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As if sensing my presence, he opens his eyes and leans forward, turning to face me as he looked down and into my eyes.
"let's go now"
He says, taking out his hand.
For some reason, I felt like taking his hand without objection and following him where ever he'd take me to but I was sane and definitely not doing that but yet my mouth spoke.
"what about Lin and James?"
"Lin says they'll be fine"
He replies, his palm still outstretched.
I glance at it then return my gaze to his eyes. They glinted with a heavy unknown emotion but the effect didn't show on his face.
I hesitantly place my palm on his as he entwines our fingers. Tingles run up my arm and I shiver slightly from it's effect.

We walk out of the cinema and into the night. He leads us to his car, all the while, our fingers still entwined.
He opens the passenger side and I slip in, shutting the door. He walks around and slips into the drivers side.
"so where are we going?"
I ask as he starts the car.
"a place"
He says and I roll my eyes at his vagueness deciding not to push further.

Almost 30 minutes later, we arrive at a place that's most familiar, the same beautiful scenery that he brought me to before and the same place I told him about my past.
I notice Hyun glancing at me nervously through my peripheral vision and it almost seems impossible for I have never seen him behave this way.

I stop on my tracks and turn to face him.
"are you okay?"
I ask with a raised eyebrow.
He no nods, averting my gaze.
I stare at him for a few seconds but decide to let it go as I continued on my tracks.

We settle down on the grass as I take my time to behold the beautiful scenery once again.
I feel Hyun's burning stare at the side of my face and I turn to look at him. Our eyes meet instantly and I smile awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

Hyun's POV

Is it love or lust? I myself do not know what it is but I feel it increase every second of the day. Just being able to see her is the most precious gift I have been given.

Her gorgeous self is worth more than diamonds and staring at her right now has made me realize that at this point I would even die for her.
Sometimes I find myself staring at her when she's not looking and I even dream of her as cringy as it may be.

Her beautiful ocean blue eyes that twinkles when she smiles is the ocean I want to swim in forever. How I hate it when she looks at anyone else, it riles up an uncontrollable feeling of mad jealousy in me.

Her touch, her feel against me and God, her scent. The summersaults my insides do when ever her eyes meet mine or when ever she smiles has me wanting more, needing more, but yet I'm not sure if I should be feeling this way for someone as precious as her especially with the type of hatred I have for people after what happened to mom. But that hatred seems to vanish each time I lay eyes on her.

She says, bringing me out of my trance.
I hum in response and immediately avert my gaze.
"you're acting weird, what's wrong?"
I return my gaze back to her face as my gaze  feathers down her ocean blue eyes that are sparkling in the moons light, her slightly red, small nose, her flushed cheeks and her red lips that had a little pout on it.

Her luscious lips has me licking mine. A small breeze blew sending her divine scent to my nose trills and I shut my eyes in utter satisfaction. I hum again, in response to her question whilst still keeping my eyes shut.

A small rustle comes from beside me and I open my eyes as the sudden feeling of warmth envelopes me. My gaze immediately locks on her red lips and feathers up to her beautiful blue eyes which were fixed on my hair.
"this was on your hair"
She says, her popcorn breath fanning my face as the scent of strawberry mint lingered in it. She pulls out a leaf from my hair and brings it to my eyes.
"oh sorry"
She says, taking it farther away.
My gaze feathers to her lips once more and time seemed to stop for a second.
I watch her lips part a bit slowly and then she seemed to back away. Desperately grabbing her waist that were surprisingly thin, I pull her unto my lap. Her eyes widen in shock and my heart beat fastens, I only hoped she wouldn't hear it.
She starts but the rest of her words come muffled as I immediately and desperately slammed my lips unto hers.
I feel her movements come to a halt and her body stiffen but soon relaxes and our lips start a passionate and sensuous movement. The warmth of her lips ran across my whole body, the popcorn taste in her mouth had me biting her lip tenderly for access, she opens and I slip my tongue in. Our tongues got in a fierce battle for dominance but I came stronger. My tongue explored her mouth and I suppressed a moan, suddenly I could feel her running her fingers through the strands of my hair and she pulled us closer and so did I; by her waist. At this moment, nothing else matters, it is just the two of us, oh how I've awaited this moment.

She pulls back gasping for breath and I immediately hate the fact that we need air to live as I now miss the feel and warmth of her lips on mine.
"I'm....sorry..I didn't..mean to-"
She says between her rapid intake of breath and I immediately cut her off.
"don't be...you don't know how long....I've wanted to do that"
I say, trying to control my breathing.
Her cheeks redden and she averts my gaze. With my finger, I lift her chin up and her eyes meet mine.
"God, you're gorgeous"
I say, staring at her face. She blushes harder, the tint red forming a bridge on her nose and she averts my gaze again.
Once again, my gaze feathers down to her swollen lips and a smug smile made it's way to my face.
I stared at her lips now with the need to take them again but I held back.

A Love Of EternityWhere stories live. Discover now