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I walk numbly, hurt getting the best of me as I burst into tears. My heart feeling heavy, I crouch down and place my head on my knees.
Inwardly thanking God for the deserted street, I remain in that position for a few minutes, crying my eyes out.

A warm light lights up the asphalt from the opposite direction I came from and the humming sound of a car becomes audible. Quickly wiping my eyes, I raise my head and stand erect. Adjusting the strap of my bag, I start walking. I glance at the car and immediately turn my gaze to the floor.

The car drives closer and comes to a halt at the side of the road, a few steps from me. A feeling of uncertainty fills me as I watch the back seat door open. Out came Mrs Chang, running to me. She takes me into a calming embrace and I immediately feel relaxed. In seconds, I was in tears again.
"what happened Lia, your eyes are swollen and red and your skin looks pale and why the hell are you walking in this cold weather, it's freezing out here"
She says in one go.
Calming myself down, I wipe my tears.
"it's nothing, my friend is coming to pick me up, I'll be fine"
I say, averting her gaze.
"well you can't say that now, you just wiped your tears in front of me, you're obviously not okay"
She says, her eyes coated with worry.
The driver's-side door opens and out came Jimin.
"Lia are you okay?"
He asked, walking towards me in hasty steps.
I open my mouth to say yes but Mrs Chang interrupts me.
"she's not and she doesn't want to tell me what happened"
I glance up at Jimin who looked at me worriedly and I immediately avert my gaze.
"you know what, just take her home, it's freezing out here"
Mrs Chang says.
"no no, I'm fine, my friend is coming to pick me up"
I say in an unintentional pleading tone.
"you're going to keep walking till she comes?"
They say in unison.
"yes, plus you have to take Mrs Chang home"
I say to both of them.
"I'll be fine, the house isn't far from here, it's like three blocks away, and there's security"
She says, convincingly.
Sighing, I nod and Mrs Chang hugs me goodbye.
Jimin leads me to the car and Mrs Chang's phone rings, she picks it up and says,
"what did you do... "
Her words becomes incoherent as I hop into the car and Jimin shuts the door. He jogs to the other side and slips in aswell. Mrs Chang seemed to be in a serious conversation as we drove away.

Hyun's POV
The moment she walked out the door, realisation hit me like a thrown brick, pain stabbed me in my gut like sword and my heart fell like an avalanche.
I yelled and all the maids filed out of the room.
I paced around and restlessly ran my fingers through my hair. I could feel myself breaking already.

For a moment, I thought to run out to get her but I knew she wouldn't want to talk to me after what I just did and I didn't have the courage to face her.
I yelled.
I pulled out my phone to call Ju but he was on leave and Jimin took aunt out, plus, I couldn't trust him with her, that name she calls him just makes me want to rip his face off.

I clicked on aunts number and place the phone against my ear. Seconds later she answered.
"yes my boy"
She says from the other side.
"aunt, could you please pick Lia up?"
I asked, trying not to sound desperate and broken.
"OK honey, but why aren't you driving her"
She asked, seemingly suspicious.
"uhh..my feet hurt"
I say, not able to think of anything better
"oh, sorry, I'll give you a foot massage when I get back"
She says and I end the call.
I felt a bit relaxed as now I was sure she'd be safe but soon the pain came back again.
"I'm so sorry Lia, FUCK! "
I yell again.
A few minuets of pacing around and I got restless again. I click on my aunts number. She answers almost immediately.
"what did you do Hyun? Why was she crying?"
She asks angrily.
"aunt I yelled at her, I'll tell you everything when you get back"
I say, running my fingers through my hair again.
"tell me now, she refused to tell me. Why would you let her walk out alone in a deserted street and in the cold?"
She says, boiling with rage.
Sighing, I tell her everything that happened.
"how could you be so stupid?"
She says then ends the call.
Sighing, I stuff the phone back into my pocket.
Aunt came walking into the living room with angry steps.
I say.
She darted her eyes at me.
"aren't you supposed to be with Lia"
I ask, confused.
"I sent her home with Jimin"
She says, walking towards me.

Shit, just what I didn't want...

"tell me why you don't want anyone touching soomin"
She says, her voice softening a bit.
"aunt you know I don't like it when we talk about this"
I say, trying to ease my burning rage.
"my boy you can't keep suffering like this. Your mom died years ago, you have to move on.."
She says and I cut her off.
"move on, I can't move on. When mom was dying everyone refused to help her, they went by us like we were trash. I was crying for my mom and scared for my unborn sister she was carrying in her stomach. She was 8 months pregnant aunt...8 months"
I say and immediately burst into tears.
Aunt wraps her hands around me and rubs my back.
"it's okay"
She says, in a low voice.
"she loved soomin, so much. When she died, soomin was my last living memory of her"
I say, trying to calm myself down.
We stay like that for a few more minutes until I let go.
"it's okay. Son, just because your mother's not here dones't mean we aren't. I'm here, your dad's here, Lia's here and you know how much you love her"
Aunt says, looking into my eyes.
"I do aunt, I love her so much and I didn't realize it until now, I can't lose her aunt, I can't. She's so precious aunt, I'd rather die than lose her"
I say, running my fingers through my hair again.
"Then go get her"
Aunt says.
With those words said, I rush to the parking garage hearing aunt yell 'take a coat, it's cold outside'.
I grab the keys to my BMW XM and hop in, starting the car and driving out.
"I'm coming my princess, I'm coming my love"

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