Marvel's Reaper ( Male reader...

By writerofnew

150K 4.7K 2.2K

Male reader x Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff ANTI - HERO Y/N is a young man living in New York City. He st... More

Info 4 Story
Nice work kid (Iron man 2)
What can you really do (Thor)
Kids a superstar (Avengers)
Introductions (Avengers)
Shakespeare in the park (Avengers)
You brought the monsters (Avengers)
Shake back (Avengers)
Battle of New York PT. 1 (Avengers)
Battle Of New York PT. 2 (Avengers)
Reaper Solo Film
Why? (Iron Man 3)
Family (Iron Man 3)
We're connected (Iron Man 3)
That was violent (Iron Man 3)
Dragonstone bargain sale (Reaper : The Dark One)
Memories (Reaper : The Dark One)
The Dark one (Reaper : The Dark One)
18th Birthday !!!
18th Birthday !!! Pt.2 {M}
On your Leeefffttttt!!!! (Winter Soldier)
You've grown up (Winter Solider)
Third Correction, Im not a hunan (Winter Soldier)
When do we start? (Winter Soldier)
Unhand me (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
That is also true! (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
Aurgun predator (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
You said it yourself (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
Guess who's back ? (Avengers: A.O.U) {M}
How could you be worthy? (Avengers: A.O.U)
We'll do that together too (Avengers: A.O.U)
Took some hits (Avengers: A.O.U)
Let's find her (Avengers A.O.U)
Age of Ultron (Avengers: A.O.U)
Battle of Sokovia (Avengers: A.O.U)
Y/N's most impressive feats so far
Rebuilding Bridges
(Operation C.U.W.) {M}
"Did it really?" (Reaper 2: Tombstone)
As it turns out ( Reaper 2: Tombstone)
I is that! (Reaper 2: Tombstone)
A King & A Prince/ Trinity Rising {M}
Can't take the heat{M}
Y/N's Powers at age 21
My pack{M}
I blame you!! (Civil War)
Sides of the same coin (Civil War)
Red Book (Civil War)
Drawing sides (Civil War)
Airport brawl PT. 1 (Civil War)
Airport Brawl PT.2 (Civil War)
Pitstop in Wakanda
Happy Holidays
You have a sister?(Black Widow)
Merry Christmas (Pole)
Fighting Pose (Black Widow)
(Kid's Name pole finale)
You two have a dad? (Black Widow)
Take em to school (Black Widow)
Decisions (Black Widow)
New Story?
New Story??
How is your daughter, huh? (Spiderman : HC)
Live your life (Spiderman : HC)
Another cloak (Spiderman : HC)
Make you a promise (Spiderman : HC)
Mr. Reaper (Spiderman : HC) {M}
Kids Name Pole (Update)
Wanted you to be better (Spiderman : HC)
SpideyPete (Spiderman : HC)
Acceptance (Doctor Strange)
Tribes (Black Panther)
Bloodline revealed (Black Panther)
2nd Poll
Battlefront (Black Panther)
All from our Past (Black Panther)
Seeds Planted/ Pre-IW PT.2 {M}
Thanos (Infinity War)
Divide & Conquer (Infinity War)

Seeds planted/Pre- IW PT.1

608 27 9
By writerofnew

This is leading straight into Infinity War so don't skip out on it..


A large being sits on his throne as one of his children walk to him. When he reaches the throne he kneels but the man quickly waves him to stand.

"Maw.. which pieces are still standing?" He asks.

"Odin is the only one left Lord Thanos. However we cannot forget about Death's Herald." Maw answers.

"What i'm trying to do will help the universe and her.. She won't get in the way.. Besides, her herald isn't Odin." Thanos tells him.

"Of course sire." Maw replies.

"Locate your brother for me. I require his assistance." Thanos says.

"At once sire." Maw replies before bowing and walking off to complete his task.

"Nothing can intervene with the plan." Thanos lets out after Maw leaves.

"And what plan is that?" A voice asks causing Thanos to look up quickly.

Thanos doesn't see anyone so he quickly puts it together. He stands up slowly before walking to his console.

"Zandor, Zenthrax and Zavyn.. Where is your older brother?" Thanos asks as he sets the coordinates.

"Zane is out handling things as always." Zenthrax answers with a smirk and his arms crossed.

"Handling what you ask?" Zavyn asks for Thanos.

"It seems that the Zionite is still alive." Zandor answers causing Thanos's eyes to widen.

