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Hyun's POV
Picking out a shirt and sweat pants, I step out of my walk-in, placing the clothes neatly on my bed.

I walk into the bathroom, taking off my clothes and throwing them in the laundry chute. I step in front of the lavatory, a mirror fixed upon where it stood.

I turn on the tap, splashing water on my face and then I looked at my self in the mirror, noticing something that is usually never there each time I do this, 'a smile'.
"Holy shit"
I breathe out, raising my hand to touch my lips, they were shifted into a small smile and then, the thought of her lips. Red and moist, curved and enticing, I shake my head to clear my thoughts.
"why am I always thinking about her lips, her red moist beautiful lips fixed on that perfectly sculpted face, her heavenly scent, her tiny and curvy figure..mmh"
I say to myself not even realising I started fantasising about her.
After a few deep breaths, I walk into the glass shower, taking a warm bath.

I walk out of the bathroom, a towel and loosely around my waist, dripping wet. I recall the time when Lia saw me in this condition and the blush that crept all over her face.

I put in my clothes, a beaming smile on my face as I walk out the door and head downstairs. Seeing her sitting stiffly I shake my head, a smile on my face.

She turns to look at me and our eyed meet. I run my hands through my slightly wet hair, the top gluing to my forehead.
"you didn't get anything to eat?"
I ask, squeezing my eyebrows together.
"I'm not hungry"
She replies, looking over my face like some priceless jewel.
"like anything you see, princess?"
I ask, smirking.

Where did those words come from...

She slowly lowers her gaze, her cheeks turning a shade pink.
"have you picked a movie?"
I ask, sitting next to her on the couch.
"hmm, do you watch cartoons?"
She asks, looking at me, with glistening eyes and a beaming smile.
I did watch cartoons when I was little but now, they all are just sickening. This is what I get for having her pick a movie, but I do owe her that after almost scaring her to death with a horror movie the first time she was here.
"what ever you want princess"
I say, flashing her one of my best smiles.
She blushes a little before timurning to face the TV.
Is it just me or does she blush a lot, hopefully I'm the only one who causes her to blush.

I pick up the remote tab and hand it to her. She types on it while I stare at her beautiful face. These days I've just been staring at her a lot these days, a smile is always glued to my face when ever she's around, I don't know whether to like it or hate it anymore.

25 episodes of a yellow sponge and a pink starfish, it's so dumb and frustrating but each time I glance at her smiling face, how she's so intrigued by their undermining actions. I'd rather watch her than the cartoon but that'd definitely be creepy.

She seems a bit more comfortable than she was before. The feel of something vibrating in my pocket grabs my attention, my phone. I take it out, staring at the screen with scrunched eye brows.
It read.
I breath out, getting up from the couch, glancing at Lia before stepping away and into the dining area, answering the call.
"tell me"
I say, in an irritated tone.
"I.. I.. I'm sorry sir for disturbing you sir but I got news that Mr Jacob White's sentence was increased because the police found out he committed a few murders sir but he..he.."
He says, with a shaky voice.
"he what?"
I ask, anxiously.
"sir he..he escaped prison sir"
He says.
Shocked, I remain silent, my mind crowding with worry.

Lia must not know of this...

He says before I end the call.
Pacing around the dining area, thinking of ways to protect my princess.

I make a few phone calls, arranging a few body guards around her maisonette and some more to trail behind her whenever she steps out.

My first thought was to have her live with me but I doubt she'll agree. And I can't tell her why, else she'll be shell-shocked.
"ugh, why'd he have to do this now"
I say in an angered tone.
"who? "
A voice says and I snap my head to the direction it came from.
There Lia stood beside the head chair, a confused and curious look on her face.
"oh, I thought you were still watching the cartoon, princess"
I say in a soft tone.
"I was but I wanna go home now"
She says, a small smile on her face.
I feel a pang in my chest and knots form in my stomach at her words.
"no you can't go!"
I unintentionally yell. She stares at me, flustered as I lick my lips and continue.
"alone. I'll drop you off"
I say, walking towards her slowly.
She nods and I take her hand in mine, her hand dissappearing into mine.

I take her to the parking lot, grabbing the keys to my Mercedes-Maybach Exelero as she stares down, dumbfounded, at my all black set of cars.

I take her to the car, opening passenger side and helping her in. I jog to the driver's side and hop in, starting the car as the engine roars to life.

Lia's POV

"You know I can just call a cab right? "
I say, looking at him. He dosent reply me as he continues driving out of the parking garage, seemingly deep in thought.
"hhhh... "
I breath out, frustrated.

Minutes after we hit the road, I start humming a song, 'hide me' by Dante bowe, moving my shoulders to the rhythm of the beat in my head. He glances over at me before returning his eyes to the road.
"wait..... Don't tell me you don't listen to music"
I say, shocked and staring at him wide-eyed.
He shakes his head in response.
"I do listen to music, but only the real kind. Classical music, like opera"
He says.
"dude, that's like super boring, what are you, like 90 years old?"
I ask, a hint of amusement in my tone.
"I'm 24 actually"
He corrects.
"so young, and you're like a hundred feet tall"
I say with a huff
"I'm 6 ft 4 and Korean males are know to grow very tall"
He cites.
"6 ft 4, I was thinking you were 6 ft 2 or something"
I say, a bit shocked.
"well you're not very good with numbers, or height measurements, or anything at all"
He says, almost hysterically.
"says the person who doesn't know what good music is even if it hits him in the face"
I say with an eye roll.
"Atleast I know my movies and not just watch cartoons for kids"
He says with a huff.
I gasp dramatically.
"don't you dare bing SpongeBob SquarePants into this or else.."
I say, pointing a finger at him.
"or else what"
He says, a smirk on his face.
"or else...or else, I'll choke you to death"
I say. His eyes seem to widen a bit and the smirk disappearing from his face but he composes himself in seconds.
"glad we understand each other"
I say, relaxing back on the seat and turning my gaze to the window.

He glances at me from time to time with an unreadable expression on his face.

"you know music practically runs the world after money.........and food"
I say, breaking the comfortable silence that dawned a few seconds ago.
He huffs, smirking.

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