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"soomin, soomin, come here girl"
A voice calls out from behind me.
I turn back, seeing a maid looking around for something hastily.
"hey have you seen soomin?"
She asks another maid.
"no, you let her in, you're so fired"
The other maid replies.
"I know"
She says, sadly, before continuing her search.
I get up from the couch and walk towards her, curious of what she's looking for.
"what are you looking for"
I ask her and she turns to face me, her eyes darting to the floor.
"oh, sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to be loud"
She replies, her voice shaky.

So formal, too formal...

"don't call me ma'am, I'm Lia, call me Lia "
I correct.
"okay ma'am..I..I mean Lia"
She stammers.
"okay so what are you looking for? Maybe I can help you find it"
I ask.
"sir's dog, soomin, she ran in through the back door. Sir is going to be really angry"
She says.
"He has a dog?"
I ask, wide-eyed.
She nods.
"don't worry I'll help you find her"
I say and we start our search.

Can't believe he has a dog...


I hear from behind me. I turn back, seeing a white chihuahua running towards me.
"God it's so cute "
I say as I pick it up, scratching behind it's ear.
The maid walks over to me, a smile on her face.
"thank you ma'am I mean Lia"
She says.
"who brought her in here?! "
Hyun's voice roars mightily. My head snaps towards the top of the stairs where he stood, looming over us with a deadly look in his eyes.
The maids present in the living room quiver in fear as they gaze down at their feet.

What the fuck is happening...

I myself am shaken by the tone of his voice. I go stiff,
the maid before me is shaking in fear.
She mentioned something about losing her job and I can't let that happen.

I look up at Hyun who is almost half way down the stairs, staring daggers at the maid before me.
She stammers as I cut her off.
"I brought her in here, I'm sorry"
I say and his gaze immediately darts towards me.
"how dare you touch her?"
He says, his voice dangerously low as he walks over to me slowly.
Each step he took had me wishing I could disappear or have the ground eat me whole. I take deep breaths, hearing the maid beside me praying silent prayers.

I for one have no idea why he's acting this way over a dog. A tinge of anger forms in my head and I try my best to keep it from growing.
"why are you acting this way over a dog?"
I ask, handing the dog over to the maid before continuing.
"it's just a dog so..-"
"don't you dare say it's just a dog! "
He yells, cutting me off with his deep, mighty voice bouncing on the walls before hitting me, hard.
I flinch at the volume of his voice, a twist forming in my stomach at his words.

I feel the anger in me grow and the fear create knots in my stomach. I don't know which emotion to act on.
I look up at him, gazing into his grey eyes, now dark with hostility.

Out off everything my biological mother ever said to me, it's these few words she said a day I was fighting with a friend when I was about 7 years old that I had never forgotten..

'you can't fight fire with fire my child, if she yells at you, don't yell back, two angry people never come to a conclusion'

I look down, my gaze at my feet. Pushing back every anger burning at the back of my mind, I reply.
" I'm sorry "
My voice but a whisper. My eyes begin to burn with tears that I refuse to let drop.
You know this thing when you suppress your anger but it always finds another way out...thats whats happening.

Dismissing the maids with a wave of his hand, they file out of the living room, through the dining area and into the kitchen, leaving us together, with him burning holes in my body through his piercing gaze and me streaming out unwanted tears.

The air is thick and the silence is deadly. I don't know what to say, neither do I know what to do but stare at the white tiled floor as he stands so close to me, I can feel his heaving chest as he towers over me like an overgrown lion.

He says at last, his voice hostile.
I stand still, processing his word.
"I said leave! "
He roars. Fear gets the best of me as I immediately turn, walking towards the couch and picking up my bag before before leaving 

I walk out the driveway, finally letting the tears fall.

How did things go so horribly wrong...

My sadness quickly switches to anger.
"who the fuck does he think he is?! That..that breathtaking, finger-licking, body building mother fucker"
I yell, my voice fading through the deserted, dimly lit street.
I didn't even know when it got so dark.

I walk zombily down the street, taking my phone out of my bag and calling Lin to come pick me up.

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