"The Zionite is still alive?!" Thanos asks as he's unaware.

"He most certainly is and that was supposed to be done along time ago." Zenthrax answers.

"Wait, how do you know? How did you four even escape? No being should be able to keep the book open that long." Thanos says as he walks back to his throne.

"No ordinary being should be capable of it but Y/N isn't ordinary." Zandor states as the three siblings follow.

"Father will be notified of this." Zenthrax says causing Thanos to shake his head in annoyance.

"That Zionite is a prefect choice for a mate." Zavyn adds making them roll their eyes.

"We need to take him out before we move on Odin.. What is Zane scheming? Why aren't the four of you together?" Thanos says to them.

"Zane, is harvesting a plan that will break Y/N mentally." Zandor replies.

"We will break him physically, haha!!" Zenthrax adds with a sinister laugh.

"Good, I will continue the search for the stones.." Thanos says.

"A little demon told me that your daughter knows the unknowable." Zavyn says as she walks slowly around Thanos.

"And that is?" Thanos asks after sighing.

"The location of the soul stone." Zavyn answers with a grin.

"Which daughter?" Thanos asks hoping it's not a certain one.

"Your favorite." Zenthrax answers and Thanos gets a hint of concern.

"Our father is already frustrated this is taking so long.. Do not, fail him!! Or you will be punished!" Zandor warns him before the three fly away.

Thanos glares at the three as they leave and scoffs. He cracks his neck before sighing.

"Your father, is not to be challenged.. You four, I have no love or fear for." Thanos says in his head.


"Y/N hurry up." Wanda says with her arms crossed.

"Why are we blindfolded?" Nat asks as she stands irritated as well.

"Sshhhh." Y/N tells them as he puts them in position.

"Y/N I love you, but if this is something stupid I will hurt you." Nat tells him.

"Ohhh, I see what's going on.. You're being kinky." Wanda calls out.

"What?" Y/N asks confused.

"Are you trying to dominate us?" Nat asks with a grin.

"I mean, I would love to but that's not the point of this. Take off your blindfolds." Y/N answers.

The two former Avengers take off their blindfolds and examine their lover.

"This is much better than the first version." Wanda says as she touches the new colors.

"These accents are for the dragons right?" Nat asks as she holds his right hand with the red accent on the wrist.

"Yea, I miss them." Y/N admits.

"We just saw them a few days ago babe." Wanda says as she continues to rub on his suit.

"I know, I just miss having them around." Y/N replies causing her to nod.

"I miss when they were small." Nat says making them chuckle.

"They grow so fast." Y/N and Wanda reply making Nat chuckle.

Y/N taps his watch and his suit goes back inside of it's containment. He wraps his arms around the two and they snuggle against him.

"The three of us with our family." Y/N says causing them to chuckle lightly.

"A teenager and seven mystical creatures." Nat replies as she thinks of them.

"Well to be fair, teenagers are mystical creatures in their own way." Wanda adds making them laugh.

"MJ definitely is.." Y/N says as he rubs Nat's side as she starts to get emotional.

"Let it out baby, we're here." Wanda tells Nat through their bond which causes Y/N to look her way.

"I never thought I would be able to have children. Never be able to experience what it's like to be a mom." Nat starts as her eyes become watery.

"When Melina said that my biological mother was relentless to find me.. That's when I knew I know what it feels like to be one." Nat continues as Wanda moves over so now Nat is in the middle.

"I will never let anything happen to a hair on Michelle's head.. Thank you for trusting me enough to be in her life." Nat tells Y/N who plants a kiss on her head.

"This whole thing only went this smoothly because of you two..  I damn sure would've fucked it up by myself." Y/N admits.

"Good thing we're here then." Wanda says with a smile before planting a kiss on Natasha.

"Here forever." Nat replies as Y/N thinks about their situation.

"Two women I love, a daughter I love, dragons that I love.. A strong family behind us.. why can't we?" Y/N thinks.

"Did you tune us out Mister?" Wanda asks.

"He sure did." Nat answers.

"What are you thinking about?" Wanda asks.

"Us getting married." Y/N answers causing the two of them to freeze a little.

"When?" Nat asks out loud as she stares at him along with Wanda.

"Where?" Wanda asks at the same time as they both would love to get married.

"Whenever, wherever." Y/N answers them.

A raven lands on their balcony and Y/N hears it. He feels the mystical energy radiating from it so he turns his head. Nat and Wanda both follow his gaze and see the raven. They walk out on the balcony and Y/N takes the scroll from the bird.

