Healing Draco Malfoy

By jschulte

97.3K 5.6K 2K

Healer Potter gets a new patient in his specialized ward at St. Mungo's. He can heal injuries that no one els... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 64

450 32 17
By jschulte

Chapter 64

Published: 1/24/2024

Draco woke up feeling refreshed. Harry had only stayed until ten, saying Draco needed a full night's sleep. It had been nearly two weeks since Harry had started coming over for dinner. Occasionally, they went to Ron and Hermione's, but Harry liked staying at Blaise's more. Draco happily assumed it was because Blaise and Neville promptly disappeared after dinner, and Harry didn't want an audience. But Blaise just had to be the one to point out that Draco had his healing sessions in the morning, and then Harry started putting a limit on how long he would stay over.

They would talk about everything from Draco's physical therapy sessions and things that Draco had missed over the years. Harry wasn't the best person to fill him in on the goings-on of their classmates. Harry did tell him about rebuilding Hogwarts, the funerals, Auror training, and where he thought everyone went after the war. He glossed over his assault but talked more about the healer training while they cuddled on the couch. Unfortunately, Harry never touched him beyond light contact while they were next to each other and holding each other's hands.

Harry also never tried to follow him into his room, even in the rare instance that Draco had to use the loo. Draco had to use the loo in his room as there were grips that he could use to get up and down, if needed, but Harry would remain in the common areas. Draco understood his hesitation and, unlike the Gryffindor, he had patience. He could take this slow... even if Harry was going to dress like a male model every day. Harry had worn a new outfit every day since that first time. Each was more tight-fitting and smart-looking than the last. Fuck, Harry was just taunting him.

Patience, Draco reminded himself as he got up and dressed, before going to the dining room for breakfast. Blaise and Neville were already there, as always.

"How was your date with Potter last night?" Blaise asked, smirking.

"Short, no thanks to you," he grumbled, but sat down as Nimi, the house elf Blaise had retained, set a plate of healthy food in front of him.

"Thank you, Nimi," he said, and the elf bowed.

"You need your sleep and not let Potter wind you up all night long. Have you even told him that you work in the morning?"

"I don't call it work."

"Really? What do you call it? Training?" Blaise shot back.

"I just say mind healing. It's what Carla is doing," he stated. It was the one thing Draco didn't openly discuss, and Harry never asked about it. Draco knew Harry was terrified of mind healing and Legilimency, and he had no desire to tell him that he was learning to do it easier and with greater skill.

"Yeah... sure. Eat your breakfast. Are you coming back tonight?"

"Of course, I'm not sleeping on Weasley's couch."

Neville smirked but refrained from suggesting something lude. He was a considerate host and seemed to understand that neither Harry nor Draco wanted that kind of relationship, yet anyway.

Blaise did, too. "I meant for dinner."

"Probably, Harry didn't say anything about going over there. Why?"

"Theo and Astoria want to come over to see you," Blaise explained.

Draco frowned. "I don't know how Harry will handle it. He doesn't know them very well."

"Ask... and then you can decide to go to Harry's or bring him here."

Draco nodded, and after he had done his morning stretches, he went to his mind healer training. There, he endured two hours of a mental workout before returning for his hour of physical therapy.

Unfortunately, Bethany set up an anti-gravity muggle machine for him to use. Blaise had to hire a magical engineer to supply a magic-infused electrical plug for it and everything. Bethany said it would help build his muscles without too much stress. He could walk longer and make his limbs get stronger. She had him put these weird shorts on and then strapped him into the machine with a cover wrapped around his waist. The treadmill filled with air, making him float a little, and she made the machine start moving. He was not looking forward to this as the muggle machine came to life, making him move his feet.

"Here, you control the speed," she said.

Draco didn't want to push the weird buttons, but he knew that she would not let him get away without doing it. The ground started moving faster, and he was forced to walk. It felt different and easier, but not as light and easy as the Lightening Charm. He had to use his muscles to keep going. He was forced to take steps to his feet, dragging on the moving "belt". It took a minute, but he fell into a rhythm. His steps were getting more and more confident. After twenty minutes, she pulled him out and stretched his muscles.

"You're doing great. We're making progress," Bethany said, as she checked his flexibility, again. Even Draco could see that his legs bent further back and with less pain. It was too slow. He wanted to be... normal again. He sighed.

"I know you're frustrated, but you'll get there. You've come a long way," she stated.

If she only knew. "Thanks," he said, quietly. It was hard to talk to the muggle.

