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Bởi Megameno07luvinga

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I'm not going to give a description, sorry.. just read to find out.. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Xem Thêm

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight..
happy birthday Jimin
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
happy birthday jhope
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
Happy birthday Yoongi
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine
chapter seventy
chapter seventy one
chapter seventy two
chapter seventy three
chapter seventy four
chapter seventy five
chapter seventy six
chapter seventy seven

chapter forty five

3 2 2
Bởi Megameno07luvinga

April 18

Bangchan has been walking on the main road leading to his house, and he is fucked up, first of Jackson's house or is it Nam-gil's house is literally out of soeul imagine walking from there without seeing a single car, finally getting to town by three in the morning, by then sleeping on the bench in the fuckin cold, then walking to his so cold new house which confuses him like this is where the Hong house is, why in the world will he live here, where the hell will he get the money and time to buy a house here??

Bangchan keeps asking himself questions.. "if that kid is playing a prank on me, I will fuckin kill him.." he lets out loud as he walks infront of the house with the address on the paper..

"Was I that rich?" Looking at the big gate infront of him, before trying to open the gate but notices a the face recognition on the wall, walking to it the machine scans his face instantly opening the gate..

"Oh. My. God.." he lets out looking shocked as the door opens.. "I really own this place.."

His mouth wide open as he walks on to the premises and instantly his face goes annoyed looking at the front door.. "why do people build the front gate so far from the front door, come on.." he complains looking at the distance between him and that stupid do, this is annoying..

Walking onto the pathway, then pass the fountain and finally the small staircase leading to the door.. "finally.." he breathes littrely it took him one minute and ten seconds to get to the door but Bangchan is Bangchan right..

Walking to the door he takes in a deep breathe in and out, knocking on the door but suddenly it opens by itself confusing Bangchan who still decides to push the door open, walking into the house, lights are all on the white and grey colour of the house looks mesmerizing..

"This place must be expensive" he says looking around, walking into the livingroom, expensive couches, tables, Hyunjin sleeping on the table even vas.. wait, he stops before looking back at the livingroom room..

"Hyunjin.." looking at the boy sleeping on top of his books, he looks pale and his hair is not grey, blue or blonde but it's just black it's normal tone, walking up to the boy he teps his shoulder..

"Leave me alone.." Hyunjin groans..

"Hyunjin you are late for school.."

"I don't ca.." Hyunjin pauses opening his eyes before looking at the person who just spoke to him, straightening his body he tries to convince himself it's just a dream, but he misses Bangchan way to much for that, Hyunjin pulls Bangchan into a tight hug making the older man let out a gusp of air at the forces..

"Woah.. don't kill me.."

"Hyung.." Hyunjin calls out as he huges Bangchan tears running down his face and Bangchan alittle shocked hearing the little brat call him hyung..

"Brat I can't breath.." Bangchan lets out teping on Hyunjin's shoulder, who instantly lets him go.. "I'm so sorry.." wipping his tears, making Bangchan more curious about what happened in this past two years..

"It's okay.."



Bangchan lets out from the slap that Hyunjin just gave him.. "what was that for?" Rubbing on his shoulder to reduce the pain shifting away from the angry looking kid..

"Do you know how worried I was!" He shouts.. "I looked for you everywhere, I was losing mind worried sick because of you, if you had eaten or not if you are okay or not.." he lets out trying to contact his sobbing..

"Are you crying?"

"No I'm not crying" cleaning his tears.. "why will I cry over someone like you ha?" Looking away turning to his books on the table only to hear a groan from Bangchan before looking back at him only to see him holding his head tight..

"Chan are you okay?"

"My head hurts.." he chokes out before suddenly falling down on the couch and falling unconscious.. "Chan" Hyunjin calls shacking Bangchan to get him to wake up but nothing..




Hong house
Namjoon's room

Sitting on his bed a laptop on his lap, he types something on it.. "I will find out who you are.." he lets out..

Ever since he head the news yesterday he is detamined to find out who his so called secretary really is, because she can't be a nobody if the FBI is involved, she is no mire girl looking for a job in a feign country, she is something big along with that brother of hers..

