By the_seven_signs

13.5K 829 196

I was a beast deceased with the ability to destroy whatever he needs... Trauma changes you to who you don't w... More

introduction ❣
First impression💎
Is he alright?🌸
why is taehyung treated that way?🥀
The untold truth...💫
Can i trust you? 💟
Just hold onto me tight
The trouble continues 🖤
You can't have me
Your still hiding!
we can make it right🍁
will thing's fall apart♠️
Everything's changed
I'll try my best
U can't be my cure
Thing's HURT🦋
this shouldn't have been this way!
Danger creeps In☠
I wish i could protect you!
emotions 💟
Is this right?
You belong to me!
Everything I can do for her
Hope is all that we have
May you rest in peace🥀
Why I am, the Way I am!?
The pain is unbearable!
I'll always remember you
Let's stay strong
Life goes onn...
Time flies by-
The proposal
You hurt me
Loving you is Hard!
Past beholds
Hating on you is a curse
Post Graduated🎉
Is it a 'Yes or a No?'
The grand wedding of the town
Married life troubles
Author's notice
Unexpected Honeymoon trip
Finding my Serendipity
Rising conflicts or connections?
Shadows of Envy
♡Tangled in ecstasy♡
Heated confessions
Fractured desires: the dual struggle
Obscured Intentions
Serenade of smiles or melancholy
Entangled emotions
Unknown deliveries and feelings
Unexpected connections.
Vengeance Unleashed
Blurry days and dawning realisations!
Whispers in the shadows
Hoseok's unrequited Echoes

Party bash or new dangers unveiled?

100 5 1
By the_seven_signs


6 and a half months since the divorce...

Y/n pov-

Two days have elapsed since my unexpected encounter with Mr. Park and Seokjin. Tonight beckons the celebration of Roseanne's birthday, an occasion to which I find myself not so much invited as commanded by Seokjin. In the quietude of my bedroom, I perch at my vanity, meticulously adorning myself for the upcoming event.

In the soft glow of the mirror, I hold a delicate shade of light pink lipstick, which I carefully apply to my lips followed by a touch of gloss suit, lending a subtle sheen. A gentle mist of Versace perfume envelops me, and as I rise from my chair, I tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear. One final appraisal in the mirror elicits a contented smile from within me.

I clutch my essentials, crossing the threshold of my bedroom walking into the living room. As I swing open the main door to reveal Hoseok, frozen in the act of knocking. Swiftly, I open the whole door, and he observes me with a gaze that traces from head to toe. A momentary silence ensues, broken by the clearing of his throat, and our eyes finally meet.

"Headed to a grand affair, Miss doll Y/N?" he queries, a playful note in his voice. As I navigate outside of the door, he adjusts his steps, momentarily retreating back as I maintain a purposeful eye contact walking towards him in slow steps a he keeps stepping back. Finally turning around i close the door and then to face him again, I disclose my destination-a birthday celebration that I'm reluctantly obligated to attend. A flicker of disappointment crosses his features, but it swiftly dissipates as he learns of the festivity.

"Off to a birthday party, huh? Enjoy yourself! Don't keep them waiting too long. Spill all the details when you're back-I'll be eagerly waiting!" he beams. Despite my fleeting guilt, his upbeat demeanor reassures me.
Proceeding towards The elevator stepping inside depressing upon the ground floor button my gaze remains fixed ahead of me to see him standing there as he waves a bye at me and i wave at him just then the door closes.

At the sapphire mansion -

As I enter the grand mansion ahead of me I feel inferior to the people present there surrounding me, all of them belonging to such high class families and here I am a single women who's not even settled into her career yet.

I take slow steps inside the living room where it was flooded with guests as i scan through all of them trying to find anyone who could accompany me my eyes roam around the whole living space, as I find the little ray of hope sitting on the couch playing with her Barbie dolls a smile crept on my lips I walk towards her and sit beside her on the couch as she takes her eyes off the dolls and looks at me.

