Marvel's Reaper ( Male reader...

By writerofnew

124K 4.1K 2.1K

Male reader x Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff ANTI - HERO Y/N is a young man living in New York City. He st... More

Info 4 Story
Nice work kid (Iron man 2)
What can you really do (Thor)
Kids a superstar (Avengers)
Introductions (Avengers)
Shakespeare in the park (Avengers)
You brought the monsters (Avengers)
Shake back (Avengers)
Battle of New York PT. 1 (Avengers)
Battle Of New York PT. 2 (Avengers)
Reaper Solo Film
Why? (Iron Man 3)
Family (Iron Man 3)
We're connected (Iron Man 3)
That was violent (Iron Man 3)
Dragonstone bargain sale (Reaper : The Dark One)
Memories (Reaper : The Dark One)
The Dark one (Reaper : The Dark One)
18th Birthday !!!
18th Birthday !!! Pt.2 {M}
On your Leeefffttttt!!!! (Winter Soldier)
You've grown up (Winter Solider)
Third Correction, Im not a hunan (Winter Soldier)
When do we start? (Winter Soldier)
Unhand me (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
That is also true! (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
Aurgun predator (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
You said it yourself (G.O.T.G Vol.1)
Guess who's back ? (Avengers: A.O.U) {M}
How could you be worthy? (Avengers: A.O.U)
We'll do that together too (Avengers: A.O.U)
Took some hits (Avengers: A.O.U)
Age of Ultron (Avengers: A.O.U)
Battle of Sokovia (Avengers: A.O.U)
Y/N's most impressive feats so far
Rebuilding Bridges
(Operation C.U.W.) {M}
"Did it really?" (Reaper 2: Tombstone)
As it turns out ( Reaper 2: Tombstone)
I is that! (Reaper 2: Tombstone)
A King & A Prince/ Trinity Rising {M}
Can't take the heat{M}
Y/N's Powers at age 21
My pack{M}
I blame you!! (Civil War)
Sides of the same coin (Civil War)
Red Book (Civil War)
Drawing sides (Civil War)
Airport brawl PT. 1 (Civil War)
Airport Brawl PT.2 (Civil War)
Pitstop in Wakanda
Happy Holidays
You have a sister?(Black Widow)
Merry Christmas (Pole)
Fighting Pose (Black Widow)
(Kid's Name pole finale)
You two have a dad? (Black Widow)
Take em to school (Black Widow)
Decisions (Black Widow)
New Story?
New Story??
How is your daughter, huh? (Spiderman : HC)
Live your life (Spiderman : HC)
Another cloak (Spiderman : HC)
Make you a promise (Spiderman : HC)
Mr. Reaper (Spiderman : HC) {M}
Kids Name Pole (Update)
Wanted you to be better (Spiderman : HC)
SpideyPete (Spiderman : HC)
Acceptance (Doctor Strange)
Tribes (Black Panther)
Bloodline revealed (Black Panther)
2nd Poll
Battlefront (Black Panther)
All from our Past (Black Panther)
Seeds planted/Pre- IW PT.1
Seeds Planted/ Pre-IW PT.2 {M}
Thanos (Infinity War)

Let's find her (Avengers A.O.U)

1.3K 52 8
By writerofnew

"Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream. We're uploading your cerebral" Dr. Cho says.

"I can read him. He is dreaming." Wanda says staring at the new body.

"I wouldn't call it dreams. It's Ultron's base consciousness, informational noise. Soon-"How soon? I'm not being pushy." Ultron says cutting her off.

"We're imprinting a physical brain. There are no shortcuts. Even if your magic gem is.." Dr. Cho starts.

Wanda starts reading Ultron's mind and sees a vision of global annihilation. It horrifies her making her scream and fall back into Pietro's arms.

"How could you?" She asks him scared.

"How could I what?" Ultron asks.

"You said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world." Wanda says aggressively.

"It will be better." Ultron replies.

"When everyone is dead?" She asks him.

