The Rogue Princess // Aemond...

Por Catherine4560

95K 2K 95

Read as Daelys Targaryen, daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen, fights for the life she always wanted. S... Más

◦•●◉✿The Princess✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Strong Boys✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Meeting Daemon✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Claiming Vhagar✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Faking Death✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Six Years Later✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Making Plans✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Talking to everyone✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Helping Aegon✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿The Duel✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿The Wedding✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Princess Daena✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿The Talk✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Death of Viserys✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Queen Rhaenyra✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Jacaerys Velaryon✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Aemma and Aemond✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Double Wedding✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Queen Regent✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Dyanna Lannister✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Daelys and Aemond✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿The Desired Queen✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Making Plans✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿The Queen of Commons✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Caron Cole✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Meeting Baela✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Criston Cole✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Daena and Jaehaerys✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Rhaena and Rhaenyra✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Leanor Velaryon✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿War council✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Alyn and Addam✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿House Royce✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Blackwater Bay Battle✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Battle of Twins✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Highgarden Battle✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Viserys Targaryens✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Battle for Retaking Lannisport✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Battle Above the Gods Eye✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿One left✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Queen Daelys✿◉●•◦

◦•●◉✿Maelor Targaryen✿◉●•◦

621 26 0
Por Catherine4560

"It is becoming increasingly suspicious." Dyanna says. "There has been no word from King's Landing or from the Baratheons. And it has already been eight moons."

"Rhaenyra is planning something and Daemon knows it." Aemond points out. "He isn't giving us information like he is supposed to."

"Ser Caron, send Daemon a letter." Daelys orders. "Remind him what I told him will happen."

"Yes, your Grace." Caron says walking out.

"Joffrey-" But she is cut off my the sound of wings flapping and two approaching dragons. Exchanging a glance with each other, Daelys and Aemond walk to the window.

Outside Caraxes and Syrax land on the slopes and Daemon and Rhaenyra dismount. Daelys and Aemond exchange a look as the same idea goes through their minds.

Aemond walks down the steps of Dragonstone with a small amount of soldiers behind him to where Rhaenyra and Daemon has been stopped by Caron and a few other guards. They step aside as soon as Aemond reaches them.

Rhaenyra can't help herself but stare at Aemond. It has been ten years and yet he still looked formidable.

"Sister." Aemond greets a small smirk present on his face.

"Aemond." Rhaenyra says rather coldly. "You and your soldiers are in our way. Let us pass."

"No." Aemond answers simply, resting both of his hands on his sword which Rhaenyra and Daemon notice.

"This island-" Rhaenyra begins but Daelys decides to arrive on her dragon, Blaze at the exact moment.

Aemond watches with a smirk as Daemon raises his eyebrows in clear amusement and Rhaenyra has a stone expression. Blaze lands behind Aemond and the guards and Daelys dismounts and approaches Rhaenyra. It reminds Rhaenyra and Daemon of all those years ago when Rhaenyra confronted Daemon in a similar manner.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Mother?" Daelys asks sweetly.

"You are to leave the island." Rhaenyra orders icily.

"And why would we do that?" Daelys asks, her sweetness is yet to vanish.

"Because you are no longer my heir." Rhaenyra says. "From today Jace will be my heir and you are to release him."

"No." Daelys answers, her voice cold. "You can name Jacaerys your heir as much as you want but I will neither let him walk free nor leave this island."

"Then you are declaring war on your Queen." Daemon speaks up.

"I was wondering when you would speak." Daelys retorts looking at him before turning her attention to Rhaenyra. "The war was declared the moment you decided to name Jacaerys your heir. The nobles will never allow a bastard to sit on the Iron Throne."

"You are nothing but a bastard yourself." Rhaenyra retorts.

"A bastard who can claim that she is your trueborn daughter." Daelys points out. "Unless you want war, leave."

"You destroy everything you touch, girl." Rhaenyra says

"That 'girl' is holding the realm together at present." Aemond shoots back. "Every man standing around the Painted Table urges her to plunge the realm into war. Daelys is the only one who's demonstrated restraint."

Rhaenyra's cold glare turns to Aemond and she notices that the guards have all left. "Where are the guards?" Rhaenyra questions.

Daelys looks over her shoulders surprised but doesn't show it. One look at Aemond's face tells her that there is something going on. She turns back to Rhaenyra and Daemon and notices Daemon continuously glancing at a specific direction. The Dark Cove.

"Why didn't you bring soldiers with you?" Daelys questions instead of answering. She turns her head to Aemond and nods who immediately turns and leaves. Rhaenyra's eyes follow him.

"Where is he going?" She asks and is met with silence.

"What is that noise?" Daemon asks after a few minutes of tense silence.

Without replying Daelys turns and mounts her dragon. "You cannot fool me, your Grace." And with that she flies off.

She finds Viserys on his dragon and Jacaerys beside him getting on Vermax. There is shouting from inside the tunnels. Fighting is going on.

Blaze lets out a roar and all noises stop as eyes turn upwards. A scrambling noise is heard as Blaze opens his mouth. Jacaerys manages to get on his dragon and he and Viserys fly away just as Blaze fires.

Neither Jacaerys nor Viserys even tries to fight with Daelys as they fly for King's Landing while every soldier that Rhaenyra had brought, burns on the beach or are being arrested inside the caves.