"Miss y/n you are here!!" She beames at me and comes forward to hug me tightly as i chuckle and hug her back she moves back and looks at me with such adoring eyes I take in her appearance-donned in a simple yet elegant rosy pink gown, hair cascading freely, adorned with a clip, and a touch of lip gloss-she appears nothing short of an angel.

"Where's your mom darling? i need to go and wish her!" I ask once again looking thru the crowd As nari points at this one secluded place near the bar aisle i nod my head and make a way through the crowd and there she stood the gorgeous Kim rosè i was just awestruck with her beauty I've heard and seen on tv and magazines and the speeches of how beautiful she's in real life, but seeing her with your own two eyes feels blissful as I walk towards her she looks at me gradually offer her a bow..

"Happy birthday Mrs. Kim it's a pleasure to be here at ur birthday I am y/n u may have heard a lot about me from nari" i complete giving my intro and look at her to see her standing now in front of me she comes near me and gives me a tight hug which catches me off guard but I hug her back anyways she then holds my hands looking into my eyes.

"So you're the angel nari wouldn't stop talking about, thank you so much for taking care of my nari even if it was for such a short span u taught her a lot of good stuff...I'll always be grateful to you!" She conveys with so much affection towards me.

"U don't have to thank me it's all nari who was such a sweet little girl, that i never found it hard to babysit her!" I reasoned it out.
Then she takes on my hand and leads me to her husband mingyu as he was attending some guests when she approaches him, his attention diverts from them to her and he looks at her with a sweet she now stood before him.

"Yes my darling?" he speaks so gently with her she smiles at him and introduces me to him, as we gather in a light conversation before I hear two voice together calling out my name from two different directions, i look at my right to see jimin he has this bright big grin on his lips as he walks towards my direction and then I turn at my left to see seokjin approaching me with this eye catching smile on his face as they both come and stand beside me...

"Oh jin hyung and mingyu u guys are here too? Wait who's attending the guests then?" Jimin inquires prompting a realisation
Rosè and Mingyu, with an awkward smile, gracefully take their leave, assuring a return. I nod in understanding, preparing for the impending interactions.

"So, Y/N, I trust you're relishing your time here. Apologies for not attending to you earlier; I was preoccupied with Dad," Seokjin explains, procuring glasses of wine from a passing waiter for Jimin, himself, and me.

"No worries at all. I was engrossed with Mingyu and Rose-such sweethearts they are! By the way, when is the cake cutting?" I inquire taking a sip of my wine, glancing in the direction of Jin and Jimin.

"Hmm, not entirely sure," Jin muses, glancing at Jimin, subtly seeking confirmation. "Yeah, it'll be in about 10 minutes," Jimin responds, now looking at me intently, as if inspecting something. "Did I mention, Y/N, you look breathtaking today? I could set everything aside and just admire you for the rest of the night," he compliments with a glint in his eyes, prompting a soft giggle and a grateful response from me. Meanwhile, Jin stands there, somewhat awkwardly, caught between our interaction.

Clearing his throat, Jin interrupts our reverie. "Well, Y/N, I'll take my leave. I need to check on the cake arrangements. I hope you enjoy the evening, and if you need anything, I'm always here," he states before stepping away. As I redirect my attention to Jimin, he gazes at me with a meaningful look.

Just then a swift moment later Jin returns back to me, gently pulling me by the upper arm and guiding me to his side. With a hasty movement, he leans in, his lips near my ear, and I catch a whiff of his cologne as his warm breath grazes my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

In a whisper, he utters, "Allow me to clarify before I leave you with my brother. You're the most stunning and glamorous lady in this party tonight. I'd love to dance with you, given the chance, but it's not feasible at the moment. Nevertheless, enjoy the evening; I'll be back soon." He withdraws, meeting my stunned gaze, offering a brief, reassuring smile before making his way back into the crowd.

The unexpected encounter leaves me astonished, and as I turn to Jimin, I notice him watching Jin's retreating figure with a frown. I bring him out of his reverie, and he meets my gaze with a smile this time.

