Heart Attack (a HeartStopper...

By pablogalan10

11.5K 344 94

We start our story years into the future when a 25-year-old Nick moves back to town after college to teach at... More

Nick. Learning to breath.
Charlie. Breathing again.
Nick. Saying goodbye.
Charlie. Hello again.
Nick. A Step back.
Charlie. The first step.
Nick. A leap of faith.
Charlie. Faith in the fall.
Nick. Realazing.
Charlie. Loosing my mind.
Nick. Admit it.
Charlie. Denial.
Nick. Telling the truth.
Charlie. What i give for you.
Nick. What you took from me.
Charlie. The floor drops
Nick. The ceiling falls
Charlie. One last time
Nick. For the last time
Charlie. After All.
Nick. Before anything.
Charlie. Running.
Nick. Stopping
Charlie. Starting
Nick. Circles.
Charlie. Squares
Nick. Water.
Charlie. Thirst.
Nick. Having you.
Charlie. Give myself.
Nick. Saying sorry.
Charlie. Forgiving.
Nick. The past.
Nick. A little bit closer.
Charlie. To far away.
Nick. Shattered.
Charlie. Four.
Nick. Two.
Charlie. One.
Nick. Lying.
Charlie. Telling the truth.
Nick. Deep inside.
Charlie. On the surface.
Matias. Monsters.
Ben. Beasts.
Charlie. Guilt.
Nick. Innocence.
Charlie. As we thought it would be
Nick. As we wanted it to be.
Ben. As it actually is.
Charlie. Yours first.
Nick. Home.
Charlie. House.
Nick. Us
Charlie. Them
Nick. Disappear
Charlie. Being present.
Nick . A travel through time.

Charlie. The future.

158 5 0
By pablogalan10

Song recomendation for the chapter: Honey. - Troy Sivan.

"Should we be worried?" Sahar asked Charlie, as they walked toward Tao's house.

"I don't think so... Nick is angry but he loves Imogen too much to break their friendship or something."

"I've never seen him like that."

"He handles his anger in really weird ways, he either holds it in forever or it explodes into a thousand pieces."

"Do you think he'll forgive me?"

"Of course he will, you just have to show him that he can trust you again... ¿you became very close?"

"Sure, Imogen, Nick and I were the only thing we had from home over there... and that wasn't that far away. We met some nice people over there and built a little circle... I don't know, I feel like I ruined all that."

"You fell in love Sahar." Charlie took his arm affectionately, feeling a pulse of pain from Sahar's telling, wanting to know that side of Nick as well. "You didn't ruin anything. I know you hurt him, and you'll have to make amends for that, just like Imogen, but if Nick understands anything it's the things we do for love."

"I know but... I don't know what would have happened if you and he didn't get together."

"I like to think it was inevitable...but yeah, thinking about that would have been pretty sad."

"How do you feel?"

"Very happy...very nervous of course, but confident that they'll love what we have in mind."

"I'm so nervous... Have you practiced, do you think our plan will work?"

"I gave the song a runaround... I could rehearse yesterday, but I've spent so much time with Nick that I can't... What if my voice fails me and I sound ridiculous?"

"Oh Charlie no, that's not going to happen."

"I've never sung in public and..."

"Shhh, it will turn out amazing, I thought I was the one who needed words of affirmation."

They were already arriving at Tao's house, and before they could even knock on the door, Tao opened it, like a madman, leaving Sahar with her hand in the air.

"Tao... how nice to see you again."

"Yeah yeah, nice to see you, come on in." Tao grabbed them and didn't leave them until they reached his garage.

"Stop acting crazy Tao...everything will be fine." Charlie let go of his hand and grabbed his neck affectionately.

"I'm so nervous... sorry Sahar, hi..." Tao hugged her, though Sahar looked very strange. "It's so good to see you."

"Me too Tao... why so anxious? Elle is going to say yes."

"We don't know that."

"All three of them are going to say yes." Charlie smiled and rolled his eyes.


"Okay, one, don't yell at me, two, Tao in combination with the party, the beautiful video you made, the installation you have planned, and  Sahars playing with my song, do you really think she is going to say no to you? Tao you could ask her on a little note that you drop in front of her and he'd say yes."

"Do you think I should include a letter?"

"NO" this time it was Sahar and Charlie at the same time. "This is going to be more than enough, really."

"Thanks guys..." Tao was arranging his laptop on his desk. He had appropriated a corner of his mother's garage to use as a photo studio while he was there. "I didn't have as much time as I would have liked, and I had nine panic attacks while editing it, but I think it might look good."

Tao played the video while Charlie and Sahar settled in next to him to watch it.

