Stars Off The Stage

By blackthornsx

4.7K 506 97

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My not so dorky brother

35 2 0
By blackthornsx

Ariana excitedly drags Suga through a bustling market, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Ariana: "Come on, yoongi! We're on a mission to find the quirkiest trinket in this market!"

Suga, chuckling: "I hope it's not as outrageous as those sunglasses you tried earlier."

Amidst the laughter, Ariana notices a moment of vulnerability in Suga's eyes.

Ariana, gently: "You okay, Suga? You seem a bit distant."

Suga, sighing: "Just the weight of being Suga from BTS, you know?"

Ariana, wrapping her arm around his: "Well, today, you're just my dorky brother. Let's forget about the world for a while."

As they navigate the market, Ariana can't resist picking up a ridiculous hat.

Ariana: "What do you think? Should I buy it?"

Suga, smirking: "Only if you wear it to our next concert."

Their banter takes an emotional turn when they stumble upon a street performer playing a soulful melody.

Suga, reminiscing: "This song takes me back to the days when life was simpler."

Ariana, nudging him: "Back when you were just Min Yoongi, my partner in crime."

They share a quiet moment, the music serving as a bridge between the past and present.

Later, at a food stall, Ariana challenges Suga to a spicy food duel.

Ariana: "Think you can handle the heat, big shot?"

Suga, smirking: "I've survived fan wars. A little spice won't defeat me."

As the day progresses, Ariana and Suga find themselves at a quaint café with a serene atmosphere.

Ariana, sipping her coffee: "You know, Suga, for someone who's 'closed off,' you sure know how to pick the best spots."

Suga, grinning: "Well, I have my moments."

Their conversation takes a reflective turn, and Suga opens up about the challenges of balancing fame and personal life.

Suga: "It's not easy, Ariana. Sometimes, I feel like I'm living two lives."

Ariana, empathetically: "I can't even imagine the pressure, but you've got a whole army of fans supporting you. And today, you've got me."

Suga's usual stoic expression softens, and he gives her a grateful smile.

As they leave the café, they stumble upon a street artist drawing caricatures.

Ariana, pointing at the artist: "Hey, Suga, wanna see if they can capture your 'cool rapper' image?"

Suga, raising an eyebrow: "I bet they can't get my jawline right."

They share a laugh, enjoying the light-hearted moment.

A sudden downpour surprises them, and they take refuge under a small awning.

Ariana, laughing: "Looks like we're stuck. Dance party, anyone?"

Suga, feigning reluctance: "I didn't sign up for this."

But soon enough, they're both dancing in the rain, letting go of any pretense.

As the rain subsides, Ariana and Suga exchange a glance, their clothes soaked and spirits lifted.

Ariana: "I guess even the mighty Suga can't resist a little rain dance."

Suga, wiping raindrops from his face: "Don't get used to it. This stays between us."

The day concludes with Ariana and Suga sharing a quiet moment, watching the city lights illuminate the night sky.

Ariana: "Today was perfect, Suga. Just what we both needed."

Suga, nodding: "Yeah, it was."

Ariana and Suga continue their adventure, now with Suga's phone buzzing incessantly.

Suga, checking his phone with a smirk: "Looks like the boys are getting jealous."

Ariana, giggling: "I didn't know you had such a fan club among your bandmates."

As they walk, the vibrant city lights create a picturesque backdrop.

Suddenly, Suga's phone rings, and it's a video call from the rest of the BTS members.

RM, laughing: "What's this, Suga? A secret date?"

J-Hope, teasing: "Our bro is growing up!"

Suga, rolling his eyes: "It's not a date. Ariana and I are just hanging out."

Jin, dramatically: "Hanging out without us? I'm hurt."

Ariana waves at the camera: "Hi, everyone! Don't worry; I'm keeping your Suga in check."

Jimin, grinning: "You better, or we'll have to stage a rescue mission."

They all share a good-natured laugh, the video call a brief but welcome interruption.

As they resume their day, Ariana and Suga find themselves being discreetly followed by paparazzi.

Ariana, spotting them: "Looks like we have some unwanted guests."

Suga, smirking: "Let them follow. It's not like we're doing anything scandalous."

Their casual stroll turns into a playful game of dodging photographers, showcasing their camaraderie.

Suddenly, Ariana's phone buzzes with a message from another member.

V: "Why did you both go alone? Next time, I'm coming too!"

Ariana laughs, realizing the mischief they've unintentionally sparked among the BTS members.

As they reach a quieter part of the city, Suga stops and looks at Ariana.

Suga: "Thanks for today. It's been... different."

Ariana, smiling: "Different is good. We should do this more often."

Just as they're about to call it a night, Jin's voice echoes from Suga's phone.

