Heart Attack (a HeartStopper...

By pablogalan10

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We start our story years into the future when a 25-year-old Nick moves back to town after college to teach at... More

Nick. Learning to breath.
Charlie. Breathing again.
Nick. Saying goodbye.
Charlie. Hello again.
Nick. A Step back.
Charlie. The first step.
Nick. A leap of faith.
Charlie. Faith in the fall.
Nick. Realazing.
Charlie. Loosing my mind.
Nick. Admit it.
Charlie. Denial.
Nick. Telling the truth.
Charlie. What i give for you.
Nick. What you took from me.
Charlie. The floor drops
Nick. The ceiling falls
Charlie. One last time
Nick. For the last time
Charlie. After All.
Nick. Before anything.
Charlie. Running.
Nick. Stopping
Charlie. Starting
Nick. Circles.
Charlie. Squares
Nick. Water.
Charlie. Thirst.
Nick. Having you.
Charlie. Give myself.
Nick. Saying sorry.
Charlie. Forgiving.
Nick. The past.
Charlie. The future.
Nick. A little bit closer.
Charlie. To far away.
Nick. Shattered.
Nick. Two.
Charlie. One.
Nick. Lying.
Charlie. Telling the truth.
Nick. Deep inside.
Charlie. On the surface.
Matias. Monsters.
Ben. Beasts.
Charlie. Guilt.
Nick. Innocence.
Charlie. As we thought it would be
Nick. As we wanted it to be.
Ben. As it actually is.
Charlie. Yours first.
Nick. Home.
Charlie. House.
Nick. Us
Charlie. Them
Nick. Disappear
Charlie. Being present.
Nick . A travel through time.

Charlie. Four.

190 5 5
By pablogalan10

Song recomendation for the chapter: Got me started. - Troy Sivan.

Imogen was smart enough, and seemed to be angry enough with Ben's appearance to notice that they needed to change the subject, so she had an idea. Playing Elle's favorite song got everyone dancing, and that allowed time and space for Nick and Charlie to get away from the crowd a bit, before greeting them both.

"Okay, before we get into that situation... Are you okay?" Charlie began.

"Me? Are you okay?" Nick held his hands, and Charlie swore he could have lost himself in his gaze and forgotten all about this, but he knew he couldn't.

"Well... I'm not sure actually. It's true I got a little jealous when he told me he was seeing someone, and it's true we flirted a little when he told me, but I had no idea it was going to be... him."

"And you told him he could bring him along?"

"Sure... but i didn't know who he was... should i haven't told him that?"

Nick didn't answer, just took a deep breath. "And did Karina tell Ben everything?"

"I don't think so, but it could be... Are you angry?"

"I don't know." Nick sighed, being honest with him.

"I'm sorry... I thought it would be good for this whole awkward situation to invite them."

"I guess it was... nice... of you to invite them...I don't think you did wrong...but I don't think it was the best thing for, as you say, this whole awkward situation."

"How do you feel?" Charlie noticed Nick a little jealous and tense, even a little angry.

"Well... I wish I had known ahead of time that he was coming... and I certainly would have liked to know that Ben was his date, but I know you didn't know that when you invited them."

"You're absolutely right, I should have told you I invited them. I'm sorry love...it was something I did out of pride and jealousy, I didn't want him to think I'm not ready to give him what he's giving me with you."

"HE isn't allowing us anything love, we can be together if we want to..." Nick crossed his arms, angry. "But...I know what you mean, you didn't want him to think you were the only one with the right to move on."

"Exactly." Charlie moved a little closer, and stroked his arms. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you this uncomfortable, I really didn't think... it's not like I was intentionally hiding it from you."

"I know you weren't...it's not your fault, it would have been a thousand times less awkward if Ben wasn't his date." Nick wasn't looking directly at him, and that started to bother Charlie along with it.

"Wait...are you more upset that Ben is his date or that your boyfriend didn't tell you that he invited them both?"

Nick understood what he was implying, and blushed.

"NO no... I mean obviously it makes me uncomfortable about Ben, but it doesn't bother me... more, it's just aggravating."