"It's from Odin." Y/N tells them before he reads.

"Y/N, I apologize but the day has come that I go away and be with Frigga.. They are coming after me." ~ Odin.

"What's it say?" Wanda asks him and he just looks at the two of them.

"Something is after Odin." Y/N answers.

"Something is after, Odin?? Huh?" Nat asks.

"Who would be dumb enough to go after Odin?" Wanda asks.

"Maybe that's the wrong question.." Y/N replies and Nat slowly picks up on it.

"Who's strong enough to go after him.." Nat says to them.

"Thanos." Wanda answers and Y/N takes off flying from the balcony.

"Come home to us." Wanda tells him through their bond.

As Y/N leaves, a being appears in the shadows. Staring at Natasha and Wanda like prey.


Y/N lands on the grass and the three watch him as he approaches. Thor stands up and the two embrace each other after a while of not being in contact. He hugs Odin next before nodding to Loki who nods back.

"Who's coming after you?" Y/N asks.

"The children of Zakaryx. You accidentally let them free when you opened the book of the Void." Odin answers.

"So that's what it's called.. Can we stop them?" Y/N asks.

"We don't need to." Loki answers.

"We don't need to?" Y/N asks confused.

"I'm going to transition on before they get the chance.. A seal will be broken regardless but we can't afford for them to gain my power." Odin explains.

"There's still a seal no one knows about or where it is.. Zakaryx won't win." Loki says.

"Thor." Y/N says as he looks at the god of thunder.

"This has to happen Y/N.. After this it's time for war." Thor replies.

"That's not all either." Loki says causing Y/N to look at Odin again.

"I have a daughter named Hela.. After I vanish she will come back.. I'm the only thing keeping her locked away." Odin says to Y/N.

"What is she the god of?" Y/N asks.

"Death." Odin answers which makes Thor and Loki side eye him.

"Did you fuck Death?" Y/N asks curiously making the all father laugh.

"No, I haven't had the pleasure.. The way she talks about you though.. You might have a chance if you decide." Odin tells him with a grin.

"Y/N, stay who you are and do what you always do.. Tell JaeJae that he's appreciated every now and then.. That softy likes that." Odin tells him and he nods with a chuckle.

"I will see you all again someday, good luck.. Remember, just cause the fight looks lost doesn't mean it is.." Odin says before he glows gold and then disappears.

Y/N, Thor and Loki all look a little defeated but remain steady. Thor and Loki just lost their father and all that comes with it.. Y/N feels sad for Odin but all he can think about is Zakaryx..

"One seal left.." Y/N says as he sits down with them.

"We cannot allow this to be in vain." Thor states with Loki nodding.

All of a sudden the sky darkens causing Loki to eye Thor for a second. The three turn and can feel a certain energy forming in front of them. They look at each other before walking towards it. Lightning strikes Thor, green magic emits from Loki and nanotech covers Y/N. Their suits form as they stand ready for whatever comes next.

A green portal manifests itself and it has dark traces all within it. A woman with messy black hair walks out slowly. Y/N eyes her cautiously before looking around them.

"So he's gone?... A shame I would've liked to see that." She says disappointed.

"You must be Hela.. I'm Thor, son of Odin." Thor tells her.

"Really? You don't look like him." Hela replies.

"Perhaps we can come to an arrangement." Loki suggests.

"You, sound like him." Hela says with a chuckle before staring at Y/N.

"Kneel." Hela tells them with a grin.

"Pardon me?" Loki asks making sure he heard her correctly.

"Kneel, before your queen." Hela tells them again.

"Look here lady, I fuck with the whole dark vibe as you can see." Y/N says referring to his dark armor and demeanor.

"But I only have two queens, and I don't even kneel to them." Y/N finishes.

"Yeeaa, I don't think so." Thor says before he throws Mjolnir at her.

Hela catches it which surprises them while she just smirks. Mjolnir struggles to break free as Hela has a great grip on it.

"That's, not possible." Thor lets out stressfully.

"Darling, you have no idea what's possible." Hela replies before crushing the hammer into bits.

Lightning strikes the ground as a large shockwave sends almost everything away. Thor and Loki brace themselves while Y/N just stands there glaring at the goddess of death.

Hela smirks as she pulls her hair back and the hair turns into horns. She takes out two swords and is quickly joined by three beings. Y/N looks at them and quickly notices they're all staring at him.

