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Hyun's POV
My heart is complete now, I feel like a person again. I have my princess at my side and I just can't keep my hands off her.

I squeeze her thigh slightly and she places her hand on mine whilst staring out the window.
We're on our way to her hotel. A few minutes later, we arrive to see police cars almost everywhere around the hotel.

I hop out, jogging to the passenger side and opening the door for her to step out. Helping her, I snake my arm around her waist pulling her close. I place a small kiss on her forehead.
"let's go princess"
I say, a playful smirk on my lips.
I let go of her and take her hand in mine as we walk into her hotel.
We take the elevator up to the top floor and we walk out. Noticing her apartment door slightly open, there are voices coming from inside.
As we get closer to the door, their words become clearer.
"so you think someone kidnapped her?"
Came a voice as I reached for the door handle and push the door open.
There stood a police officer and Atleast six distressed looking men.
As soon as their gaze lands on my princess, the six men run to her and hug her, lifting her off her feet making her hand slip out of mine.
"ai señorita, where did you go? You had us worried sick"
One says in a thick Italian accent as he put her down. I fold my fist in a rush attempt to control my anger.
"I'm fine pablo"
She says to him.
So these are her bodyguards she was telling me about.
"I almost had the search team going round looking for you but Pablo said it would cause trouble"
Another says, staring at who I assume is Pablo with an ick look on his face.
"what? , it's not our country"
Pablo says, raising his hands up in surrender.
"I guess you've found her, I best be going"
The police officer says.
"I'll walk you out"
Says one of the men.
My princess glances over at me, flashing me an apologetic smile but all I could register was the fact that they had their hands on her.

Lia's POV
I watched as Hyun stood there with folded fists, staring daggers at the boys. I knew he was trying hard to control his temper but I doubt he'll be able to keep it up any longer so I had to so something.
"and who might you be?"
Says Gabriele to Hyun.


"he's my boyfriend"
I say, rushing over to take Hyun's hand. He glances at me at the mention of the word.
"so he's the one you've been fussing about"
Gabriele says, his face lighting up.
"we noticed your behavior señorita"
Tomaś says, walking into the room.
"ai man, she's the best of the best, I advice you to take good care of her and if you don't, I'll come for you personally"
Pablo says then let's out a yawn. Only then did I notice the bags under their eyes.
"you guys should go back to bed. I'll see you in the morning"
I say.
"are you sure you'll be fine?"
Carlos asks.
I nod in response.
"thank you for making her smile again. She has never looked this happy before"
Carlos says to Hyun then shakes his hand.
They all do same and exit the room closing the door.

The door opens and Pablo's head pops out. His gaze moves between me and Hyun.
"no funny business"
He says, using two fingers to point his eyes and point ours in a way of saying -I'm watching you-
I giggle at his childish behavior.
"Ai ai boss"
I say with a smile. Pablo chuckles.
"goodnight Señorita, goodnight... "
He says, not knowing Hyun's name.
Hyun completes.
"oh ok goodnight"
He says, flashing us a smile before exiting
"I'm so sorry. I should have told them before I left. None of this would have happened if I did"
I say, looking down at my feet.
His silence causes me to look up at him only to find him staring down at me with a big smile on his face. "what?"
I ask confused.
In a swift act, he pins me to the wall.
"so who am I to you again?"
He says with a sly smirk.
Only then did I realise what he was talking about but I decide to tease him.
"you're Hyun"
I say with a shrug. His smirk dissappears.
"princess, I think you know what I mean"
He says glancing down at my lips then up to my eyes again.
"what do you mean?"
I ask innocently whilst looking into his eyes. He immediately picks me up like I weigh nothing and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He slips his face into the crook of my neck, breathing in my scent.

He trails kisses from my neck to my lips, taking them greedily. He pulls back, staring into my eyes.
"don't test me princess"
He says with an evil smirk.
Catching him off guard, I jump off him and run into the bathroom, locking the door.
I hear him groan and I giggle.
"princess come out here, I wanna kiss you again"
He says in a childish manner. I giggle at his straightforwardness.
Walking further into the bathroom, I take off my clothes and take a shower.

When done, I slip on my underwear and pull on an oversized t-shirt that covered down to my mid-thigh, wrapping a towel around my wet hair.
I unlock the bathroom door and step out only to find Hyun standing next to the glass wall shirtless while answering a call.
I graced the beautiful sculpt of his back that was turned to me. His muscles are larger compared to when I last saw him.
"the plans must be ready by... "
He says, turning towards me and stopping mid-sentence. His eyes turn darker as he looked me up and down.
He finishes and immediately throws his phone to the side.
He walks towards me, never taking his eyes off mine. Once again, he pins me to the wall but at this moment, I can't register anything into my head as I stare at his bare chest.

His sweet scent fills my nostrils and I look up at him to find him staring down at me, his eyes darkened with desire.
"why do you make it so hard for me to maintain my self control princess"
He says, his deep voice causing his chest to rumble.

Hyun's POV
Why does she have to be so damn beautiful?

Staring down at her, I try my very best to gather up what's left of my self control which had shattered the moment I turned to face her.
"why do you make it so hard for me to maintain my self control princess"
I say.
I pick her up and she wraps her legs and arms around my waist and neck.
The feel of her skin sending tingles all the way to my brain.
I am truly mad about my princess.

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