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The ride back to her maisonette was silent as neither of us knows how to react to what happened only minutes ago but I momentarily glanced at her lips with the severe need to take them again, only, I feared if she would let me again.

Soon we arrive at her maisonette and I get out of the car, opening the door for her. She steps outside and I close the door.
"thank you for tonight "
Her voice comes from behind me. I turn to see her standing a few steps away and my heart beat quickens.
"no need to thank me, it's the least I could do for-"
My words are cut short as she pulls me down by the lapel of my suit jacket and pecks my lips.
That being the confirmation I so dearly waited for, I wasted no time to pull her to me, slamming her back to my car and kissing her greedily.
It's like she's my oxygen and my every reason to want wake up in the morning.

Once again she pulls back but I keep my firm grip on her waist.
I started, my voice trailing off as I did not understand what I was about to say.
I look at her face, then into her eyes thinking,

Why am I craving her lips, her touch, her feel....her being...

The thought then became disturbingly confusing as I stood there, staring into her eyes and searching for answers to an unknown and unasked question.
I reluctantly pull back, not understanding what I did nor why I did it.
"go in, it's dark and cold"
I say, averting her gaze.
She nods and walks past me into her building, seemingly not noticing the confusion written all over my face but I did notice the flash of sadness in her eyes at my words.

My entire ride back home, I was lost in thought, thought of her and our kiss. What did it mean? What do I feel about it? Why did I do it? My feelings towards her were surely something I'd never felt before and suddenly I was craving her again.

The moment I'd parked my car I ran into the house in search of Mrs Chang.
There she was, sitting at the dining table.
"Mrs Chang!"
I yelled, running towards her like a boy who just found his mother after getting lost.
She looks up at me almost scared.
"what happened my boy?"
She says the moment I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly. Although the hug is not as warm as Lia's but I was in no place to complain.
"is it soomin? Did she not survive the treatment?"
She asks, a hint of sorrow in her voice.
"no, it's....it's Lia"
I say, hesitantly.
She gasps.
"what happened?"
She asks, pulling away, a worried expression on her face.
I tell her everything about the kiss and my un-understandable feelings.
Her lips break into a wide smile.
"I never thought this day would come but the moment I saw Lia, I had a feeling that she would change you completely"
She says, staring at me adoringly.
"what do you mean?"
I ask, utterly confused.
"I'm saying you're In love honey"
She says, taking me by surprise.
"it's not love aunt"
I say. She seems to stiffen.
"say that again"
She says.
I stare at her with a raised brow.
"I said it's not love"
I repeat.
"not that, I mean what you called me, say it again"
She says as she starts tearing up.
"are you alright?"
I ask, cupping her cheeks and she immediately places her small hands over my big ones.
"I am, just say it again"
She says, grinning as tears continue to stream out of her eyes.
I say, carefully.
"the last time you called me that was before your mom's death"
She says and then I understood.
After my mom's death, life hadn't been the same. I changed drastically. I became rude, cold, and horrible to every one, even to my self, I didn't realize what I had been doing to them until now, the moment I saw aunt's tears.
"Lia has brought back my old Hyun"
She says.
"and you say this isn't love my boy? How is it possible that you've changed soo much?"
I shook my head slowly, not wanting to believe her words yet I knew it was true, I am Inlove.

"Lia I think I'm..no no no, that's to-straight to the point-"
I say to my reflection in the bathroom mirror.
"like the stars in the sky, your beauty meets my eye...too much poetry"
I groan looking down at the sink thinking hard about how I would express my love to her when she comes here tomorrow.
An idea rang in my head and I suddenly knew what I had to say.

Lia's POV
Staring at myself in the bathroom mirror I touch my lips remembering how Hyun had kissed me with so much passion.

The thought of it made me giddy and made butterflies erupt in my stomach. After a few minutes of recalling the earlier events, I take my bath.

Walking out of the bathroom, I couldn't help but think about Hyun. Now I'm sure I have feelings for him, strong feelings.
I lay on the bed and pick up my phone, turning it on. As expected, Lin sent almost a billion texts. Reading them all, I start replying, turns out she hadn't slept yet as she started sending more frustrating ones. I tell her about everything that happened, including the kiss and how I have feelings for him.
She kept teasing me till I fell asleep with my phone on my face.

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