Typing in his search he waits for it to load, and he seems to be losing patience as it takes it time, finally after a minute it shows..

Elizabeth Marie Sebastien

Elizabeth Marie Sebastien: Granddaughter of once the president of France Carlos Sebastien daughter of once the biggest drug Lords in the whole of Europe, born on October 09th 199* along with her brother Juan Paul Carlos Sebastien Junior..

She is know to be one of the country's best models, representing the country in multiple fashion shows including Miss universe, but what most people don't know is that she is one of the best FBI agents along with her brother..

The story begins when they were only ten years old, taught of their their abusive father and mother and other family the famous twins decided to take the whole family down..

Exposing every corrupt business they had been involved in, illegal businesses, drug factories bringing the French drug lord to his feet infront of the police, FBI, Interpol and the CIA along with other family members who decided to stay instead of saving their lifes..

By the age of 18 Elizabeth also known as Ela had already appeared multiple magazines as a teen model, while Juan Paul was busy trying to get into the force..

At 19 she had already been receiving contracts, traveling and receiving recognition for her perfect brown skin even though same people hated her and the fact of her family history but Elizabeth might have sent her father to his death, but she still has his blood running through her vein, and peoples words won't affect her..

By the age of 20, Juan Paul had already joined the force training every single day, completing missions that his commands thought they could not be completed he has placed more criminals in prison than he could count and killing dazens..

By twenty two, he was the leader of two of the best teams in the French FBI agentsy, the sniper team and the anti-corruption team and they are the best at there job, by age 23 last year Elizabeth also became an agent as people say, it's still not confirmed though but people do say she is and the accident that happened in South Korea Seoul proofs it all..

Elizabeth FBI or NOT..

It's said that Elizabeth had left the country on vacation to South Korea, Seoul and at the same time her brother Juan Paul and his team were investigating about the new drug that had appeared into the country, and the fact that they had a lead only problem he had ran away, where? Easy, South Korea..

The Indian Chinese man was spotted at the Seoul international airport on 06 January this year and Elizabeth was seen landing on the following day, throughout the whole six months the man who goes by the name Raju Sinha, worked in the company of one of the best mans in the whole of Asia and Europe Hong Ji Hong under the employment of Kim Namjoon one of Hong Ji Hong's adopted sons..

With footage from CCTV close to the building, we were able to get a few pictures of a woman who almost looks like Elizabeth Marie Sebastien but it's not confirmed that it was her or not, or maybe it was her disguste..

Three days before the explosion, Raju Sinha got arrested for drug possession and also illegally selling it in the public,a day later he is handed over the the French police and a day later the explosion happens..

It's said that drug that Raju Sinha had did not belong to him, but to someone else, the one in control of everything, Raju was just a salesman in the drug business..

The drug is a simple grey coloured pill, taken in through the mouth, it's said that it only takes four weeks for a person to get addicted to it, it causes hallucinations, body weakness, confusion and many more when taken in and the withdrawal symptoms seem to be even worse..

Body weakness, hallucinations, fear, vomiting, weight lose, memory lose, constant lost of concoursness, vomiting, shivering, fever..

And many more others and to the people who have taken it in, need special treatment to get over the addiction, because sometimes the can become very violent with people around then and also with themselves..

The explosion happened just as Elizabeth tried to walk to the helicopter after a sibling fight between the two siblings sending Elizabeth flying to the ground along with her brother, ever since they had been admitted in the High care private hospital owned by Lee Soojin Lindi step daughter of Hong Ji Hong..

The FBI had already sent security to the hospital, as they await for them to recover, why the investigation of the accident continues in both countries to find out out who dare do this to the Sebastien twins..

But it seems like the FBI have already figured who it might be, only one woman can be capable of something like that she will kill to get what she wants Liliana Gomez, one of the people on the FBI's nerves with her drug selling business

But who could really know who it is right, but we still think Ms Elizabeth Marie Sebastien and Juan Paul Carlos Sebastien Junior are working together since the beginning..

The whole country still wishes them to recover soon and stay healthy..