Charlie narrowed his eyes, and with his hands on his hips said nothing for a while.

"Suspicious Nick" he smiled a little to make him laugh, and they both laughed for a second, out of awkwardness. "I mean I knew we were...interested in Ben... but now he's making you jealous like this?"

"You're jealous too, don't you?." Nick reached over to grab him around the waist, and stole a kiss on his cheek, though Charlie tried to avoid it. "Aww love, don't get all moody. I swear you're the one who always makes me the most jealous."

"Oh yeah, now it turns out." Charlie blushed, and accepted Nick's hug. "I really don't want to argue about them."

"Neither do I...let's just accept that surely all four of us are jealous of all four of us. okay?"

"That sounds chaotic and horrible." Charlie laugh.

"And sexy... admit it." Nick teased him.

"Well... a little sexy too."

"What do we do?" Nick got more serious.

"Pretend nothing's going on and just enjoy the party?" Charlie smiled, joking.

"That sounds like a lousy plan."

"What did you want to hear then?"

"You're right." They both laughed some more. "Just...let's promise that if something makes us uncomfortable we'll tell each other and work it out."

"Sounds like a great plan to me..." Nick was about to lead him back to the party until Charlie stopped him again. "...And, also, we're still on the understood it's just us for now...right? Unless the other one is aware and included."

"Exactly precious." Nick leaned in and stole a kiss. This time a longer, more comforting one for both of them.

When they returned to the party, smiling and hand in hand, it didn't take long to find Matias and Ben with their group of friends, but luckily this time none of the four hesitated, and continued to hold their respective partners as they all joined in the conversation.

"Nick¡ Charlie¡" Ben was the first to approach to greet them, surely also being the one with the least information. "I forgot to tell you I was coming with Mat...I would love to have been there to hear you sing Charlie, I didn't know that would happen!" Ben gave them both a hug, he looked truly happy, almost effervescent, something Ben had never been.

"We'll invite you to more of our concerts! I mean this one wasn't from the band or anything..." Charlie added hugging Ben but looking at Matias. "It was just a gift from Sahar, Karina, Tao and me. Good to see you."

"Did you really sing?" Matias tried to hide his anger but failed.

"It's phenomenal." Nick added, smiling at everyone, even Mat. "Nice to see you Ben...and you too Mat." Nick and Matias didn't hug, but both tried to be cordial.

"Likewise Nicolas." Mat shifted his attention to Charlie, "Curly." With him he did go over to hug him, but he did it quickly and coldly, trying to avoid his gaze...and they all noticed.

"Mat tells me that the band is back in business...I mean I'm getting ahead of myself but I'd love to produce something for you." Ben's innocence was almost torturous to the three of them as he held Mat's hand.

"I'd love to! We've got a lot of songs we'd love to record well and start distributing." Charlie told him lightly and excitedly.

"Mat showed me! You guys are very talented."

"What do you mean? you don't have anything recorded?" Nick was confused.

"Well, you need a studio, and a producer, and that's expensive. None of the three of us can afford it." Mat wasn't very good at not being hostile, and that made Nick uncomfortable. Charlie just held his hand to make him feel accompanied.

"Well you already have a producer, and I'd be happy to find you studios that won't make you spend so much." Ben offered.

"I love that idea." Mat walked over to Ben and grabbed him around the waist, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He responded as expected, and smiled and blushed. Nick and Charlie couldn't help but think of the parallel and irony of it all. So much for ignoring it.

"You look cute together." Nick added, clearly trying to extend a peace flag. "And I mean it." That comment was aimed directly at Mat, not loaded with irony, which seemed to confuse and reassure Mat a little. Nick just took a long swig of his drink, and Ben got a little nervous.

"Thanks big guy." Mat smiled at him, trying to open up.

"Thanks Nick." Ben looked confused by that last comment, but decided to let it go. "I mean it's all very fresh but I think we're on the right track." Ben eyed him tenderly, clearly in the process of falling in love with him, and Matias smiled, genuinely this time.

