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Hyun's POV

After a few episodes the yellow sponge she dosed off, resting her head on my shoulder. Apparently, that was when she dosed off, not now. Now she has her arms wrapped around my neck, her legs locked around my waist and her face slipped in the crook of her neck and I honestly don't now how it happened.

I'm bent on thinking of everything else but the tingles I was getting from her touch or the extremely seductive position we were in, and so, I glued my hands to my sides.

Each time I try to move, her warm lips graze my skin and I automatically forget about everything and everyone else, including the pending problem of Jacob. Each time I think of him, a wave of uneasiness hits me.

Her scent is intoxicating with each breath I take, her feel around me is making me not think straight but at the same time I want it, I need it, I need her.

She snuggles into me, burying her face deeper into the crook of my neck and then her backside met my crotch and her lips, my neck. With all my might, I suppressed a moan, trying heavily to not think unholy thoughts in order to avoid a bulge. I tighten my hands at my sides as they now had a mind of their own and were hell bent on feeling her God made, sexy curves. Her breathing on my neck is slow, calculated and warm.

The contact feels so right but If I push too further, she may think I'm a pervert and  leave me. I never thought control could be this hard.

She whimpers and I quickly return to my senses.

Is she crying in her sleep?...

I mentally ask myself with scrunched eyebrows. My hand instinctively made contact with her hair and I caress it softly.
"stay away please"
She says in a pleading voice.
My bones went stiff as I pondered heavily if the nightmares were frequent.
"stay away Mr Jacob...please don't do this"
My mind went blank at the mention of that bastard's name.

Her night mares were of Jacob...

I felt her racing heart beat on my chest as she pressed further into me. What felt like water dropped on my collar bone but it was her tear and my heart melted instantly.

With one hand, I massage her head gently and with the other, I rub her back softly.
I start whispering calming words with the thought that maybe she would hear it and it would ease her racing heart.

She started sweating furiously and her breathing became ragged, she tightened her hold around my neck and I started to feel suffocated. I felt my face go red as I struggled to breathe but she only seemed to tighten her hold.
I manage to let out as I place my hand on her shoulder, trying to loosen her grip.
She wakes in shock as she pulls back, keeping her hands on my shoulder.
She stares at my red face and her eyes widen a little.
"shit I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I mean I didn't know, I mean I didn't see you, what the fuck am I saying-"
She rambles and I place my hands on her waist, pulling her slightly closer.
"it's okay princess"
I say, trying to take my mind of the fact that I had unintentionally pulled her unto my crotch.

She exhales deeply and her eyes met mine, she blushed furiously and looked away.

She slowly began to climb off me, seemingly avoiding eye contact which began to build up an unfamiliar feeling of agitation in me. She stood, adjusting her clothes.
"sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on.."
She says, her voice trailing off as she stared down at her feet.

I remained seated, staring at her and awaiting her eyes to meet mine. A whole minute passed and she still remained standing in front of me, staring at her feet.

Fed up, I jolted up to my feet, wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to me, her body pressing on mine. She gasped in shock but still refused to lock eyes with me.
"look at me"
I said in a deep, commanding voice.
She remained silent, still not locking her gaze with mine.
"I said look at me"
I said, a bit louder now.
Her gaze feathered to mine hesitantly.
Her seablue eyes had a mixture of fear, uncertainty and confusion in them but then again, there was something more, something I couldn't quite decipher.

My gaze feathered down to her slightly pink nose, her flushed cheeks and then rested on her inviting red lips. I take a glance at her eyes before returning my gaze to her lips.

With my free hand, I brush beneath her lower lip with my thumb and her lips part. I feel her heartbeat quicken but mine too is in sync with hers as I myself don't know what I feel or what my current action meant.

My crave for her lips only seemed to increase and in so doing, I lean closer, watching her eyes waver with uncertainty once again.

At that moment, all my thoughts were long gone and all I could think off were my lips on hers. Snaking my fingers around her neck, pushing back her raven black hair, I lean further in and our lips became centimeters apart.

Just as I was about to close every residue of space between us, a voice called out.
"Hyun I'm ho-"
Mrs Chang starts but stops abruptly the moment she laid eyes on us.
She finishes and Lia immediately pulls back.
A wave of anger, pain and embarrassment hit me as I held back a groan. I watched Lia's cheeks turn a tint pink as she stared at Mrs Chang.
I turned to Mrs Chang as she watched us in complete bafflement, with four bags of groceries in her hand.

Her eyes met mine and she flashed me an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry, I'll just go back"
She says, turning to leave.
I for one was okay with that, she could return when I've kissed Lia and held her in my hands, nibbled on her skin, sucked on her earlobes and done everything I've been painfully craving to do to her and only her and then keep her forever and so I watched wordlessly and impatiently as Mrs Chang started walking out. But then Lia's voice called from beside me.
"Oh, no, no Mrs Chang"
She says, picking up her phone from the couch and stuffing it in her pocket.
"pardon me, come in, it's your house after all"
She continues and picks her bag aswell.
Mrs Chang stops and turns, with yet again another apologetic smile plastering itself to her face.

I bit back the urge to yell 'no, it's not her house, it's mine and I say she should leave' and then pull Lia back into my arms.
Lia hurried towards the door, seeming to read my thoughts.
"where are you going?"
I ask and she stops abruptly.
"I'll see you Monday, if you attend classes then"
She hurriedly says, not even turning to face me and rushes out.
She waves at Mrs Chang who says bye as her hands were full.
"have Jimin drop you"
Mrs Chang yells and I hear a faint 'okay, thank you' from Lia.
I groaned in anger as Mrs Chang's words registered itself in my head.
"Jimin, not him"
I blurt out and then rush to the door but the car had already driven out.
I attempt to rush out but Mrs Chang's voice stops me.
"calm down Hyun, let her go, you'll see her again"
She says and I turn to look at her, a teasing smile paying on her lips.
"why'd you have to come in now"
I blurt out frustrated but her smile only grew wider.
"you've gotta be fuckin kidding me"
I say and walk back into the house.

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