"Stay out of my way Zionite. I still have use for you unlike these two." Hela says as she walks forward.

"He's not gonna be alive much longer Odindaughter." Zenthrax says before laughing sinisterly.

Hela throws a dagger at him and it clips him in the red part of his wing. He falls down for a moment before ripping it out and glaring at her.

"I want you three to look around.." Hela starts as Y/N, Thor and Loki watches.

"The hell is going on?" Loki whispers to them.

"I don't know." Y/N answers in a whisper.

"It's like they're fighting over Y/N." Thor whispers making Y/N side eye him.

"Your "daddy" always boosted you imbeciles up because of his strength.. Mine had to limit mine just so I could play nice with others." Hela says as she smirks at the three.

"Daddy's not here anymoorre." Hela says irritating the three.

"I'm writing that down." Y/N admits.

"You speak of us as if we're still children." Zandor says.

"To me you'll always be nothing but children." Hela replies confidently.

"We'll see about that." Zavyn says.

The three siblings charge at Hela who launches daggers at them. They smack them away before landing around her. Zenthrax throws a punch but Hela blocks it with her forearm. Zandor knees her in the gut before Zavyn kicks her violently making her skid against the ground.

Hela does a backhand spring and lands on her feet. Lifting her head up she reveals a smirk before she makes eye contact with Y/N. Zenthrax charges at her but gets kicked in the face. Zandor and Zavyn fly into the air and summon purple energy around them. It manifests in their palm before they shoot it at Hela.

Hela dodges it causing Y/N's eyes to widen from the blast about to hit the ground. He speeds in front of it and raises a chunk of the ground to take the blast head on. When he turns around he gets punched in the jaw by Zandor.

Thor runs in as Zandor gets off a combo on Y/N. Thor's wild punch ends with him getting flung back to Loki. Y/N traps the ground around Zandor before punching him in the jaw with a flaming fist. Hela grabs Zavyn and Zenthrax by their throat and launches them into the ground. She drops down and lands on them harshly.

"Where is Zane? He is the strongest out of you kids." Hela says as she eyes them.

"He's doing something that's more important than this battle with you." Zavyn answers as she gets up dusting herself off.

"And what's that?" Thor asks as Y/N stands by him and Loki.

"The downfall of Y/N." Zandor answers just as Loki sees Zenthrax speeding to him.

"BRING US BACK!!" Loki yells back to Asgard.

"WHAT?! NO!!" Thor yells as the bifrost grabs them and pulls them up.

Hela smirks and speeds to it at the same time Y/N speeds out. Hela tries to grab him but something around his body burns her skin. She looks at him and sees a slim bright green aura around him.

"You better stay alive Zionite.. You are mine's." Hela says in her head before focusing on her brothers

Y/N looks at the three siblings with his bright green eyes. Green energy pulsates through his armor before he levitates into the air.

"Three vs one, hahahaaaa... You're in trouble." Zenthrax says with a sinister look.

"Focus little brother." Zandor says.

"Our father Zakaryx has been locked away for an eternity down there. He needs to be free so the universe can continue to bow at his feet." Zandor states.

"This isn't personal sweetie, maybe after we kill you I can eat your heart." Zavyn says with a smile.

Y/N raises the earth around them creating an arena for them to fight. A portal opens causing the four to turn towards it. Its colored features tips Y/N off about who it is so he relaxes slightly.

Dr. Strange and Jamari step out and the portal closes behind them. They walk to Y/N and stand side by side with him.

"Gray told me that you had some problems going on. He went to handle another one." Strange tells him.

"It's three on three now." Y/N says with a smirk.

"Oh well, two more corpses is nothing." Zandor replies before they attack.

Zandor flies to Y/N with his wings in full effect. Y/N smirks as he watches which confuses the son of Zakaryx. He summons purple energy around his fist as he locks on Y/N. He goes for the punch and when his fist gets close a portal opens out of nowhere. Zandor goes straight through the portal and it quickly closes. Leaving him at the bottom of the ocean with great white sharks.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!!" Zavyn asks angrily as she glares at Strange.

"I gave him a bath. Also, let me take this illusion down for you." Strange replies.

Zavyn instantly becomes confused until she looks to her left. Y/N cleans her clock with a strike to her jaw that sends her flying. He flies after her and spears her through a stone pillar.