Two hours later-

I find myself in Nari's bedroom, cradling her in my arms as she sleeps peacefully. To understand how I ended up here, you must delve into the events that unfolded earlier.


As the gathering converged for the cake-cutting ceremony, Nari exhibited a heightened level of moodiness, throwing tantrums that involved not just her grandpa but also her uncles. Her specific desire was to postpone the cake cutting for an hour so that her currently slumbering doll could partake. While seemingly a silly reason to delay the festivities, we were, after all, dealing with the unpredictable wishes of a toddler.

Despite the collective anticipation of the media and guests assembled for the cake-cutting, fulfilling Nari's wish proved unattainable. In this somewhat chaotic scenario, Rose took charge. She gently extricated Nari from Jimin's arms, cradling her in her own embrace and soothing her attempts at rebellion. Drawing near the cake, Rose did her utmost to assuage Nari's tears, yet a pervasive awkwardness settled over the onlookers.

Mingyu stepped forward, igniting the candles as Rose, with a subdued bow, prepared to cut the cake. However, Nari's emotions spiraled out of control. Fists flailed in the air, prompting Rose to relinquish her to Mingyu. Holding the knife, Rose commenced cutting the cake amid the harmonious singing of the birthday theme. Unfortunately, Nari's cries only intensified, reaching a crescendo as she wriggled from Mingyu's arms and, with determined steps, marched towards the cake. In an unexpected turn of events, she forcefully pushed the entire cake off the cart, leaving the onlookers gasping in collective surprise.

In the aftermath of Nari's impulsive act, Rose stood utterly stupefied, her gaze fixed on Nari, her frustration palpable. In a burst of anger, she unleashed a vehement outburst, yelling, "What the hell is this, Kim Nari!? Where are your basic manners, huh? Is this how you want to behave and showcase what you're being taught to outsiders? Behave yourself, Kim Nari. I won't repeat myself. The next thing I know, you'll be facing punishment for such rude behavior!" Nari, met with her mother's scolding, looked back with tearful eyes, the whole crowd falling into a stunned silence.

Nari's grandfather swiftly intervened, his calm demeanor seeking to diffuse the tension. "Rose, calm down. She's still young. Mingyu, take Rose somewhere else. Miss, would you please help and take Nari to her room?" he requested with politeness. I hastened to his side, cradling Nari's tearful form in my arms, navigating through the crowd, and retreating into the sanctuary of Nari's room. Locking the door behind us, I gently calmed her, hushing her cries until she peacefully drifted to sleep in my embrace.

Fast forward to the current moment-

this is how I found myself here, an hour later, in the tranquility of Nari's room.

A sigh escapes my lips, drawn out in response to a faint knock on the door that captures my attention. Ensuring Nari is peacefully asleep and tucked into her bed, I approach the door to find Mr. Park standing there with a melancholic smile. He signals for me to step outside, and I observe Rose with red, puffy eyes standing behind him. She sniffs softly and then cautiously enters Nari's room, locking the door behind her. I recognize that familiar pattern-parents, strict in their guidance, sometimes feel remorse after scolding and attempt to make amends to their kids.

Drawing on my own experiences, remembering how my mom used to do the same, I understand that parental strictness is often rooted in concern for our well-being. After expressing their sternness, a tinge of guilt prompts them to seek reconciliation. I make my way to the now-empty living room, void of guests and media. Jimin, Jin, and Mingyu are seated on the couch. I take a seat beside Jimin, ready to engage in the ensuing conversation.

"This marks the first instance of Nari exhibiting such behavior," Mr. Park breaks the lingering silence, his tone tinged with sadness.

"Ah-jhu-ssi (uncle), it's alright. She's a growing toddler, and many little ones go through such phases as they develop. It's nothing to be overly concerned about. Just ensure she understands that her behavior and reaction to the situation were inappropriate. Nari is a good girl, and I believe she'll grasp the lesson," I assure them, prompting a nod from Mr. Park. A collective silence settles over us as I glance at my wristwatch. A sudden realization prompts me to stand up hastily, drawing everyone's attention.