When she left, he changed into better clothes and came out so Blaise could take him to the jump point. However, Blaise didn't walk him to the café, and Draco appreciated it. He didn't know why he kept meeting Harry at the café, as they always left with each other anyway, but it was a routine. Draco could understand routine... and Harry could, too. He saw that Harry was there, as he usually was. He was wearing a blue silk shirt with a V-neck, exposing more of his skin.

Draco groaned internally. Harry was now deliberately winding him up. He wondered if he should wear less. Draco hadn't been able to go out without wearing long sleeves. Besides his faded Dark Mark, his arms still had some scars despite Harry's initial attempt to remove them that day when Harry confessed what had happened to him five years ago. Draco hadn't considered asking him to try again. He also had other scars on his neck, chest, and shoulders, which is why he didn't wear a low-collared shirt, either. No, he was going to keep his skin covered. Draco didn't feel comfortable with strangers seeing his scars, nor did he want the reminder.

"Hey, how was physical therapy?" Harry asked, as Draco pushed his walker over to him and sat down.

"Enduring," he sighed. "She made me walk on this... moving-walking-thing."

"A treadmill?" Harry asked, and nodded in appreciation. "It's not a bad idea. Was it slow enough for you?"

"Yeah, she had me push the... buttons."

Harry laughed. "The perils of muggle tech."

Draco snorted and nodded. "It was easier... to walk."

"You should keep at it. Does she... massage your muscles out?" Harry probed, lightly. It was hard for him, as he was obviously better than anyone else at the job.

"As best she can," he mumbled. He didn't want Harry to feel guilty about it, but he did miss the smoothing massages Harry could do.

Harry massaged his hand and healed his aches. "I'm sorry... do you...."

"No. I'm okay. I am, Harry. It's just the normal aches and pains that everyone has to deal with when they're in recovery. You understand that, right? No one can do what you can... but the rest of the world survives anyway."

Harry nodded. "I always hated seeing people in pain... when I was in rotation. I knew... I had the magic that fixed it. I just kept trying to... ease their pain."

"You've always cared deeply about people, Harry. You always try to save people... even when they're snotty, scared-shitless Death Eaters, who don't know right from wrong."

Harry looked sad and squeezed his hand. "You did know right from wrong, Draco... eventually."

"Yeah... right...."

"You did... and you aren't a Death Eater."

"Aren't I? We haven't really talked about that part yet," Draco said, grimacing.

Harry sighed. "You gave me your diary. I read it."

Draco nodded, somberly. "I barely remember what I wrote. It wasn't something I read over and over again. It was brutal enough to live it."

Harry didn't know what to say but whispered, "I'm sorry. I wish I could have just... helped you, then. Instead, I hurt you."

"It was an accident, Harry. An accident. You self-sacrificing dolt. You wouldn't even kill the Dark Lord. I know you would never hurt someone so intentionally. I always knew that. That's why I trusted you so much. That's why I knew you'd come back for me in the fiendfyre... that's why you will always be my safe place."

Harry's eyes watered, and he looked around like he wanted to do more than hold hands, but they were in public. "Draco... I didn't think anyone could... make me feel like you do. You're the only one who could touch me... hold me and I won't slip back."

Draco's heart felt like it was about to burst. He really wanted to pull Harry into his arms, but there were several muggles. "Oh, Harry, that's exactly how I feel about you."

Harry was getting frustrated like he wanted to just grab him and be done with it. "I...."

Well... they could just leave. "Do you want to leave early? We can go to...."

"Yes, please," Harry said, and dropped a twenty-pound note on the table for Slater, who waved goodbye.

Harry led the way to the jump point. He walked slowly so Draco could keep up with his walker. When they got to the alley, Harry held up his hand, and Draco took it, keeping a grip on his walker. Harry's Apparation was a lot stabler than Blaise's was. Draco was curious to know if it was Harry's Auror training or just because he was so powerful.

"I hope we won't walk in on them making out or something," Harry laughed and opened the patio door to peer inside. "All clear."

"I'm sure. They usually retain all their more intimate moments together upstairs."

"Or the school," Harry muttered and frowned. "Gosh... now I'm imagining them sneaking around and doing things in their office."

Draco snickered, but Blaise came out of the kitchen and said, "McGonagall would skin us alive if we did."

Harry jumped a little, but nodded. "Right."

"Why so early?"

"I... umm... no reason," Harry mumbled, looking down.

Draco sighed. "We wanted some alone time."

