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Lia's POV
Restlessness got the best of me so I grab my coat and phone and escape into the night. I walk out of the hotel I'm staying in, I don't even bother to call Pablo and tell him and the boys I'm going out.

I take out my phone to check the time.
'9 : 58'
It read.
Stuffing it into my coat pocket, I hail for a cab and have the driver take me to that beautiful scenery Hyun took me to twice.

Once we're on the road, I lean back into the seat and look out the window wondering how I'll come up and talk to Hyun when he probably dosen't want to even see my face.

Soon enough, we're at the place. I slip out, pay the cab driver and he zooms off.
I walk further in and the beautiful stream comes into view. Getting closer, I settle on the grass and watch the moving water, listening to it's gushing sound. Hearing the crickets chirp and the whistle blow of leaves, my mind relaxes and tears begin to flow.

Hyun's POV
I got a call earlier from Jimin. He said that they've found no leads to my princess's whereabouts. I've never felt so lost of words in my life.

After finishing up the last file, I close it and glanced at my wristwatch.
'10 : 05'
It read.
I pick up my coat, phone and car keys and head out of my office. Everyone else had gone home earlier so I take the elevator down to the parking lot. My car is the only one left. I slip in and start it, exhaustion getting the best of me.

With my mind racing, I hit the road. The streets are almost empty, no other sound but the humming of my car in my ears. I can feel a headache forming at the back of my head.

I drive down to the most peaceful place I can think of to blow off some steam. Parking, I slip out and throw on my coat walking in. The crunching of dry leaves beneath the sole of my shoe takes me back to the day I kissed Lia and the whistle blow of leaves brings back her beautiful scent.

For some reason, I feel calm here, like she's with me. Further in, a sitting figure comes into view. Walking closer, the sound of sniffing becomes audible. Uncertainty gets the best of me but then her rose scent hits my nose. My heart clenched with fear but yet happiness, my legs threatened to give up on me, it was like my heart started beating again but yet I couldn't believe my eyes.

As if sensing my presence, she begins wiping her tears and hurriedly getting up. Without thought, the word left my mouth.
I say, my voice a whisper.
She freezes on the spot.
My heartbeat accelerates and my head pounds.
She slowly turns to face me and looks me in the eyes. It's like I was in black and white but with her ocean blue eyes glistening in the moons light, colour came back to my life. I get lost in her gaze, hearing nothing but my racing heart and blood pumping in my head.

My sanity tells me to get a grip of myself, that it's all in my imagination but I was tired of getting a grip of myself, tired of holding up walls, tired of everything. If I am to fall, I would only fall for her.

I take slow steps towards her, noticing the tear drops on her cheeks. I stand so close to her, towering over her small figure. Her intoxicating scent fills my nostrils and in seconds, my growing headache is gone.

I close my eyes and let out a breathless 'princess' in utmost pleasure. I slowly place my hands on her waist, bringing her closer to me, her lack of response is killing me.
"forgive me princess, I know you hate me so much"
I say as a tear drop falls from my eyes and unto her face.
She finally responds, placing her palm on my face and wiping away my tear with her thumb.
"I don't hate you Hyun, I can never hate you"
She says, her words a whisper.
"forgive me princess, forgive me for everything I said to you, I shouldn't have"
I say, holding her so close in fear that she would disappear.
She looks deep into my eyes causing an oddly sweet feeling to form in my stomach.
My gaze travels down from her beautiful eyes to her luscious lips.

With my thumb I gently brush beneath her bottom lip making her suck in a breath and close her eyes. Her lips part a bit and she opens her eyes, staring deep into mine.

Without a second thought I take her lips in a pleasurable movement, both our movements in sync, raising her up as she wraps her legs around my waist.

I hold her firmly, enjoying the warmth of her soft lips. I lick her bottom lip for access and her lips part. She moans as I explore her mouth causing me to groan in my attempt to control myself, I only hope she won't feel my buldge.

Breaking the kiss our breathing becomes ragged. I rest my forehead on hers.
I say in between breaths.
She hums in response.
"I wanted to tell you this that day you came but then that happened"
I say, trying to calm my racing heart.
She says quietly.
"I... I love you princess"
I say, shifting slightly to look her in the eyes.
She stared into my eyes, speechless.
"I understand if you don't..-"
I start but my words come muffled as she slams her lips unto mine, kissing me passionately and I kiss her back with just as much passion.

Breaking the kiss, she looks into my eyes.
"I love you too hyun"
She says, causing my lips to stretch into a wide grin as I hug her tightly.

I let her down and we settle on the grass with her seated in between my legs whilst watching the flowing water. I rest my chin on her shoulder and wrap my arms around her waist.

I tell her about my mum's death in relation to soomin and how hard it was without her (Lia) and she tells be about everything that happened with that lady and Italy and aswell about these bodyguards she brought and I instantly got protective over her.

Happy new year 😁

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