Nick asked as he hugged him from behind and rested his head on his shoulder. Everyone were enjoying themselves and the lasagna in the living room and Charlie was nervously washing his hands in the kitchen. "Something's got you thinking hard."

"I've got something in my head that won't leave me alone."

"Is it about living together?"

"Sort of... but don't even think it's that I don't want to or you didn't make me the happiest guy on earth by proposing... okay?"

"I'm glad... So what is it?"

"Can we talk about it in detail when everyone leaves?"

"Sure precious." Nick left him a kiss on his cheek and let go.

"I love you."

"I love you more."


Tao's shouts brought them back to the table, where Darcy was telling a story.

"Believe me I don't want to leave, but for once in my life I have to take this proposal seriously."

"For once in your life? Darling you've been working so hard lately. You're the busy one." Elle pointed.

"I feel like I'm the only one who has no idea what she's really doing with her life." Darcy looked sad.

"Are you kidding? You're talking to five unemployed or underpaid artists, a frustrated psychologist, a bookworm, and a high school PE teacher." Tara reassured her, and they all laughed at how funny and real that was.

"Still, you always seem to know what to do and I... I'm at a loss."

"Managing the center and looking to work in cultural management and museography is not being lost."

"What are we talking about?" Charlie didn't understand.

"The Vienna Museum of Contemporary Art called her in for an interview." Tara revealed her girlfriend's news, proud of her. "Darcy has loved their queer arts insertion program for years and applied for an opening."

"Girlfriend that sounds fantastic, congratulations."

"The interview is tomorrow and I have to get ready...I've never done anything so formal in my life and I'm panicking. I hate to leave this early."

"Are you kidding? You can come whenever you want."

"Besides, we have the photography exhibition opening coming up soon, I'm sure they'll love your work there and it will be a great time to hire you. Everything lines up, don't worry." Isaac held her hand affectionately.

"Thanks guys." Darcy looked scared and vulnerable. She was always the life of the party, seeing her like this was strange for everyone. "I apologize to Ben and Karina for my intensity, but I have to tell you that these fools here are my family since...I lost mine. So I'm having a hard time thinking about leaving them."

"Leave them?" Ben didn't understand. "You don't have to leave anyone."

"If they give me the job, I'd have to go to Vienna for a few months."

They all fell silent and looked at Tara, who quickly averted her attention.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. You get ready for the interview and get some sleep. I'll be home soon, don't worry... Are you sure you don't want me to come back with you?"

"Sure thing love. See you guys soon. Congratulations on your beautiful home."

When Darcy said goodbye to everyone and left, Tara collapsed on the couch.

"I'm going to explode."

"It's all right dear." Elle reassured her.

"How can I propose to her when she's going away for who knows how many months to Vienna?"

"WHAT?" Ben and Karina choked on the lasagna, excited.

"Surprise." Tara said as she took several gulps of her wine.



"Don't talk nonsense." Nick reassured her. "Darcy is crazy about you. She loves you, and she'll say yes. Going to Vienna for a few months doesn't change that."

"Besides, it's not set in stone yet." Tao added.

"We've never been at a distance. I can't leave the center, plus I resumed my psychology classes and... I don't know, they really excite me. I can't follow her."

"I don't think you have to." Charlie reassured her, thinking about Matias, the band and their future tour. He sought Karina's gaze, and luckily she gave him a smile and reassured him. "Distance can be tricky but you're the strongest, most solid couple I know."

"If anyone can handle it...it's you guys." said Isaac.

"I understand why you guys say that... but relationships this long, as you know, are complicated. I don't know... don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way but... for years we were the three perfect couples. The three of us against the world... until distance... separated you." Tara looked down and both Elle and Tao, as well as Nick and Charlie, turned to look at each other. "Darcy and I were so afraid of that happening to us that... we both sacrificed several opportunities for each other. We used to tell each other it was because of the center, because of ourselves, but the reality is it was because of the fear that the same thing would happen to us and we...lose each other."

"That's exactly why I think this is important." Nick began. "You have to give yourselves a chance to grow apart and realize that your connection is much stronger than distance. Besides, look at us, even if we had problems, even if evrything happened, going back is always an option. We can always find our way back to the ones we love, if we let ourselves and try hard enough."

Charlie held his boyfriend's hand outwardly.

"Not letting yourself take chances like that for fear of missing her... it's not the option." Elle said, holding her friend's hand.

"So what, I delay my proposal?"

"If it makes you feel safer... but I don't think you have to do that." Tao continued. "I think just asking her to marry you can give her confidence that she can leave and come back. It can work as a vow of faith, that even in the distance, you can be together, thinking of each other."

"Besides, the wedding is a great reason for her to come back later" Karina added.

"Who doesn't like weddings." Ben joked, and everyone laughed. "I don't know anything about relationships... but I do know that I've admired yours forever. You are so genuine and so strong. What's a few months of distance? You've been together for 12 years...besides, Vienna isn't that far away."

"Tori's on the other side of the ocean and I still feel her close." Charlie added, reassuringly.

"You're right." Tara took a breath and calmed down. "I'm being ridiculous."

"Not at all. It's normal to be scared." Nick continued. "We're scared of distance too...even more so after everything, but we can't run away from it."

"What distance? You just moved in together." Ben looked at him, confused.

Karina tensed, realizing she hadn't told Ben about the opportunities Leena had gotten them. "Leena is showing off...she got us several dates in London early next year...maybe she'll get us a record deal."

"Are you serious?" Ben turned to look at Charlie excitedly.

"You guys that's awesome!" both Isaac, Elle, Tao and Tara looked at them with glee... but Karina and Charlie knew how complicated it was, and so did Nick.

Besides...Charlie couldn't help the look Ben shot Nick, looking to see if he was okay with the news. A look that made him strangely jealous and possessive.

"London is an hour away guys. Don't worry." Tara reassured them.

"Sure... but it's always been this close. The last five years." Charlie blurted out, sadder than he wanted to sound. "What we mean by that my dear, is that we understand your fear, and the distance our lives can generate in our relationships will always be scary. That doesn't mean holding us back and keeping us from growing up is a good idea."

"No. I'm sick of doing that to Darcy, and she's sick of doing that to me." Tara smiled and nodded. "You're right. My plans still stand."

"What are your plans by the way?" Tao asked. "Sahar, Charlie and I already have the award for the biggest romantic gesture of the year, you'll have to outdo us."

"Unfortunately I don't sing, nor do I have any musical talent... plus excuse me but we're not that... basic." Tara teased, and they all laughed as they rolled their eyes at her.

"I love it basic." Nick pressed a kiss to Charlie's forehead as he leaned against him.

"Me too."

"I would have died of love if someone did that for me." Ben added, and both Charlie and Nick thought of Matias.

"I can't believe they included me in something so cheesy." Karina added.

"My plan will be better. More complex. I have a great idea. It will need you guys, but let's do it once the photography exhibition is over...it needs a lot of planing."

"I CAN'T WAIT" Charlie and Elle held each other tightly as they squealed with excitement, and Tao and Nick looked nervous to see how excited their respective partners were about marriage.

"If it's after the exhibition then you'll ask her in..." Isaac eyed her suspiciously.

"Halloween." Tara smiled. "It's the perfect timing."

"Their favorite party." Isaac eyed her fondly. "You're a genius sister."

"Are you having your famous Halloween parties downtown again?" Nick asked. "I've been dying for years because I couldn't attend."

"You were always invited Nelson...and of course we'll honor the tradition. We love those parties...but we're not really the ones who plan them, we just provide the venue."

"Oh no? Who is?"

Karina and Charlie looked at each other nervously as Nick searched everyone's faces for answers and Ben looked down.

"Those parties are Mat's." Tara revealed.

"They're his... tradition." added Karina holding Ben's hand, who looked sadder than ever.

"Oh..." Nick clenched his fists nervously, not wanting to pursue the subject to hurt Ben any further.

"It's just..." Charlie was about to explain, but Ben interrupted him.

"His birthday is October 31st. That's why." Ben rolled his eyes, denoting that he already knew everything.

"How are you doing with all that? By the way..." Isaac asked. "If you don't want to talk about it we understand."

"No... I think I could do with talking about it. I need opinions and... no offense guys, I love you, but Nick and Charlie's positions are too influenced by their..."

"Hidden motives" Charlie interrupted him as he had done, and they both gave each other playful looks as they stuck their tongues out at each other.

"Yes... exactly."

"Well, if you want the raw truth I can give it to you." Tao throned his hand bones. "I don't trust Matias."

"Hey!" Karina scolded him.

"How much do you know about what happened?" Ben asked, and they all turned to look at each other with complicit glances as they lifted their shoulders, so smiling he told them everything that had happened, bit by bit, much more coolly and calmly than he had before. Charlie and Nick were happy that he had the matter more processed, but they still noticed that he still couldn't forgive him. "I know I hurt him by not being able to tell him I wanted him back...but he wouldn't let me tell him in the morning. I was ready to be serious. I was going to tell him everything... and he disappeared."

"I repeat what I said." Tao frowned.

"In no way did it justify what he did or invalidate how you feel Ben...but I guess ignoring him isn't an option either." Isaac added looking fondly at his new friend.

"I know." Ben sighed. "Charlie and Nick already told me that enough. I know how I feel about him, I'm really hurt but... I want him back. I just can't get myself together enough to talk to him."

"If I may be the devil's advocate." Tara said. "You don't think he'll be furious about the three of you."

"Yes." Charlie confessed, lowering his gaze, and Nick and Ben looked at him worriedly. "I talked to him, mostly, before our date." Charlie searched Karina's gaze, who eyed him doubtfully. "Obviously he won't be happy when he finds out... but you know, he doesn't think it's the end of the world."

"You plan to tell him everything?" Ben confronted Charlie with a pleading look.

"Yes...I...I promised him." Charlie assured him. "But I don't want to put any more trouble on you, you can talk to him first if you want."

"Yes...yes I should." Ben covered his face with his hands and sighed.

The night progressed and they changed the subject, and eventually Elle, Tao, Ben and Karina had to leave. As they all said their goodbyes Elle brought up the subject with Ben again.

"And he didn't come back for you after that message?" Elle asked, giving him a hug goodbye.

"No" Karina and Charlie blurted out authoritatively, not even thinking that Ben might not have finished his story, knowing his friend. Elle looked defeated and waving goodbye to everyone went downstairs with Tao and Karina... but Ben stopped Nick and Charlie at the door, who still had plans to stay a while longer with Tara and Isaac.

"Actually..." Ben added. "What you and Karina say isn't true. I have to tell you guys something. I got... some missed calls from Matias, but I couldn't take them." Charlie and Nick looked at him in confusion. "I don't know if I would have answered anyway, but... but I was busy and didn't see them."

"When?" Nick asked.

"The night of our date." Ben looked at them guiltily. "I know you'll tell him everything Char, and I know I should talk to him, but I think we need to prepare for him to...really get mad."

Nick and Charlie froze in the doorframe, watching the pain in Ben's eyes...not knowing what to do to make him feel better.

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