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Lia's POV
My life is just fucked up. Well Atleast now, Hyun has offered to give me a job so today wasn't a complete bust. I told Hyun about my past, although it wasn't easy a'd I don't know why I did it but I'm glad I did.

I take my phone out of my pocket and text Lin.
Lia: hey Lin, still wake?
Lin: yup, what's up, how was the job hunt? :-D
Lia: well half the day, I couldn't find part time job so I just decided to return Hyun's clothes instead^_^
Lin: is that right. ;-)
Lia: don't start thinking far-fetched thoughts on me girl, there's nothing going on between us^_^
Lin: come on, practically every girl is talking about it at uni :-*
Lia: what the fuck, fuckin rumours^_^....wait, why do people even care?
Lin : now that's a dumb question..
Lia : what do you mean?
Lin : don't you know who he is?
Lia : well yeah, he's Hyun...
Lin : you dumb fuck...he's a fuckin BILLIONAIRE (^o^)
Lia : HOLY SHIT! You're fuckin kidding right?
Lin : nope..
Lia : shit, I've been to his house and believe me, it's humongous, I just didn't know he's a billionaire :O
Lin : well now you know.. Wait... You've been to his house :O
Lia : obviously, how else could I return his clothes...
Lin : hm.. I take it you're into each other..
Lia : nope... Nope.. I am not explaining shit to you... Goodnight..
Lin : hahaha, you're telling me everything tomorrow... Now goodnight..

I plug my phone to charge on the bed side table and lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Can't believe he's a fuckin billionaire...

Hyun's POV

Laid back on the jacuzzi my head resting back, my mind was filling with thoughts of Lia and my encounter with her earlier today.

She's my priority now...I won't let anyone hurt her...she's my.... Princess...

I thought as the image of Lia's teary blue eyes flash before my eyes.

Usually i wouldn't give a fuck about the uni but I just had to see Lia. Sure, i had to clear my work schedule for this but seeing her is worth it. I park my black Maserati levante in the parking lot of the uni. I open the doors and step out, my black and white Jordans coming in contact with the gravel ground of the parking lot.

I had arrived earlier than intended, 9 : 30 to be precise. I had originally intended to arrive at 12 bit I wasn't sure of the classes Lia had.

I stride through the garden not missing how the people loitered around whispered to each other but being the person that I am, i couldn't care less.

I walked through the hallways, past classes which were in session. I was lost, I have no idea which class she's attending this morning.

I halted in the middle of the hallway as people walk past me, whispering to themselves, then it hit me,

We usually have thesame classes most times...

With that thought, I take out my phone, going through my schedule. Apparently I have an English class going on. I stuff my phone back into my pocket and continue walking on, heading for the English class.

I walk in and the professor stops in the middle of his sentence.
"Mr Hyun "
He says. I snap my my eyes to his, raising an eyebrow.
"you're late for class"
He says.
"and you're stating the obvious"
I counter.
I could see the steam coming out of his ears and nose as anger pokes out of his skin.
I stuff my hands in my pocket, leaning back on the wall beside the door.
He breathes out a heavy sigh and says,
"I'll let you off this time because you're never late for class, I don't expect this behaviour again"

Ofcourse, opting the fact that Mr Jang Han Seo is my step uncle and that I'm a favouring trustee of this university and I basically pay their salaries, I'm not the type who enjoys tardiness. I uphold punctuality enough to fire any of my employees who goes against it.

Yes, I haven't ever been late to any classes, but at the same time I skip a lot of them. The fact is, being here every year since I graduated highschool is just for fun, it's also my uncle's request because if I leave, I leave my place as a trustee aswell. I might be a busy man with a full schedule but I'm an accomplished man with no care in the world. Atleast that's what I thought before I met my princess, Lia.

I scan the class room for her. My gaze falls upon the sight of her raven black hair, I felt my mood lighten up at the sight of her, her head held down. I suddenly felt a pang in my stomach as I acknowledged the male beside her.


Lia's POV
I got to class 5 minutes early, unfortunately, I skipped my breakfast for it

I took a seat at the back of the class, awaiting the professors arrival.
A deep familiar voice called out beside me.
I turn to the side to identify. My lips parted a bit at the realisation of who was sitting beside me.

I was at loss of words.

Damn.. I was just recovering...

He waved his hand at me to get my attention causing me to snap out of my thoughts.
I said, switching my gaze to the front of the class awkwardly.
Sighing, he said,
"still angry about what happened, look I'm sorry about what i did.."
I hummed in response.
I switch my gaze back to him saying,
"is your girlfriend round by any chance, I'm sure she'd want to see her man pleading to his ex"
It may seem pathetic but I just had to. I had feelings for him, real feelings, and what did he do? He cheated on me.
"I know....it's my fault, but she's gone now, it can be like nothing ever happened"
He said.
He wants me back, this mother fucker is playing me, and he dared come tell me this.

I looked him in the eye, my gaze, burning holes in his soul.
"don't you fuckin dare tell me that shit"
I say, I let out a sarcastic laugh.
"like nothing ever happened right? How pathetic and desperate do you think I am?.... You think I'm miserable? "
I say, trying to control my anger. I hadn't noticed that people were already staring.
"just because I saw you at the amusement park the other day and you said you were with someone, dosen't mean I'll believe you, I know you want me Lia"
He said, whispering the last part so only I could hear it.
I felt the anger in me rising but before I could counter, the professor walked in. I took a deep breath, deciding to just ignore his stupid ass and find another seat.

Unfortunately, all the back seats were filled, only the front seats were left. I quietly shifted to the edge of the seat, leaving enough space for someone else to sit on as the seats were designed for three people to sit.

Almost an hour had gone by and I've been trying to concentrate on the professor's lecture but James keeps trying to talk to me.

Mother fucker just won't budge...

I held my head in my hands, string down at the jotter on the desk.
The class went quiet and only the professor's voice could be heard but I couldn't make out the words he was saying, i just thought he asked a question and no one knew the answer.

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