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Lessons today were tiring and I hadn't eaten anything all day. I got back to my apartment 8 : 30, dragging my feet on the floor. I didn't bother taking a shower, I just plumped down on the bed and drifted to sleep.

*beep beep beep*

Give me a reason not to hate time. Yawning, I open my eyes. I search for my phone on the bed and turn it on.

8 : 30....

"shit.........morning class"
I jump off the bed and run straight to the bathroom to take my bath. When done I dry my body and put on my undergarments.
I open my closet and take out a black oversized hoodie with the batman logo printed on it in white and a pair of white joggers with with black striped on the sides.

I match my outfit with a pair of black kicks a'd unntir my hair, letting it fall. I grab my bag about to head out when my stomach grumbles.

Shit.... I haven't eaten since yesterday morning...

Thinking of all the possible ways to get a quick meal, I stuff my credit card in my pocket and rush out, locking the door behind me

I take a cab to the Uni and run straight for my first class, checking my watch.

8 : 58, better to be 2 minutes earny than not to be early at all...

I walk into the class just as the lecturer was about to reach the front of the class. I rush to the back of the the class and take a seat.

I really hope I can hold my hunger till the class's over...

*a few hours later*

I'm sitting at the back of the class wondering where I had gone wrong in life. Oh wait, it was when I did not eat a thing the whole day yesterday.

My stomach, growling in pain but I let out slight coughs to mask the sounds, might sound stupid but it works.

At this point I could eat a person and a lot of people's hands are looking juicy.

Minutes later, the class ends. People start leaving the class in swarms, my stomach grumbles once more.

I'm small..... I can fit..... I'll push my way outta there...

And with that thought, I went straight to it, pushing through every little hole I find until I successfully make it out of the class. I arrange my clothes and continue on my way.

Walking through the hallway, my phone rings, I swipe to answer and place it against my ear.
I say.
"hey, where are you"
Lin's voice says through the phone.
"uhh.....i will be out in a sec, I'll meet you at the gate"
I say, taking a corner for the cafeteria. I walk straight for the vending machine placing a few coins in it.

A packet of chips drop and I take it out, opening it. I munch on it till I get to the gate, Lia standing by the side. She sites me and smiles, walking towards me.

She drapes an arm over my shoulder as we walk through the gate.
"so where're we going"
I ask again.
"this is like the 15th time you're
Lin says, her eyes never leaving the road as she drove
"and this is like the 15th time you're not answering me"
I say and she shakes her head with a smile on her face.
The sound of music that draws my attention, I look out the window to an amusement park and my eyes widen.
"whoa..an amusement park.......this is like my favorite place"
I say. Lia parks the car in an open parking space. I open the door and step out. The amusement park was lit up with different colors and packed with different crazy rides.
"come on"
I say, grabbing Lin's hand and running to the entrance.
The amusement park was packed with people, both loners and couples, families and friends.
I drag Lin to the cotton candy stand and we buy cotton candy.
"let's go, we'll ride the ferris wheel first"

We stand at the back of the line.
"it's a short line"
I say.

After a couple of minutes, we're at the front of the line.
"thank you"
I say to the Coordinator as we get on the ride. The wheel starts rolling and I sit back with a wide grin on my face. I look over to Lin who has been quiet the entire time.

She was staring at me with a smile on her face.
I ask.
"nothing it's just, usually i'd come here alone and it's never that fun but finally being here with someone as ecstatic as you.......it's amazing"
She says and a drop of tear falls on her cheek.
I wipe it off and pull her into a hug and she hugs me back.
"you're an only child"
I state and she nods, her jaw bumping on my shoulder. I release her.
"I understand........dont worry, we can do this anytime you like"
Lin smiles at my words and hugs me again.
"thank you"
She says.
"okay now let's get of this ride, we have others to ride, and many more places to go"
She says.

When the ride stops, we get off the ride and go to the smoothie stand. We buy ourselves smoothies and join the long line for the roller-coaster.

I was struck with the need to pee.
"Lin, hold my space, I'll be right back"
I say and Lin nods in acknowledgement.
I go in search of a toilet and find one.

I use it and sanitize my hands once I'm done. I walk out of the toilet to be greeted with the last sight I'd want to see on a great day like this, or any day apparently.

James and his bitch of a girlfriend, you've gotta be kidding me....

They were buying popsicles from a popsicle stand right next to the road I came from. A sudden pang of jealously hit me but I wave it off.

Don't be jealous Lia, he doesn't know what he's missing out on, fuckin asshole....

"Okay Lia, just don't look that way, act oblivious of their presence, you can do this"
I tell my self encouraging words.
I walk towards the popsicle stand about to walk past when,
"Oh hey Lia"
James's voice calls out.


I cuss inwardly. I exhale and and turn to look at him.
"James, hey, didn't see you there"
I say, forcing a smile.
"What are you doing here?"
He asks, smiling.

What a stupid question......it's an amusement park, what other things do people do at amusement parks.....

"Well, it's an amusement park, I'm having fun"
I say holding back every possibly insulting comment I would have thrown at him.

Why won't this moment end...

"Are you here with anyone?"
He asks.

Why the fuck do you care...

"Yeah, I'm..-"
I say before I'm cut off by his company.
"Wait, you're the girl from the hallway that day"
She says, eyeing my clothes.

I knew she'd be a bitch...

She intertwines her hand with James's; I roll my eyes inwardly.
"Yes, well I've gotta go, someone's waiting for me"
I say and turn to leave. I hear her mutter a small 'bye' mockingly, and I roll my eyes.

I meet Lin standing at the line for the roller coaster and go stand with her.
"Good you're here, were the next batch"
She says, smiling. I smile back and nod.

Soon we're on the rollercoaster, screaming and shouting of joy.
The ride is over and Lin drags me to the parking lot saying
"If I let you,you'll go on all the rides and we'd not be able to go to other places"
We get into the car and hit the road for what's next on the tour.

A Love Of EternityWhere stories live. Discover now