"My plan is to project it onto you guys as you play...I'll be over there taking pictures of the moment...how do you like it?"

"TAO IS PRECIOUS" Sahar watched the screen super happy.

"Gorgeous¡ not only are you an amazing photographer, but you also edit amazing, plus you incorporated the beat of the song we chose!" Charlie slipped his arm around his back to hug him as he smilingly watched the screen.

"Oh thanks guys... I think it looks good." Tao hid the smallest of smiles. "We still need to adjust the length to match the song perfectly... Ready? I'd like to try the projector."

"Let's just set everything up." Sahar stepped away from the desk and pulled out his guitar, while Charlie uncovered the drum kit he'd brought to Tao's house before staying with Nick for so long. He was nervous...very nervous. Singing in front of his friends was one thing, singing in front of a bunch of strangers was another.

And singing at a huge party asking Nick to be his boyfriend, when he didn't even know he sang, was truly crazy.

Everything was driving him to do it, he wanted to see his face of surprise and love, and he knew he would say yes... but there was something about the idea of singing horrible and disappointing him that killed him inside. He knew Nick would never tell him, even if it sounded horrible, but he would notice it in his eyes, and it would be like a knife.

Sahar and Charlie started playing a bit to warm up before starting the song, giving the first part without lyrics a few spins to find the tune. Charlie had only played once with Sahar ages ago, but she was very good and enjoyed it a lot... there was something about their new dynamic that seemed fresh, entertaining. Plus, they sounded great, Sahar was an amazing guitarist.

But something was missing.

"Sounds amazing guys¡" Tao was already taking pictures and recording, while positioning the project above them.

"Charlie how cool are you! Don't you want to come to London with me? My drummer is a fool, and you sing too! I want to hear you already."

"That's a tempting proposition, you sound amazing as always..." Charlie looked thoughtful.

"We have a nice dynamic." Sahar winked at him as she tuned her guitar. "But..."

"Something's missing." Charlie finished.

"Exactly! And I think it's..."

"A bass" Charlie followed.

"You read my mind pretty boy... I mean I bring my bass, and I think I'm a better bass player than I am a guitar player, but I can't do everything at the same time, although it would be cool..." Sahar made a gesture of playing both instruments at the same time and they both laughed.

"I can think of someone really good but..."

"No," Tao bargained with him, "Of course not."

"He's an amazing guitar player Tao."


"Are they talking about your ex?" blurted Sahar.

"You know about Matias?" They both asked, surprised.

"Imogen is very gossipy...it's a lousy idea Charlie."

"If not him then Karina, she's an amazing bass player." Charlie crossed his arms.

"Invite her! Do you think she wants to? I can stay on the guitara."
Charlie looked at Tao, waiting for his consent. He just rolled his eyes.

"Karina is... nice."

"I'll text her then." Charlie quickly pulled out his cell phone.

"SOS girl."

"Who do I have to kill for you dear."

"No one! haha it's a musical emergency".

"Uuuu the best ones... do you want to play today or something?"

"I have a surprise for someone and I need the best bass player in the world."

"I'm in... At your place?"

"Tao's house, I'm sending you location and the song."

"Tao's?...okay, I'll be there."

"Hey no, I'm the best bass player in the universe." Sahar replied, pretending to be offended.

Karina only took a while to arrive. She greeted everyone and while setting up her bass Charlie started telling her.

"So... it's a strange thing."

"Is it for Elle's birthday?"

"Something like that, in part."

"Elle is amazing, of course I like the idea."

"But it also has a romantic connotation." added Sahar.

"I thought so because of the song, super cute...Are you finally going to ask her for her hand handsome?" Karina annoyed Tao, and Sahar started laughing. "But if we're going to be your serenade, I'm going to charge you."

"Actually...it's a triple serenade."

Karina opened her eyes wide, holding her bass.

"Oh no."

"Oh yes." Charlie replied, chagrined.

"Tao and Elle. Sahar and..." Karina was trying to connect the dots.
"Ah!... her name is Imogen."

"Nick's ex?" Karina looked at Charlie in surprise.

"Surprise." She told him ruefully.


"...Surprise?" Charlie was really sorry now.

"CHARLIE" Karina looked at him with a bit of derision and amazement.

"Don't start..." Charlie held his forehead, mockingly.


"IT'S GOING TO BE ROMANTIC" Charlie struggled.

"Even Tao made a video." Sahar pointed out, and Tao went running for his laptop to tease her.

"EVEN MORE CRINGE" Karina kept rolling her eyes and giggling, romance was not her thing. Tao came very seriously to her side and played the video. Karina only watched it for a second. "Okay... that's cool, but I still think it gives cringe, don't you think you should ask them each separately?"