Zenthrax kicks Jamari into the air then fires a blast at air bending elemental knight. Jamari turns at the last second to see the blast heading his way. He turns the air into a denser state and it acts as a shield.


"How?!" Zenthrax yells in frustration.

"You fuckers came at the wrong time." Jamari replies with a smug grin.

"There is no time for us. Only, destruction!" Zenthrax yells before firing more blasts at him.


Zavyn knees Y/N in the chin twice before flipping over him. Grabbing him by the shoulders and slamming him on the ground. Strange summons a portal and Y/N goes straight through it to not take any damage from the ground. Zavyn sees this and follows him not trying to give him a chance to recover.

Y/N hears her approaching behind him so he does a summersault kick. The impact to her face knocks her to the ground. Only to be smacked in the face by a chunk of the earth. Y/N claps his hands together violently. Sending her back with a huge gust of wind.

Thanks to her wings she manages to regain her balance. She flies and struggles through the strong pressure of the wind. Seeing that she's getting closer and closer. Y/N starts shooting a large amount of fire at her making her scream.


"They're in the front, i'm gonna get the rest of our stuff." Wanda says as she hugs Nat from behind.

"Ok, i'll be right behind you." Nat replies as she stares into the open.

"We're so close to being finished with this baby. You can do this." Nat says to him through their bond.

Nat hears something from behind her causing her to turn immediately. She has her gun out and looks around as she slowly moves.


"RAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Y/N yells as he continues to roast Zavyn and she screams.

"ENOUGH!!" Zandor yells as he kicks Y/N in the back of the head.

Zandor shoots a blasts at Y/N which makes full contact with him. Y/N screams in pain as the blast feels like his skin is being torn apart. Zavyn flies down to him and her once white skin is now bruised and battered along with black blood showing through her cuts.

"I need you to heal me, reaper!" Zavyn says as she straddles his lap.

Zandor smirks and goes to kick Y/N but gets pulled away by a cloak.

"WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?!" Zandor yells as he tries to pull the cloak off.

Jamari summons a mini tornado and directs it to Zavyn. Zenthrax flies down to him and kicks him in the arm. Breaking it on impact as he gets sent flying down to the sea.

"MAARRII!!" Y/N yells as he struggles to break out of Zavyn's hold.

Strange removes the cloak off of Zandor and it comes back to him. He disappears for the moment and observes them.

"Time to take her pain away." Zenthrax says with a smirk.

Zandor flies behind Strange and shoots a blast at him from point blank range. Strange's body disintegrates leaving behind a satisfied Zandor.

"STRAANNGEEEE!!!" Y/N yells out loud as he gets stomped on by the two.

"That fool didn't even use the time stone." Zandor says as he adds a kick to Y/N's ribs.

"What kind of armor is this? It isn't even dragonite." Zenthrax points out.

Y/N grunts from all the pain on his physical and mental. His claws and teeth elongate as Zandor and Zenthrax grab his hands. He sees Zavyn tell them something before they stab her biggest wounds with his claws. Y/N's eyes quickly switches to his feared green color. He feels her pain being dumped onto him causing him to grunt. He looks up and sees her wounds are closing leaving him confused.


"Nat, come on let's go. They sent me to get you." Pietro calls out as he speeds to the backyard.

He looks at her on the ground with a big dark red stain on her shirt by her hips. Pietro's eyes widen from seeing the state that she is in. He speeds to her and runs to the front of the house.

"Guys." Pietro says as he holds her.

They all turn and their heart drops from what they see. They all rush to her and Wanda immediately tries to contact her through their bond.


Steve lifts up the shirt by the blood stain and gags at the sight of her side. Pietro and Tay back away after they see it and try to not to throw up. Her wound is black and grey and has black veins around it.

"She was poisoned." Vision points out as he holds the shirt up now.


"She's so pale." Sam says sadly.

Wanda's tears run down her face and her heart races. She holds onto Nat's shirt as Pietro holds her up.

"Get her on the jet, right now!" Steve says and they all follow.

"Dr.Cho?" Tay asks as he sits down in the pilot seat.

"Asap." Steve answers as he looks at Natasha full of concern.

"Wanda, it would be best for Natasha if you stabilized the poison. To stop it from further spreading." Vision suggests and she nods slowly with tears in her eyes.

"Fight this babe, we're almost there." Wanda says as she uses her powers to stabilize the poison.


"Ahhh, that's amazing." Zavyn says as she flies up in the air, stretching after being fully healed.

Y/N lays there on his back with his body feeling like it's on fire. He looks up at the three levitating and having a conversation.

"How the fuck did I just take her pain away?.. I didn't even know I could do that." Y/N says to himself.

He tries to fly up but something holds him down. He looks and sees that it's the cloak.

"Where is Zane? We've handled our part of the plan." Zavyn says.

"Patience Zavyn, our oldest sibling will no doubt fulfill his part." Zandor replies.

"Zionites really need to stop falling in love. It doesn't end up well for them." Zenthrax says.

"Nat and Wanda." Y/N says which gains their attention.

Zandor, Zavyn and Zenthrax start floating down to him but pause mid air. Y/N looks at them confused but then Dr. Strange slides into his line of sight. He looks at him and sees the time stone glowing.

"I froze time, I got Jamari up and to Dr.Cho's already... Kid.." Strange says making Y/N concerned.

"He's gonna make it right?" Y/N asks.

"It's not him." Strange tells him leaving Y/N with a ghostly expression.


Y/N speeds into the lab and his eyes remain locked on Natasha. He stops at her side and looks at the wound. It's spread further into her body and her heart is slowing down. Dr. Strange uses the time stone on Nat to keep the poison still.

"I couldn't protect her." Wanda says sobbing as she falls into his arms.

"It's ok love it's ok.. This isn't your fault." Y/N says as he holds her.

"How is Jamari?" Y/N asks.

"He's fine, thank god." Steve answers as he looks down at Nat.

"The vibranium tissue will continue to grow stronger as time passes." Dr.Cho says causing him to nod.

"MJ and little green are with Tony and Pepper." Sam tells him.

"Your new recruit, Mustang. Is keeping us informed on what enters the city and leaves.. Always keeping eyes on them." Steve says.

"Okay." Y/N replies as he lets go of Wanda.

He puts his hands up and his claws quickly shoot out. They look at him confused except for Strange who tells Wanda to lift Nat's shirt up to reveal the wound.

"What's about to happen?" Wanda asks as she does it.

"You think it'll work?" Y/N asks looking at Strange.

"Worth a shot, you better do it now." Strange answers.

"Y/N, what are you planning?" Vision asks curiously.

"To save her." Y/N answers.

Y/N digs his claws deep into her wounds causing the others to flinch a little. He feels something there and can only describe it as pain and agony. He takes a deep breath before he invites pain to him.

His eyes turn green as black veins appear from his fingers to his forearms. A green light covers Nat's wound and slowly starts to spread throughout parts of her body. The others cover their eyes from the brightness. Still trying to somewhat look at what's going on.

"FUCK!!" Y/N lets out while biting his teeth.

"Strange what's going on?" Wanda asks as she closes her eyes.

"RAAGHH!!" Y/N yells as he feels the poison transferring to him.

"He's trying to heal her." Strange answers causing all of them to turn to him and then back to Y/N.

"LET'S GO Y/N!!" Tay yells trying to push his friend to achieve a must needed task.

"Come on Y/N!" Steve yells as Sam looks on eager to see Y/N succeed.

"Save her kid." Sam says.

"We believe in you bro." Pietro and Vision add.

"I don't give a shit about Zakaryx, his children or Thanos..  You're the strongest in the universe Y/N!! Save our lover." Wanda tells him full of emotion.

"RAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Y/N roars out loud as he takes even more of the poison.

Y/N drops to the floor and crawls a little before falling to his back. He looks up and scans her body to check for any poison or damage. He feels Tay and Sam helping him up while the rest look at Nat. Dr. Cho scrambles to her computer to check Nat as well.

"dunn dunn... dunn dunn... dunn dunn... dunn dunn!"

A black portal appears which brings Y/N to his feet instantly. Y/N's eyes turn green and he speeds to the portal only stopping when the person steps out.

"Gray." Strange calls out.

Gray doesn't say anything which weirds all of them out. Y/N scans his body and sees that he has poison in his body. The same type that Nat had inside of her system.

"I need... he-"I got you." Y/N says cutting him off and catching him as he falls.

"He got poisoned.. just like Nat." Y/N tells them as he lays him on the bed beside Nat.

"You're gonna take his pain away aren't you?" Sam asks as they look at him.

"I have to." Y/N answers as he looks at Wanda.

"I'm not gonna stop you, he's family." Wanda says as she looks down at him sadly.

"Who's gonna tell Carol?" Steve asks and they all just stare at each other.

"Nick." Strange answers.


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