"That is not... The human race will have every opportunity to improve." Ultron tells them.

"And if they don't?" Pietro asks.

"Ask Noah." Ultron replies.

"You're a madman." Wanda says completely against him now.

"There were more than a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs. When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it, and believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak." Ultron states.

"And who decides who's weak?" Pietro asks as Ultron looks down in the cradle.

While he is distracted Wanda breaks the scepter's hold off of Dr. Cho.

"Life. Life always decides...There's incoming. The Quinjet. We have to move." Ultron tells them.

"That's not a problem." Dr. Cho says before she cancels the upload to Ultron's consciousness.

"Ugh." Ultron lets out before he blasts Cho in the shoulder.

Pietro grabs Wanda and quickly runs off.

"Ah, wait, guys!.. They'll understand. When they see they'll understand. I just need a little more time." Ultron says as he unplugs himself from the Cradle.


"Two minutes, stay close." Steve says as he enters the lab.

"Dr. Cho!" He calls out as he sees her laid against the wall bleeding.

"He's uploading himself into the body." She tells him as she holds her wounds.

"Where?" Steve asks.

"The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark." She tells him.

"First I have to find it." Steve says.

"Go." She tells him.

"Medics are on the way." He tells her before running off.

"Did you guys copy that?" Steve asks.

"We did." Clint replies.

"I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him." Nat says.

"There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver." Clint says aiming at it.

"Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." Steve as he jumps onto the roof of the truck.

"No, no, no, no, no. LEAVE ME ALONE!" Ultron yells before shooting the back open.

Cap gets knocked into the air before landing on the dragging door of the trailer.

"Well, he's definitely unhappy! I'm gonna try and keep him that way." Steve tells them.

"You're not a match for him, Cap." Clint tells him.

"Thanks, Barton." Steve says.

Ultron unplugs himself from the Cradle and blasts Steve back onto another car as he tries to enter the truck. Steve jumps onto the mirror of a truck and swings to get back onto the trailer's roof.

"You know what's in that Cradle? The power to make real change, and that terrifies you." Ultron tells Steve.

"I wouldn't call it a comfort." Steve says as he throws his shield at him.

It hits Ultron before returning to him. Ultron blast at him but it gets blocked easily. Steve throws the Shield at his chest before kicking it right back into him. The shield gets stuck into Ultron's chest, pissing him off.

"Stop it!" Ultron says before smacking the shield away.


"Nat, JaeJae told me to give this to you... It's from Y/N." Clint says holding up a black crystal.

Nat knows what it is and quickly puts it around her neck. She tucks it in her suit before getting back on her bike.

"We got a window. Four, three.. give 'em hell." Clint says opening the doors.

"I'm always picking up after you boys." Nat says grabbing Cap's shield from the street.

"They're heading under the overpass, I've got no shot." Clint says.

"Which way?" She asks.

"Hard right... Now." Clint says making Natasha turn and head for the truck.

Nat sees the truck and with the traffic coming she has to improvise. She drives towards it and swings the bike, drifting right under the trailer. She throws Steve back his shield and he uses it to knock Ultron away from him.

Ultron sees Nat and lifts the ground up in front of her. She stops the front wheel as her bike lifts up in the air.

"Out of the way, coming through! Sorry, coming through!" Nat says trying to avoid pedestrians.

Ultron blasts Steve off the trailer making him land on a car. He then raises the ground causing the car to flip. Steve comes off and slides on his shield before jumping on another car. He jumps up on the trailer and swings at Ultron.

"Come on!" Steve shouts before dodging a few punches from him.

"Clint, can you draw out the guards?" Nat asks.

"Let's find out." Clint says.

"Beep beep!" Nat says getting the pedestrians to move out.

Clint fires at ultron with the quinjet making the two bots guarding the cradle come for him. They latch onto the jet as he flies up in the air.


"Do you see anything?" Thor asks as him and Y/N try to draw out the silver man.

