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Lia's POV
Saturday wasn't the most boring day although I spent it mostly in an oversized T-shirt, sitting on the couch in my apartment and watching a marathon of SpongeBob square pants 'alone'.

James called a few times, asking to hangout but I discreetly refused. Well, until he kept calling and I eventually invited him to join I and Lin at the aquarium and that's where we are now.

James picked me up this morning from my maisonette and with the help of the navigator on my phone, we made it to the aquarium and just as Lin had said, she was standing right outside the aquarium and it wasn't even 1 yet, it just turned 12 : 48.

James drove around, looking for a parking space while I and Lin waited for him outside of the aquarium. Lin didn't quite like the idea of James being here but I managed to convince her.

Standing at the entrance of the aquarium, I gazed around the busy street and the tall buildings. There were classy restaurants and clubs but the restaurant that truly caught my eye was the one right across the street of 3 floors, it's decor is quite exquisite and it's a truly big resturants.

The sound of rushed footsteps grab my attention and I turn to see James jogging towards us. He stops in front of us.
"okay, let's go in"
He says and Lin nods in response. We walk into the restaurant.

Hyun's POV
It's like she lives in my head now, each time I close my eyes I see her, every female I look at, it's her. She has me thinking of her all day long and I just need her, I need to see her, to hold her, to feel the tingles her touch give me, the relaxed state my body goes into when ever she's around, the peace of mind I feel just to know that she's at my reach. I truly don't understand what's happening to me but I know I've never felt this way in my life.

The fact that I see her on every female's face has me on edge today because I coincidentally have a meeting with a woman willing to invest in my company's project.

I am to meet her at some fancy restaurant down town, it's said to be the classiest restaurant there and so I had told my secretary to book a good table ahead of time.

Driving into my reserved parking space at the restaurant at exactly 1 : 50, I order my bodyguards; Jimin and Ju to stay outside while I go in, after all, it's not a suicide mission, it's simply a meeting.

I walk into the restaurant to be greeted by a man in a white long-sleeved shirt tucked into a black trouser with a tab in his hand.
"ahh Mr Baek, You're here early"
He says, a welcoming smile on his face.
I give no response, my demeanor cold.
"this way sir, your table is on the second floor"
He says, gesturing behind him.
He turns on his heel and starts walking and I follow behind him, we walk into an elevator and he pushes the button.

We arrive at a table right next to a glass wall and I sit, looking out at the view.
"do you need anything sir "
He asks.
I say, not shifting my gaze from the glass.
He says and turns, walking away as I hear his receding footstep.

I gaze blankly out at the view, noting the aquarium right across the street.

"you must be Mr Baek"
A female's voice calls out from beside me.
I turn to it identify the source of the voice.
There she stood in a knee-length black bodyfitted dress, looking as beautiful and sexy as ever, my princess.

At this rate, I didn't know whether to trust it to be reality or not, I just know that I am extremely happy she's here.

Unsure, I stand up slowly and she takes a step to the side, stretching out her hand for a handshake. Confused, I look at her outstretched hand and then back at her face again but she was already gone, leaving behind a formal looking lady.

Uninterested and dissapointed, I take her hand into a loose hand shake and gesture for her to take a seat opposite me.
"so good to finally meet you Mr Baek"
She says, a smile on her face.
"it is, isn't it"
I say flatly then wave my hand for the waiter.
In an instant, he appears.
"and what would you two like"
The waiter says discreetly.
"a glass of water"
She says.
"sparkling Apple juice"
I say and he nods and leaves.
"so let's head straight to Business"
She says and begins explaining. I don't pay much attention as I momentarily thought of Lia.
I the middle of her explanation, our order arrives and she takes a sip of her water before continuing.
"I understand Mrs Hyejin and you will get a good percentage of this project's income if you invest"
I say, after she finishes.
"I do believe you Mr Baek, after all, I've heard you're not the type to fall a person's hand, your project does look quite promising"
She says, a small smile on her face.
"well then it's settled"
I say, stretching my hand over the table for a handshake.
"yes it is"
She says, taking my hand for a light shake.
"nice to meet you again Mr Baek"
She says, getting up.
I nod and she leaves.
I lean back into my chair and take a sip of my apple juice. I take my gaze back to the glass wall and I stare out at it.
A movement catches my eyes and I look down at the entrance of the aquarium where a familiar raven black haired girl had just exited with two others; male and female following behind.

After a little talk with the two supposed friends, her gaze catches something across the street and she waves excitedly.

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