Namjoon closes his leptop after a long thirty minutes reading an article about the Sebastien twins.. "so she is an FBI agent, which is not confirmed yet, but I'm sure she is though.." he lets out a little confusion in his tone..

"They were only looking for some stupid drug dealer, seriously.." he lets out getting up from the bed.. "why the fuck did she have to put a fuckin hole in my arm and littrely try breaking my skull.." rubbing his forehead..

Suddenly something pops into his head remembering some of her words when he was on the verge of unconscious.."how did she know we are mafia's and why is the FBI trying to avoid us?" He questions, but nothing to answer the question comes up confusing him even more...

Nam-gil's new home

Jackson moving to furniture in the living room, it didn't look nice to him so he is changing it, while his father is at work he doesn't want to be nagged by the old man or 44year old man about not carrying heavy thing because of his leg.. this and that bla..bla..bla..bla..

"You don't listen do you.."

That owner of that voice might be the only one he is scared of, worried about and the one that irritates his and also gets on his nerves, taking in a deep breathe he looks back at the man.. "I was just thinking about dad.."

"Sure you were.." walking into the livingroom.. "didn't I tell you not.."

"Not to carry heavy things or my leg might never get healed or worse it might get cut off.." he repeats Nam-gil's exact words from early this morning..

"And what where you doing?"



"Dad don't argue if you argue you might get old to fast, and we don't want that do we now, you have a beautiful glowing skin, no wrinkles or even white hair, you might lose all those things if you keep arguing keep ordering me around.."

"You little brat.." he lets out getting up from the couch, but my the time he get to Jackson, the boy moves quickly turning around before running away towards the stairs..

"I'm telling you, you will get old too fast.."

"Why don't I make you old brat.." he lets out looking at the smirking boy who looks like he is challenging him.. "you will have to catch me first.." he lets out before running off, leaving Nam-gil to glare at the wall..

"That.." he gets cut off by his phone ringing in his hand before picking it up without looking at the caller ID.. "yes?"

Nam-gil continues to listen to the person talking on the other side, his face hardening of anger every moment he listens, his hands tightening into fists and his grip on the phone tightening as well..

"Are you threatening me?"

He questions the unknown person, suddenly the anger in his eyes turn into sudden fear, his hands unclunching his mouth parted, as he listens to the threatens for the person..

"To keep your sons safe all three of them just bring yourselves to me and they will be fine.."

"Why will I do that?"

"Yoongi is in the hospital poisoning him through his medication is not hard, Minseok is mostly alone outside the hospital a bullet to the head will send him straight to his death and your youngest is not hard, mostly stays home alone, all I have to do is make it look like murder or suicide, simple as that.."

"You might be lieing.." Nam-gil challenges..

"Yoongi looks so innocent and pure when he is sleeping, his hair is soft as well and sure can send I'm into a worse condition than this.."

The person threatens making Nam-gil more nervous..

"Want me to send you a picture? Just wait okay.."

A few seconds later a picture is send to to Nam-gil's phone, Yoongi laying on his hospital bed, he must be stable that he has no ventilator on, he looks pale than he usually is, his hair growing longer as it covers his eyebrows..

"I will.."

"Let me send you Minseok's ha.."

The person says sending Nam-gil a picture of Minseok standing by himself outside the hospital a mask and cap on but Nam-gil can clearly identify him, it's Minseok, he might have come to visit his older brother..

"Don't do anything to them.." Nam-gil chokes out trying to keep his emotions in check..

"Do what I say and they will be fine.."


He stops realizing that the person has hanged up on him, pulling the phone for him ear, taking in deep breathes, bitting on his lower lip to the let out a single sound from his mouth..



Like I said Ela had Juan Paul are more..

I think we know where Bangchan got the drugs from now, but will he be fine..

Jackson and Nam-gil can't stop annoying each other..

Who do you think is threatening Nam-gil?

Will he do what they say, will he leave and go to them?

Read to find out..

You can imagine how Juan Paul Carlos Sebastien Junior looks like..

They are unidenticale twins


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❝𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐮𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐭❞ ━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━═━ 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐞�...