"Nope." Y/N says looking through any building within a five mile radius.

"Y/N the girl you and Nat are connected with showed me this vision... And in it I saw the infinity stones." Thor says turning to Y/N.

"What else?" Y/N asks turning to him.

"I was at asgard and uh I saw this red being with blue eyes.. There was a stone in his head." Thor explains.

"If it had the stone in its head then it's powerful.. Wait which stone was it?" Y/N asks.

"The yellow stone.." Thor replies making him think.

"Then that would mean.." Y/N stops as he keeps thinking.

"What is it?" Thor asks.

"The mind stone is in the scepter." Y/N says.

"And Ultron has it... Ultron is planning to enter that red body." Thor says snarling.

"If you see that body you need to destroy him before Ultron can upload himself into it." Y/N says making Thor nod.

"What if something else happens?" Thor asks.

"Then make a judgement call." Y/N replies.

He sees a fancy truck in an abandoned run down building. He speeds to it as Thor follows him closely.

"What do you think is in here?" Thor asks.

"Only one way to find out, I can't even look through it." Y/N says.

Him and Thor open the doors to the trailer only for it to be 10 versions of the silver man. With the main one standing in the middle. They're all attached to the truck like they're charging. Y/N and Thor take a step back as they grip their weapons.

"What do we do?" Y/N whispers to him.

"We kill them." Thor whispers back.

"How?!" Y/N asks whisper yelling.

"I don't know. Light a fire, closer the door and run off." Thor says suggesting.

"Fuck it." Y/N says as he places his hand on the trailer.

His hand ignites green fire and it makes its way towards down the trailer. He maneuvers it so it doesn't touch any of them so they can stay sleep. They quietly close the door before looking at each other.

"Let's go." Y/N says as Thor nods and they take off.


Pietro and Wanda speed in the train where Ultron is and he turns to them.

"Please don't do this." Ultron pleads to them.

"What choice do we have?" Wanda asks staring at him.

"I lost him! He's headed your way!" Steve says.

"Nat, we gotta go." Clint says.

Nat plants a bomb onto the jet before she drops the cradle into the Quinjet but her foot gets caught by Ultron and he pulls her away.

"NAT! Cap, you see Nat?" Clint asks trying to look back while flying.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!" Steve says.

"Do you have eyes on Nat?" Clint asks again.

"GO!" Steve orders.

Clint takes off in the Quinjet as he curses and hits the steering wheel in anger.

"Y/N please find her." Clint says flying away.


"Civilians in our path." Steve says causing Pietro to speed off.

"Can you stop this thing?" Steve asks Wanda as Pietro picks up civilians and moves them out of the way of the train.

Wanda concentrates her powers as the red energy floats around her hands.

The red energy surrounds the train, clutching its wheels and slows it down. Steve sees them about to hit something so he braces himself and Wanda. A big brick comes flying towards them but Steve blocks it with the shield.

"You got this, keep going." Steve tells her.

Pietro runs around the way and moves the rest of the civilians as Wanda finally slows the train down to a halt.

Wanda and Steve get off the train and she goes over to  Pietro. Pietro sits down as he's out of breath from running that fast in that time period.

"I'm fine, I just need to take a minute." Pietro tells her.

"I'm very tempted not to give you one." Steve says walking up to them.

"The Cradle, did you get it?" Wanda asks looking at him.

"Stark will take care of it." Steve replies.

"No, he won't.. Where is Y/N?" Wanda asks.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy." Steve says dismissively.

"He will do anything to make things right." Wanda says.

"Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?" Steve asks but gets no response.

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it.... Where do you think he gets that?" Wanda asks making Steve think.


"Anything on Nat?" Bruce asks as Tony walks to him.

"Haven't heard. But she's alive, or Ultron'd be rubbing our faces in it." Tony says.

"Where is Y/N and Thor? This is sealed tight.. We could use them to open this." Clint tells them.

"Where is JaeJae?" Bruce asks.