"It'll be nice!" Charlie added.

"It'll be embarrassing!"

"Have you never been in love woman?" Sahar added.

"I feel sorry for you guys." Karina blushed.

"Pleaaaaseeeee¡" They all added.

Karina just rolled her eyes one more time and said nothing. Charlie knew what he had to do to get her to agree.

"Besides...I'm going to sing."

Karina opened her eyes.

"REALLY?" Karina looked very happy.




Everyone laughed a little, but Karina kept looking at Charlie with pride.
"That sold me, you have an amazing voice and the world needs to know it. I have to give Nick credit, if he motivated you to sing for him he's a great guy."

"He doesn't even know I sing, that's part of the surprise."

"Then he's going to fall at your feet begging for more" Karina winked at him, Charlie was worried that she would feel bad for Matias, or that she would be angry at Charlie's behavior, but luckily she didn't detect anything.

It was nice to know that she really was his friend outside of the band and Matias.

"So shall we play?"

They got ready as Tao turned on the projector, Sahar picked up her guitar and Karina her bass. The plan was that Charlie would start solo singing first, and then he would accompany them on drums for the last chorus. They would have his drum number recorded to play while he sang, but that would be the least of it.

Tao turned on the projector, the video started playing and Charlie closed his eyes for a second, holding the microphone tightly, trying not to die of grief when there were only three people listening to him. Listening as Sahar and Karina began to play.

At that moment he thought of Nick, and let himself go.

When the song ended, and Charlie sang the last note, he thought they would have to record harmonies as well.

"I think we should record harmonies too so my voice doesn't sound so lonely..." Charlie began, getting up from his drum bench.

Karina, Sahar and Tao didn't say anything, just looked at him in amazement.

"I told you it was amazing." Tao said to Sahar proudly.

"CHARLIE THAT WAS AMAZING" Sahar hugged him warmly. "They're going to love it, Nick is sure to swoon."


"You really like it?"

"YES CHARLIE" they all replied nudging him, making him blush.

"Hey and what a good guitar player you are Sahar."

"Thanks¡ I like the bass better, but thanks, you're awesome too."

"You have to teach me how to play the guitar."

"Of course it is!... Tao the video, it's amazing."

"Would you like to make videos for us for the band? It would be awesome to add to it..." Karina looked excited to collaborate with Tao, when Charlie remembered that he hadn't told her the good news. "Well... if the band comes back of course."

"I talked to Matias today."


"Seriously... I don't want to lose him, I love him too much. The band is still on, shall we rehearse soon?"

"CURLY¡" Karina threw herself into his arms. "Okay sorry about the whole cringe and embarrassment thing. You're awesome. I miss us so much."

"I miss us too... And we should blow up Sahar while she's here and do a couple of collaborative songs!"

"WHAT A GREAT IDEA... Girlfriend, I have so many ideas."

Sahar and Karina went off for a second to gossip and talk about basses and guitars and lots of ideas they had about music, while Tao gave Charlie a hug.

"The operation to get the loves of our life back is going amazing."

"I know...I'm excited."

"Not that you need much luck with Nick anymore, I already saw you spent three days at his house... thank you so much for telling me."

"Crazy isn't it?" Charlie thought about telling him about his idea of moving in with him, or running away to London, or the end of the world, but he remembered Elle's surprise, and didn't want to pry. He would have to be discreet. "He's apartment hunting... and I don't know, I liked spending so much time with him."

"If you move in together you'll have to know that we'll all be living there. Like we do to poor Tara and Darcy downtown."

"Don't you think my idea is too hasty?"

Tao just shrugged. "What do I tell you, Nick's already grown on my heart. I think it's perfect for you to think of such a future with him."

"He told me about what you told Ben about him and us. You're the best." Charlie pinched his cheek.

"I take it back, I hate him again."

They both laughed for a second as Charlie's cell phone rang.

"Ready precious, I'll take Imogen home, shall I come and get you?"

"Sahar! Apparently they didn't kill each other, Nick texted me."

"OMG I hope they're okay."

"OMG, you'll have to tell me everything... everything okay?"

"All good <3 very good... but I want to see you already."

"Something tells me they were content." Charlie smiled at her, nudging Sahar.

"I hope they weren't to content... you know." Sahar looked jealous, but it was obvious she was making a joke.

"You do remember that Imogen is gay right?"

"Imogen is gay?" asked Tao. "I thought she was bi."

"Don't project yourself." Charlie blurted out, with affection and a wink.


"Nothing... nothing." Everyone laughed for a second, except Tao, who looked very tense.