"Tell us your story then..." This time Charlie was the one to continue. "I don't know if you know Mat, but we have big responsibilities to Ben... being his only two gay friends in the whole town."

"WHAT? I didn't know that..." Matias smiled to Ben, surprised.
"Why do you act like that carries extra responsibilities?" Ben just smiled.

"We have so much to teach you." Mat and Charlie told him at the same time, and they looked at each other knowingly.

"I'm going to pretend I don't feel left out because I'm bi." Nick just folded his arms, but took a step to get closer to everyone.

"Likewise." Ben smiled at him, and the four of them felt the magnetism rotate in a circle.

Luckily the girls arrived to take them dancing, and the tension was cut there...for the moment.

Later, after more dancing and mingling, Charlie and Nick noticed that while Sahar was telling them about her career in executive production, Imogen was losing her gaze at Ben, who, with some of Mat's friends that Charlie recognized from concerts, still looked nervous.

"So... Im? Are you okay?" Sahar noticed her distracted girlfriend.

"Sahar sorry, I don't mean to interrupt you..." said Nick. "Im, I think you can talk to him if you want."

"What?" Imogen was lost in her head, as she held Sahar arms affectionately. "Ben?... No, I don't know. I mean I know he's trying to change... and if Charlie's willing to forgive him, I guess I might be too. But I don't know..."

"Just because I forgive him doesn't mean you have to... there's no pressure. If you don't want him around and you're not ready to forgive him that's super respectable."

"Exactly love. How do you feel?" Sahar rubbed her back.

"I think I... I want to talk to him, and see what he says. I'll know what to do." Imogen wouldn't let him out of her sight, so Nick caught Ben's gaze and with a smile beckoned him closer. Ben did so, giving Mat a kiss on the cheek and leaving him with his friends.

"Hey girls." Ben walked over greeting Sahar and Imogen, both smiled reassuringly at him but didn't greet him back. "Imogen it's so good to see you...I'd like to see if we can talk...for a second... in private." Ben looked super nervous, but ready.

"Sure Ben, come on over, let's go over there." Imogen looked serious, but Charlie, Nick and Sahar all knew she needed that. Together they walked away to a bench in the garden away from everyone.

"I'm dying of curiosity about what she'll say to him." Sahar eyed them suspiciously. "I'm going to stay close by to intervene if necessary."

"I have confidence that Ben will do well...I hope." Nick crossed his arms and Charlie could tell how seriously he took his friends safety. This made him proud and he gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. He only blushed and with a smile returned it. "How about you go get another round while Sahar and I stay close to them?"

"Sure love, same thing Sahar?"

"I just want water now mate...I don't want to drink too much and do a number on Imogen with Ben."

"Sure...what about you love?" Charlie was already feeling slightly drunk, and he detected that Nick was too. "Do you want to share something so we don't drink so much?"

"Great idea handsome."

With that Charlie gave him a kiss and pulled away, wondering if it might be time to talk to Matias alone for a moment. He knew it was the alcohol and jealousy talking, but he had to know how much Ben knew about the whole thing, especially because he didn't want Nick or himself ruin it later by saying something that was going to hurt everyone. He walked over to the drinks table and gave Matias a little wave to come over, to which he quickly responded and walked over.

"How are you doing curly?" He was drinking a beer, and didn't look drunk at all... he was much more adept at partying than everyone else, and could handle alcohol better.

"So far so good...trying to keep the drama from boiling over."

"Before you accuse me, I had no idea that Ben was THE BEN from your school, I swear." He looked serious, but Charlie couldn't detect if he was being sincere. "You know I wouldn't have hung out with someone who did something like that to you...then I understood it was him and we talked about it."

"You really talked about it?"

"Sure, I'm not crazy Char, I would never be with someone who hurt you...he explained to me how sorry he is and everything he's doing to make amends for his past...how do you feel with all of this? I mean... I'll be honest with you" Mat moved closer to him, so the people around him wouldn't hear everything. "I like him... quite a bit, but I don't want to cause you any more pain than I've already caused you."

Charlie couldn't help but be touched by the gesture.