"Working on some jet pack attachments for Y/N.. He thinks it'll give him an edge over that silver man that whooped his ass." Tony says making them look at him.

"His words not mine." Tony says with his hands up.

"We're going to need to access the program, break it down from within." Bruce states.

"Hm. Any chance Natasha might leave you a message, outside the internet, old school spy stuff?" Tony asks Clint trying to get him away but also wants to find Natasha.

"There's some nets I can cast. Yeah, alright. I'll find her." Clint says before he leaves.

"I can work on tissue degeneration, if you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted." Bruce says.

"Yeah, about that." Tomy says with his hand on his neck.

"No." Bruce says looking at him with his head tilted.

"You have to trust me." Tony says walking to him.

"Kinda don't." Bruce says stepping back.

"Our ally? The guy protecting the military's nuclear codes? I found him." Tony says.

"Hello, Dr. Banner." Jarvis greets.

"Ultron didn't go after JARVIS cause he was angry. He attacked him because he was scared of what he can do. So JARVIS went underground. Okay?
Scattered, dumped his memory. But not his protocols.
He didn't even know he was in there, until I pieced him together." Tony explains.

"So, you want me to help you put JARVIS into this thing?" Bruce asks.

"No, of course not! I want to help you put JARVIS in this thing." Tony says pointing at him making Bruce shake his head.

"We're out of my field here. You know bio-organics better than anyone." Tony tells him.

"And you just assume that JARVIS' operational matrix can beat Ultron's?" Bruce asks.

"JARVIS has been beating him from inside without knowing it. This is the opportunity, we can create Ultron's perfect self, without the homicidal glitches he thinks are his winning personality. We have to." Tony replies.

"I believe it's worth a go." Jarvis says.

"No, I'm in a loop! I'm caught in a time loop, this is exactly where it all went wrong." Bruce says groaning.

"I know, I know. I know what everyone's going to say, but they're already saying it. We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. You gotta own it.
Make a stand." Tony says making Bruce shake his head.

"It's not a loop. It's the end of the line." Tony says.


"Nobody is answering I gotta get back to headquarters." Steve says before leaving.

"We're coming with you." Wanda says as they walk after him.

"I don't know about that." Steve says stopping.

"Cap, how did it go?" Y/N asks as he and Thor arrive next to them.

"Are they with us?" Thor asks ready to kill them with his hammer.

"Chill out, we're not with Ultron goldie locks." Pietro says rolling his eyes.

"Ultron got away, we have the cradle though... Kid.. there's something I gotta tell you." Steve says looking at him sadly.

"He has Nat-"BOOOMM!!!" Multiple bombs go off by them sending them all away.

Thor gets knocked into Steve taking the damage from the bomb for him. Wanda gets knocked into Y/N who grabs her and turns to protect her.

"Y/N.. we have a problem." Thor says looking into the sky.

Y/N stands and looks up seeing three of the silver men from the truck. Only difference now is that these three are flying somehow.

"You gotta be shitting me." Y/N says.

Pietro's leg gets a deep cut and it starts to burn his leg. He screams as they look at him in horror. Wanda runs to him but another bomb hits, separating the five of them.

"WE NEED TO GO!" Steve yells on the ground after dragging Pietro to cover.


"WHAT ABOUT YOU?!!" Thor yells back.


Thor grabs the both of them and takes off. The three bots don't even try to follow them, they stay focused on Y/N.

"Of course." Y/N says rolling his eyes.

"PIETRO!" Wanda yells making Y/N grab her and speed off.

As he runs away from them he hears Wanda telling him to put him down but he ignores her. He stops into a random building and goes into the basement. He sits her down as she breathes heavily.

"What are.. what are we doing here?" Wanda asks him.

"Trying not die." Y/N says rolling his eyes.

"AGGGHHH!" Wanda lets out making him turn to her.

Y/N sees her arm infection and it's spreading.

"SHIT!" Y/N lets out as he walks to her and grabs it.