Jin: "Okay, you two naughty duo, we've had our fun. Get back before the rumors start."

As Ariana and Suga head back, they find themselves caught in a sudden gust of wind.

Ariana, struggling with her umbrella: "Well, this is the grand finale of our day."

Suga, steadying her umbrella: "At least we're not being chased by paparazzi anymore."

They share a laugh, embracing the unexpected chaos of the weather.

As they near their destination, they spot a street vendor selling warm snacks.

Ariana, pointing: "How about a victory snack to end our adventure?"

Suga, smirking: "Victory? I thought we were just dodging cameras."

They grab some snacks and find a quiet spot to sit. The city, now quieter with the rain, takes on a serene beauty.

Ariana, reflecting: "Today was a reminder that behind the glamour, you're just Min Yoongi to me."

Suga, genuinely smiling: "And you're just Ariana, the partner in crime who keeps things interesting."

Their banter takes a sentimental turn, the shared moments of the day etching memories that go beyond their public personas.

As they enjoy their snacks, Suga's phone buzzes again. It's a group chat message from BTS.

J-Hope: "Mission accomplished, lovebirds! Return to base, and no more secret outings."

Ariana and Suga exchange amused glances.

Ariana: "I guess our little adventure didn't go unnoticed."

Suga, texting back: "You guys are worse than the paparazzi."

As Ariana and Suga part ways, Ariana's phone rings with Jungkook's name flashing on the screen.

Jungkook: "Hey, Ariana! Need a ride back?"

Ariana, smiling: "Sure, Kookie! Where are you?"

Moments later, Jungkook arrives in a sleek black car, wearing his signature grin.

Jungkook, teasing: "So, you and Suga had quite the adventure today, huh?"

Ariana, laughing: "Yeah, it was unexpectedly fun. He's not as grumpy as he pretends to be."

Jungkook, pretending to be offended: "Grumpy? Suga? Never!"

As they drive, Jungkook continues the playful banter.

Jungkook: "You stole my spot as Suga's favorite today."

Ariana, smirking: "Just for today. You're still his golden maknae."

Jungkook, glancing at her with a twinkle in his eye: "Well, you better not make a habit of stealing my hyungs, or I might have to challenge you to a dance-off."

Ariana, amused: "Dance-off? You know I'll win that, right?"

Jungkook, pretending to be shocked: "You're challenging the golden maknae? Brave move."

As they reach her destination, Jungkook stops the car and looks at her seriously.

Jungkook: "But really, it's nice to see Suga opening up. Thanks for being there for him, Ariana."

Ariana, sincerely: "Anytime, Jungkook. We're all family, right?"

Jungkook nods, and as Ariana steps out of the car, he calls out, "Tell Suga I'm reclaiming my favorite person status tomorrow!"

Ariana waves as Jungkook drives off, leaving her with a mix of laughter and warmth from the unexpected day out with Suga and the playful banter with Jungkook.

The next day, as Ariana joins the BTS members for a group rehearsal analysis, she is greeted by playful smirks and sly glances from Jungkook and the others.

J-Hope, grinning: "So, Ariana, how was your day with Suga?"

Ariana, rolling her eyes with a smile: "Just a casual sibling day out. You know how it is."

Jimin, smirking: "Suga said you were causing trouble."

Ariana, feigning innocence: "Who, me? Never!"

Jungkook, stepping forward with a mischievous glint in his eyes: "I hope you didn't spoil him too much. I have a reputation to uphold as his favorite."

Ariana, teasingly: "Oh, he did mention something about a dance-off challenge. I hope you're ready, Jungkook."

The room erupts in laughter, and Suga, who has been quietly observing the banter, joins in.

Suga: "You're in for a tough competition, Jungkook. Ariana has some killer moves."

Jungkook, mockingly offended: "I thought I was the golden maknae!"

The rehearsal continues, but the light-hearted teasing doesn't stop. The playful atmosphere serves as a reminder of the unique bond that BTS shares, both on and off the stage.

Later that day, as they take a break, Suga pulls Ariana aside.

Suga, smirking: "Looks like you survived the Jungkook interrogation."

Ariana, laughing: "He's a handful, but I can handle it. Besides, it's all in good fun."

Suga, genuinely: "Thanks for being a good sport about it. And for yesterday."

Ariana, smiling: "Anytime, Suga. We should do it again sometime."

During a break, Jin approaches her with a mischievous smile.

Jin: "Ariana, word on the street is that you're stealing hearts left and right. Careful, you might become the eighth member.

"Ariana, grinning: "Well, if there's an audition, I'm ready!"

The banter continues

For all those who replied to my question, whether they want Suga and Ariana more.

Here you go~ I pin on them as sibling duo

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