"Do you really think I would ask you to leave your recent partner just because of our past?"

"Well... I would if you asked me too."

"Mat..." Charlie blushed. "Although i appreciate the sentiment, I would never do that... knowing I can't give you exactly what you want."

"Well...it was worth the try." Mat pulled away again. "Do you really believe him? that he's changing?"

"For now yes, and I think he really likes you... and to be honest with you I do too, I'm fond of him, and Nick is too... so I want to tell you something."


"I think you should tell him about us."

"You don't think he'll get mad or freaked out?" Mat nervously watched Ben in the distance, sitting with Imogen. Both with eyes crystallized with longing but clearly being able to speak well.

"I don't know...but I think there's enough trouble going on without all of us knowing all the information."

"And I know all the information?" Mat crossed his arms. "I don't think it's your fault curly... but the common ground between the three of us is you."

Charlie said nothing, hesitating whether to tell him the exchange between Nick, Ben and himself... the one they had shared days ago. He was a terrible liar...and he didn't know if he could do it.

"I think we're all entitled to our secrets...but if you intend to make this work with Ben, if you truly like him, I think he needs to understand what he's getting into."

"You mean everyone is entitled to their secrets... but me." Mat narrowed his eyes.

"No one said that..."

"Char... I understand what you mean... and yes I think he should know how I feel about you... but I don't know, think about it, you left him for Nick, you left me for Nick... if I tell him how much I still..." Mat shivered a little, and Charlie couldn't help but feel confused, flattered... and very guilty. "...how much I still like you then... Don't you think he'll take it terribly? I don't want your recent friendship to be ruined."

"I understand." Charlie didn't know what to answer, and with his eyes he searched for Nick, who was alternately fidgeting between watching him and watching Ben with Imogen. "How do you feel about talking about this with Nick?"

"You're kidding, right?"

"No... you'll understand why later, it's just... I really don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable about my messes."

Charlie's world began to spin.

"Char no... wait, that's not what I meant...this is not your fault."

"Yes it is...my" Charlie's head began to spin and spin, and the thought of the three of them surrounding him, asking him for things he couldn't quite give any of them, breaking all three of their hearts. From one second to the next the alcohol went to his head, and the floor began to move. "I don't... I don't feel so good."

"Come on Char...let's sit down for a second." Matias looked around for Nick, and as soon as he saw him turn around and walk over to Ben and Imogen who seemed to have finished talking, he decided he would have to... and wanted to... take care of Charlie himself. "Let's go inside for a second."

Charlie held onto Mat as he guided him inside, and held his weight on his shoulder as he put an arm around him and held him around the waist. In a few minutes they were inside the cafe, which although crowded was emptier. They found a table and Mat sat Charlie down, settling in beside him.

"Do you want some water, did you drink too much?"

"A little... but I don't think... it's the alcohol..." everything was a little blurry, and Mat's voice seem so far away.

"I'm going to get you some water." Mat ran to the cafeteria bar, stole a bottle of water, and next to it he saw a granola bar... an idea popped into his head, and he also took it. "Here, drink some water." He opened the bottle and Charlie took several sips. "A little better?"

"I think... yes." His gaze was still fuzzy.

"I also brought you this." Mat opened the granola bar for him and passed it over. "In case you're hungry."

"No no... I had dinner before I came."

"You got here a thousand hours ago curly... maybe you ate but I don't think you had dinner. Eat the granola bar." Mat eyed him fondly, and as he passed him the granola bar he held his hand lovingly. "Believe me you'll feel better once you eat it."

"Mat I'm fine...I...."

"Char...for me." Another caress on the hand. "Just a few bites. Please."

Charlie couldn't look away, and agreed, grabbing the bar and taking a few bites. True, he hadn't had dinner, nor had he eaten very well. He hadn't had the best breakfast either. Nick tried to make sure he always ate but just today they'd been so busy with the surprise and the party that they'd both forgotten.

Charlie felt embarrassed, and like a foolish child again.

"I am sorry..."

"No apologies Char, stop it, it's all right. Just eat the little bar." Mat smiled, and laughed a little. "Then we'll go back to the party if you feel better."