Blaise chuckled. "Did you? Alright... I'll head upstairs for a while, but I do need to make dinner eventually." He gave Draco a pointed stare.

"Thanks, and sorry, I didn't get around to asking him."

"Just let me know," Blaise said and went upstairs.

"Ask me about what?" Harry asked.

"Theo and Astoria are coming for dinner," Draco said, watching Harry's reaction.

"Oh," Harry said, straightening up.

"We don't have to stay for dinner. We can go out or over to Ron and Hermione's."

Harry grimaced. "Do you want to see them?"

"I see Theo and Astoria enough, so we don't have to stay. I don't want you to feel pressured."

Harry nodded, and mumbled, "I'll think about it."

"Okay, so do you want to see the muggle machine?" he asked, changing the conversation.

Harry perked right up. "Yeah!"

Draco slowly led him over to the workout room. Harry fiddled with the machine and then thoroughly inspected all the other equipment. He nodded in approval.

"I couldn't easily bring a treadmill to the hospital. Electrical issues," Harry said.

"You brought me a TV."

"Yes, and it was against the rules," Harry admitted.

"You always were a rule-breaker," Draco laughed and eyed the massage table. He had never brought Harry into here before, as he might be prompted to start healing him. He should probably get him out before he felt obligated to do it. "We should...."

"Want a massage now?" Harry overspoke him.

Draco looked at him, and he did. He really did, but he didn't want to blur the lines so quickly. "I want one... but..." he broke off. He didn't know what to say.

Harry looked at him. "Are you sure?"

"Not here, like that. It was getting difficult to control myself toward the end when you touched me. I imagine it'd be worse now." Honestly, he got hard anytime Harry touched him.

Harry looked at him, confused, and then he figured it out. "Oh. It... that... umm... happens sometimes."

"I know, but I don't want to make it awkward," he said, blushing.

Harry nodded. "Sorry, I shouldn't have pushed."

"Oh, I want it... badly. I've been avoiding this room for a reason. It's not fair to you."

"I don't mind. I wasn't completely oblivious in the hospital, you know? It's a natural response to... umm... stimulation, even if there's... no direct contact," Healer Harry explained.

Draco tried not to blush more and looked away. "I know. It... It was a relief when it happened. I wasn't sure... well... that they broke that part of me completely." He looked away, feeling shame run through him.

Harry came closer and pulled him into a hug. "Of course, they didn't. I was... I thought that, too. Well... how about we sit on the couch? I'll just work out your feet and legs?"

Draco trembled a bit in relief and nodded. "Yes, please."

Harry let go so they could go back to the den. Draco sat up against the arm and put his feet on the couch. Harry slid under his legs and took off Draco's shoes. He left his socks on and began massaging him through his socks and trousers.

"Holy Merlin!" Draco cried when Harry worked out a tight spot. "Oh... that feels so good... right there. Thank you...."

Harry smiled happily, rubbing his muscles with slow and smooth determination. "You definitely needed this."

"I always need this," he mumbled, nearly screaming when Harry dug his strong fingers into his calf muscles and worked out all the tension. Draco couldn't form coherent words for the next thirty minutes while Harry massaged and healed his legs, even going as far as his knees. It wasn't as potent as direct skin-on-skin, but it was something.

Harry offered to do his arms when he was done, and Draco couldn't say no. He sat up and put his legs on the floor, and Harry moved closer. He reached out and massaged him through his long sleeves, something he never did in the hospital, as Draco's limbs were nearly always bare. Harry was trying to be considerate, and just sitting next to each other didn't get as much of a rise as lying on the table would have. Some part of him wondered if Harry had ever been affected by him.

As Harry hadn't mentioned it, Draco would not dare make him embarrassed by asking such a direct question. Draco could wait forever until Harry was ready. But when Harry switched to his other arm, he just moved his other side, and they were closer. Draco relished the closeness. Harry's legs were pressed against his, and he could feel Harry's breath against his neck. He groaned when Harry reached his shoulder. His shoulders always had the most ache in them.

"Draco..." Harry whispered. "You could have asked me for this, you know?"

Draco nodded, his eyes watering in relief as Harry worked out the pain. "I didn't know how... or if... I should," he admitted, feeling himself blush.

"You can... and you should. I'm not just a healer...you know? I care about you... your pain. This isn't about me doing my job. It's about relieving your pain. I... like doing this... for you," Harry breathed and was only inches away from him. He took a deep breath and kept his head forward. Things take time. I can wait, he told himself.

"I didn't want to... mess things up... blur the lines."