Daelys doesn't give chase knowing she will be outnumbered in King's Landing. And just being on dragon back doesn't make her safe from stray arrows.

Daelys flies back to the entrance and notices that Rhaenyra and Daemon have already departed. She goes back inside knowing Rhaenyra just won the first round.

"Gather all the Lords." Daelys orders entering the Chamber of the Painted Table.

"I will fly north and get Lord Stark." Helaena says. "I will inform Jaehaera and Andar as well."

"Very well." Daelys says. She turns to Maelor. "Fly to the Stormlands. Inform Criston of the situation. Then fly to Lord Boros Baratheon and offer an alliance to him."

"How?" Maelor asks after a few minutes of silence.

"Agree to marry his daughter or granddaughter." Daelys answers. "As he chooses."

"And what if he tries to betray you?" Aemond asks from where he is standing at the door.

"Then we dispose of him." Daelys answers looking him in the eye.

Aemond nods. He looks at everyone still present in the room. "What are all doing here?" He asks.

Everyone quickly leaves. Aemond turns back to Daelys. "Don't say anything. Just don't." Daelys sighs walking to the window.

"I wasn't going to." Aemond says quietly walking over to Daelys. "I was just going to ask you why you decided to try and get the Baratheons on your side."

Daelys sighs again and reaches for Aemond's hand which Aemond takes immediately. "I don't want to kill anyone. Not even...."

"Jacaerys?" Aemond asks knowing what she will say.

"Yes." Daelys says so quietly that Aemond almost misses it. She waits for Aemond to shout or let go of her hand and leave the room.

But Aemond does neither. He only steps closer and puts an arm around Daelys' shoulder. "I understand. He is your brother." He says.

Daelys smiles a little and rests her head against Aemond's shoulder. It is nice to have someone who understands.

After staying for a week with Criston Cole, Maelor continues on his journey to Storm's End. As soon as he lands, his dragon, Wings, grows restless. He looks around and spots Vermax.

Maelor's throat goes dry and he pales from fear but he, remembering what everyone expects from him, takes a deep breath and composes his face.

Maelor walks in and to the great hall of Storm's End where he is confronted by Lord Borros. his four daughters and Jacaerys Velaryon, who glares at him.

Ignoring Jacaerys, Maelor turns to Lord Borros. "I am here on behalf of Princess Daelys Targaryen." Maelor tells him presenting a letter.

The illiterate Lord Borros is forced to call his Maester who reads the letter and whispers it to him. Borros scoffs and leans forward in his seat. "Atleast the Queen was grateful enough to offer marriage in exchange of support. Which one of my daughters are you willing to marry if I side against the crown?"

"Whichever one you choose, my Lord." Maelor replies immediately and Jacaerys' glare increases. Borros' eyebrows raise. "And not wanting to be bold, I must remind you, my Lord, that Prince Jacaerys is already married to Princess Baela Targaryen."

"Which I have broken off since." Jacaerys says immediately.

What Maelor said has made an impact on both Lord Borros and his four daughters. Lord Borros immediately turns to Jacaerys. "And what is to say you won't leave my daughter too?" He thunders.

"Because I am certain your daughter is not bare like my last wife was." Jacaerys replies though he can see that he is losing the alliance. Maelor watches with amusement.

"And what if she is?" Borros thunders and Jacaerys has no answer to that. "You may tell the Princess that she has my support, boy." Borros tells Maelor.

"Of course, my Lord." Maelor says happily before turning around and walking out and back to his dragon forgetting completely about the furious Jacaerys as Wings takes off.

Suddenly Maelor hears a roar and he turns his head to see Vermax chasing him. He freezes in fear for a moment giving Vermax time to get nearer.

Freeing himself from his shock, Maelor urges Wings to fly above the clouds. Vermax follows and Maelor orders Wings to fly down again disorienting Vermax for one second which gives Wings time to hide in the clouds.

Being smaller than Vermax, Wings is faster but not fast enough to reach safety in the cloudy weather with almost no light. Suddenly it starts to rain giving very little visibility to both dragons and their riders.

Maelor still notices Vermax fly down. Jacaerys looks around trying to find where Maelor has vanished. Wings suddenly appear on the right side of Vermax and fires straight at Jacaerys which he barely manages to avoid but Vermax lets out a pained roar as he takes the entire fire on his body.

But Wings is not Blaze and his fire isn't harmful to any small dragon let alone Vermax, a big dragon compared to him. Vermax grows extremely angry and chases after Wings with Jacaerys urging him on.

Maelor tries to get Wings out of the way but Vermax closes in fast. Vermax opens his mouth and closes it around Wings. Jacaerys looks down and watches with satisfaction as only remnants of the dragon are seen.

Maelor Targaryen is dead. He has been killed by Prince Jacaerys Targaryen over Shipwreck Bay, Storm's End.

Back in Dragonstone, Daelys is talking and laughing with Aegon and Rhaena when Aemond enters. One look at his overshadowed face is enough for all of them to know something is wrong.

Aemond relays the news to them. Daelys stares at Aemond too shocked to react. Aegon stumbles and holds onto the table in front of him to keep his balance. Rhaena also stares at Aemond as tears stream down her face.

Suddenly she doubles over in pain clutching her stomach and the other three turn to her. She reaches underneath her dress and her fingers come up covered in blood.

The news of the death of Maelor Targaryen has sent Rhaena Targaryen into premature labour. A labour which will prove to be fateful.

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