"I think...I feel better." The color came back bite by bite to Charlie's face...that was it, he just needed to eat. "I think the anxiety of the drama made me forget that I needed to eat something. Don't... tell Nick this. Please." Charlie knew he was going to blame himself and he didn't want that.

"Okay...but only if you promised that when you both leave you will have a proponer dinner..." Charlie smiled and nodded. "How was the private concert?"

"Nice...it turned out great."

"I must confess to you..." Mat looked at the floor a little pained.

"It hurt you that I sang to him." Charlie already knew.

"Yes..." Matias avoided his gaze. "I know it's silly."

"It's not silly, it's cute, and I understand, sorry... you were the only one who had ever heard me sing."

"I know...just because of that, I don't know...I felt it was something of ours. But it's something of yours, and you have the right to share it with whomever you want. I hope Nick was as amazed as you deserve people to be."

"He was...thank you for giving me the confidence to find that talent."

"You know, I have an eye for finding stars." Mat moved a little closer to him. "Another bar?"

"Maybe I'll steal a fruit, thanks Mat."

"Nothing to be thankful for." Mat didn't move away, and stayed close to Charlie who rested his head on his shoulder. Both their bodies tensed. "You're already... oficial then? You and Nick."

"Yeah... sorry..."

"No more apologies Char really... I'm happy for you."

"I am too... happy for you... I think you and Ben can be very happy together."

"I just don't want him to feel like... he is a consolation prize you know?"

"Is he?" Charlie lifted his face, and saw him smiling at him. They were so close, and Mat could smell the scent of his cologne and his breath invading him.

"You know it is..." Mat moved a little closer to kiss him, but stopped himself...even though Charlie didn't. "I'm not going down...you'll have to kiss me yourself if you want to." they both laughed for a second. "Maybe... I'm still in love. Like I know you are too... but that doesn't mean I don't like Ben... i really do, as you're in love with Nick."

"I totally get your point." Charlie sat up, realizing what he was about to provoke. He sat up straighter and turned away from Matias. "I think you should tell him about us... and I think you should know two other things."

There was no turning back now.

"I will..." Mat joined in as well, and stepped back a little. "What should I know?"

"Nick and I... we're considering the idea of... being able to be with more people, if we're both... included in the situation."

Matias narrowed his eyes, and just smiled, chuckling a little and leaning back against the back of his chair.

"You're asking me to hit on Nick so you can feel entitled to kiss me?"

"No silly." Charlie smacked him. "I'm telling you...maybe you can get to know him better, if you're interested."

"I'll think about it...I mean I already tried to pick him up once."

"How about this time you just talk to him...and not do it from a place of jealousy and possession? Nick doesn't work that way."

"I'll... consider it... I mean, Nick is gorgeous, and I know if you love him that much he must be a really cute guy, and have... big qualities." Matias laugh.

"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that idiot." Charlie joked.


They both laughed and relaxed a little. Charlie's world solidified again.

"I just think it would be a good way for all of us to feel...included and cuddled... during this confusing time."

"What a nice way to put it." Matias teased. "Do you think Nick would be interested in me?"

"That's his business." Charlie threw his hands up in the air, teasing. "The only way to win him over is to be nice, and to truly want to be his friend."

Matias rolled his eyes.

"MAT¡ I'm giving you the key to...to be with me...and Ben." Charlie blurted out.

"Ben?" Mat was a little confused.

"Ben, Nick and I... well..." Charlie didn't know how to finish.

Mat opened his eyes wide and covered his mouth.

"Shut up."

"Nothing happened... for now... it's just an idea Nick and I had, and it was before we knew you were dating and all...trust me it wasn't on purpose."

"I mean, small town big hell...I get it." Mat smiled. "Did Ben explicitly tell you guys anything?" Charlie noticed he was jealous, and a little hurt.

"No no no...just our assumptions. Subtle flirtations by text and in person. We have no idea. We don't want to ruin anything for you either...we truly want you to be happy together."