"Listen, i'm going to bite your arm and suck the venom out ok?" He asks as he takes a knee and she nods.

His eyes glow green as his fangs come out. He bites down on her making her gasp at the feeling. He looks into her arm and sees the venom leaving. He keeps sucking the venom out until it's gone.

He spits it out and it burns the ground a few seconds later.

"Thank you." Wanda says to him still holding her arm.

"Yea." He says walking away to the window.

"My brother-"Will be fine, they will take care of his leg.. I give you my word." Y/N says cutting her off.

"And how much value does your word have?" She asks him standing up, walking to him.

"Wanda you have access to my mind.. go ahead and find out for yourself." Y/N replies as he looks to see where the silver men are.

Wanda goes through his mind and sees he has put a limit on to what she can see.





Self hatred


Most of those moments for the past few years. Feelings that she knows all too well.

"I'm sorry." Wanda tells him after calming down.

"I'm sorry for the part Tony played in your parents death." Y/N tells her as he turns, still looking for them.

"What are you doing?" She asks him.

"I have x-ray vision.. i'm looking for those silver men." Y/N answers.

"Who's Nat? I could feel your love for her.. Even before we entered each other's mind." Wanda says making him pause.

"She's my girlfriend.." Y/N replies.

"She's connected to me too isn't she?" Wanda asks after seeing both of them had the dream before.

"Yea and I don't know how, i'm sorry." Y/N tells her as he sits down with his back against the wall.

"You know, Ultron told us that you were this horrible.. horrible monster." Wanda tells him walking closer to him.

"Yea, well depending on the day I am.. And it doesn't matter who I have to hurt... To keep my loved ones safe i'll do it." Y/N says honestly.

"Does that sound like a monster to you?" Y/N asks looking her in her eyes.

"No." She says.

"It sounds like someone who's a fierce and loyal protector." She finishes shocking him a little.

"And based off your memories.. It sounds like that can be used to describe Nat as well." She continues.

"It also describes me." Wanda says as they stare into each other's eyes.

The tension between them is thick and they both don't know what exactly it is.

"I uhhh, might need your um help to uhhh find her." Y/N says still staring at her.

She sticks her hands out and he slowly places his hands in hers.

"Let's find her." Wanda tells him making him nod.


Nat regains consciousness after haven been knocked out for a while.

"I wasn't sure you'd wake up. I hoped you would, I wanted to show you something. I don't have anyone else." Ultron says as he keeps working on something.

"I think a lot about meteors, the purity of them. Boom! The end, start again. The world made clean for the new man to rebuild." Ultron speaks as Nat sits up.

"I was meant to be new. I was meant to be beautiful. The world would've looked to the sky and seen hope, seen mercy... Instead they'll look up in horror because of you... You've wounded me... I give you full marks for that." Ultron says walking to her.

"But, like the man said, "What doesn't kill me- A bigger body of Ultron destroys the one who was talking.

"just makes me stronger." He says as he locks Natasha in the cell.

"I have a plan to take over this world.. You and your boyfriend won't be here that long to see it though." Ultron says staring at her.

"I'm here now." Y/N says making Ultron's eyes widen.

"We're both here." Wanda says shocking Ultron and Nat.

Ultron sees Y/N with bright green eyes and sharp fangs. He sees Wanda with red eyes and immediately flies off from the sight of the both together. On his way out he shoots the building and sets off all the bombs inside.

As the building starts crumbling down Y/N grabs Nat and Wanda before speeding off. Y/N speeds out and doesn't stop even after they're clear. He tosses them into the air before shifting into his wolf form. Both of them scream as they hold each other out of instinct before landing on his back.

Wanda looks down and sees that they're on the back of a wolf bigger than a horse. Her eyes widen before looking at Nat.

"IS THIS NORMAL?!" She asks loudly.



"This framework is not compatible." Tony says as him and Bruce both work to get Jarvis in the cradle.

