A Love Of Eternity

By amigoclen22

192 17 5

A simple American beauty, Lia, flies over to Korea on a scholarship. Upon getting there, she finds out her bo... More



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By amigoclen22

Lia's POV
I kept blushing madly through out the ride to the cinema, even when they'd ask me why my cheeks were red I'd simply say 'it's hot' and emphasize by fanning myself with my hand. Unfortunately the weather was exceptionally cold.
We sat watching a horror movie which I had particularly refused to watch then James backed me up as he already knows how much I hate horror movies but when Hyun took my side I knew he wanted to watch the horror movie but couldn't risk having me watch it too because of what happened that night. Who would've known Lin liked horror movies as she was the only one on the proposing side.

I felt my heart flutter at his selflessness and so I agreed to watch it, we bought popcorn and went in. We sat, Hyun on my right side and James on my left with Lin sitting beside him.

I keep stealing glances at Hyun from time to time, trying hard not to pay attention to the indecipherable feeling in my stomach.
After stealing yet another glance at him I could have sworn I saw him look at me from the corner of his eye but then a scream came from the movie and I shook so hard I threw my popcorn in the air and it came showering down on me.
"are you okay?"
Hyun asks, cupping my cheeks immediately as he stared into my eyes like his life depended on it. Embarrasment enveloped me like a duvet and I felt my cheeks warm up.
People around us started shushing us and I muttered an apology.
"Lia are you fine?"
James says, concern evident in his voice and we earned yet another shush from the people around.
"Come I'll help you get cleaned up"
James says, starting to get off his seat.
"I'll take care of her, you dont need to worry"
Hyun said immediately, taking my hand in his.
I stiffened under his touch and he entwined our fingers. I don't think he realises what his touch is doing to me.
"I think I'll be able to take care of that, I don't want to interrupt your movie"
James retorts through gritted teeth.
Personally I was tired of their bickering. Someone shushed again and Hyun immediately snaps his head in the direction it came from, quite agitated.
"shut the fuck up!"
He commanded.
"you're the one who's interrupting the movie"
Came the voice.
"and you think I give a fuck!"
He says, leaving no response from the unlocated voice.
"let's go princess"
He commands, getting up.
"no, we'll go Lia "
James says, grabbing my other hand.
I look towards Hyun who had his jaw clenched in anger as he stared dangerously at James who looked at him the same way.
I have to admit, they both look hot while angry and as much as I want to see where this is going, I have to stop them before they do more than just stare.
I took a quick peek at Lin who watched them with a wide grin plastered on her face. She looked like she wasn't even up for helping me at all. I sighed and alternated my gaze between the two dangerously handsome men fighting over who would walk me to the toilet.

I mentally slapped my forehead at how extremely unreasonable and childish they were being right now.
"I think I'll be fine walking to the toilet, it's not worldwar two"
I said with an eye roll.
Hyun sighs, grabbing my attention.
"sorry princess, you can go on your own"
He says.
Damn, he knows how to be the bigger man.
He loosened his grip on our entwined fingers but didn't let go.
"are you sure you'll be fine"
He asks, glancing between our entwined hands and my eyes. I nodded in response but yet he didn't let go.
I could see the reluctancy on his features that he tried well to hide. I have to admit, I didn't want to let go too, my hand felt so small compared to his as his practically swallowed mine. His palm was soft and warm, I felt so much comfort just by holding his hand.

I finally let go, seeing as he wasn't planning on taking that step, for a minute I saw sadness wash over his features as my hand left the warmth of his.

I stand up to crouch down and push my way through the arrangement of legs that rowed down. I made my way through, muttering sorrys as I did so.

Soon I was out the door and started walking around I search of the toilet. The weird looks people gave me reminded me that I had popcorn everywhere on me. I felt my cheeks warm up in embarrassment once again.

I finally found the toilet and went in to clean myself up.

When done, I step out and turn to the corner stopping adruptly when my gaze lands on him, a calm and cool looking Hyun who leaned against the wall, his hands folded and eyes closed, his eyebrows scrunched a bit, thoughtfully.
The angle I graced him from showed his fine and defined jaw line and I noticed it was ticking,

Must be an unconscious thinking habit...

I thought, staring at his breathtaking form. His slightly broad shoulders, male model like legs and how dashing he looked in his suit.

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