"Well then...let's give him the benefit of the doubt...and let us have our date in peace... okay?" Charlie and Mat teased each other. "I mean, maybe, somehow, the four of us could come to an understanding...if we all want to of course...but later... okay? When Ben knows everything, he and I are doing okay but... we still dont know...what we want, so please... give us time."

"No rush Mat, no pressure... I don't even know if anything is going on... I just know that you're people I care about, and love, and that... the tree of you, loving each other, doesn't seem like the worst idea."

"You're evil." He smiled.

"MAT." Charlie laugh.

"Malevolent." Mat poked him in the ribs to make him laugh.

"Stop it..."

"A spawn of evil and chaos."

"That's you."

"Look... I'll talk to him for now, and I'll tell you what happens... okay? You talk to your man... and put in a good word for me, who knows, maybe curls are his weakness."

"That's my trait." Charlie teased him.

"I have better curls than you."

"In your dreams baldy."

They both walked back out to the party feeling better, and Charlie couldn't help but look for Nick with his eyes...and wasn't surprised to see him with Ben, off in the distance...talking quite close. Nick spotted him immediately, and smiled at him, pointing at him and making Ben see him too.

"Oh no" Mat looked pale. "You think they were talking about the same things we were?"

"I have no idea."

Ben started to cross the crowd toward them both, leaving Nick alone against a tree. When he arrived before them he saw them both blushing, shifting his attention between them, not knowing how to start talking.

"Would you two like to dance?" Ben just smiled at them both.

"I'll go for a second with Nick...but we'll catch up with you guys in a minute okay?"

"Come on." Mat smiled, and tooked Ben's hand as they both went to dance.

Charlie almost ran to Nick begging for help with his eyes. Nick met him halfway.

"You have no idea how relieved I am to see you." Nick grabbed him around the waist and reached up to kiss him. Charlie accepted the kiss and wrapped his arms around him. "Sorry for sounding desperate, but I think you saved me from a situation I didn't know how to handle."

"Tell me everything please." They both laugh.

"You too...everything okay with Mat?"

"Everything... all right. Strange. Like everything lately."

"But you're okay?" Nick looked worried. "Are we good?"

"Of course we are love." Nick held his face affectionately. "You?"

"Also strange...but good...lots of gossip to tell."

"Get on with it then." Charlie grabbed his hands, taking the beer he had to drink a little, and leading him by the hand to the tree where he stood with Ben. Nick leaned against it and Charlie stood in front of him, leaning some of his weight against it.

"First. Imogen and Ben." Nick began.

"No. First this." Charlie grabbed him by the neck and kissed him deeply, pushing him against the tree, Nick smiled, and kissed him back, holding him by the waist to pull him closer. "Now tell me... sorry, you're irresistible and I'm... a little drunk."

"Your more precious, and don't apologize for doing that... are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah yeah." Charlie knew he was lying, but he would tell him after about his episode of dizziness and decompensation...there would be a better time.

"Okay..." Nick hesitated, and saw the doubt in Charlie, but continued. "The conversation between Ben and Imogen turned out really well, I don't know exactly what they said to each other but I know Ben apologized to her as much as he could and Imogen faced him for all the damage he did to her. I think they will both be better off. I don't know if Ben told her he went out with her just to make us jealous but at least he explained to her that all the hurt he did to her came from the hurt he was getting at home...and Imogen understood that. They ended up hugging and I think Imogen will forgive him in due course."

"So Ben is on much better footing than we expected... if both Elle, Imogen, you and I can forgive him... maybe his transformation is genuine."

"As I told him... words are just the beginning, he'll have to prove it to us, but yes... I think he really is genuine."

"And..." Charlie knew he had more information.

"And now I want you to tell me what happened in there, and I'll tell you the rest of the gossip."

"Are you charging me one piece of gossip for another?"

"Fair enough, don't you think?" Nick joked, stealing a kiss on his cheek, which made him laugh. Charlie began to tell him in detail the conversation between Mat and him, every single thing, only omitting the granola bar episode...he knew that would worry him so much he wanted to save it for a sober moment. A voice in his head asked him to tell him everything, and to be honest about it too... but he couldn't, he had to show him that he had that under control. A few hours into their relationship and he already had a problem like that?

