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Hyun's POV

I finally arrive at her maisonette. Parking my car at the side of the road, I rush out of my car, running into the building.
Impatiently pushing the the elevator button, I give up, running towards the stairs and up. Arriving on her floor, I run towards her apartment door.

I halt, seeing it half open. A feeling of dread washes over me as I raise my shaky hand to push it open whilst silently praying that she's alright.
I call out her name as the door creaks open.
"Holy shit"
I say and run inside at the sight of the security guards I put on Lia, on the floor.
“Haneul, Seo Jun wake up"
I say, crouching down.
They start groaning and gripping their heads.
"Dae-jung, Suho, what the fuck happened here?"
I say in rage.
"And who the fuck is this?"
I ask, pointing to the man laying in a pool of dry blood.
They turn their heads towards him and I notice the tranquilizer darts at the side of their necks.
I reach over and pull it out, examining it.
"Where's Lia, where the fuck is Lia!"
I yell, getting up.
"Sir, this is Jacob"
One of them say.
My blood ran cold at the mention of that name.

What if he'd hurt her..is she okay...fuck this is my fault...

I thought to myself.
My legs give up on me and I fall to my knees. Every will in me broken, my sanity long gone. I can't live without her and now I don't even know where she is.

I knelt quietly, my gaze glued to the floor as I did what I hadn't done since my mother's death, I cried.

My heart, aching with pain as I listen to my guards tell me what happened. But then, Haneul said something that made hope burst in my chest.

"Before I passed out a lady came in and started talking but I couldn't get what she was saying. All I know is, she's one of the leading drug dealers in Italy as of now and was as well a good friend of some family called the Lockwoods".
"How do you know this"
I ask.
"There has been news about the original heir to the billions being found and crowned"
He says.

Then what does my princess have to do with anything...

"Sir, this is her"
Haneul says, as he leans over the tech man who had found her photo.
We are currently in a tech lab with at least fifty hired technicians, searching the web for the lady who I assume took my princess.

I walk over to haneul and lean closer to see the photo.
It is a photo of an American woman in a black ball dress with another woman in a white dress surrounded with heavily armed men. Strangely, the woman in white has a strong resemblance to my princess.
"Zoom in on the woman in white"
I command, peering closer.
At that moment it hit me.


Lia's POV

"So you're telling me my parents were killed in a planned car accident"
I say, for the second time.
"Yes Lia, their competition was envious and had them killed. Your mum was my best friend, you were to young to take over their empire so I had to manage things for the past twelve years and we handed you over to your uncle. We planned on crowning you on your sixteenth birthday but we heard word that you had been adopted and so we killed your uncle for mismanagement"
She says, not even looking at me as she peered out the window of the limousine we are currently In and on our way to the airport.
She had told me that they had been looking for me for four years until they found me in the custody of the Greys and that I had changed my name from my original surname 'Lockwood' which they had been searching me on,to 'Grey'.
"Do you realise that I'm on scholarship here? I can't just go anywhere when I haven't graduated"
I say.
"Don't worry, we have that handled, for now, just relax till we get to the airport and take the private jet back to Italy"
She says, giving me a graceful smile.
My eyes widen at the mention of the private jet but I calmed myself and let the realisation that I wasn't going to see Hyun again dawn on me. Unless... 

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