"You Slytherins and your convoluted plans," Harry huffed, rolling his eyes. "You all think you're so devious and sly."

Draco gave him a smile and said, "We are."

Harry laughed. "Yeah... you also do it the most difficult way possible."

"Whereas Gryffindors just charge head-first into things and bollocks it up?"

"Hey! I resent that. I don't bollocks things up."

"Sure, sure," Draco chuckled and gasped loudly in relief as Harry pressed a sore spot. "Bloody hell!"

"You were saying?" Harry murmured.

"You're amazing in everything you do... please don't stop," Draco pleaded.

"Never," Harry said and worked out the knot in his muscles.

"Thank you," he sighed as the knot finally loosened.

Harry was rubbing out the tenderness when a bird-shaped note soared downstairs and landed in his lap. Draco picked it up and read it.

I have no idea what you two are doing, but I need to make dinner. I'm coming down in 5.


Draco snorted and Harry asked, "What?"

"Blaise thinks we're up to something."

Harry blushed, but then he laughed and winked. "We are, aren't we?"

Draco smiled. Harry was getting more and more relaxed with this. "Sure, Harry."

Harry giggled, but Blaise came down the steps and looked at them. "You have a room, Blondie."

"We weren't doing anything. Harry was just working out my muscles," Draco said.

Blaise smirked. "Sure. Sorry to interrupt, but I wasn't expecting you guys here right now."

"It's alright. It is your house," Draco muttered.

"If Theo and Astoria weren't going to be here in an hour, I wouldn't have come down. Speaking of which... are you and Draco going to stay for dinner, Potter?" Blaise said, looking at Harry.

Harry met Draco's eyes and nodded. "Yeah, if there's enough?"

"There is. Theo owled this morning asking to come over. Astoria is a really nice girl and is rather weak right now. I don't know if you knew that she almost died? An old family curse activated, and I removed it. But the damage was already done, so she's still on the mend."

Harry looked at him, curiously. "Will she recover from it?"

"Hard to say and to what extent, but you, being a healer, might understand more than I. I just wanted you to know, in case... you noticed. Theo's come over a few times, but Astoria wanted to see Draco, again, as they haven't seen each other except for at the reunion."

Draco frowned. "You didn't say that this morning."

"Potter is more important to you," Blaise muttered, pointedly.

Draco blushed and couldn't meet Harry's eyes. It was true, after all.

"Well, I'd be honored to stay for dinner. Do you need help?"

Blaise tilted his head. "Do you cook? I've been learning since there isn't normally a house elf here, and Neville... well... let's just say that his disastrous concoctions weren't limited to potions class."

Harry laughed, and then talked about how often Neville's cauldron had melted in Potions, reaching a total of eight in his five years of taking the class. Draco grimaced. He hadn't remembered that any of them, though they had had Potions together.

"Yeah, so no, Neville is not allowed to touch the pots and pans in this house," Blaise said. "I'm getting proficient."

"Well, I can help. I've been cooking since I was like five."

Blaise gave a look, but let it go. "Well, the kitchen is this way."

Harry looked at him, and he nodded. He wanted Harry and Blaise to get along. As far as he knew, Harry had yet to speak to Blaise about the journal. Draco got up and followed them into the kitchen, but then realized that Harry and Blaise had never been alone since then. Harry was already talking about the best way to spice and sear meat. Draco had no idea what he was talking about, but Blaise was engrossed in it.

"Well, I gotta use the loo and change for dinner," he muttered, and Harry nodded as he had already admonished him once for holding it in too long.

"You must use your body like it's supposed to be used," Harry had chastised.

Easy for him to say. Draco had had those Purge and Sanitation Charms on him for seven years. He took a while in his room, giving them a long time to talk. Unscrupulously, he scooted up to the door and listened in on them.

"Nah, you always need to add some kind of acid to counter it. Lemon juice or vinegar are the best for cream sauces," Harry explained.

He sighed. Were they still talking about food?

"I get it, thanks," Blaise said, and Draco could hear faint chopping sounds. "How's Draco?"

Draco perked up. They were going to talk about him. He had to strain to hear.

"Well, I think. I hate that he's been in pain this whole time. He let me massage him a bit today. That's... umm... what you heard."

"Good. He puts you first, you know?" Blaise said.

"I know. Is there anything... I should know?" Harry asked.

"Just don't... cut him off. I don't think he can handle it. That month apart was bad. I ain't saying you have to be with him... but he's listless without you."

