Psychopath 2 β€’β€’ J.J.K [COMPLE...


289K 14.3K 12.3K

"I actually think I may be possessed with demons, I was dropped on my head as a kid." ~ Denis Rader More

Ch.6 πŸ’€
Ch.7 πŸ’€
Ch.8 πŸ’€
Ch.9 πŸ’€
Ch. 10 πŸ’€
Ch 17πŸ’€
Ch. 18πŸ’€
Ch. 21πŸ’€
Ch. 42πŸ’€

Ch. 22πŸ’€

5.3K 262 413

JK ~~

I was taking a nap when suddenly the door unlocked revealing a guard with a paper in he's hands, he handed it to me as I looked at him confused "Looks like you can have a free day today" he says chuckling. Bowing at him as he headed back, walking towards the bathroom as I got ready to get out of here. Once I was done the guards escorted me out and gave me back some of my money that they have been keeping from me. Smelling the fresh dull air early in the morning was just exhilarating even if it was for one day at least I wasn't stuck with that weirdo chick in my room, I needed this anyways to get rid of all my thoughts that has been lingering in my head for couple of weeks now. I took the bus from the institute to the city leading me to my condo that I've never really used much till now. Going back to the mansion was a no no if I did go back I had a feeling one of Taeil's buddy would be watching trying to find out my house code, without me they couldn't get inside and even tho I was free from that rotten hell hole I couldn't escape out of the wrist band they've put on me, I was just a lost dog in the city to them.

I thought about Lynn for awhile thinking about maybe the reason why she wouldn't come visit me is because she's afraid that I might do something to her, that's absolutely not going to happen as much as I loath from what she did I wouldn't hurt the woman that I'll be with for the rest of my life. I'll forgive her if she explained to me the reasons why and hopefully she wouldn't do those things again, if she did then I have no idea what else I can offer her.

Picking up my phone in my pocket as I tracked her down, I installed a mini chip in her phone just in case she wouldn't escape that's pretty much how we can always find her, but I took her phone away so she wouldn't call anyone at that time somehow she got it back probably from Taehyung.

The drive was 5 hours long still having those thoughts in my head that when I get there it won't be a pretty picture tho I fought with my conscious to think of something else positive rather than the negative thoughts that's surrounding my brain. Once I reached the house I parked the car next to ..Yoongi's? Taking a deep breath praying that something good will out of this but it wasn't a promise when I knocked on the door couple times and when the door opened she was holding on to Yoongi's arm tightly and free hand laced with he's.

"O-OPPA!?" She shouted surprised that I'm in front of her and my back stabbing hyung.This is really ridiculous I thought as I furrowed my brows together. I told them that I had free day since I was good but looks like I was interrupting something, yanking her arm off of Yoongi's as I pulled out the ring that was on her finger, she asked me why I did that and I told her that I wasn't going to divorce her rather than let her figure out who she loved the most.

When she said she loved me, it hit me hard I want to believe that but as of right now it just seems so fake, I had to say something that will stab her heart like she did to mines words that can make her go back to her senses.

"Save it Lynn.. your a slut and always will be, so in the meantime go ahead and fuck as many guys as you like, when your through let me know who you want to spend some your life with because it seems like you have no idea who your in love with" the words I said to her, her eyes began to tear up covering her mouth as I stormed out and drove back to the city. I guess I'll be going back earlier then I thought.


How could he say those to me, those words ripped off my heart slicing it millions times, I was aware of what I did and I'm so stupid enough to fall for these guys I honestly didn't understand why I did all this to begin with, my body just reacted because of their words and touch almost putting me into a spell of their own.

I didn't realize that I was still holding on to Yoongi's arm and hands untangling it. Yoongi only shook his head thinking the same. Honestly sometimes I wonder why I'm so disgusting and why I do what I do, practically giving my bodies to them on daily basis. I shouldn't be like that. It's disgusting and I'm disgusted by my own actions. I can't go back and change anything and that's the most haunting thing ever.

I have to let him know that I can no longer hurt Jung Kook, I love him very much but what I did to him was low, cheating on him with he's friends was not what I expected from me, he's right tho.. I am a slut. This is what I get and I deserve every punishment that's about to come at me.

"Lynn, even if you go back and tell him what happen he won't listen, I think he's done listening" he says leaning on the counter.

"Mmhhmm, but once you try to fight for him you'll realize that it's going to be a waste of time he's going to go back and try to forget about you, I'm pretty sure that he loves you allot, but think it through Lynn... He's a psycho! Do you think he's going to let you get away with what you did.. No.. In fact I'm pretty sure he's banging multiple girls by now trying to erased you from he's twisted mind" in a condescending tone. "Even if you did get him back he'll hurt you again just to make he's point clear to not fuck with other men... Aren't you scared of what he'll do to you?" He says

"Wrong .. He changed! He won't hurt me like before" I yelled wiping my tears away. He only scoff as he pressed my body closer to him making a slight moan feeling he's bulge poking my entrance. "He's never going to change, not till what you did he'll be back to he's insane self once again and thanks to you" he gripped on my waist not being able to wriggle myself out of he's grasp.

"Yoongi! Please stop, I have to go back and see him" I yelled trying to shove him away but it was no use he kept me in he's arms as I grew tired and unfortunately rested my head on he's chest hearing he's heart beat race up. I know what could happen to me but I don't think Jung Kook will make me suffer like before, he changed for me there is no way he'll be going back to he's old self again.

"Y-Yoongi .. can you please let me go" I said weakly. He's hot breath ghost up against my neck as he took a deep sigh "Maybe.. If you promise me that you'll be careful around him, I just don't want to see you hurt from that bastard, like I said ... I like you.. And I mean it. You may think of it as a joke but it's not" the way he said it was very convincing and true. But I know I have to be apprehensive around him as well he's also labeled as a psycho and who knows what he'll do to me if I don't obey he's command.

"Yoongi .. Can you let go of me now" annoyed that he still wouldn't let me go. "I will, till I say one last thing"

What could he possibly want right now, "What is it?" I ask.

"Come with me to Japan for a week, it's better than being in this shabby house for god knows how long, besides V isn't here, he probably can't come back since .. well my .. sister.. you know unstable" he says but he's smile fades when he talked about he's sister as if he's hiding something but doesn't have the right way of revealing it. "I just want to get away from all this shitty drama right now, it's killing my swag" he says turning my body around lifting me up on the counter both arms now resting on the counter top as he looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"I don't think it's a good idea..what if Ju-"

"Screw him! Right now you should worry about having fun, since when was the last time you ever travelled?" I thought for a moment "none" I simply said. "Well then...Just come with me to Japan just for a week, I know you want to, maybe it'll get your minds off of the Maknae for awhile." He says convincingly. At this point I don't know what else to do here, I would like to talk to Jung Kook but I'm not sure if it's the right time. But going on a trip wouldn't be so bad.

Then again when is there ever a right time.

I wiped my face my hands sighing deeply. "I'll ... go" I said with a weak smile. "Cool, we leave tonight" he says pecking my cheeks then rushed upstairs to probably get ready while I hopped off the counter fallowing him.

I'm only going since I can't escape him, he'll come after me anyways if I refuse. Going with him will only calm him down a bit. I'll use this opportunity to at least think about my actions and hopefully be able to talk to Jungkook again.


We headed outside of the airport going to he's private plane reserved only for the two of us. He held my hands as we walked up the stairs and into the plane. It was beautiful really, almost like a flying home there was a black couch on the side while the tv rested on the wall across from it.

I then sat down on the couch scanning around when a hand landed on my shoulder, "Hey" Yoongi smiling at me. "Want something to drink?" He ask gesturing at the wines that was in the fridge. "Not now I'm really tired" I said leaning back on the couch but instead he pulled me on he's lap. "What are you doing?" I ask trying to shove him away.

"Sleeping like that doesn't look comfortable, lay on me instead" he says as he caressed my back. "Yoongi I'm fine" i whisper shouted at him. But then he simply closed he's eyes wrapping he's arms around me tightly once again not letting go, at this point I can't seem to fight back as my eyes started to drift off.

When I came back to my senses I abruptly pushed him off me as I held on my head. "I-I'm sorry I - I can't do this" I sniffles knowing that my tears are coming out soon. He's look was disappointed as he got up from the couch heading to a different room slamming it shut. I went to the bathroom shutting it sliding down covering my mouth as tears where falling quicker than a drizzle of rain drops.

**CUTT ~~
Please continue to Read, Vote and Comment ^^ that would be nice hehe .. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter:) I'll update soon again ^^


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