When he finished telling him Nick couldn't hide his surprise.

"Did you really ask him to hit on me silly?" Nick blushed and smiled.

"I asked him to be nice, and to try to be your friend. Nothing more."

"And you think he will?"

"I have no idea... but I think I really want to include you in that too."

Nick swallowed the lump forming in his throat, and looked nervously at Charlie.

"I don't have a problem with you wanting Mat... i don't know... to be something of yours and his. I don't want you to think you have to include me everywhere."

"I don't think I have love...I want to include you Nick...I want to make you a part of the things that make me happy. I want Mat to understand why I love you so much...I want you to see him through my eyes...I mean, I don't know if this will work, or if you want it to, or if he wants it to...but I don't want anyone to fight for me." Nick smiled apologetically, and said nothing. "I made it terrible didn't I? Are you mad?"

"No no no... I'm... strangely flattered and a little jealous and confused... but I'm excited... and yes I'm willing to... get to know him more. At least if he's my friend I can stop picturing him as evil and make him more human... and I think it's nice that you want to include me in that."

"So i didn't fuck it all up?"

"You don't need my permission precious." Nick gave him a kiss on the cheek. "But thank you for including me...it's true that I'm going to feel a lot safer if...I participate in some way between the two of you."

"Besides...it's sexy."

Nick narrowed his eyes and turn his head.

"That...remains to be seen."

"And Ben?"

Nick smiled and looked at the floor.

"Well...apparently we're a success today...our suspicions were relatively true."

"Relatively? What did he tell you?"

"We talked about my breakup. I tried to question him about Imogen but he only told me what I already told you...then we talked a bit about the apartment and somewhat irrelevant topics until I noticed he was nervous about you and Mat...good thing you told him to explain everything to him, and I hope you're on that right now...because I was about to explain...luckily I didn't reveal anything to him. I didn't want to hurt him and put you as..."

"Like the heartbreaker that I am?" joked Charlie, but Nick knew deep down inside that it generated a lot of guilt.

"Well you've got us all spinning." They both smiled. "But yeah, I didn't want him to be mad at you for feeling like you were once again showing up in his life in unwanted ways...I mean it's not your fault, but I would understand if he was angry or confused. I wanted to empathize with him about how everything between you and Mat has been for me... but I can't until everything is explained to him... I told him that they both will need to talk if the idea of you and him being so close made him jealous... and it all got a little weird... he explained that more than just jealousy for Mat, he was jealous for both of us. I was surprised and he immediately wanted to make it clear to me that he didn't want to make trouble for us, but that he still felt some attraction. When I explained to him that I noticed... he came closer to me and..."

"NO!" Charlie gasped.

"HE DID NOT KISS ME OR ANYTHING... don't worry... but he acted very flirtatious and explained to me that... he was attracted to me... and that because of the conversation we had over text the other day he was confused..." Nick turned very red and slumped, not knowing how to continue.


"So... I told him."


"YES" Nick covered his face with his hands in grief.

"Did you tell him everything we were thinking?"

"I told him that it crossed our minds...and that we were interested in the idea...that maybe we'd like to..."


"HEY¡ YOU JUST ASKED YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND TO HIT ON ME!" that was accompanied by tickling, which made them both laugh. "Don't blame me."

"I don't blame you...I just feel nervous...what did he say to you?"

"That he would have to see what happened with Mat...but that he liked the idea. Then you guys came out and he went after you."

"NICK WE JUST GOT BACK AND NOW THIS" Charlie hid his face in his chest and they both laughed nervously. "What do we do now?"

"Well...I think we should dance...and tell each other everything...and see what happens."

"You sure?" Charlie held HIS face close to his, and almost whispered that word to him.

"With you? Always."

"Then so am I... Just don't let go of me."

"I told you I'm never doing that again." Nick kiss him again, gently.

With that they both went into the crowd to dance... and somehow to look for them.

It didn't take long for the four of them to find each other.

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