"I'm sincerely sorry, but I must take my leave now. It's gotten quite late, and I have training scheduled for tomorrow. I appreciate your understanding," I convey in a rush, swiftly collecting my belongings. I cast a final glance at everyone present, expressing my regret for the unexpected turn of events.

"Y/n, Jimin will drop you off, dear. Don't go alone; it's not safe," Mr. Park offers, glancing at Jimin, who affirms with a nod. He directs his gaze towards me, and Jimin proceeds to the door. I bid my farewells to Mingyu and Jin, apologizing for the unexpected disruption to the party. Despite feeling a tinge of remorse, Mr. Park reassures me, and I take my leave.

In the car -

Jimin's POV-

Ten minutes have elapsed since we settled into the car, and y/n drifted into a peaceful slumber a while ago. I find myself unable to resist stealing glances in her direction, where she appears ethereal, bathed in the moonlight streaming through the window. Occasionally, she emits gentle hums akin to a contented baby, adding an adorable touch to the scene.

Shifting my focus away from y/n, I reflect on the noteworthy events of the evening. The peculiar interaction between Jin hyung and y/n stands out as a lingering puzzle in my mind. Despite the playful nature of hyung, I don't delve too deeply into it, deciding to proceed with the drive.

At y/n's apartment -

I possess the password to y/n's door, a precaution she shared with me for safety reasons. Tonight, it proves to be quite handy. Ensuring she rests safely in her room, covered by a blanket, I conduct a quick check of the apartment before quietly departing.

V's POV-

In the realm of the early morning, around 1 am, I notice Jimin making a discreet exit from y/n's apartment. Curiosity nags at me, urging me to ponder the nature of their relationship. However, I set aside these musings as I enter her apartment, ensuring each step is taken with the utmost silence.

Advancing cautiously, I find my way to her bedroom, discovering her in the embrace of a peaceful slumber. A smile graces my face involuntarily; even in her sleep, she retains a captivating beauty.

Taking my place on the other side of her bed, I nestle comfortably under the same blanket that envelops her. Spooning her from behind, I revel in the closeness, savoring the essence of her fragrance. Succumbing to the serenity of the moment, I plant a tender, wet kiss on her cheek. Drifting my hands up beneath her T-shirt, I close my eyes, allowing the tranquility of her presence to lull me into a restful sleep.

At 5 am -

My smartwatch vibrates, gently pulling me from the embrace of sleep. Aware of the impending need to depart, I cast a lingering gaze upon y/n, captivated once again by the sheer beauty of her tranquil repose. Stepping out of the bed, I navigate toward the kitchen aisle.

Delving into the cabinets, I retrieve the rice box, initiating a carefully orchestrated plan. With precision, I blend in a sleeping pills powder in it and in various other food ingredients, strategically choosing items commonly prepared during dinner. My intention is clear - to induce her to a profound slumber when she consumes these food items, allowing me the opportunity to share intimate nights with her. Satisfied with my concoction, I exit the premises, wearing a self-assured smirk.

Author's pov-

Behind the Scenes -

Hoseok finds himself in a disgruntled mood, puzzled as to why he wasn't extended an invitation to the birthday party. Considering the close friendship between him and Mingyu in real life, the exclusion stirs his frustration.

Mingyu endeavors to make amends, explaining, "Hobi, I couldn't invite you because you weren't invited, buddy." However, realizing the unintentional blunder, he slaps his mouth shut and exchanges wide-eyed glances with Hoseok, attempting to convey that he didn't mean it that way.

Hoseok, now more disheartened than ever, gazes at his friend with a visibly heavy heart.


Rose and Jin join forces to orchestrate a delightful comedy prank on Jimin, infusing an element of lightheartedness into the scene.

On a different front,

Yoongi, who is desperately trying to catch some sleep, interjects with a plea, "Can you all keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here." He directs his request to the author, imploring her to instill some manners, especially in Rose, as a mother. The hope is that she can pass on these manners to her daughter Nari.

The author, at this point, seems to have reached a moment of indifference, choosing to overlook the commotion.

Stay tuned 💕
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