Harry was quiet and said, "I am, too. It was... rough."

"That's over now. No more pretending or games. No more hiding, Potter."

Harry didn't say anything for a minute. "It's not just... I want it... I just... I don't know what to do. Hermione had to tell me the next step."

"Potter... Harry... there's no rulebook... or guide to navigate relationships, especially when there's... trauma involved."

"Yeah," Harry sighed, sounding bitter.

"It takes time."

"Easy for you to say," Harry muttered.

"It wasn't easy, Potter," Blaise growled, and Draco felt the bite in those words.

So did Harry, as he said, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to...."

"I'm sorry for snapping when you don't know me or my past. My mother killed my father before I was even out of the womb. She practically killed my stepfathers in front of me. I could see those bloody thestrals from day-fucking-one. My mother didn't care if I lived or died, and I had no one but Draco and Theo. So, it wasn't easy to let Neville in. Could I trust that he wouldn't hurt me... or I wouldn't hurt him? It was a lot of insecurity and long talks, but trust came. Certainty came. It will for you, too, Harry."

"Umm... thanks. I'm... sorry for you know... assuming," Harry murmured.

"I know you're a Gryffindor, so I expect it."

"Hey! Funny, Draco just goaded me on that, too," he muttered.

"We don't hold it against you all," Blaise chuckled and clanged a few pots together.

"Yeah... sure," Harry sighed. "Can... can I ask you something?"

"Yes," Blaise said.

"Did you... love him?" Harry's voice was quiet.

Blaise snorted. "Draco warned me that you'd ask. He unlocked his diary for you. But to answer your question, I did, in that, I had literally no one... and Draco, the love-sick moron that he was, was all I could get, and I took it. We knew it wouldn't go anywhere. Sure, I wish back then that he would give you up, and we could run off together like the gay twats we were and say fuck the world. But no, it wasn't love. It was affection I wanted, no, needed. Draco was the only one who understood. Theo did too, but he's hetero, soooo...."

"I'm sorry, Blaise."

"Don't be. It all worked out. After I got my mastery, I started at Hogwarts, and Neville was just as lonely as I was. Talks became dates, dates became cuddle sessions, and cuddle sessions became...."

"Okay, I get the point," Harry interrupted.

"Sure, Potter. It took a long time. Neville wasn't comfortable either, as his family wasn't... supportive. He always had to hide who he was."

Draco frowned. He hadn't realized that Neville had had such a terrible home life. He had wondered that back when Blaise had admitted who his boyfriend was and mentioned that Neville hadn't come out. Draco felt like he should apologize for pressing him into it.

"His grandmother... did she... does she know?"

"Yes. There was a family dinner planned, a month or so ago, and Neville... he asked me to come. He didn't make an announcement. Just introduced me to everyone without a title. It took a bit before rumors circulated and his uncle confronted him. Mind you, this was the same uncle who had abused him his whole childhood to... force the magic out," Blaise growled.

"Holy Merlin," Harry gasped.

"Yeah... he's a prick, but he wasn't brave enough to corner him with me around and waited until we were separated. Course I heard him and came over. He didn't like that I got between them and even more when I told him to back the fuck off before I made him. He yelled for everyone to hear that we were disgusting and a few choice slurs. Neville held me back and said that we should just go. But his Gran came over and stopped him. She asked him if it was true, and my Boo said yes, in front of his whole extended family. Brave git. She looked disappointed and said that he should have told her. Then she kicked out his uncle and a few others who voiced their displeasure. So, he wasn't completely disowned."

"That sucks, but I'm glad his gran didn't hurt him," Harry said, regret in his voice.

"Me too."

"Where is Neville, anyway?"

"He went to see Joel and his parents. He's been worried about them, their recovery. I've been there before, but they do better with less people."

"Bloody hell... how are they doing?"

"Hard to say, being uncommunicative isn't good for diagnosing them. Neville said they are getting more comfortable and less agitated with Joel."

Harry said, "That's good. Umm... where's Draco? Should we check on him?"

"I'm sure he's fine. Changing takes a while," Blaise said, smoothly. He knew that he was listening. Draco spelled his clothes on to get back quicker and then back out, pretending he hadn't heard anything.

Sorry 'bout the wait! Christmas was busy, busy. I hope you all had a good Christmas, New Years, or whatever you celebrate! Kinda started writing a new story too... figured I need to write at least one werewolf drarry story! 

But anyway, this chapter grew so large I had to cut it in two. Part 2 will come out tomorrow, most likely. Gotta edit it.

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