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Lia's POV
"I can't believe you disobeyed me, I clearly said no kissing"
Lin says, for the 10th time today as we were now walking down the hallway to our next classes.
"I don't know why you're acting like it's a bad thing"
I say with the 29th eye roll today.
"I know it's not a bad thing Lia but I'm just trying to look out for you"
She says in a soft voice.
"I know you are and I love you for that"
I say in the same tone, placing my hand on her shoulder.
"then why did you fuckin kiss him"
She says, her voice turning hard again.
I roll my eyes again, holding back a smile.
"keep doing that and your eyes are gonna roll to the back of your head"
She says, the edge of her lips tilting up slightly.
Chuckling, I glance at my wrist watch.
"shit, I've got 5 minutes till my next class, I've gotta run"
I say, adjusting the strap of my bag and ready to dash off.
"oh no, I forgot I have a class"
Lin says hurriedly.
"see you later"
I say before dashing off as I hear a faint 'you too'.

Obsession, infatuation, lust, I don't know what I feel. Through all my classes, I've been absent-minded. My brain was packed with thoughts of Hyun.
Finally, I can see him again, a minute away from him is like a decade and wouldn't I give anything to feel his warm lips again.

Hyun's POV
"ok sir, what color are her eyes?"
The vet. Doc asks.
"sea blue"
I reply, the image of her face flashing before my eyes.
The doc takes a quick look at his notepad.
"sorry sir, there are no dogs with sea blue eyes named soomin here"
The doc says.
I mentally slap my forehead for have been thinking about my princess the entire day and now using her details to recover soomin.
"pardon my mistake, her eyes are grey-blue, her name is soomin under the Baeks custody "
I say in a formal voice.
His eyes widen at the mention of my surname.
"oh my, pardon me sir, I didn't know you were Baek Hyun"
He says, fumbling with the note pad.
"right this way sir, we already set him to leave yesterday but no one came"
The doc says, I hum in response.
We walk into a room filled with different animals in cages. The room smelt of disinfectant and sanitizer.
The doc dissappears behind a door and returns back in seconds with soomin in his arms.
A wave of anger washes over me.
"why the fuck would you hold her, why didn't you put her on a leash or in a cage!"
I roared, fuming with anger.
Shaken, the doc puts down soomin who immediately runs to me.
*bark* *bark*
She barks, jumping around restlessly
"I..I..I'm sorry sir"
He says in a terrified voice.
I pick up soomin, trying to contain my anger. Not paying him another glance and exit the vet. hospital.
I get into my car, placing soomin in the back seat and turning on the car.
Thirty minutes later we're at home. Putting soomin on a leash, I take her inside.
"where's Mrs Chang?"
I ask a maid.
"she went to get groceries sir"
She replies and I nod in acknowledgement.
"has Lia arrived yet?"
I ask.
"no sir"
She replies.
"Take soomin, bathe her"
I said, handing the leash to her and walking towards the steps.

Lia's POV
Paying the taxi driver, I walk through the gates of the mansion that never seizes to amaze me.
Earning a couple nods of acknowledgement from the guards and greetings from the maids, I walk through the front door. Butterflies erupt in my stomach as wiff of his divine scent runs up my nose.

I walk further in and take a seat on the couch, placing my bag beside me.

(Sorry for the short chapter and late update🙏)

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