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Lia's POV
The McDonald's meal was rather a nice one especially since I shared it with Hyun, for some reason i felt particularly safe around Hyun.

We were making our way to the next class, arriving 3 minutes early. We take a seat at the back of the class like we usually do only this time he sits closer than usual with a hand draped over my shoulder lie he did during English class. I sit awkwardly next to him, not knowing how to react.

My classes are over. Usually I'd either take a cab home or walk home but Hyun asked me to wait for him, he offered me a job the night before and requested I wait for him so that's what I'm doing, standing at the front gate, my bag hung in one shoulder. Apparently, the lift is not to my house but to his.

I notice a middle aged woman standing across the road and staring at me intensely, I look around trying to find anyone else but it's just me. She's American, a little bit of grey hair tainting the original brown color of her hair which is packed back in a ponytail, the expensive wear she had on. She continues to stare and a feel of uneasiness washes over me, suddenly the sound of tyres on gravel grabs my attention.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I see Hyun settled in the drivers seat.

The car is a real beauty, a black Maserati levante, one of many. I look up to where the woman stood and I meet her gaze directly, the hair on my back stands as the level of uneasiness I felt, increased.

He stops the car at the base of where I stood as he steps out and jogs over to my side, opening the door and gesturing me to get in. I do so and he closes the door, jogging back to the driver's side as he gets in as well.

I look through the windshield to the spot where the woman stood and she's gone. My eyes widen a bit and Hyun notices this.
"are you fine princess?"
He asks, a concerned look on his face.
"I'm okay"
I say, nodding.
He gives a small smile as he turns on the engine, the engine roaring to life.
I don't want to be a burden to him like I did my uncle, feeding him all my problems and telling him everything going on in my life, it's my life, I should know how to take care of myself.
We zoom off to his house, all the while my mind filling with thoughts of the mystery woman.

I didn't even realize when we drove into the driveway, I had my chin rested on the palm of my hand and my elbow on the windowsill as I stared out at the road.
"are you sure you're okay princess? "
A voice says from beside me and I snap my head to it's source. There Hyun sat, a worried look on his face.
"no I'm okay"
I say, glancing at the windshield.
"we're here, come on, let's go"
I say, giving him a small smile as I open the car's door and step out. He does the same and we walk into the house.

"so what's the job? Cooking, cleaning, taking care of you or something...because there are lots of people here to do those jobs"
I say, watching as the maids go around cleaning and vacuuming the massive living room.
"no no, none of those princess"
He says, taking off his coat and handing it to a maid.
"where's Mrs Chang? "
He asks the maid.
"sir she went out to meet Mr Chang, she said he's leaving the country again so she's gone to bid him farewell"
She replies, her gaze to the ground nervously.

How much do they fear him here...

He nods and she walks away.
"she seemed nervous, what's wrong with her? "
I ask, cautiously.
"nothing....now as I was saying"
He replies, changing the subject,
"your job here is to......keep me company, just hang out with me, your free to leave anytime you wish"
He says as we settle down on the couch.
I stare at him wide eyed as he does everything to avoid my gaze.
"that's it....just to hang out with you..."
I say, confusion fusing itself to my brain.
"why don't I get the other jobs like cleaning or cooking or anything else.."
I ask curiously,
"because you're not them"
He says, seemingly agitated.

Whats with the change of emotions...

"okay when do I start?"
I say. He seemingly calms down at my question.
This job seems rather weird and makes me feel a bit uncomfortable but I just go with it.
He replies, standing up and I do the same.
I ask, confused.
"yes princess, now sit, they'll get you anything you want, just ask for it. I'll be back, I wanna go take a shower, when I get back, you'll pick a movie and we'll watch"
He says walking towards the stairs.
"wait, how many days do I have to be here?"
I ask and he pauses, seemingly thinking it through.
"Monday till Friday. You'll recieve your pay on saturday"
He says as he resumes his steps.

I felt too uncomfortable to to ask for anything even though they kept enquiring. I sat stiffly, my bag pack on my lap.

This isn't my first time in this house but I feel extremely new here.

A Love Of EternityМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя