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Hyun's POV

I woke up this morning with a bad headache after drinking myself to sleep when aunt told me not to drink again. I couldn't help myself because I once again thought of Lia.

After bathing and dressing for the office I make my way down stairs. While on the phone with Jimin on updates of Lia's whereabouts.
As of now, I've learned that the Lockwood drug business has ended and that the heir of the empire, my princess has inherited all the wealth. I had sent a number of my men to Italy during the first month of the search and they couldn't find her whereabouts.

I walk into the dining room to find my aunt sitting at the table.
"Good morning aunt"
I say, walking towards her
She smiles at me enthusiastically then gets up and spreads her hands for a hug.
I hug her and take the seat next to her's. Seconds later, we're served our breakfast. When done, I hurry to the office.

Parking my car in front of the building, my car is immediately hoarded by journalists, news Casters and media agents requesting for answers of the cause of my surprising vacation.

Luckily, my bodyguards were able to get me through. Walking into the building, I earn a lot of surprised glances. Ignoring them, I take the elevator up to the first floor, where my office is.
"Sir, your back"
My secretary says, taking fast steps towards me with a welcoming smile on his face.
"Get all pending files and documents to my office and reschedule all the meetings I missed, none should be left out"
I say then walk into my office and shut the door behind me.
I take off my coat and hang it on the back rest of my chair then take a seat.
"I will find you my princess"
I say whilst staring into the distance.
A knock comes from the door.
"Come in"
I say and my secretary walks in with a pile of files and places it on my desk.
"These are all the files sir, and I've rescheduled all your meetings"
He says and I nod, staring at the tower of files.
"Make sure no one disturbs me, I don't want any visitors"
I say and he nods and exits, closing the door behind him.
Taking deep breaths, I begin analyzing the files.

Lia's POV
Turns out aunt did talk to my parents although they said they were still worried about me either way.

I had spent almost the entire day with then but I wasn't happy, I was grateful to meet my parents again but I missed Hyun so much that I wasn't paying attention to anything happening before me.

Of course my parents noticed it and when I told them about Hyun and what I felt for him, they sent me flying to Korea in seconds which led to my current situation on the private jet, my bodyguards are drunk.

Well while we were still at my parent's house, my mum gave them a lot if alcohol to welcome them, obviously they couldn't refuse do they just drank.

Apparently they had too much but I'm not a fan of alcohol so I stayed away. Now they're acting crazy on the plane. At least they were, five of them are fast asleep but Pablo's still dozing.
"Misssss..Miss Lia.......you know you're.......you're very pretty and..and..-"
He blabbers but I cut him off.
"Pablo, hush, just get some sleep"
I say calmly.
"No no no I don't want...to"
He retorts, his last words a whisper as he dozes off.
I giggle a little at the thought of my six bulky 6ft3/4 bodyguards drunk and now sleeping in funny ways.

Pablo is sprawled on the couch, Santo is laying flat on the floor, Esqibel is doing same but instead has his head on Santo's ass, Gabriele is as well sprawled on another couch and Carlos and Tomaś have a thing with the flight attendants.

Soon enough, we land in Korea and book rooms in one of the best hotels there.
Swiping my room card, the door opens and I walk in, my bodyguards behind me carrying my suitcases while groaning because of their headaches.
"put them over there, you guys should go get yourselves some food and painkillers, rest up for the day"
I say with a pitiful gaze.
"grazie señorita"
They say in chorus. I hum in response with a small smile.
"what shall we get you?"
Pablo asks.
"nothing, I'm good"
I say with a graceful smile.
"burger, chicken wings, fruit salad, ice cream and smoothie it is"
Carlos says with a big smile.
I giggle.
"I said I don't.."
I start but they rush out of the room before I can finish. It's funny how fast I got along with them, they're like my older brothers now.
Sighing in defeat, I shake my head and walk to the bathroom to take a shower.

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