Maybe Nick was right.

"Me too love... I'll get to your place in a little while shall I? I'll bring us dinner <3"

"Cool! Chinese food?... Then I pick the movie."

"Done <3 ... pick whichever one you want, I don't think we'll watch it all anyway."

Charlie added a fire emoji knowing it would drive Nick crazy, to which he just responded with lots of random letters and more emojis.

Charlie smiled, thinking about him.

In his future.

When the rehearsal ended and Sahar and Karina headed home, Charlie ran downtown to buy dinner and go straight to Nick's house. He went as fast as he could, letting his parents know he would be home later, and headed straight to nick's home.

Charlie hadn't even gotten to knock on the door when Nick opened it to let him in.

"Were you peeking through the window to see when I got here?" Charlie smiled, handing him the bags of groceries to tuck in as he gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Maybe I saw you from the window while I was rearranging the living room a bit." Nick replied leaving the bags on a piece of furniture as he pulled him closer to his body to kiss him. "Hey handsome."

"Hey gorgeous...someone's in a good mood." Charlie replied wrapping his arms around him.

"Well, I guess I needed to let off more steam than I thought."

"Did it go that well?"

"I think it did. At least I'm not so angry anymore and she seemed to understand and go along with me."

"Then let's celebrate." Charlie kissed him, feeling a weight off Nick's shoulders.

They set the table for dinner and a movie. Nick had chosen a rather entertaining crime drama, but to be honest they weren't paying much attention to it... they were just following their old patterns of using a movie as background noise while they talked and ate dinner.

"That was basically all we talked about." Nick had done a recap of his time with Imogen, as he happily devoured an orange chicken that Charlie knew was one of his favorites. They were sitting on the couch, lights off, each on one side but with their legs entwined in the middle "How did you remember that this was my favorite dish from that restaurant?"

"Because you're my..." Charlie was so entranced by the affection they shared on their date that he was almost going to call him boyfriend in a sarcastic way, but stopped himself, blushing. "Emmm... my..."

"Did you..." Nick smiled and blushed, clearly knowing what he meant, but wanting to hear it from him. He moved a little closer to Charlie, leaving his chicken on the table.

Charlie just laughed and pretended to watch the movie. "Nothing."

"No no, tell me. Am your what?" Nick sat up a little to get closer to Charlie, as he hid his face behind his container of sweet and sour vegetables.

"Nothing Nick."



Nick lunged at Charlie to tickle him, which immediately led them into a war. Charlie was screaming with laughter as he begged him to stop, and Nick just rolled on his side, while putting his vegetables to the side so he wouldn't knock them over. Eventually Nick held his arms above his head, as he positioned himself on top of him, which made the laughter stop and Charlie just looked into his eyes, blushing and smiling. Nick moved in for a short kiss on the lips, sitting down to straddle Charlie.

"I hear you, I'm your..."

"You're my beautiful."

"Char." Nick looked at him with gentleness, but a bit of disappointment.

"My fool."

"That's not..."

"My gorgeous, sensual coach whom I adore."

Nick just smiled back at him and kissed him again, knowing Charlie would have some reason not to call him boyfriend right then and there...it would surely ruin his plans. Charlie melted into the kiss, letting himself go under Nick's absolute control, grateful that he hadn't ruined anything.

"I'll let go just because you're irresistible."

"My power and my curse."

"You fool..."

Nick kissed him again, this time with more passion, not letting go of Charlie's arms but stretching his hands out to intertwine their fingers. Charlie could feel the lingering desire of the kiss, and how Nick's hips moved suggestively over him... which immediately caused him to start getting a huge erection.

"Nick..." He gasped and stitched up at the same time, breaking the kiss.

"Mmmm?..." This one just moved to his neck, to kiss him hard.

"We're halfway across your living room."

Nick let go of his neck and watched him sorrowfully, getting up, giving him a little more space, but this time sitting much closer than before.

"Emmm.... you're right. I got used to the house alone for a second..." Sighing he combed his hair as he moved back closer to him with his sweet and sour chicken.

"I mean...i do want to continue with what we were doing." Charlie tried to return to his vegetables, feeling Nick's body close to his.

"Me too..." Nick thought about taking him up to his room and praying his mother wouldn't hear anything, but then thought how funny it would be to play a joke on Charlie "But... you would have thought of that earlier and finished your sentence properly."

"Is that what you're going to punish me for?"

"No more Nick for you sir."


They both laughed as they finished their dinner side by side, trying to watch the movie without being able to stop thinking about the boy's body next to them.

Charlie couldn't wait for Elle's birthday.

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