"The genetic coding tower's at ninety-seven percent. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes." Bruce informs him.

Steve shows up in the lab with Thor as they just took Pietro to the med bay.

"I'm gonna say this once." Steve calls out.

"How about "nonce"?" Tony replies.

"Shut it down!" Steve orders.

"Nope, not gonna happen." Tony says.

"Guys." Thor calls out.

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve tells them walking closer.

"And you do? That kid's sister isn't in your head?" Bruce asks about to snap.

"Banner, after everything that's happened-"That's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony says cutting Steve off.

"You don't know what's in there!" Steve tells him.

"GUUYYYSSS!!!" Thor yells making them all turn to him.

Clint runs upstairs after hearing Thor's yell.

"Now Tony, Y/N told me to destroy it but he also told me to make a judgement call... What are you trying to do?" Thor asks.

"Ultron has uploaded his consciousness but not all the way.. Jarvis is alive.. He's been beating Ultron this entire time." Tony says quickly.

"Hello, Thor." Jarvis greets.

"Jarvis." Thor replies.

"We want to upload Jarvis into the cradle, hoping that he beats Ulron out for control of the body." Bruce explains.

"It's on you Thor." Steve tells him.

"I'm finishing it." Thor says as he summons lightning with his hammer.

He jumps on top of the cradle and brings it down. Blasting it with lightning, charging up the upload of Jarvis.

The cradle shatters sending Thor away and making the rest get cover. A red being jumps onto the edge as it gathers itself.

It flies at Thor and Thor throws him into the window. It stops itself right before hitting it as it flies. It looks at the city before looking at its reflection. It flies back over to Thor before standing on the ground.

"I'm sorry that was.. odd." It says in Jarvis's voice.

"I had a vision and this infinity stone was in the center of it.. It's the mind stone.. It was in the scepter." Thor tells them.

"Why does your vision sound like Jarvis?" Clint asks.

"We... reconfigured JARVIS' matrix to create something new." Tony says.

"I think I've had my fill of new." Steve says.

"You think I'm a child of Ultron?" It asks.

"You're not?" Clint asks.

"I'm not Ultron.. i'm not Jarvis either.. I am Vision... My own being and I will fight for life." Vision states.

"Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone, and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side..-

"Are you on our side?" Steve asks.

"I am on the side of life.. Ultron isn't." Vision says.

"What's he's waiting for?" JaeJae asks.

"For Y/N to die... Then he will begin his plan." Vision answers.

"Y/N won't d-

JaeJae Stops mid sentence as the building begins to shake. The longer it goes on the more it intensifies.

"Why is the building shaking?" Clint asks.

"It's not the building... It's the whole country.... His plan has begun." Vision tells them.


"Did Y/N or JaeJae text you yet?" Jamari asks Brook.

"Nope." Brook replies.

"The fuck is that?" Tay asks jumping up on his feet.

"I don't know but this seems like a reasonable to get the fuck out of here." Jamari says.

"Grab the eggs, let's go!" Brook says before grabbing two eggs and running to the Jet.

Jamari and Tay grab the rest as Drago flies with them onto the jet.

"FRIDAY FIND Y/N!" Tay yells.

"On the way to Y/N." She replies.


Y/N stops running as the ground starts shaking. He growls as the three of them see something coming from out of the ground.

(Snow is around it)

"What is that?" Wanda asks looking in awe at the height of the tower.

"Ultron." Nat says as Y/N snarls.

The three silver men land in front of them making Y/N growl.

"Y/N." Wanda says in her mind.

"Get down." Nat says in her mind surprising them.

As soon as Nat and Wanda get down Y/N takes off raring his teeth at them. One swings at him so he jumps and bites his arm before slinging him into the tower and the man explodes. The man blows up by the foundation of the tower and it begins to fall over towards them.

Another one tries to reach for him but Nat cuts its head clean off.

The last one speeds behind Nat with a dagger for a hand.

"NAT!!" Wanda yells as she uses her powers and freezes the one that tries to stab Nat.

Wanda struggles as the man is extremely powerful. He tries to fly in the air but Wanda keeps holding him down. Nat swings the sword across its body and it goes clean through.

Y/N runs to Nat and jumps on her as she hugs him. He gets down and they all look at the avalanche coming down the mountain.

"COME ONN!!" Nat yells to Wanda as Y/N runs to her.

Wanda meets them halfway and Nat helps her up before Y/N takes off. Wanda almost falls off but Nat grabs her hand and Y/N activates his shield symbols around them.

He runs out of the Avalanche's reach and find them some shelter in a broken home.


"I can't acces none of the tech we have." JaeJae says as he tries different devices.

The power of the building soon shuts off. They look around each other at each as the emergency power comes on.

"Guys..." Bruce lets out as he looks out the window.

They rush to him and what they see shocks them.

The world is pitch black.

"He's hacked into everything.. The virus he created is complex and it has vibranium signatures in it." Vision says.

"Can you take back control?" Steve asks.

"Not right now.. I have to get close to him and with those things flying around the city.. I don't think We'll see him soon." Vision replies.

"What things?" Tony asks.

"You can't see them?" Vision asks.

"Those things that broke Y/N's arm and threw the bombs that split us up... And oh yea there's 11 of them.. They all fly." Thor says looking at them.

"I'm afraid... there's more than 11 now..." Vision informs them.

"How many?" Clint asks.

"20... In New york.. and 20 in Sokovia." Vision tells them.

"That's where Y/N is.." Tony says.

"Y/N will be fine.. Nat and Wanda are with him. Plus, Brook, Jamari and stay are headed there now. All three have the crystals on." JaeJae says.

"Can they even fight?" Clint asks.

"Yes they can fight and besides Y/N is there.. I have no doubt that he'll hold things down." JaeJae says looking out the window.


Seeing them shiver from the cold makes him breathe fire onto the broken wooden table.

He whines to them making them look at him.

He sits on his two hind legs and puts his paws in the air. Wanda and Nat both look at him confused.

"What is it?" Nat asks.

He whines again and repeats his actions.

"Can you go in his mind?" Nat asks.

"Not while he's a wolf.. his wolf mind is too shielded." Wanda says.

Y/N shifts into his human form and stands up.

"I was trying to tell you two to snuggle against me to warm up more." Y/N says to them.

They both don't really hear him as they both are staring at his dick. Nat has seen it before but she's still tempted. Wanda is feeling a number of things running through her at the moment as she blushes.

"Am I a piece of meat to you two?" Y/N asks as he walks closer to them.

"Oh, shut up." Nat says shivering a little.

"Sorry.. for.. looking." Wanda says shivering even harder.

"She needs to get warm." Nat says walking to Wanda and hugging her.

"I almost warmed up from the sight of him.. sheesh he's sexy... Nat is too." Wanda thinks to herself.

Y/N and Nat both smirk at her before she looks at them.

"What?" She asks still holding her arms.

"We heard how you think my boyfriend is sexy... And me." Nat says in her mind.

"I'm so sorry." Wanda says in her mind as her eyes widen.

"It's ok.. you're sexy too." Nat says smirking at her making Wanda blush.

Y/N thinks about taking both of them causing them to turn to him. He starts growing and Nat smacks his chest to get his attention.

"Now is not the time.." Nat says.

Y/N pulls them both to him before he breathes more fire onto the ground. He then shifts back into his wolf form and they sit. Snuggling up close to him trying to get warmer.

"Stop rubbing your arms.. Your arms will be fine.. It's the chest you need to worry about." Nat tells her before she rubs Wanda's chest.

Wanda is surprised at the action but she recovers fast and returns the favor. They look at each other as they both still shiver a little but a small smile creeps on their faces.

They hug each other, head to head as they rub on each other's chest. Their bodies still firmly pressed onto Y/N as he watches guard over them.


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